Chapter 386 Inheritance Ceremony (third shift)
When Lin Yifei left the area of ​​the wolf clan and rushed to the location of the dragon clan in the center of the demon world, he almost teleported all the way.Since all the gods and beasts in the demon world are going to participate in the Dragon Clan's inheritance ceremonies, it means that all the powerful guys at this moment are in the Dragon Clan. Outside, he should be a respectable master. In this way, of course he has nothing to worry about. of.

Just when Lin Yifei rushed to the center of the demon world and felt the breath of the dragon tribe from a distance, two loud dragon chants suddenly sounded, and as a colorful dragon, Lin Yifei could easily hear that these two voices The sound of the dragon's chant came from the mouth of the five-clawed golden dragon. In other words, there were actually two five-clawed golden dragons among the dragon clan at this moment.

"Sure enough, there is a flood of super beasts! There are actually two five-clawed golden dragons. It seems that the old dragon king wants to pass on the throne, and it is another five-clawed golden dragon!"

As soon as Lin Yifei's thoughts fell, the unison dragon chant of the entire dragon clan spread from the center of the demon world. The sound of the dragon chants of dozens of gods and beasts and dragon clans was terrifying. Lin Yifei could even feel that with the long chant of the entire dragon clan , the entire demon world seemed to have become quieter.

"Hehe, as expected of the royal family among the demon clan, only the dragon clan can show this momentum." Sensing the power of dozens of dragon clan singing in unison, Lin Yifei couldn't help admiring in his heart. Which family can have such a shocking long chant?The dragon race, a natural superior race, even human beings who are masters of all spirits, cannot compare with it.

Without sneaking into the dragon clan immediately, Lin Yifei controlled the immortal consciousness on the periphery of the dragon clan, and first observed the peripheral forces of the dragon clan.From the burst of dragon chants just now, Lin Yifei roughly felt that the number of dragons is about fifty, and it is impossible for dragons to dominate the demon world with less than fifty dragons. He wants to see , What is the underlying power of the Dragon Clan composed of?

After sweeping through the immortal consciousness, Lin Yifei found that there are countless monsters of various colors around the dragon clan, and most of them have some characteristics of the dragon clan, some have dragon horns, some have dragon scales, and some have dragons. There are many kinds of dragon claws. This phenomenon made Lin Yifei understand that these should all be sub-dragons, the product of the combination of dragons and other races.The combination of the dragon race itself is difficult to give birth to the next generation, but the combination of the dragon race and other races has a much higher chance of giving birth to the next generation.

"It seems that the dragons dominate the demon world, and these sub-dragons are the indispensable heroes. With these powerful sub-dragons, the real dragons can just sit in the town. Other things, these sub-dragons can easily handle it." Although They are not pure dragons, but Lin Yifei can feel that the strength of these sub-dragons is very good, and what is even more rare is that almost all of these sub-dragons have some dragon aura inherited from them. For ordinary monster races, it is definitely not a small shock, so fundamentally, Yalong is higher than ordinary monsters.

Lin Yifei didn't scan the entire Dragon Clan, but just picked an area and looked at it briefly. The entire Dragon Clan area is huge. If he really scans all of them, he still needs to avoid the central area, but he doesn't know how long it will be wasted. Woolen cloth!However, with just this simple sweep, Lin Yifei had a general understanding of the strength of the Dragon Clan.

"Looks like the inheritance ceremony is about to start, let me join in the fun!" Lin Yifei said to himself indifferently, and immediately used the invisibility formula, and then, the originally clear figure immediately blurred, and immediately disappeared into the space Among them, with his cultivation base of the Invisibility Art, it is not difficult to get involved in the inheritance ceremony of the Dragon Clan.

At this moment, on the super large square of the Dragon Clan, two long golden dragons stretched across the sky and the earth. The larger golden dragon was at the top, while the smaller one was slightly at a disadvantage. After two dragon chants, the A slightly larger dragon raised its head slightly, and said to all directions: "My king, Longyu, today passed on the throne of the dragon clan to Long Jue. From now on, Long Jue will be the king of my dragon clan. Whoever dares to disobey, kill without pardon!" The old dragon king Long Yu's voice was sonorous and powerful, and perhaps because of his real body, his voice was very loud, almost the entire Dragon Clan area, members of the Dragon Clan could hear it clearly.


Before the voice of the Dragon King Longyu fell, the dragon chant resounded through the sky again. Obviously, this was the answer to him from all the members of the Dragon Clan.Who would dare not obey the order of the Dragon King?The coercion of that kind of super beast, coupled with Long Yu's identity as the Dragon King, almost made him the supreme god in the hearts of all members of the Dragon Clan. As long as Long Yu ordered them to die, they would be fine.

After receiving the response from all members of the Dragon Clan, Dragon King Longyu turned his attention to outside the encirclement of the Dragon Clan, where eight divine beasts of the Yaozun stage were standing there quietly, with serious expressions on their faces.

"Several kings of various races, I invite you to come today, so that everyone can help me, Long Yu, to be a witness. This time, it is a great joy for my dragon clan to have a five-clawed golden dragon ascending from the lower realm. It is a real five-clawed golden dragon, from now on he will inherit the throne of the Dragon Clan, and I hope all the kings will show concern for him, then this king will be very grateful."

