Chapter 360 Name (Fourth)

In the Flying Snow Space, Lin Yifei was wearing a green shirt, floating in the air a few meters above the ground, quietly feeling the boundless and vast space.With his cultivation level breaking through to the Immortal Venerable Stage, and with the addition of a large amount of original immortal power, the current flying snow space has become boundless, and Lin Yifei himself does not know how big it is.

Feeling this vast space that belongs to him, Lin Yifei couldn't help but feel proud.Here he has the final say, as long as he can change everything with a single thought, here, he is the master.The sun that the three-legged golden crow in the sky turned into became much bigger, but it was because it swallowed more chaotic gas. The ice lotus in the icy land also had an extra petal, and it grew taller and larger. At least, all the peaks are more full of spirituality, and everything looks so thriving.

The immortal consciousness shrank, and what finally appeared in Lin Yifei's sea of ​​consciousness were two naked bodies.

"Looking at" the two perfect delicate bodies stretched across the sea of ​​flowers, Lin Yifei couldn't help smiling wryly.

He drank a few more glasses before, coupled with the violent emotions accumulated in these days of fighting, he unknowingly developed some strong desires. Red is also brought.Whether it was an instinctive reaction or a desire in his heart, in short, at this moment, he couldn't treat Liang Hong like before.

In fact, Lin Yifei's feelings for Liang Hong are not the same as Han Xueer's. What Liang Hong makes him feel the most is her meticulous service. Liang Hong is very considerate and very seductive. Lin Yifei cannot deny this.Also, Liang Hong's feelings for him are obvious, Lin Yifei has always seen that kind of affectionate look in his eyes, as a man, this kind of look is the most impossible for people to be indifferent to.The combination of various reasons made Lin Yifei never regard Liang Hong as an outsider. Of course, the relationship between the soul refiner and the puppet was also one of the reasons for the previous incident.

"Hey, in the secular world, there is a saying that drinking is a mistake. It seems that this is also applicable in the fairy world! Now, how do you explain it to Xue'er?"

Lin Yifei couldn't help but feel a little dizzy when he thought of Han Xueer, a small jealousy jar.Obviously, until now, he didn't understand that Han Xueer had already acquiesced in his actions, otherwise, how could he have taken Liang Hong into his account?
After sighing, Lin Yifei shrugged his shoulders, but disappeared in place, and immediately appeared beside the two women.No matter how you say it, you have already done it, and escaping is not the way. A real man must know how to take responsibility, whether it is Han Xueer or Liang Hong, he must face it.

As soon as the handrail was held, Lin Yifei released a wave of fairy energy, directly invading the bodies of Han Xueer and Liang Hong who were still sleeping.

Perhaps it was because Lin Yifei had accumulated too much time. He was crazy to the extreme in the previous cloud and rain. In the end, both Han Xueer and Liang Hong couldn't satisfy his desire at all. He was so exhausted that he hadn't woken up until now.At this moment, stimulated by the spirit energy from Lin Yifei, the two beauties who had almost rested finally woke up slowly.

Han Xueer and Liang Hong opened their eyes almost at the same time, but the moment they opened their eyes, they were both slightly taken aback.At this moment, the two are embracing each other, their postures are quite ambiguous, as if they are embracing their lovers.But in fact, they really thought they were holding Lin Yifei, and when they woke up to find such a scene, they were both startled, and then they let out a coquettish cry, and quickly separated.After quickly putting on the dresses on the side, the two finally found Lin Yifei on the side.

Lin Yifei had been looking at the two women like this all the time, but for a while, he didn't know what to say.At this time, Han Xueer and Liang Hong hadn't escaped from the embarrassment just now, and they kept their heads down and said nothing.For a while, the atmosphere was a little stagnant, but no one was the first to speak out.

"Ahem, you two can really sleep! It's been two days, and you've just woken up!"

After holding back for a long time, it was Lin Yifei who broke the deadlock first.Going on like this is not an option, there must be someone who speaks first, otherwise I don't know how long I will be silent!So, after thinking about it again and again, Lin Yifei bit the bullet and said a word that was not nutritious.

After Lin Yifei's voice spread, Han Xueer and Liang Hong were finally freed from the embarrassment just now. After hearing Lin Yifei's words, Han Xueer immediately continued: "It's not because you were too crazy before." After finishing speaking, Han Xueer was Lianbu moved lightly, and came directly to Lin Yifei's side with a smile, and naturally took Lin Yifei's arm.

Han Xueer hated the condensed atmosphere just now.At this moment, everything that should have happened has already happened. Liang Hong's joining was acquiesced by her, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Next, they should return to their original state. How about it, it's just that Liang Hong's status has been slightly improved.

After taking Lin Yifei's arm, Han Xueer waved to Liang Hong who was still standing there stupidly, and said with a smile: "Sister Liang Hong, Xueer is really going to call you sister now! Why don't you come and meet us?" Your husband?"

