Chapter 475
Changes in the world only happen in an instant, and Lin Yifei at this moment has a deep understanding of this point.

Looking at the middle-aged man standing with Zijing, Lin Yifei had an indescribable feeling.The person in front of him was still the enemy who wanted to kill him before, but after such a short time, he became his own group again.

Speaking of which, since he started to practice cultivation, everything that Lin Yifei has experienced has been wonderful, but this is the first time he has experienced a change like this one. He was still an enemy just now. But his son became one of his own. This kind of change made his brains of immortal masters a little bit unable to turn around.

"Boy, don't be dazed, hurry up and meet Senior Chutian! What happened before was just a joke between us and you."

Seeing that Lin Yifei was still in a daze, Zijing couldn't help but stepped forward, pulled Lin Yifei's sleeve, and approached the middle-aged man.Whether it was to test Lin Yifei or to help him improve his cultivation, everything has passed, and now everything has to be brought to light.

Subconsciously moving his steps, Lin Yifei followed the pull of the purple eyes, and soon arrived in front of the middle-aged man. At this time, the middle-aged man named Chu Tian still looked at him quietly with a smile on his face. He, and that look, as if admiring a treasure, this kind of look really made Lin Yifei a little uncomfortable.

"Little guy, didn't you scare you before? It's a joke, I hope you don't take it to heart."

After meeting Lin Yifei face to face, the middle-aged man took a step forward and patted Lin Yifei's shoulder lightly, as if the elder cared about the younger generation.Of course, Lin Yifei could feel that the other party's concern was not just superficial, but that kind of concern could be truly felt.

"Junior Lin Yifei, I have met Senior Chutian!" Now that the matter has been explained, this person in front of him is a friend rather than an enemy. Of course, it is impossible for Lin Yifei to remember the unpleasantness before. Of course, it was not unpleasant before. On the contrary, The other party's modest joke allowed him to combine the Sky Sword Art and Phantom Footwork to create a more powerful fighting style. Speaking of it, he still got benefits from it, without any Loss.

"Haha, well, you are indeed worthy of being the successor of the gods. With your kindness, I, Chutian, will be the first to convince you."

Hearing Lin Yifei's salutation, Chu Tian couldn't help laughing, and stepped forward to straighten Lin Yifei himself.To be honest, Lin Yifei's reaction really made him feel admiration for Lin Yifei.Originally, in his mind, Lin Yifei would probably offend him because of the previous incident, and might not give him a good look. After all, at this moment, Lin Yifei has Ziyan to back him up.

However, Chu Tian didn't expect that Lin Yifei would be so informal. He even turned the previous page while talking and laughing, and saluted him respectfully and respectfully as a junior.To be able to do this, it has to be said that Lin Yifei has a very broad mind, and this kind of mind is indispensable if he wants to achieve great things and make great achievements.

With Chutian's support, Lin Yifei straightened up, and after hearing what the other party said, Lin Yifei hurriedly said: "Senior, you are too serious. This junior is not as good as what your senior said. This word of obedience, senior, don't mention it again." Lin Yifei His mind was spinning quickly, let alone what the identity of the other party is, just from Ziyan's attitude towards him, it can be seen that the identity of the other party is definitely not ordinary, and it is only natural to call him a senior. , but he really didn't take it to heart at all.Speaking of which, from the very beginning, he didn't feel too much the other party's killing intent, which is one of the reasons why he didn't ask Ziyan for help in the first place.

"Haha, okay, I take this word back, but I have one condition." After hearing Lin Yifei's words, Chu Tian laughed again, but before Lin Yifei could speak, he changed the subject and continued: "Just now I heard that when you called Zijing, you called him by his name, but to me you called him senior, which made me very uncomfortable, I don’t think it’s better than this, you can just call me by my name directly!”

Chu Tian really felt very uncomfortable to be called senior.He already knew Lin Yifei's identity, but let Lin Yifei call him senior, how could he take on it?Back then, as a powerful general under the command of the Sky God Venerable, he and Zi Jing could be regarded as having similar status, but Lin Yifei's name Zi Jing was considered a senior to him, so of course he couldn't accept it brazenly.Speaking of which, his status in the Vault of Heaven is still under Purple Eyes!
"Uh, this..."

