Chapter 423 The Little Dragon Princess

The fact of avoiding the water beads made Lin Yifei have an oolong, but because of his status as the boss, he finally revealed the matter without any trace, and changed the topic to other things.

In this regard, Long Yu and Long Mo were greatly relieved.They didn't want to get too entangled in this matter, not to mention that the water-avoiding beads are not very useful, even if they are useful, they dare not take them back from Lin Yifei's hands!So, after Lin Yifei put away the water-preventing beads, both of them were greatly relieved, but they didn't have any dissatisfaction.

A small episode was quickly thrown aside by the three of them, and the next thing was to see the little princess of the Dragon Clan.

Lin Yifei was not polite, and walked to the side of the little green dragon, and began to carefully investigate the situation of the little princess of the dragon clan.First of all, he looked at the opponent's surface first, which was easy to see. The little green dragon was lying in front of him, but he could see everything at a glance.On the surface, the little green dragon looked weak from head to toe, but with the temperature at the bottom of the cold pool, the little green dragon was frozen like an ice sculpture, but the breath of life was very weak.

Just from the surface, Lin Yifei knew that the little princess of the dragon clan was probably in a very dangerous situation. If there was no other way, it would be very difficult to maintain the current state, because Lin Yifei was surrounded by the little green dragon. I can feel a trace of energy escaping, but the escaping of these energies will not stop because the little green dragon is frozen. If this continues, maybe at some point, the little green dragon will run out of oil .

"Sure enough, it's very tricky. From the surface, it's not optimistic!" Frowning slightly, Lin Yifei couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Hey, let's see what's going on in her body! It's hard to say whether it can be saved!" Just looking at the appearance is useless, Lin Yifei knows that the little green dragon has no external injuries, and the main problem is still inside the body However, whether it can be cured well depends on the situation in the body.

Protruding out of the immortal consciousness, Lin Yifei covered every scale of the little green dragon, it can be said that it penetrated every hole, and following his careful exploration, the situation of the little green dragon immediately appeared in his consciousness without omission. in the middle of the sea.

"This is too exaggerated! Is it so bad?" When the situation of the little green dragon appeared in Lin Yifei's sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Yifei was really surprised.So far, Lin Yifei has never seen such a degree of injury. It is said that his life is hanging by a thread, but it is a good thing to say.If this was replaced by a human being, then such an injury would have already killed him eight or ten times.

The situation of the little green dragon is quite not optimistic.In his body, none of the meridians that can function normally exist, and even those meridians that can still function are also dilapidated, and they may not be able to exert half of their normal functions.Her body seemed to have been invaded by some uncontrollable energy, and most of her organs were damaged. Some of them were even smashed in half, and only the other half survived.

It can be said that the situation in the little green dragon's body is like a battlefield after a great war, and words such as dilapidated are not enough to describe its appearance.Lin Yifei was even thinking about how this little green dragon survived. Under normal circumstances, she should be dead at this time.

"But I don't know what kind of situation her primordial spirit is."

After looking at the little green dragon's belly, to be honest, Lin Yifei felt a bit helpless. With such an injury, it is impossible for ordinary pills to be effective. I am afraid that only the pills from the God Realm can be effective. !He knew that if there were no accidents, if he wanted to save the green dragon princess, he would have to refine some magic pills to use them.But these are nothing. Although he has never refined a divine pill, he believes that with his alchemy talent, it may not be difficult to refine a divine pill.

With a steady mind, Lin Yifei slowly closed his eyes, then released his soul, and slowly penetrated into the little green dragon's shrine.

After feeling the situation in the little green dragon's primordial spirit, Lin Yifei really had nothing to say this time.What kind of work is this?How can this be called an injury? It's just a joke!In such a situation, no one can handle it at all. There are actually two souls of the little green dragon, or two different ones. It should have been a complete green dragon soul, but now it has become One is a green dragon, and the other half is a golden dragon.

This kind of discovery made Lin Yifei feel like he was having a big fight.After practicing for so long, this was the first time he saw such a situation.A person, or a dragon's Shenfu, actually has two completely different primordial spirits.Just imagine, there are two souls, one is the soul of the low-level beast green dragon, and the other is the soul of the super beast five-clawed golden dragon. How can these two souls be safe when they are put together?

At this moment, Lin Yifei finally knew where the real problem of this little green dragon was.

Lin Yifei guessed that the root of the little green dragon's mutation should be in the primordial spirit, but I don't know the reason, but the mutation of her primordial spirit was not very thorough. In the end, half of the primordial spirit became a golden dragon, while the other half became a golden dragon. It is maintained in the form of a green dragon, and half of the golden dragon's soul is smaller than the green dragon's half, which eventually leads to lack of stamina and is suppressed. After her soul is divided into two, she is right All the energy in the whole body was out of control, but in the same way, it wasn't just his primordial spirit that mutated, her dragon body also changed. In this way, the uncontrolled primordial spirit plus the uncontrollable body , which finally led to her current mess.

