Chapter 399 Luxurious Cave Mansion
At the end of the war, the Dragon Clan ushered in an event that made all the members very excited. The legendary dragon, the recognized king of the Monster Clan, appeared in this world, and even saved everyone in the Dragon Clan.All members of the Dragon Clan know that the appearance of Lord Shenlong means that the Dragon Clan will become stronger and more powerful.

From the moment of birth, every member of the Dragon Clan is the most loyal servant of Lord Shenlong. However, Shenlong only exists in legends, but it is difficult to meet.Undoubtedly, the people of the dragon clan in this world are very lucky. They have seen the legendary god of the dragon clan, and they are so close to the god.

The identity of the colorful dragon is confirmed, and Lin Yifei has undoubtedly become the most distinguished guest of the Dragon Clan. There is no doubt that with his current status, as long as it is his order, anyone in the Dragon Clan will do it without hesitation, even if it is to sacrifice himself. Life, among them, even Long Yu, the five-clawed golden dragon, is absolutely no exception.However, right now, Long Yu has no time to listen to Lin Yifei's orders.

The people of the Peng clan were chased away, and those who were captured were captured. It can be said that the dragon clan fought a final big victory. However, after this battle, the dragon clan was not without losses.It is inevitable to kill or injure a few low-ranking dragons, and no one will care about the affected Yalong beasts.However, the injury of Dragon King Longyu is definitely a great loss for the Dragon Clan.

First, the inheritance of the five-clawed golden dragon was forcibly interrupted, and then he was bullied by King Jinpeng with injuries. However, the big explosion made by Lin Yifei did not have no effect on him. After all, he was seriously injured, and five bursts Nascent Soul's explosion, Yu Wei alone is enough to drink a pot.

At this time, Long Yu has returned to his cultivation cave to recover from his injuries. His injuries this time can be said to be very serious, and he must be recuperated as soon as possible.Therefore, after apologizing to Lin Yifei, he returned to his cultivation cave with Lin Yifei's consent. This time, it would take less than eight years for him to retreat to recover from his injuries. , His injury is too serious, other injuries are fine, the backlash of interrupting the inheritance is the root cause of his serious injury, but it takes a lot of time to adjust slowly.

Also retreating to recover from his injuries, there is another venerable, that is the King of the Snake Clan who still did not betray the Dragon Clan, Biore.Under the strong attack of the Frost Snow Ape Brothers, Birou was also scarred. If the Frost Snow Ape Brothers hadn't always remembered King Jinpeng's words and wanted to save her life, she would have been killed by those two violent guy torn to shreds.However, death is impossible, but it is definitely not far away, so once the situation stabilized, she also found a secret room of the dragon clan to stay temporarily, and she could be regarded as a distinguished guest of the dragon clan.

In the end, under Lin Yifei's instructions, he accepted half of the inheritance, but the five-clawed golden dragon Longjue who was thrown away by the Dragon King was finally fished out of the inheritance pool, but it is a pity that at this moment He was in a coma, otherwise he could catch up with Lin Yifei.Although Long Yu was the one who took the initiative to interrupt the inheritance, Long Jue was somewhat affected, and his cultivation was too low. If it weren't for the strong physique of the five-clawed golden dragon, his injuries would definitely be more serious. Now, he But after resting and adjusting for a few days, he will almost wake up automatically.

After all, the five-clawed golden dragon is a rare super beast of the dragon clan. It is impossible to throw a super mythical beast aside just because of the appearance of the dragon god of the dragon clan, the colorful dragon. Therefore, Long Jue was assigned to Qinglong Yaozun by Lin Yifei Long Jian, let him take good care of him until he recovers from his injuries.Although Qinglong Yaozun Longjian only has the rank of a low-ranking beast, his cultivation base is much higher than that of Long Jue, and Long Jue was injured, so there will not be too much pressure, but he gladly accepted Lin Yifei's offer. Order, took Long Jue to heal his wounds.

At this moment, the demon world is full of blood clouds due to the fall of the demon master, and all the demon clans who are familiar with the reason for this phenomenon have become honest. For a while, the demon world is also very calm.

After all the members of the Dragon Clan were dispersed and each returned to their respective caves to recover, Lin Yifei was guided by the black dragon demon master Long Mo to a luxurious cave of the Dragon Clan. Rare crystal stones were inlaid everywhere, and the ground was paved with moon essence. At this point, Lin Yifei finally confirmed one thing, that is, the dragon race is indeed the most extravagant race.

"Lord Shenlong, this cave is the most luxurious cave of our Dragon Clan. The gems inlaid here are the rarest and most cherished gemstones in the demon world. I dare not hide it from Mr. Shenlong. This cave is belonged to His Majesty the Dragon King. It was prepared for the princess, but it is a pity that the princess failed to advance and was frozen, but this place has been vacant."

Just after bringing Lin Yifei to a cave, the black dragon Long Mo explained to Lin Yifei respectfully.Since Lin Yifei resumed pedestrian walking, the unique coercion of the dragon has been reduced a lot, so Long Mo can already transform into a human walking, and Lin Yifei has been in the pedestrian walking state all the time, which makes other people follow suit. In this way, following Lin Yifei's footsteps, he resolutely turned into a human.

