Chapter 472 New moves (third update)
In the quiet cave, Lin Yifei held the Sky Sword in his hand, his eyes were closed tightly, but his brows were trembling uncontrollably, and opposite him, a golden puppet stood there like a wooden stake, with a long spear inserted into it. On the ground, he waited quietly for Lin Yifei. Obviously, he had no intention of doing anything. For the next day, he would only defend, not attack.

At this time, Lin Yifei already knew very well that the puppet on the opposite side was safe, and the other party would not embarrass him for a while, and taking advantage of this time, he had to find a way to deal with the other party.

To be honest, Lin Yifei also had doubts. Why did the other party give him a day to prepare? According to common sense, he should have been killed by the other party at this time. He did not believe that the other party really wanted him to prepare well. , so that he can have a good fight with the golden puppet in front of him, this kind of explanation is not very reasonable.

However, no matter why, this time of day is very important to him. Whether he can survive, the other party has already handed over the power to him, it depends on whether he can live up to his expectations.

At this moment, Lin Yifei put everything aside, at this moment, he didn't want to think about anything other than creating new tactics.The direction is already very clear, whether it is his own feeling or the other party's reminder, he has already regarded the combination of these two skills as the capital of his own survival.

The phantom footwork and the first two forms of the sky sword art appeared alternately in the sea of ​​consciousness, but Lin Yifei standing in the cave did not move at all. It was only about an hour a day. The study of sword formulas is only at an initial stage, and these two skills are not very unfamiliar to him, but if he wants to combine the two skills into a move that can exert greater power, that is not to say. It can be done.Of course, it is still uncertain whether such a move exists. Speaking of it, this is just his idea, and it may be the opinion of the opponent who is the enemy.

"The first form of the Cang Qiong Sword Art is called the Phantom Sword Form, and my footwork is called the Phantom Step. Both names have the word "Phantom", and there is a faint connection between the two! I want to find out It is not impossible to find something in common. The essence of the Sky Sword Art is nothing more than a clever word, and although Phantom Step focuses on speed, this cleverness has to be mentioned in it. Essentially speaking, the two There really isn’t much of a difference.”

The Celestial Sword Jue is inherited, and for the first two moves of the Celestial Sword Jue, the Illusory Sword Style and the Split Sword Style, Lin Yifei has already practiced Mahayana, and he can clearly understand every change in the sword move. , where changes can be added and where adjustments can be made, he can have a general idea.As for the phantom footwork, to be honest, he really hasn't used it very frequently. Since he arrived in the fairy world, his enemies have almost all the same cultivation as him, or even inferior to him. When confronting the enemy, he can easily win, and this phantom step can be said to be almost the same whether it is used or not. In this way, Lin Yifei's understanding of this set of footwork can be said to be a little worse.

"The subtlety of the phantom step is its turning points. Every turning point is the acceleration of the phantom step. It can be said that every turning point is a turning point of the phantom step, and it is also the most important point for the phantom step to start. Soon, if you want to add something, you can only make a fuss here.”

The Sky Sword Art and Phantom Step are being practiced in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but Lin Yifei's brain is running at high speed non-stop. He has to consider all the details, because it is his opportunity, and he can only seize it. Only by keeping these small details in mind can he survive in the end.Speaking of it, practicing martial arts on the battlefield, such a situation is true, it is a bit embarrassing for Lin Yifei. However, people are all forced out. Without pressure, people don't know how to make progress.This point, even Lin Yifei is more or less unavoidable.

For a long time, Lin Yifei, who had been inactive for a long time, finally moved. He just thought about it in his head and didn't practice it himself. In the end, he could only talk about it on paper. Only by practicing it himself can he verify whether his idea is reasonable. Therefore, after considering After a variety of possible and feasible changes, Lin Yifei immediately began to try.

The Cang Qiong Sword has been held in the hand for a long time, the temperature of the hilt has become the same as the temperature of the hand, and two hours have passed.After thinking about it for two hours, Lin Yifei finally came up with a feasible solution, which is to combine the sword style of the Sky Sword Jue with each folding of the phantom step, and use the phantom to move each time. The instant the acceleration of the steps amplifies the power of the sword technique.