Han Xueer is innocent and innocent, so it is most appropriate to say these words from her mouth. Liang Hong is too shy, but she would be embarrassed to admit it, and Lin Yifei doesn't have the guts, so Han Xueer will clarify the current situation. Truth is the best way.

As soon as Han Xueer finished speaking, Lin Yifei felt his heart skip a beat.What Han Xueer said made his scalp tingle.The title Husband is an ambiguous name between Han Xueer and him, but it is called this to enhance the relationship between the two. You must know that in the fairy world, few people use the word Husband at all, but At this moment, Han Xueer actually wanted Liang Hong to call herself her husband, which really surprised him.

Liang Hong didn't dare to look at Lin Yifei at first, but now she heard Han Xueer's greeting, as if she had made a major decision, she resolutely walked up to Lin Yifei slowly, then raised her head, staring at Lin Yifei's eyes shyly with watery eyes , Shouted softly timidly: "Husband!" After shouting this, Liang Hong lowered her head again and remained silent.

Lin Yifei was a little dumbfounded at this moment.Liang Hong's voice was too sudden, and he was not prepared at all. To be honest, he wanted to tell Liang Hong now that what happened before was not on his intentions, and it was all caused by Xianjiu. On the other hand, he didn't say it.Liang Hong's shy look told him that at this moment, she was very happy. If he said such a sentence at this time, Liang Hong would definitely be hit hard, and she might explode herself at that time.After so many years of getting along, it is impossible for Lin Yifei to have no affection for Liang Hong, but how could he bear to make her sad?
In the final analysis, Lin Yifei is still a person who doesn't understand rejection.Of course, there is no need for him to refuse anything. The matter has already happened, and his relationship with Liang Hong has been established. Even if his feelings for Liang Hong are not as deep as Han Xueer's, but feelings can be cultivated slowly. Cultivators with endless lives, there are some things that are really not worth studying.Liang Hong was destined to follow him and Han Xueer, so why not get closer?

And Han Xueer, who worried Lin Yifei the most, seemed to be very open to Liang Hong's joining. Since he doesn't even care about this little jealous jar, why should he care about a big man?
After thinking this through, Lin Yifei felt enlightened, and lowered his head, only to see Han Xueer looking at him with a smile, except for slyness, there was no anger in his eyes.Smiling at Han Xueer, Lin Yifei turned his head to the side, where Liang Hong raised his head again at some point, and was looking at him anxiously, as if he was afraid that he would make some unacceptable reaction to her.

"Hehe!" With a slight smile, Lin Yifei waved to Liang Hong, motioning for her to come to her side.Now that he has thought about it, there is nothing to hesitate. He still has to hurry up to practice, but he doesn't have so much time to waste on these children's love.

Seeing Lin Yifei's actions, Liang Hong immediately smiled, with tears flickering in his eyes.However, her steps were not slow at all, and she was already beside Lin Yifei in a few steps.

Before Lin Yifei could make a move, Han Xueer smiled, and then stretched out her hand to pull Liang Hong's soft body into Lin Yifei's arms. She hugged Han Xueer's arm tightly, and hugged her chest tightly.

"Hehe, isn't it good! It's actually the late stage of Xianjun, it seems that the hard work before has paid off!"

Looking down at Liang Hong who was already sobbing softly in his arms, Lin Yifei patted the latter's waist lightly, and then said cordially.And what he said is also true, after Lin Yifei's nourishment, Liang Hong, who has just experienced human affairs, really benefited a lot, and even broke through to the late stage of Xianjun in one fell swoop.

Feeling Lin Yifei's gentle comfort, and Lin Yifei's tender words, Liang Hong slowly raised her head, and bravely looked into Lin Yifei's eyes, the tears in her eyes became more crystal clear.At this moment, Liang Hong felt that her heart was firmly surrounded by something called warmth, and everything could no longer be expressed in words.

Looking up, she kissed Lin Yifei lightly on the lips, and then cast her eyes on Han Xueer. Liang Hong said sincerely, "Thank you, sister Xueer!" She knew that all of this was the result of Han Xueer's selfless dedication. With Han Xueer's agreement, how could Lin Yifei accept her?

Han Xueer said nothing, just smiled sweetly at Liang Hong, then closed her eyes, and quietly fell into Lin Yifei's arms.

"Yifei, I hope you don't forget about Xueer when you have a new love, if that happens, Xueer will be very sad."

Holding Lin Yifei's arm tightly, Han Xueer couldn't help talking to herself.After all, she is still a woman. As a woman, who is willing to share her lover with others?If she didn't feel that Liang Hong was too pitiful, she wouldn't be so stupid!

As if sensing Han Xueer's thoughts, Lin Yifei also hugged Han Xueer's arm tightly, but answered her silently. In his heart, her Han Xueer's status is always the most important.

(End of this chapter)

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