Chapter 522 First Battle (Part [-])
After coming out of the Flying Snow Space, Lin Yifei felt that the atmosphere in the Five Elements Space was a bit tense, and then he released his consciousness and began to investigate.

Soon, Lin Yifei discovered the situation from the territory of the Fire Clan.On the border of the Fire Clan, there are many masters gathered, and those with the lowest cultivation level are all at the Xianjun stage, among them there are many masters at the Immortal Emperor stage or even the Immortal Venerable stage.Such a situation reminded Lin Yifei of the legendary Great War of the Five Clans.

According to Lei Shi's memory at the time, Lin Yifei learned that every once in a while, a large-scale battle will take place among the five ethnic groups in the Five Elements Space, and in each battle, many masters will die, and some of them will even die. Immortal Venerable Stage, even God-level super existence.Because he paid special attention to god-level masters, Lin Yifei wrote down this matter.

At this moment, the movements of the Fire Clan can't help but remind Lin Yifei of this matter. It is obvious that tens of thousands of immortal monarchs, thousands of immortal emperors, and tens of hundreds of immortal masters will be dispatched in order to talk about a big war. The battle is definitely called a big battle.Moreover, this is just a single Fire Clan, you know, there are five clans in the Five Elements Space!It is impossible for the Fire Clan to fight against themselves!

There are so many people in one clan. Obviously, the number of people in other clans should not be less than this. If there are really so many people fighting, what kind of situation will it be?But obviously, if so many people really fight, it will definitely be very tragic.

"Good guy, it seems that there is really going to be a war! Is it true that I will catch up with the war of the five clans that happens every few years?" From those people, Lin Yifei felt the aura rising to the sky. , This kind of momentum is called going forward, giving Lin Yifei the feeling that these guys seem to be the kind of desperate people, and it seems that the battle that is about to start makes them full of expectations.

"Not at all! From the looks of it, everyone in the Fire Clan seems to be militants!" With the sudden discovery now, Lin Yifei temporarily let go of his previous plans. Obviously, the Five Elements Space has If there is no change, then he will inevitably need to re-plan, but he must find a plan suitable for wartime implementation.

"Huh? By the way, it is said that during the war, even god-level masters will fall, but I don't know if there are god-level masters in this fire clan?" Suddenly, Lin Yifei thought, since the former There have been god-level masters who have fallen on the battlefield, so this time, shouldn't there be god-level masters also dispatched!

As soon as such doubts came up, Lin Yifei could no longer control his curiosity, and his spiritual sense, which had already reached its limit, couldn't help but increase his energy, and then went to explore the depths of the Fire Clan.The speed of consciousness was very fast, and it penetrated into a deeper place almost instantly, and soon, the answer Lin Yifei wanted appeared.There are god-level masters, of course there are, and there are definitely more than one!
Almost tens of miles away from the place where the immortal master was, Lin Yifei finally felt a strong aura, and in an instant, Lin Yifei was able to confirm that there were no less than five divine senses in his consciousness. The super master appeared.There is no need to observe too carefully at all, the unique aura of god-level masters, and the kind of induction between masters of the same level, let Lin Yifei discover them in an instant, and similarly, Lin Yifei discovered the other party, of course the other party did not He would not be able to find him, so there is no doubt that Lin Yifei finally met the god-level master in the Five Elements Space due to intertwined spiritual consciousness.

"No, there are so many!" Lin Yifei was stunned after interlacing with the other party's consciousness, and then he took back his consciousness without hesitation. He was ready for the first time, but at this moment, his face was already filled with bitterness.

"It's a big game now, and I have provoked so many god-level masters at once! I'm afraid I won't be able to eat and leave!"

Lin Yifei knew very well that this time, he was too careless. It is not a polite thing to use his spiritual sense to detect others, but it is easy to cause misunderstanding. Although he is not hostile, but at this time Go to check on other people, even if he says there is no hostility, people probably won't believe him, right?This time, he is afraid that some trouble will be inevitable!If the explanation does not make sense, then this battle may be inevitable.

Lin Yifei was not afraid of fighting, but there were so many people on the other side, if there was a real fight, he would obviously be exhausted to deal with it, after all, two fists were no match for four hands.

Before Lin Yifei could think any more, something that was expected happened.It didn't take long, and in Lin Yifei's slightly nervous mood, five tall men with red hair appeared directly, surrounding him, and almost instantly, Lin Yifei felt the temperature around him, It has increased countless times.

