Chapter 445 Heartache (third shift)
In the central region of the Dragon Clan, where the cold pool is located, the calm water suddenly became slightly fluctuating. After a while, the slight fluctuation turned into a violent turbulence. Suddenly, the level suddenly broke, and then, a young figure suddenly emerged from the The bottom of the water broke through, and finally landed lightly on the ground, but did not stir up a trace of dust.

"Phew! It's better to be outside. It's really a happy thing to be able to breathe the fresh air."

As soon as he came out of the cold pool, Lin Yifei couldn't help taking a long breath, but he suddenly felt an indescribable comfort all over his body, and all the pores that were closed before immediately opened up.Speaking of which, at the bottom of the cold pool, it is impossible to have fresh air to breathe, and the space created by the water droplets is of course a vacuum.Although with Lin Yifei's cultivation level he doesn't need to breathe at all, he doesn't have the habit of holding his breath. Up to now, he has always breathed normally, and he has never held his breath like this time.

Greedily sucking in the fresh air around him, Lin Yifei suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his expression slowly became a little unnatural.

"Hey, it's time to go back to the fairyland, but don't you want to take a look at that little guy! It seems that I promised her before that I will go to see her after finishing the work!" Suddenly, Lin Yifei thought of the little green dragon Lu'er .He made up his mind to leave before, but he told Little Green Dragon that he would come back to see her, but the purpose of perfunctory was the main thing at that time, thinking about it now, Lin Yifei was a little hesitant.

"Do you want to take a look?" At this moment, Lin Yifei was really hesitant. No matter what, he had promised the little guy before that he would go back to see her when he was done.But speaking of it, Lin Yifei was really afraid that the little green dragon would haunt him again after seeing him, and that it would be difficult again.Therefore, whether to see or not to see, this is really a matter for Lin Yifei to decide.

"Since you agreed to her, there is no reason not to go back, but you can't be entangled by her, then take a look at it from a distance, if the little guy has completely returned to a normal life, then don't show up, just go out of the way, if The situation is not good, then we will talk about it later." After thinking for a while, Lin Yifei finally decided to go back, and to tell the truth, before returning to the fairy world, he really wanted to see the little guy again, because in his heart, it was I'm really worried about the little guy's situation. After spending so many days together, he has completely regarded the little green dragon as his own relative.

Just do it when you think about it, now that you have decided, Lin Yifei no longer hesitates, and with a flash of figure, he rushes to the place where the Dragon Clan lives.He didn't use his sense of immortality to perceive everywhere, because he didn't want other people to discover his return. Of course, Long Yu was the only one of the other people. Absolutely no one can feel it.

Soon, Lin Yifei's figure appeared outside the luxurious cave where he lived before.He left from here, and when he came back, he returned here subconsciously.Of course, the main reason is because the little green dragon stayed in his cave before, although she should have returned to her own residence long ago, subconsciously, Lin Yifei still hoped to see the little green dragon here .

When Lin Yifei appeared in his body and inserted his sense of immortality into his cave, he suddenly froze in place.

"This little guy is really still there, hasn't he left?"

When the immortal sense penetrated into the cave, Lin Yifei discovered that the little green dragon, Lu'er, was actually in his cave, sitting quietly on the boulder where he rested before, neither practicing nor resting. , just sat there staring blankly at the front, but there was no focus in his eyes.

"Who can tell me what's going on? The little girl won't just wait for me to come back like this!" After seeing the little green dragon's dull eyes and the obvious tear stains on his face, Lin Yifei suddenly felt I felt a pain in my heart.Everything in front of him tells him that the little green dragon, Lu'er, has been waiting for him here, but he has never left.And the tears on her face, as well as the expectant look in her eyes, let Lin Yifei understand that the little guy is definitely looking forward to his return, but it feels a little hopeless.

In fact, just as Lin Yifei thought, the little green dragon Lu'er had been waiting for him to come back, but he hadn't moved an inch for more than ten years.At first, Lin Yifei was afraid of being entangled by the little green dragon, so he coaxed and frightened her to persuade her, and then went to the cold pool to spy on secrets, but he didn't know that, after that, the dragon king Longyu wanted to let the little guy go back to his cave. She wanted to practice, but she refused to do so, so she wanted to stay in Lin Yifei's cave.