Although Long Yu's tone was high-pitched, it was full of politeness. Obviously, now on the surface he was asking others for help, but he couldn't be too presumptuous.He is now at the later stage of Yaozun's cultivation, and God's Tribulation will come from time to time. Originally, he had long thought of abdicating and seriously preparing for the Heaven's Tribulation, but unfortunately there is no suitable candidate to step aside.Although there are many dragon beasts, it is not easy to find those who can hold back the battle.However, just a few decades ago, a five-clawed golden dragon ascended from the lower realm, which suddenly made Long Yu's difficulties no longer difficult.Pass the throne to the five-clawed golden dragon, who is also a super mythical beast, who dares to refuse?Although Long Jue's cultivation base is not very high, but after passing the inheritance of the secret method, he will be able to have the cultivation base of a demon emperor at that time, and a demon emperor of super divine beast level, even an ordinary demon master would not dare to be presumptuous!
After hearing the old dragon king Long Yu's words, the eight kings of various clans nodded lightly, but they didn't say anything.

They all understand that Long Yu invited them to watch the ceremony, in fact, to put pressure on them as a super-beast five-clawed golden dragon, to let them know that even if Long Yu abdicates, the dragon clan is still the king of the monster clan. The new king took the throne and underestimated the Dragon Clan.It can be said that Long Yu has taken great pains, but his painstaking efforts are doomed to tragedy!
In an empty space, Lin Yifei's hidden figure stood there quietly. Around him, there were some sub-dragons, who seemed to be acting as guards, but most of these sub-dragons were at the level of the demon emperor. There are not many in the demon emperor stage. Of course, whether it is emperor class or emperor class, it is impossible to find him.

The entire Dragon Clan's thoughts were devoted to the inheritance ceremony, and he could easily get mixed into the inside of the Dragon Clan, but he stopped at the periphery of the ceremony, because he found that if he went inside again, he would have to fight with the eight people in front of him. It happened to a master Yaozun.With his current cultivation base and the invisibility formula that is not a Mahayana, Lin Yifei is not confident that he can hide from the eight beasts. After all, these guys are all talented people, maybe there is a way to find him to hide.

Lin Yifei had been here for a while, he heard Long Yu's words very clearly, and of course he was not unfamiliar with Long Jue's name in his mouth.At this moment, Lin Yifei understood that the new dragon king who was about to be born was actually an old acquaintance of his.

"However, I don't know when this dragon soared up from the lower realm! And did the Lightning Eagle ascend together!"

Looking at the golden dragon stretching across the sky in the sky, Lin Yifei couldn't help talking to himself.Although Long Jue and him have no friendship, and even had some festivals, but no matter what, they were all ascended from a cultivation world, and they can be regarded as fellow villagers in the cultivation world. They can meet again in the demon world, but it can be regarded as a A kind of fate.

"It seems that the square pool placed there must be the old dragon king who wants to pass on some cultivation and secret techniques to Long Jue. They are also five-clawed golden dragons. It seems that the old dragon king wants to spend money to cultivate Long Jue!"

Feeling that the dragon in the sky has a cultivation level that only the demon king can't reach, Lin Yifei couldn't help thinking in his heart.As a half dragon, Lin Yifei can roughly guess that the square pool in front of him and the rolling liquid inside must have been prepared for Long Jue, and the purpose is definitely to improve Long Jue's cultivation.Although Long Jue is a five-clawed golden dragon with super divine beasts, but his cultivation base is too low, it is difficult to convince the public.

"I'd like to see how much cultivation you can pass on to Long Jue, is it so difficult that he can be promoted to the level of Yaozun?" Lin Yifei couldn't help being curious about the five-clawed golden dragon's inheritance secret method, he really wanted to know , After the inheritance of the old Dragon King, to what level can Long Jue's cultivation base be raised? Is it enough to be a king's proper level.

At this time, the old Dragon King who had finished all orders finally turned the dragon head to the side of Long Jue, and then the inheritance ceremony will officially start. It depends on the foundation and understanding of Long Jue, the five-clawed golden dragon.

The faucet tapped slightly, and the figure of the old dragon king Long Yu quickly became smaller, but after a short period of time, he became a small golden dragon more than three meters long, and after hovering for a few weeks, he plunged directly into the square pool below, and At the same time, Long Jue's figure also rapidly became smaller, and he didn't stop until he was about two meters away. After that, he also got into the pool below without hesitation. At this point, the inheritance ceremony finally began. Two five-clawed golden dragons came out of the pool, and a new Dragon King was born.

After the two five-clawed golden dragons entered the pool, all members of the dragon clan began to become more cautious. A jet-black giant dragon expanded to hundreds of meters long, protecting the inheritance pool below, In order to avoid any accidents.Of course, if the people of the Dragon Clan think about it, these defensive measures are just in case. In the entire demon world, which race dares to challenge the prestige of the Dragon Clan?
For a moment, the entire square became silent, and everyone was waiting patiently for the appearance of the two new and old dragon kings.However, as for what everyone thinks after the two five-clawed golden dragons appear, I'm afraid only they know.The members of the dragon clan are of course excited, but what about the kings of other clans?Do they want the Dragon Clan to give birth to two super mythical five-clawed golden dragons?
(End of this chapter)

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