Hearing Chutian's proposal, Lin Yifei felt a little embarrassed. Subconsciously, he couldn't help turning his eyes to Ziyan. At this time, he could only ask this super beast for help. What should I do? A super-sacred beast should know it, but as for him, he is not good at making claims.

"Hehe, kid, don't make things difficult for you, just call it Chutian! Don't mention it again in the future if you call it a senior or not. Speaking of it, the two of us really don't deserve this title, and the old master wouldn't want to I heard such a name." Seeing Lin Yifei's gaze, Zijing couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling, and then said lightly.

"Haha, my old friend understands the truth." As soon as Zijing finished speaking, without waiting for Lin Yifei's reaction, Chu Tian who was beside him agreed in advance. Zijing's answer was very suitable for him, so he opened his mouth subconsciously.

"Okay, little guy, from now on, you can just call me Chutian, and don't call me senior anymore, do you understand?"

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient." After hearing what the two bosses said, what else could Lin Yifei say?Since the other party didn't allow him to call them seniors, but wanted to call them by their real names, then he should call them by their real names, so after a moment of pondering, he nodded in agreement.It's just a question of address, and Lin Yifei didn't take it too seriously. I think he was uncomfortable when he was called Zijing, but he still got used to it later?
"Haha, it's really clean and neat. I just like your personality, little guy." Lin Yifei's straightforwardness fit Chutian's appetite, so at this moment, he didn't have any scruples, and directly stepped forward to take a picture. He patted Lin Yifei on the shoulder, but the latter grinned.Obviously, with his cultivation base, these two strikes were not light.

"Old friend, of course there's nothing to say about Yifei's personality, but you don't need to say what you like or not. You see, should we briefly talk to him about something? He already has a fairy now. Zun's cultivation in the later stage is not far away from Ascension to the God Realm!"

Now that the relationship has been straightened out, it is time to talk about the business. With Lin Yifei's cultivation, they might be able to ascend to the God Realm someday, but before that, they had to reveal some things to Lin Yifei , so that Lin Yifei could pay more attention after arriving in God Realm.

"That's right, you're right. At this moment, I really should reveal something to Yifei." Hearing this, Chutian also nodded in agreement, and then looked at Lin Yifei together with Zijing, but it happened that He met the latter's suspicious eyes.

Lin Yifei was very confused about the truth at this time. From the conversation between the two, he could hear that they should have something to tell him, but he really couldn't figure out what they wanted to tell him.However, from the dignified expressions of the two of them, Lin Yifei could tell that the two of them were going to confess their affairs, which was probably very serious.

"Yifei, do you know who your Sky Art came from?"

It was Chu Tian who spoke first. Although he had just met Lin Yifei, Chu Tian really liked Lin Yifei indescribably. He respected him from the bottom of his heart, but he had already reached the point where he didn't care about his own life or death, otherwise, he wouldn't have been forced to hide in a remote place like the Immortal World.

"Uh, to be honest, the mysterious senior passed the Cang Qiong Jue to me back then, but he didn't reveal his identity to me. However, boy, I heard that the senior called himself the God of the Sky. I think that senior must be called the Sky God." There is no doubt about it!"

At this moment, Lin Yifei didn't have any scruples, since the other party asked these questions, he could answer whatever he thought, right or wrong, let the other party judge!

"Hey! That's right, this Cang Qiong Jue was created by the No. [-] God in the God Realm, the Sky God, and I still have purple eyes, so I am the God's capable subordinate!"

Chu Tian's voice was full of emotion, and while speaking, he shook his head, the sadness on his face made even Lin Yifei, a bystander, feel a little sentimental.Lin Yifei knew that after so many years, he was finally able to know some information about that God Venerable, even if it wasn't about the boss of that God Venerable, it was definitely useful information for him.So, with a straight face, he didn't say anything to disturb him, but just quietly waited for Chu Tian's next words.

Seeing Lin Yifei obediently waiting for his explanation, Chu Tian and Zi Jing looked at each other again, and then they looked at each other and shook their heads. They have been together for so many years, but the communication between these two people does not need words at all. , Enough to let the other party understand each other's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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