Chapter 507 Surprised
Lin Yifei didn't expect that his casual punching down would actually cause trouble for himself. He had never thought of this before, but the matter has come to this point, regret is of no use, soldiers come to block the water Come to the earth to cover up, he is not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble.

Looking at the dozen or so dwarves in front of him, let's call them that, because compared with Lin Yifei, these people's height of about one meter is really not tall.Seeing more than a dozen guys glaring at him, Lin Yifei's face showed a little solemnity. There is no other reason. The dozen or so little guys in front of him are all at the level of the Immortal Emperor, and they are still from the Immortal Emperor. It varies from the early stage to the late stage of the Immortal Emperor, but no matter what level it is, the major premise of the Immortal Emperor stage is all in line.A dozen masters of the Immortal Emperor stage appeared at once, and Lin Yifei already felt the seriousness of the matter.

However, things were far from as simple as Lin Yifei thought.Just after a dozen dwarfs appeared, including the one that appeared before, a dozen people were divided into two groups and stood on the left and right. Then, as if they had been rehearsed in advance, more than a dozen little guys spoke at the same time. Said: "Welcome little leader!" As they spoke, they all bent down and put down the big hammers in their hands.

The sudden change made Lin Yifei a little overwhelmed, but after hearing the other party's words, Lin Yifei still didn't understand that the other party had clearly called someone just now, and at this moment, his rescuers came. It seemed that But it's still not a low-level rescuer.

Under Lin Yifei's dignified gaze, finally, another dwarf popped out from the ground. In appearance, he was no different from the others, but one thing stood out, that is, this new dwarf was actually a A great master in the early days of Xianzun.When seeing this person appear, Lin Yifei already had a dignified face, but he had to become more dignified.

"It seems that this time I really got into trouble. In such a short while, even the masters of the Immortal Venerable Stage appeared." The Sky Sword had been carefully prepared by Lin Yifei, and the current situation was completely beyond Lin Yifei's expectations. Obviously, next, he must be ready to fight.

"What's going on? Who is so bold to make such a big commotion among our Earth Clan? Could it be that he's just getting impatient?"

The last dwarf just appeared, but he roared angrily with a loud voice, the words he said were exactly the same as the first little guy, even the angry expression was almost exactly the same .It can be guessed that the so-called earth clan, probably the whole clan has this kind of virtue, which is called seeing the subtleties.

"Back to the little boss, it's him. This monster of unknown race is the one who caused damage above us. The subordinates guess that he was probably sent by other races to provoke him."

As soon as the man known as the little leader finished speaking, the little guy who came out to greet Lin Yifei immediately stood aside and replied respectfully.While speaking, he stretched out his short but thick fingers and pointed in the direction of Lin Yifei from a distance.However, this person is also dedicated, but he directly gave Lin Yifei the identity of a provocateur.

"Oh? Dare to provoke me from the Earth Clan?" Hearing this, the dwarf named Little Chief immediately raised his thick, khaki-colored eyebrows, and followed the direction of the other party to look.But when he saw Lin Yifei standing there, he couldn't help but his face changed, the aura just now had dropped a lot inadvertently.

Speaking of which, the dwarf from before couldn't see Lin Yifei's cultivation, so he found a rescuer, but he didn't expect that the rescuer he found still couldn't see Lin Yifei's cultivation.

Lei Shi couldn't help being a little nervous at the moment. As a small leader of the Earth Clan, his cultivation has reached the early stage of the Zun class, and even if he is in the middle of the Zun class of the middle leader, he is not far behind.However, when he saw Lin Yifei, he found that he couldn't see Lin Yifei's cultivation level. In this way, the lowest level of Lin Yifei's cultivation level was at the middle stage of the Zun class, and it might even be at the late Zun class.

In the later stage of the Zun class, that is a height that only big bosses can reach, and how many big bosses are there in the entire Earth Clan?Of course, he didn't think too high, because in his heart, no matter how high the level is, it is impossible for him, a small person, to come out to receive him, and he is afraid that some masters of the clan will show up long ago.

Regardless of Lei Shi's thoughts at the moment, he said Lin Yifei.Up to this moment, he still doesn't understand that he has provoked a special race, and his identity has also been temporarily given the title of provocateur.

"What kind of race is this? A small leader actually has the cultivation base of an immortal at the early stage, so if there is another big leader or something, wouldn't it be even more powerful?" Facing Lei Shi's gaze, Lin Yifei But he looked back at the past without flinching, and he still wouldn't take it to heart given that the other party's cultivation was only at the early stage of the Immortal Venerable.However, to be honest, if he can make it clear, he still doesn't want to use force. After all, one thing more is worse than one thing less. Since the opponent can dispatch the masters in the early stage of Xianzun, it is absolutely not right to create a few more powerful characters. Impossible.

The atmosphere in the arena was a little stagnant, Lin Yifei just looked at each other like that, neither acting too tough nor too weak, showing neither humble nor overbearing.On the other hand, the opponent, although his cultivation base was lower than Lin Yifei, still did not give in at all, and the slightly twitching eyebrows showed that he was still thinking about something at this moment.