These are Lin Yifei's preliminary ideas. In fact, before this, he has not thought of this kind of combination, but he has never been invited to this kind of training, and whenever he has time, he will go to accompany Han Xueer and Liang It became popular, so after procrastinating and procrastinating, I didn't start working until today.

Lin Yifei is not just talking on paper, he has no savvy or aptitude, as the saying goes, he knows everything, the simple enlightenment at the beginning made him have a deep understanding of some things, even if he created his own exercises, But it may not be difficult, let alone just combining two existing exercises.

The phantom step started, and there were three turns at the foot. After picking up the speed, Lin Yifei immediately used the sky sword art, and the first choice was the phantom sword style. It is more handy, so practice with the phantom sword pose first, and the success rate will be higher.

"As the saying goes, everything is invincible, everything is invincible, the speed of phantom steps, combined with the exquisite sky sword art, this is simply a perfect match!" Suddenly, Lin Yifei's mind suddenly flashed, and after the fourth turning point At this moment, the Sky Sword was suddenly raised, and taking advantage of the explosive power of the fourth acceleration, the Sky Sword slashed suddenly, and the phantom sword style was cut out by him in a timely manner, and with his movement, suddenly, countless physical sword qi incarnations Cheng Jian slashed fiercely forward at a speed countless times faster than usual.

When making such an action, Lin Yifei didn't think too much at all. It can be said that this is a subconscious action. Of course, although it is subconscious, it is definitely not unreasonable. On the contrary, sometimes, the subconscious most creative.

"Puff puff"

A handful of solid sword lights were nailed to the stone wall of the cave without landing, making a series of popping sounds, and after the sword lights came into contact with the stone wall, they were nailed deeply into the stone wall. Deep holes were left. Due to the power of the sword light, the holes were not strips, but circular holes.

After slashing the sword, Lin Yifei made a wrong step, but immediately stabilized his figure, and when he settled in place, his face was already covered with a joyful smile.

"Sure enough, I also used [-]% of my strength for this phantom sword move, but compared with the usual use, it is countless times faster, and the power has increased by an incredible amount. A small improvement can actually have such a big improvement, it really didn't disappoint me!"

Netting a sword flower casually, Lin Yifei's heart was filled with joy. His experiment was successful. Although he knew that the attack just now could not cause much harm to the puppet in front of him, but he had to say that he had already Found a feasible path, perhaps, if the combination just now is further deepened, and the phantom sword pose is replaced with the split sword pose, then the power will definitely be greater.

"Hehe, anyway, within a day, this guy can only defend but not attack, but he just happened to use him as a target for practice. Presumably this is what he meant! Since he has such kindness, how can I lose face What about it?" Turning around, Lin Yifei cast his eyes on the golden puppet in front of him, and after seeing the puppet, Lin Yifei couldn't help but think, if he wants to know whether the trick he created is good or not, he can just slash at the opponent directly. ?If the opponent can easily deal with it, it means that there is still too much difference between them, but if the opponent cannot easily dodge, then it means that his move is still somewhat useful.

"Hmph, this time, I will let you experience my enhanced version of the Sky Sword Art. I want to see how fast you are."

He snorted coldly in his heart, Lin Yifei was really ruthless this time, at this moment, he wished to cut off the puppet's head with a sword, because this was his ultimate goal, and only in this way could he survive.

With a movement of his feet, Lin Yifei accelerated again, the Phantom Step flashed in succession, and there were three flashes in the blink of an eye, and at the time of the fourth flash, the sky sword raised by Ping Ping suddenly moved, and suddenly, a wave of energy that was hard to see with the naked eye suddenly disappeared. The blade of the sword was sent out, but this wave of energy was countless times sharper than the usual sword splitting style.

After Lin Yifei slashed out of the sword-cracking pose, he didn't intend to stop at all, his feet flashed continuously, Lin Yifei's speed became faster and faster, and every time he turned around, he would slash out a sword, following As the speed of his feet accelerated, the speed of the Sword Cracking Stance also became faster and faster. Almost in the blink of an eye, he had slashed no less than ten swords in succession.

After more than a dozen sword strikes, Lin Yifei's eyes were already filled with anticipation, whether he would have a chance to survive or not depends on whether this move is feasible or not.

(End of this chapter)

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