Chapter 413 Digging Treasures (Third)
After refining the Violent Earth Bear, Lin Yifei thought that he could directly get some useful information about Xiongyu, especially the reason for the exuberant vitality here, but what Lin Yifei didn't expect was that, as the owner of Xiongyu, Violent Earth Bear He didn't know anything about his home, and after a long time, he didn't know why there was such a strong breath of life here.

Lin Yifei is a person who doesn't like to give up halfway. Since he has searched before, he doesn't want to stop at this moment, and since Violent Bear doesn't know the reason, he has no choice but to come by himself.As the saying goes, do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, he wants to go out in person to find out the cause of the situation here and find out the root of it.

Unable to help Lin Yifei, Violent Bear couldn't help feeling a little frustrated. Now Lin Yifei began to investigate the strangeness of this place, but he could only follow behind Lin Yifei, pointing out to Lin Yifei some places that he knew were different from other places, so that Lin Yifei focused on the investigation.In fact, Violent Bear has explored those places that feel strange before, and definitely more than once, but he can't find anything, which doesn't mean that Lin Yifei can't find it either.Therefore, he pointed them out one by one for Lin Yifei to investigate again.

The first thing Lin Yifei observed was a huge tree hundreds of meters high.To say something strange, this tall and edgeless giant tree is definitely the most obvious abnormality in the Violent Bear area. The tallest trees in other areas are only tens of meters high, and almost none of them are hundreds of meters high. They are all more than 500 meters high, and the tree that Lin Yifei is investigating now has a height of at least [-] meters.

After Lin Yifei's research, he found that the trees here are not just tall and tall, these trees are much stronger than ordinary trees in terms of texture and energy, which made Lin Yifei even more amazed The strange thing is that these trees seem to have their own lives, as if they are not trees, but living people.

This kind of discovery made Lin Yifei sure that there must be something that amazed him in this territory of Violent Bear, and this kind of thing is definitely a rare treasure. If he does not find this thing, he will be very afraid It's hard to make up your mind to leave.It's not that Lin Yifei is greedy, the treasure is right in front of him, no one would be willing to leave empty-handed, unless he doesn't have the ability to hunt for treasure.

Lin Yifei's patience is not bad. For a day, he ran back and forth on the central planet where the violent bear is located. To be honest, this planet is not big, and the area with the most vigorous life is also limited. Therefore, in a day, Lin Yifei narrowed down the scope a lot. In the end, Lin Yifei narrowed down the area where the baby might exist to a radius of ten miles, and then stopped to take a breath.Although the scope is small, the next search must be more careful.

"Master, do you want some of your subordinates to come over and clean up this area carefully, and then let the master search?"

Violent Bear has been following Lin Yifei all along. He has searched many times, but he has not found the treasure that may exist. Therefore, he can't help Lin Yifei when he looks for it, so he can only follow Lin Yifei honestly. Help, but don't have the ability.Now Lin Yifei narrowed the scope down to ten miles, and he couldn't help but have this suggestion.

"No need, there are too many people, I'm afraid there will be unnecessary troubles, and ordinary people can't help at all, they can only add to the chaos, let the owner find it slowly by himself!" Proposal, Lin Yifei only thought for a while before denying the other party's idea.

Lin Yifei already has a faint feeling that the baby must be there, and he is not far away.To be honest, Lin Yifei is very curious, what kind of thing can affect the energy of heaven and earth on the entire planet, making it so full of vitality, such a thing must be at the lowest level of the treasure of heaven and earth!Compared with it, the rare silver moon dew among those energy planets may not even touch the edge of the baby.

And the more so, the more eager Lin Yifei was to hunt for the treasure. At this moment, he wished to find it immediately and see its true face on Lushan Mountain.

Sending Violent Bear aside to check for him, lest someone intrude into this area and cause any impact, Lin Yifei began to investigate seriously, inch by inch.Different from others, Lin Yifei has an extra special ability of sensing energy body, this is the reason why he firmly believes that he can find the treasure.But all good things will not be too low in energy, and even some things with very low energy will definitely contain some energy, and as long as they have energy, they will never escape Lin Yifei's detection.

First, he used his sense of immortality to scan the surrounding ten miles of space again, and Lin Yifei was able to confirm that the baby was definitely not in the air.Afterwards, Lin Yifei swept the ground several times. With his huge soul, he could see everything on the ground clearly without missing anything. He was sure that the baby was definitely not on the ground, and this is also I guessed it early on.

Then, excluding the sky and the surface, the only possible place is the underground.In fact, at the very beginning, Lin Yifei guessed that the places were the underground, the sky and the surface, and he checked it several times just in case.Treasures are unearthed, of course they have to come out of the ground, can they also appear out of thin air?
Whether it is immortal consciousness or Lin Yifei's special ability, it is easy to sense and detect things on the surface, but it is much more difficult to go deep into the ground.