Lin Yifei could feel that on the little green dragon's body, the energy of the golden parts was absolutely different from that of the green parts. The energy of the golden parts was obviously higher than that of the green parts.It is precisely because of this reason that her whole body is even more out of control.

"Well, you don't have a good place all over your body, from the inside to the outside! Where do I start!"

Slowly withdrawing the primordial spirit, Lin Yifei sighed in his heart, but there was a wry smile on his face.The situation of the little princess of the Dragon Clan was much worse than he expected.Not to mention the messy meridians and viscera in her body, just these two primordial spirits, this is not something he can think of to solve in a short while.

"Master Shenlong, is there still hope for my little girl?" Seeing that Lin Yifei had been probing for a long time, and now he opened his eyes, Long Yu hurriedly stepped forward from the side, and asked eagerly.

Regarding the injury of his little daughter, Long Yu is actually very clear, if there is no miracle, it may be difficult to save her.However, the appearance of Lin Yifei gave him hope. The colorful dragon is the most mysterious and powerful existence, maybe Lin Yifei can really save his daughter.Perhaps, Lin Yifei was the miracle he was expecting.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not sure that the little princess will be cured!" Hearing Long Yu's inquiry, Lin Yifei shook his head with a wry smile, and then continued: "However, although there is no guarantee that the little princess will be cured , but I can still give it a try, if the Dragon King trusts me, then I will try."

Lin Yifei did have an idea, but it didn't work, and he didn't dare to guarantee it. Therefore, he couldn't say it too hard. He left the decision to Long Yu. If he wanted to try it, let Long Yu make a decision.

After hearing the first half of Lin Yifei's sentence, Long Yu felt that his heart was about to stop beating, but when he heard that Lin Yifei was willing to try to save him, Long Yu was immediately overjoyed.What he was afraid of was that Lin Yifei would have no choice but to help him. In that case, his precious daughter might really be hopeless.But since Lin Yifei said he wanted to try, there must be his way. As for whether he can succeed, that's another story.There is one thing that Long Yu understands very well, if he doesn't take any measures, then his precious daughter may not last long.

"Everything depends on Lord Shenlong. No matter what Lord Shenlong does, even if the little girl can't be cured, it can only be said that the little girl deserves to be like this, but there is no one to blame."

Bowing deeply, Long Yu saluted Lin Yifei sincerely, but this salute was completely from the heart.In Long Yu's heart, the life of his precious daughter is more precious than his own life.If Lin Yifei could kill his daughter, let alone bow down, even if he was asked to kneel down, he would definitely not frown.

"The Dragon King doesn't need to be too polite, they are all from his own family, but I can't just leave him alone, but before doing anything, I still need the Dragon King to make some preparations. I want to use some things, but I don't have them in hand, but Thinking that the demon world is so big, you should be able to find it."

The injury in Little Green Dragon's body was very serious. Ordinary elixir from the fairy world was useless, but he had to refine a divine elixir. In fact, he had thought about refining this kind of elixir a long time ago, because this elixir was very useful. Even he himself may be able to use it during the tribulation, but his cultivation base was low before, so he was not very sure, but it is different now. With his immortal master's later cultivation base, he should be able to refine it.

As for the problem of the little green dragon's primordial spirit, Lin Yifei just thought of a method, but only he can use this method. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they really couldn't think of it, and of course they couldn't do it.

"Master Shenlong, please tell me what you need, and your subordinates will prepare it right away." Hearing Lin Yifei said that he needed to prepare some things, Long Yu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly asked Lin Yifei what he needed.

"The things I want are very precious and may be rare. You try to find them! If you can't find them, then you can only settle for the next best thing and replace them with other things." Lin Yifei shook his head slightly. He told Long Yu the things he needed one by one, and as the names of the items came out of his mouth one by one, Long Yu's face was really a little ugly.

Lin Yifei didn't want many things, only four, and he had heard of them all, one of which he had himself, and the other three, the Dragon Clan had one, but he had only heard of the last two, but not seen.

Ning Mei thought for a moment, but Long Yu couldn't think of where he had seen these two items, but no matter what, his daughter's life was at stake, so he had to find these two items.

"Lord Shenlong, don't worry, give this subordinate three days. After three days, the subordinate will definitely hand over the item to Lord Shenlong."

Gritting his teeth, Long Yu decided to personally command the entire Dragon Clan to find what Lin Yifei wanted, but this time, he went all out.Since these few things could save his daughter's life, even if he turned the entire demon world upside down, he had to gather them together, even if it cost his own life.

"Well, you go out and look for it! I want to adjust the little princess's primordial spirit here first. After you get all the items together, just wait outside for me to go out. Before that, it's best not to be disturbed by anyone. " Nodding lightly, Lin Yifei thought about what to do next, and then issued the order to evict the guest.

"Yes, everything is up to Mr. Shenlong. The subordinates will definitely gather what Mr. Shenlong wants in the shortest possible time, and will not let anyone come to disturb Mr. Shenlong."

Hearing Lin Yifei's order, Long Yu hurriedly responded respectfully, and then left the cold pool with excitement, and following his exit, the entire demon world would probably be bustling.

(End of this chapter)

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