At first, Long Yu disagreed, so he forced the little green dragon back. After all, this is now Lin Yifei's cave, the residence of Lord Shenlong, so anyone can live here casually?So, even though the little green dragon was crying and fussing, he still pulled it back.But in the end, Long Yu was finally defeated by the little green dragon.

The little guy didn't want to leave Lin Yifei's cave at all, just after getting her back, she ran out again, was brought back again, and then ran back again.After doing this several times, Long Yu wanted to trap the little green dragon directly in his cave, but in the end, he didn't make up his mind. After all, there are not many parents who can let their children cry to tears The lungs are indifferent.

There was no way, Long Yu could only compromise in the end and let the little guy live in Lin Yifei's cave.Long Yu believed that, judging from Lin Yifei's love for the little green dragon, even if he let his daughter live here, Lin Yifei would not blame him too much, and in the end he could only acquiesce to the little guy's actions.

However, his daughter could live in Master Shenlong's cave, but Long Yu didn't dare, so after the little green dragon was settled, he stayed with her for a few days, and finally returned to his cave.There is no way, the little guy just wants to wait for Lin Yifei to come back, but he seldom pays attention to him, which makes Long Yu feel that his existence is superfluous.Moreover, Long Yu's soul injury and physical injury have not fully healed, and the large amount of blood he lost has not been replenished, but he can't afford to delay, he must hurry up to recuperate, no matter how late, I am afraid will affect him in the future.So after telling the little green dragon, he went back to his cave to recuperate.

After Long Yu left, the little green dragon Lu'er began to wait here alone for a long time, and as time went by, she missed Lin Yifei more and more. Lin Yifei had thought before that the little guy might Will gradually forget him, but he did not expect that the fact is the opposite of what he thought, as time goes by, the little green dragon misses him more and more deeply, and later, it becomes The situation that washed my face with tears was over.

Lin Yifei didn't know about these situations, but at this moment, when he saw the situation of the little green dragon, Lin Yifei knew that the other party was waiting for him, and he was waiting very sadly. That's enough.

In such a situation, how could Lin Yifei not show up?Do you want the little green dragon to wait like this until he dies?That way, it was more than cruel.

No longer thinking about whether he would be entangled, Lin Yifei just flashed away and appeared in front of the little green dragon in an instant. At this moment, Lin Yifei felt very self-blame for his own selfishness, because he was afraid of being entangled by the little guy. He actually kept her waiting for so long, but fortunately he came back, otherwise, what would the little guy become in the end?

"Lu'er, my brother is back to see you!" As soon as he appeared, Lin Yifei's voice sounded in the cave, the voice was very soft, but very clear, and the tone of self-blame was even more obvious.

The little green dragon Lu'er can't remember how many times this is the first time she has had a dream, but this time, she felt that the dream was so real.That clear voice, and that familiar face, all seemed real.However, she didn't dare to go forward, because she was afraid, she was afraid that what she would catch was still an illusory shadow after she got close, and she would be even more sad.In comparison, even if it was a shadow, she would rather look at it a few more times than smash it into pieces.

So, just staring closely at the figure in front of her, the little green dragon Lu'er didn't move at all, but there seemed to be a faint smile on her face, the smile was very sweet, but also very poignant.

After seeing the little green dragon's reaction, Lin Yifei couldn't help being a little dazed.The little guy's reaction made him not understand for a while, but Lin Yifei still understood the meaning of the other person's meaning on the little guy's face, and suddenly, a feeling of self-blame came from the bottom of Lin Yifei's heart.

"Lu'er, it's all my brother's fault for keeping you waiting for so long." Shaking his head lightly, Lin Yifei made a wrong step, but he got close to the little green dragon Lu'er, and then without further ado, he directly moved The little guy's body was hugged in his arms.

A real and familiar feeling arose in the little green dragon's heart. At this moment, she understood that everything in front of her eyes was actually real, and her brother, whom she had been thinking about day and night, had actually come back to see her.

"Brother~~!" subconsciously hugged the person in front of her, but the little green dragon Lu'er had forgotten to cry, a murmured voice came out of her mouth, which made Lin Yifei feel even more heartache and self-blame.

(End of this chapter)

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