The confrontation between the two was nothing to others. Although their cultivation bases were not low, they were useless in front of respected masters. If they really fought, it would be better to avoid the peak The only thing they can do.However, in the Earth Clan, they only died in battle, but they didn't escape. If they really fought, they would definitely not escape, even if they lost their lives.

The confrontation didn't last long, just when Lin Yifei thought that the other party would finally choose peace talks because of his superior cultivation, something unexpected happened to him.

"Do it, surround me with this kid." A rough voice came from Lei Ting's mouth, and at the same time, a more powerful big hammer suddenly appeared from his hand. The dark hammer exuded a black ghost. Light, but it is not scary.And following his yell, without saying a word, more than a dozen dwarves in the immortal emperor stage called out their big hammers one after another, and immediately surrounded Lin Yifei without hesitation, and on their faces , They all showed a stern aura that regarded death as home. At this moment, they really looked like a warrior, a fearless warrior.

"Uh! What's the situation?" Lin Yifei was surprised by the sudden change.He really didn't expect that the latter would choose to fight even though he knew that his cultivation was not as good as his own, and all of them showed an appearance of not being afraid of death. In such a situation, it was really the first time he saw arrive.

"The majesty of the Earth Clan is sacred and inviolable. Anyone who dares to provoke him will be killed without mercy!" After a dozen dwarves of the Immortal Emperor stage surrounded Lin Yifei, Lei Shi suddenly shouted, and then took the lead Raising the sledgehammer, he rushed towards Lin Yifei to attack.Similarly, on his face, there was also an expression of resignation to death.At the same time, the dozen dwarfs around Lin Yifei also started to move, swung their hammers and smashed towards Lin Yifei.

"Hey, a bunch of lunatics."

Feeling the tangible strong wind attacking towards him, Lin Yifei couldn't help cursing fiercely in his heart.Unexpectedly, these guys really did it as soon as they said they would do it, and they didn't even have room for negotiation. They even said that their majesty is inviolable. How has he ever violated the other party's majesty?
However, since we have reached this juncture, it is impossible for Lin Yifei to sit still and wait for death.Although the opponent's cultivation base is not as good as his own, he can feel the power of the big hammer from Lei Shi's attack. If he is hit by it, even with his physical strength, he will definitely be smashed into a disabled person .Of course, he didn't even have the idea of ​​being beaten. Since the other party made a move, he didn't have to hold back and endure it.Lin Yifei's principle is not to cause trouble, but he is absolutely not afraid of trouble.

Seeing a bunch of hammers coming towards him, Lin Yifei couldn't help but slightly curved the corners of his mouth, but a cold smile slowly spread on his face.

"Hmph, it's unreasonable. If this is the case, then I will teach you a lesson, so that you can understand what it means to be self-righteous and hit a stone with an egg!" Snorting coldly in the bottom of his heart, Lin Yifei raised his hand, and the Sky Sword suddenly appeared. These attacks were as slow as a tortoise, and as long as he put in a little effort, he could easily dodge them all, and the only one that could have some weight was that little leader called Lei Shi.

However, since he had already decided to give the opponent some good looks, it was impossible for Lin Yifei to let the opponent go so easily, dodge?Where is the use!

"Let you all have a taste of the Sky Sword Art, the Illusion Sword Style!" With a low shout in his heart, Lin Yifei raised his Sky Sword slightly, and then struck out like lightning, but it was the last strike and the first strike. Suddenly, more than a dozen The invisible swords rushed towards the attacking sledgehammer one after another.With Lin Yifei's peak cultivation in the late stage of the immortal, how could the physical sword light he used be so simple?Moreover, the grade of the Cang Qiong Sword is also there, so after Lin Yifei's attack, with the sound of jingling, a dozen hammers were all divided into two by Lin Yifei's sword light, and those hammers The master, however, was also affected, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

However, at this moment, Lin Yifei keenly discovered that among all the attacking hammers, the hammer of the little leader Lei Shi was not cut off by him, but was blocked by the solid sword glow he fired. After a while, he attacked him unabated.

"Huh? Not broken? How is this possible?" Seeing that the hammer in the opponent's hand was not broken, Lin Yifei couldn't help raising his eyebrows.The Sky Sword in his hand has been restored to the level of a divine weapon. Although it has not been completely unsealed, its power is extraordinary, but the opponent's hammer has not been cut off, so there is only one possibility left.

"An artifact? This broken hammer is actually a treasure of the artifact level?" Apart from the fact that the opponent's hammer is an artifact, Lin Yifei really couldn't think of any other reasons. Are there really such things as artifacts?You know, he has been ascending to the fairy world for so long, but he has never heard of any immortal master who has a divine weapon!
"Where is this place? And what kind of people did I meet? A person in the early stage of the Immortal Venerable held a magic weapon at the level of a divine weapon. Could it be that this place is no longer the boundary of the Immortal World?"

Up to now, Lin Yifei had to rethink, what exactly is this place.Lin Yifei was full of doubts about the races he had never seen before, as well as the artifact-level magic weapon.

"Perhaps, I should figure out some of the basic situation here first!" After thinking about it in his heart, Lin Yifei couldn't help but look at the group of dwarfs in front of him, and said with a light smile, "Well, since we've caught up, let's Let's take you first!"

(End of this chapter)

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