Five tall men with red hair, each of them had traces of anger on their faces, and in the hands of the five, each had a crimson fire sword, but it seemed to be made of pure fire. It is formed by the condensation of energy.Obviously, with such a look, one can tell without thinking that these five guys should be very angry at this moment.As for Lin Yifei's ideal friendship, he completely missed it.

"Hmph, where are you, dare to come and spy on my Fire Clan?" Before Lin Yifei could speak, one of the five took the lead in stepping forward and said in a cold voice. Without Lin Yifei's explanation, he was already positioned by them as an outsider who came to spy on the secrets of the Fire Clan.

However, no matter what, the explanation still needs to be explained. Lin Yifei doesn't want to be like the other party, indiscriminately wronging people indiscriminately. Even if he really wants to fight, he has to clarify the truth first. Speak up first.

"You guys are being polite! I happened to be passing by here, and I just released my spiritual sense just now. I just felt that the atmosphere here is different, but I didn't intend to offend the Huo family. I hope everyone will understand!" With a slight cup of hands, Lin Yifei Spreading his consciousness all over his body, carefully guarding against everyone on the other side, he replied politely at the same time.If he could turn hostility into friendship, Lin Yifei would of course not choose to fight. After all, if there was a fight now, it would be difficult for him to take advantage. He was not arrogant enough to pick five of them, and the five opponents obviously had not been practicing for a long time. Short, the faint energy fluctuations are stronger than him.

"Hmph, don't need to say too much, just tell me which clan you belong to! Let us consider whether we should keep your whole body. As for those nonsense, no matter how true it is, it won't help!" Lin Yifei's voice As soon as he fell, the person who had spoken before snorted coldly again, but it didn't leave any room for it.Obviously, the choice left to Lin Yifei was whether to keep the whole body or not. However, that's what the other party said, is it possible to keep the whole body in this level of battle?Who can rest assured if the opponent is not turned into ashes?

So, after hearing the other party's words, where was the slightest smile on Lin Yifei's face?The situation is already very obvious, no matter how he explains it, the other party will no longer believe it. As for which clan he belongs to, Lin Yifei really has no way to answer this question, because in fact, he doesn't belong here at all. , and of course it cannot be of any race.

"Hmph, if I tell you which clan I belong to, everyone can leave me with a whole body? Are you serious?" Lin Yifei smiled coldly, but Lin Yifei didn't answer the other party's question immediately, but asked the same question back road.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have no other choice!" After Lin Yifei finished speaking, another person spoke, and it sounded like this person's attitude was much tougher than the previous one.The Fire Clan has a hotter temper than the Earth Clan. It's very rare that they didn't make a move right now. If they didn't want to get Lin Yifei's clan from Lin Yifei's mouth, they would have done it long ago.

However, Lin Yifei's appearance, as well as his characteristics, are so true that the five people can't see the source. If Lin Yifei was killed directly, they would not be able to get any news.Speaking of which, they were really a little puzzled. It was the first time they had seen Lin Yifei's face since they practiced so far. In their thinking, Lin Yifei was probably the secret weapon of that group. Became what it is now.

Lin Yifei was not in the mood to guess what the five of them were thinking, but at this moment, he had already started preparations.Today's situation can no longer be good, the five people in front of him are all at the level of gods, and the surrounding space has been sealed by five guys, so his only way is to work hard.

"Hey! Now that you have said so, do I have any other choices?" At the end, Lin Yifei's speech speed became very fast, and at the same time, he finally made a move.

The Sky Sword, which he had been waiting for for a long time, appeared in his hands almost instantly, and the two puppets who had just been fully promoted also appeared behind him in an instant. out, speeding up at the same time, and the three swords in his hand are also attacking towards their respective opponents.

The reason no longer makes sense, only war!This time, Lin Yifei didn't dare to hold back the slightest bit, any move that is strong, of course, is what move to use.If it had been changed more than ten days ago, then Lin Yifei would definitely have chosen the splitting sword style, but now, he has a new move to try.

However, counting the two clones on his side, there are only three people, while the opponent has five, so he is not dominant in numbers. If all three of them use the Absolute Sword Style, they can only attack three Man, in that case, he is bound to remain passive.So, almost instantly, Lin Yifei thought up the way to fight.

"Hmph, one pick five? It doesn't matter if there are too many people. This time, I will see how you can keep me even if there are five of you!" At this moment, Lin Yifei felt as if he was going to burn, alone Facing five people, not only was he no longer afraid, but he felt full of fighting spirit. He must fight well in the first battle to advance to the god level.


(End of this chapter)

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