Chapter 509 Five Elements Clan (Part [-])
For an unknown world and an unknown environment, if you want to gain a foothold here, the first step is of course to understand the situation here. Of course, Lin Yifei will not understand this point.

Therefore, Lin Yifei did not choose to kill a junior immortal who dared to challenge his majesty, but chose to capture him, and his purpose of capturing the other party is of course self-evident.Puppetry is not just for show, but this time is the time for it to play a role.

Today, with Lin Yifei's cultivation base and his proficiency in puppet art, refining an early-stage immortal who has temporarily lost his resistance is simply an easy and pleasant thing. After the space, he did not hesitate to do it, and then he did it in one go, but it only took a few minutes to refine the dwarf Leishi. So far, all the information he wanted to know was presented in the in front of him.

"Five Elements Space? Is this called Five Elements Space?" First of all, the first message Lin Yifei got was the name of this special world, Five Elements Space. It is a simple but mysterious name.

Of course, Lin Yifei is no stranger to the word five elements.As a cultivator, everyone is very clear about the formation of the world.The five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, each represent a kind of element, and according to records, the entire universe is composed of these five elements. It can be said that these five elements are the origin of the universe, everything, everything, All are made up of these five elements.

However, there are many people who know about the word five elements, but those who can really get in touch with it need a superb cultivation base and a special ability to perceive the elements of the five elements. Lin Yifei inherited from the memory of the sky god. As I said, the law of the five elements is a super law comparable to the laws of space and time in the God Realm. If one can comprehend the law of the five elements, then this person has almost reached the realm of immortality.

However, it is a pity that the God Realm is so big that although there are many people, those who can comprehend the laws of the five elements are absolutely rare, and even if they can comprehend, it is definitely one or two of the five elements. I haven't heard of it yet, and a single rule of five elements doesn't have much power.

All these information just flashed through Lin Yifei's mind, and then he threw them aside, and then, he started to explore Lei Shi's memory again.

Standing there quietly, at first, Lin Yifei's face was still indifferent, but gradually, as he detected more and more information, his expression became more and more serious, and he His expression became more and more colorful, and suddenly, Lin Yifei realized that he was really cut off from the world.

"Five Elements Space, Five Elements Clan! This is actually an independent special space! It seems that this time I really played too big!"

After about ten minutes, Lin Yifei finally figured out where he was.This is called the Five Elements Space. Here, the five races have divided this area into five parts, and each part is controlled by one race.These five races, of course, correspond to the five elements in the five elements, that is, the five races of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The ones Lin Yifei met just now were the earth clan among the five elements. Now, Lin Yifei also understood why these people are so short and have a yellowish color all over their bodies. It's the ones who live underground, and living underground, it's no wonder they can grow tall!As for the skin color, of course, it can only be khaki, and it has not been exposed to light for many years, and it will not be white even if you want to!
Lin Yifei also learned that the five groups of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are located in the five directions of the five-element space, east, west, north, and five directions. The east is the wood family, the west is the metal family, and the south is the fire family. , while those living in the north are the Water Clan, as for the Earth Clan, they live in the middle area of ​​the four clans, and they are the only race that lives underground.

Speaking of the Five Elements Clan, it is still a very interesting group.Originally, since the birth of the Five Elements family, they have lived together in this big space, without enmity, regardless of each other, and lived happily and happily.However, gradually, as the people here began to learn to practice, problems appeared, and conflicts gradually arose.

People of the five clans, due to their natural attributes, can only cultivate the energy that matches their own, but gradually, everyone discovered that people from the fire clan are often suppressed after they face the water clan, and those from the water clan are often suppressed. People from the Tu tribe will also be affected. When the Tu tribe meets the Mu tribe, it is difficult to display their strength, and the Mu tribe loses their temper when they meet the Fire tribe. In this way, everyone's relationship will be smoother. Because of these phenomena, estrangement gradually arose, and over time, this estrangement became the fuse of the war.

I don't know when it started, but the five ethnic groups slowly drew a clear line, and then found a place that suits them, and slowly settled down, and finally, the current situation was formed, the five ethnic groups, Occupy the five directions respectively, and start to live independently of each other.

