Chapter 488 Absolute Sword Style (Part [-])
After learning the news that Qingfeng Sanren was all well and that he was supposed to ascend to the upper realm in a short time, Lin Yifei was finally completely relieved, and then drank with Dan Chenzi.The master and apprentice also get together less and leave more, so they cherish the time together, and Lin Yifei knows that the chances of getting together with Dan Chenzi will be less and less, so he puts down other things for the time being, and stays with Dan Chenzi wholeheartedly drink wine.

This boozy meal lasted for three days before it ended, and the final result was that Dan Chenzi was poured under the table, and he couldn't drink anymore.Of course, this is an exaggeration. In fact, it is true that Dan Chenzi drank so happily that he became drunk in the end.Lin Yifei's wine was produced by the Immortal Mansion. The Immortal Mansion he got last time had a lot of wine in it. As for wine making, the Immortal Man Qiu Ping is definitely an expert.

Speaking of which, among all the gains in the Immortal Mansion back then, what Lin Yifei valued the most were these good wines and the recipes for making wine. As for the other refining materials, magic weapons, and experience in refining, he really Nothing much of interest.

After Dan Chenzi was too drunk to wake up, Lin Yifei helped the old man back to the bed, and he himself disappeared in place, and appeared on the ascending planet not far from Luoyingxing.After showing his figure, Lin Yifei returned directly to Feixue Space after giving Dongfang Tian an order.

In a mountain depression in the Flying Snow Space, Lin Yifei's figure slowly appeared, and the first time he appeared, he saw a golden roc in front of him combing its wings.

"How is it? Has the injury recovered a little?" As soon as he appeared, Lin Yifei's voice slowly spread, and the person he spoke to was the golden roc in front of him.

"Fortunately, the air of heaven and earth here is quite abundant, and the pills you gave me are also very useful. The injuries in my body have already recovered by three or four percent." The golden bird raised its head slightly, but directly Said eloquently.

"Hehe, Jinpeng, you don't have to have any resistance. Follow me, but you will not insult the majesty of your super beast, and in the future you will know that it is definitely not shameful to be the puppet of the master." Seeing that the golden roc had grown a little bit of wings, Lin Yifei smiled lightly and said, "You can cultivate here for now! When the time comes, my master will help you." After finishing speaking, he didn't wait. King Jinpeng reacted, and he had disappeared in place.

When Lin Yifei left, King Jinpeng lowered his haughty head slightly, and he could not help but let out a soft sigh: "Hey, I haven't seen you for a few days, the strength of the demon king has improved so much, It seems that my super beast is really destined to be a puppet!"

King Jinpeng could feel that Lin Yifei's cultivation at this time was completely higher than him, and he was simply not able to match him now. However, not long ago, Lin Yifei's cultivation was only in the early stage of the Yaozun, not even higher. In the mid-term, such a short period of time can actually increase Ruosi. This speed is really unacceptable.

Leaving aside King Jinpeng's emotion, he said Lin Yifei. After taking a look at King Jinpeng, Lin Yifei found a spacious and open place in the flying snow space, and then slowly showed his figure.

"Although King Jinpeng's injury is serious, as long as he takes a Resurrection Pill, he will be cured. After I break through to the Immortal Venerable, I can reward him with a Resurrection Pill, so that he can fully recover." Lin Yifei had his own plan. He saw King Jinpeng's injuries. He knew very well that if there was no external help, then, judging from King Jinpeng's situation, he might not have hundreds of years to fully recover. I'm afraid it will be difficult.However, now he can't give him the Huisheng Pill, because the medicinal power of the Huisheng Pill is too strong. If King Jinpeng takes the pill, it is very likely that his cultivation base will be greatly increased. If there is no human cultivation, then he will inevitably become a tragedy.

"Anyway, I don't need him right now, let's talk about it when my cultivation level improves!" Finally, Lin Yifei whispered, but he stopped thinking about King Jinpeng, and when his immortal consciousness was released, he began to search for Han Xueer and Liang Hong two daughters.

Soon, the figures of the two women appeared in his immortal consciousness. At this time, the two of them were seriously cultivating, and they separated for a short time, but they didn't go too far.It wasn't long before Liang Hong broke through to the Immortal Emperor, but it took a lot of time to consolidate, and Han Xueer was envious of Liang Hong's cultivation, so she also wanted to practice more time, so as to improve her cultivation as soon as possible.

"Hehe, they're all quite honest. Since that's the case, I shouldn't bother you!" The two girls finally got into the mood of cultivation. Of course, Lin Yifei wouldn't bother them, but after that, he also had his own business to do.

"The third form of the Sky Sword Art, you finally showed your face!" A smile slowly enlarged Lin Yifei's face, and at this moment, his mood was indeed like his smile, but it was full of joy.