Lin Yifei combined the special ability of immortal consciousness and sensory energy body, and then went deep underground. For the first time, he set the depth of 100 meters. Although this depth is not Lin Yifei's limit, But it's almost the same, if you want to go down, it will take some effort.Of course, such a depth, Lin Yifei thinks it is enough.Since the treasure can affect the space and plants on the surface, its depth should not be too deep.

The range of ten miles is not very big, but it is not very small either.Lin Yifei's inspection range can only be about [-] meters each time. If it is too much, he may miss something. Therefore, he would rather slow down. Lin Yifei must also carefully inspect every inch of soil to see if there is any dirt in them. wearing something strange.

Speaking of which, this kind of investigation is a bit embarrassing for Lin Yifei.His special ability is that he can sense energy objects, but he does not have the special function of sensing the breath of life. The treasures that can emit the breath of life may not contain much energy. Moreover, it is wrapped in the soil, making the life of the entire land The breath is very strong, so it is really not easy to identify.

Searching piece by piece, Lin Yifei saw a lot of strange things, such as some strange stones, some spiritual things bred by the world, and some things like refined materials. It can be said that there are quite a lot of good things in this area, but , After Lin Yifei took the trouble to dig them out of the soil one by one and cleaned them up, he was disappointed to find that these things were not what he was looking for, they could only be regarded as some incidental products.

Do something seriously, time will always pass quickly, I believe many people will feel this way.Unknowingly, Lin Yifei's investigation has been carried out for three days, and he has almost completely inspected the entire ten-mile radius. It should be derived from the treasures here, most of which are refined materials born in the soil.However, although these things are good, they are not what Lin Yifei is looking for, but at least, the existence of these things also shows from the side that the treasure does exist.

"Phew, I've been looking around for so long, of course I can't give up halfway, I don't believe I can't find you after digging three feet."

After receiving all the good things dug up in Feixue Space, Lin Yifei sighed, and then started the second exploration without stopping. This time, he increased the depth of the investigation by 50 meters , such a depth is already the limit of his exploration. Of course, Lin Yifei believes that even if there is a treasure, the depth of its burial is more than this range. Search around until you find what you're looking for.

"The previous time I was looking for a special object. This time, I should focus on a different target. Maybe the baby is not in the soil, but the soil itself! It seems that this time, the soil itself should be used. Probe it, too, for slightly different soils."

Thinking that the treasure that gave birth to this towering tree can grow so many natural treasures, Lin Yifei suddenly thought that maybe the treasure he was looking for might be the soil itself, after all, he dug just now The treasures of heaven, material and earth all grow in the soil!Perhaps, the soil that bred those treasures of heaven, material and earth is the treasure, which is also completely uncertain.No one said that soil can't be a treasure, right?
Thinking about this, Lin Yifei's second investigation was much more careful than the first, and the target of his investigation changed from the things wrapped in the soil to the soil itself. He had a feeling that maybe the real problem , may come out of this soil.The previous him, I'm afraid he neglected something!
With a new goal, Lin Yifei didn't have any trace of decadence left because of his futile efforts before, and soon started the second search and exploration full of hope.Concentrating, Lin Yifei carefully analyzed each piece of soil that was different from other places. If the difference was big enough, he would take it out and do some research to see if it was what he was looking for.

Detecting the soil is much more difficult than detecting the things wrapped in the soil. How much soil is there?And how many things can be wrapped in the soil?The answer is obviously obvious.

In this way, Lin Yifei completely concentrated his mental power, and began to study the soil in a radius of ten miles inch by inch. As long as there was any abnormality, he would dig the ground unceremoniously. I believe that as long as he is patient, he will find what he is looking for sooner or later.

After digging and collecting soil again and again, Lin Yifei didn't know how many different soils he had observed, but most of them were just ordinary goods, not much different.This situation lasted for two days, and on the third day, Lin Yifei finally dug some different soil.

Goodness behold, when Lin Yifei held the sensed soil in his hands, a slight smile finally appeared on his face.He didn't need to look at it at all, just from the powerful breath of life that suddenly spread out from the land he had just dug up, he knew that this piece of soil was undoubtedly what he was looking for.

"Hehe, I guessed it right. The so-called treasure is not something in the soil at all, but the soil itself!"

Putting the soil in his hand to his nose, Lin Yifei took a light breath of the air in it, but immediately felt refreshed and indescribably relaxed.

"Sure enough, it's a treasure. It's really unexpected that there will be such a magical soil in the world. It seems that the world is really big and full of wonders! I just don't know where these soils come from, or have they always existed here? "Frowning slightly, Lin Yifei couldn't help feeling a little curious about the origin of these soils.

"Forget it, no matter how it came from, let's study first, what are the uses of these soils rich in life!" Shaking his head, Lin Yifei couldn't help feeling a little helpless about his curiosity , it seems that with the growth of practice time, his curiosity is also very good at it!
(End of this chapter)

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