However, there is a saying in the secular world, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Correspondingly, this sentence is also suitable for use in the cultivation world, but it can be said in another way, that is, where there are people, there are struggles.Since ancient times, human beings have been animals that cannot be calmed down. If you want them to do nothing honestly, it would be like violating the laws of nature, but it is impossible to do.

Therefore, I don't know what caused it, and I don't know what event acted as the fuse. In short, at a certain time and under certain circumstances, a war between races broke out.

The first to fight was the adjacent Wood and Fire clans. Lin Yifei did not find the specific reason in Lei Shi's memory. Presumably the latter didn't know the reason, or whether there was a regular one. The reason, in short, is that the war between the two clans broke out as scheduled.

The natural relationship, the confrontation between the Wood Clan and the Fire Clan, of course, the Wood Clan was completely at a disadvantage, because in front of the Fire Clan, the Wood Clan's wood-type skills and techniques basically became the Fire Clan. The reason why the clan's fuel is naturally restrained is that the wood clan has no power to fight back.

In the end, there was no other way. If the Wood Clan wanted to survive, they could only find allies, and what they finally found was of course the Water Clan who had a good relationship with the Wood Clan!Speaking of it, the five elements restrain each other, but in turn, the five elements can also grow together. The Water Clan is a natural partner to the Wood Clan. Wood accompanies water, and water nourishes wood. The relationship between the two groups has always been very close. Even if there are some minor disturbances, it will definitely not affect the overall situation.

There is no doubt that when the Wood Clan could not persist, the Water Clan joined the battle, and with the participation of the Water Clan, the great situation of the Fire Clan was suddenly reversed, and the original advantage was due to the Water Clan's When they arrived, they were all taken back by others, and due to mutual restraint, in front of the Water Clan, the Fire Clan could only withdraw temporarily, and the combination of the Water and Wood Clans simply made it impossible for the Fire Clan to win.

After the Fire Clan retreated to the south, the Water and Wood Clans didn't want to let them go so easily, so the flames of war continued to burn to the Fire Clan's hometown, and as a result, the impending Fire Clan could only ask for help , in the end, the Fire Clan failed to persuade the Earth Clan to come to help, but pulled the Jin Clan over, and in this way, the two clans fought against the two clans, but the two sides were tied, and no one could do anything about it. .

Obviously, if you want to make progress, then the remaining Earth Clan becomes the key. As long as the Earth Clan announces to join either party, the other party will inevitably end in failure. They all began to win over the Earth Clan.

But it is a pity that although the Earth Clan has violent temperaments, they have always disliked war. Therefore, no matter which side wins over, they do not agree, but choose neutrality. Not to blame.Speaking of which, the Earth Clan lived underground, and they didn't have to worry about the space above them, but they had nothing to contend with. It was obvious that there was no benefit for them to take action.

In the end, without the addition of new forces, the Water, Wood and Gold Fire clans had nothing to do with each other, and this war could only end in nothing. Both sides took a step back, but in the end they all returned to their own The boundary of the world became peaceful for the time being.

However, although it has stopped temporarily, since the beam has been formed, there is no possibility of a complete stop.After that, except for the Earth Clan, the other four groups continued to have small battles, and after a period of brewing, some big battles would also occur, but this has become a law, or it can be called a law .

Among them, the life of the Earth Clan is also very sad, because they did not take action when the Fire Clan asked for help before, so the Fire Clan listed them as the ranks of enemies who would not save them. Later, Mizuki The Earth Clan also chose to reject the wooing of the two clans. As a result, the Earth Clan also did not fare well on the side of the Water and Wood Clans.In the end, the Earth Clan became a race disliked by all other ethnic groups, and was often harassed by other surrounding races.

Lin Yifei concentrated on studying all kinds of stories as if he was enjoying a story, and as he got to know more deeply, the relationship between these five ethnic groups gradually deepened.

What I said before is just the general situation. As for the details, I am afraid that I will not be able to finish it for a few days and nights.However, those are not important anymore. Lin Yifei already knows roughly all the information he wants to know, but next, he has to start thinking about it, because there are many things that he needs to think about.

"Huh, such a complicated family of five elements, it seems that my special training will definitely be interesting." After understanding the general situation, Lin Yifei finally let out a long breath, and at the same time, he However, he couldn't help but think that Chutian was able to prepare such a special world for him, and he definitely had his intentions!
(End of this chapter)

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