Just after his cultivation level broke through again and he became familiar with the first two moves of the Sky Sword Art, the third move of the Sky Sword Art finally opened the door to him.The third form of the Sky Sword Art, the Absolute Sword Form!
"Juejian Style, the word Jueyi, means to slash and kill! When the sword comes out, the blood appears! It can ignore the space distance, make the opponent hard to defend, and hurt the enemy invisible!" A few simple introductions, but Seeing Lin Yifei's blood boiling.

Ignore the space distance, don't worry about other things, this feature alone is enough to make the Absolute Sword Style the king's sword style among swordsmanship!It is conceivable that if when facing the enemy, the opponent only sees you drawing your sword, and before you can react, your attack has already arrived. At that time, who can react?In this way, what is this sword if it is not killing everything?
"Extreme Sword Style is really an amazing swordsmanship! It can ignore the space distance, and at the same time when the sword is drawn, the attack can reach the opponent's body, but it is faster than the immediate effect! This kind of swordsmanship, even if you don't lock the opponent , who can avoid it?" Lin Yifei couldn't help admiring secretly in his heart when he thought of the strangeness of the Absolute Sword Style.

The first form of the Cang Qiong Sword Art, the Illusory Sword Form, can be said to be a group attack move. With a single strike, it can form countless solid sword lights. The attack range is extremely wide, but it makes people have nowhere to avoid. The second form of the Sky Sword Jue, the Splitting Sword Form, is nothing continuous. As long as the person who uses the sword has a high enough cultivation base, it is no problem even if he splits a planet.

It can be said that the sword style of these two moves is already powerful enough, especially the split sword style, which ignores the characteristics of defense, which basically makes it a big killer in swordsmanship.However, when compared with the third form of the Cang Qiong Jue, whether it is the Illusion Sword Form or the Split Sword Form, they are far inferior.

Everything has a cause and an effect, but the Absolute Sword Style breaks this rule.The sword can injure the enemy at the same time, it can be said that cause and effect happen at the same time. This kind of heaven-defying swordsmanship has almost gone beyond the scope of swordsmanship and can break the rules of cause and effect. Absolute Sword Style is no longer a simple sword move. , but more like a rule.

However, although Absolute Sword Stance is powerful, correspondingly, practicing Absolute Sword Stance is not as simple as Illusion Sword Stance and Cracking Sword Stance. No, Lin Yifei was stuck when he just started to comprehend Absolute Sword Stance.

"How could this be? Is this the way to perform the Absolute Sword Form?" In Lin Yifei's mind, the appearance of the Absolute Sword Form was the same as the original Illusion Sword Form and Split Sword Form. However, this little light man is different from the previous ones. The most obvious thing is that this little light man just stands still, as if he has been immobilized. How to issue orders, the latter will not move.

"How am I going to practice this? Could it be possible to practice the Absolute Sword Form just by standing like this?"

Feeling the little light man in the sea of ​​consciousness in astonishment, Lin Yifei almost had the urge to scold his mother. The excitement just now was immediately replaced by a stronger excitement. However, these two kinds of excitement expressed two completely different things. kind of meaning.

"It shouldn't be! Since the Absolute Sword Style has opened the door to me, there is no reason why I can't practice it, but why is Xiao Guangren still not moving?" Clenching his fists tightly, Lin Yifei's forehead even bulged There are blue veins, but it is because of too much strength in the hand.

Now, Lin Yifei's cultivation has reached the peak of the Immortal Venerable Stage. To be honest, he no longer dares to absorb the original power of the outside world for cultivation, because he is afraid that he will make a breakthrough accidentally and attract the gods. He was afraid that he would never see Qingfeng Sanren again.

Therefore, unable to practice, Lin Yifei thought about putting his eyes on the Sky Sword Art.Practicing the sword art can only increase the combat power, but not improve his cultivation. It can be said that it is suitable for him now. In fact, Lin Yifei has indeed put his foundation on the sky sword art, When confronting the enemy, his main move is really only the Sky Sword Art.

"No, Absolute Sword Style must be practiced, no matter how difficult it is, it must be practiced, and it must be practiced. My current attack moves are too simple, and new moves must be introduced."

Lin Yifei knew very well that although the only two moves he had now were powerful enough, they had not changed. Moreover, if the opponent's cultivation level was higher than his own, and he was prepared to guard against these two moves, then he could only can become passive.Of course, the introduction of Absolute Sword Style also made him yearn for this strange sword move. If he couldn't practice it, it would be a great pity.

"There is absolutely no reason for such a situation. I must have overlooked something. Moreover, since the Sky Sword Art is the most profound sword art, it is bound to be impossible to understand it at a glance. It seems that I have to seriously understand it for a while. "Forcing himself to calm down, Lin Yifei took a deep breath, then let it out, and finally closed his eyes gently.

Everything became quiet, Lin Yifei just stood there quietly, thinking of nothing, just staring at the little light man in his mind meticulously, he believed that as long as he had perseverance and perseverance, he would be able to find out the cultivation path sooner or later. What he lacks now is an opportunity to start with Absolute Sword Style.

(End of this chapter)

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