After looking at this luxurious cave, Lin Yifei couldn't help but be surprised by the luxury of the cave. He believed that this cave was probably the most expensive inn in the entire demon world.But to be honest, living in a cave made Lin Yifei feel a little uncomfortable. After all, his main body is a human, and his dragon form is his second form. No matter how luxurious the cave is, it is still a cave.

Hearing the introduction of the Black Dragon Demon Lord Long Mo at this moment, Lin Yifei raised his eyebrows suddenly, but was aroused by the word "advanced" in Long Mo's mouth.

"Wait a minute, what did you just say advanced? I don't know what it means, tell me!" Heilong Longmo interrupted without hesitation, but Lin Yifei asked curiously.

Of course, Long Mo would not feel upset because Lin Yifei interrupted his words. On the contrary, he only felt that it was a great honor to be able to have a few words with Lord Shenlong. The rank of the divine beast is no longer comparable to that of a high-ranking divine beast.

After hearing Lin Yifei's question, Long Mo hurriedly explained in a respectful voice: "Master Shenlong, His Majesty the Dragon King once gave birth to a princess, who was a lively and lovely green dragon. His Majesty the Dragon King loves it, but later, the princess awakened her blood and wanted to advance, but in the end it failed because of insufficient inherited blood. Later, in order to save the princess' life, the Dragon King sealed her in ice in the dragon's cold pool At the bottom, there is still no way to cure the princess.”

When it came to the end, Long Mo sighed a little, obviously he also loved the Dragon Princess he was talking about.

"There is such a thing? The lower dragons can still advance?" Lin Yifei didn't care about the dragon princess or not, but he had doubts about the advancement that Long Mo said.From the inheritance memory of the colorful dragon, he has never heard that the dragon clan can advance, but this is a new thing.

"This..." Hearing Lin Yifei's question, Long Mo hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Actually, whether it is advanced or not is just the guess of the Dragon King and his subordinates. It is just the situation of the princess back then. Advanced, because many of the princess's green scales were turning towards gold at that time, but they couldn't support it at a critical moment, otherwise it was very likely to be advanced into a five-clawed golden dragon."

Although Long Mo has never heard of the advancement of the dragon clan, but the little princess of the dragon clan does seem to be advancing. This is the result of a joint appraisal between him and the dragon king Long Yu. To be honest, apart from blood relationship, they couldn't think of any other reasons.

After hearing Long Mo's explanation again, Lin Yifei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.He has never heard of the advancement of the dragon clan, but since it was determined by the Dragon King and Long Mo, it is not wrong to think about it. What does it look like, is it true that half of the green has turned into gold.

"Hehe, it's a long way off. I'm just interested in the advancement you mentioned." After thinking for a moment, Lin Yifei suddenly smiled lightly, and then continued: "This cave is very good, I like it very much. For the next period of time, I want to practice here for a few days, but I don't want anyone to disturb me these few days."

Now that he has been regarded as Lord Dragon by the Dragon Clan, Lin Yifei quickly entered the role, and because of his superiority in rank, he really doesn't need to take anyone else in the Dragon Clan except Long Yu seriously, so he ordered it naturally.

"Yes, Lord Shenlong, don't worry, the subordinates will personally guard outside, and absolutely won't let anyone disturb Lord Shenlong's cultivation."

After hearing Lin Yifei's order, Long Mo hurriedly responded respectfully, and even more so, he wanted to guard the gate for Lin Yifei himself.Thinking about it, in Long Mo's heart, it should be regarded as an honor to be able to guard the gate for Lord Shenlong!
"But there is no need for this. You can just order it down, and you don't have to guard it yourself. And I have other tasks for you to handle. This matter cannot be postponed. You should go and check it now!" He shook his head indifferently. , Lin Yifei denied the other party's idea of ​​personally guarding the gate, but then sent him a new task.

"Master Shenlong, please give me instructions, and my subordinates will definitely complete it!"

Hearing that Lin Yifei actually had an order, Long Mo was overjoyed. It was already an honor for him to guard the gate for Lin Yifei, but wouldn't it be an even more honor to be able to serve Shenlong?

"I want you to check for me to see if there is anyone named Ao Cheng in the Dragon Clan. If there is one, bring him to see me. I have something important to ask him, so go now! If you have any news, just come in Just come to me, and you don't need to report." With a straight face, Lin Yifei solemnly instructed Long Mo.But looking at his appearance, it seems that this Ao Cheng is very important to him, but he is the one who has a lot to do with it.

"Ao Cheng?" Frowning, Long Mo seems to be recalling whether there is such a person, but he usually sleeps except for cultivation, how would he know if there is such a person among the members of the Dragon Clan.After thinking about it, Long Mo bowed to Lin Yifei, and said, "Lord Shenlong, don't worry, this subordinate will deal with this matter right away, and will definitely give Master Shenlong an answer in the shortest possible time."

Although I don't know why Lin Yifei wanted to find a dragon named Ao Cheng, but since Lin Yifei was destined, Long Mo didn't dare to ask more questions, so after making a promise, Long Mo bowed and retreated to find Ao Cheng for Lin Yifei. 's whereabouts have gone.

After Long Mo left, Lin Yifei couldn't help showing a smile: "It seems that the identity of this Lord Shenlong is not bad! I think it will be easy to complete this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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