Chapter 533 Temporary decision (third shift)
In order to feel the attack method of the Water Clan, Lin Yifei almost put himself in it. If his physical body was not strong enough, and he had a special natal true fire that was stronger than ordinary people, this time, he might really want to attack. Shui Mengluo said.

Seeing that Lin Yifei was not frozen by the low temperature he released, but disappeared from where he was, getting rid of his extremely cold domain, Shui Mengluo's surprise was unparalleled.

"How is it possible? How did he get rid of my extremely cold domain so easily? It's impossible!" Looking at Lin Yifei who hid in the distance in surprise, no one can understand Shui Mengluo's mood at this time.Her extremely cold field is a special existence of the cold water clan in the water clan, and she is the only person in the cold water clan who has this special ability. He valued him and accepted him as a disciple.

Among the Water Clan, almost all god-level masters know that this disciple of their patriarch, who can also be said to be the princess of the Water Clan, possesses such super powerful means that they are very afraid of, and even if they are cultivated A master who is higher than her and has reached the middle stage of God and Man, if he encounters her in the extremely cold field, he may have nothing but hatred.Shui Mengluo once competed with others, but the result was that, when she did not fully release her extreme cold domain, a master in the middle stage of the gods announced that she had surrendered.

However, it is very obvious that Lin Yifei's cultivation level is only at the early stage of Godman, but with such a cultivation level, there is nothing wrong with her in the extremely cold field, she just froze for a moment, and she is intact Speaking of it, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, no matter who said it, Shui Mengluo would not believe it.

"What kind of fire is that? How could it be blue? Among the Five Elements Clan, only the Heart Fire of the Water Clan is blue! But it doesn't have such a blue color, and it doesn't have such a temperature! Could it be that he is From the Water Clan?" At this moment, Lin Yifei's natal real fire has not been retracted, obviously, the low temperature just now made him feel that he would be warmer only if he was surrounded by fire.It was because of the pill fire around him that Shui Mengluo couldn't help but feel a little puzzled while being surprised.

Speaking of which, the structure of the Five Elements Clan and people from the outside world is almost the same, but the difference lies in some details.For example, the natal true fire of outsiders is called the heart fire among the Five Elements clan. Every clan has its own heart fire, but the heart fires of different ethnic groups can be distinguished by color. Those of the Wood Clan are slightly greenish, those of the Water Clan are somewhat blue, those of the Fire Clan are red mixed with yellow, and those of the Earth Clan are white, which is different from other groups.

Due to the different attributes of the Five Elements Clan, the degree of mastery of fire is also different.The Water Clan and the Wood Clan absolutely hate fire. Although they also have heart fire, they almost never use it. On the contrary, among the other three clans, the Metal Clan is in the middle, while the Fire Clan and the Earth Clan The Clan of the Clan has a special liking for fire, which is commendable, but they are still the Clan of the Earth, because although they do not have the talent for fire that the Clan of the Fire has, they still play fire very well. It can be seen from the super refining skills.

The blue flame displayed by Lin Yifei, to be honest, gave Shui Mengluo the first impression that Lin Yifei was a member of the Water Clan. After all, she had never heard of it until now, except for the Water Clan. Which family's heart fire is blue.

However, there are only a few god-level masters of the Water Clan, and Shui Mengluo knows almost all of them, but there are not many men among them, and there is absolutely no Lin Yifei.Also, Lin Yifei's blue flame is also obviously much darker than the heart fire of the Water Clan, these two situations, but it shows that Lin Yifei is not his own.

"Where did you come from?" The figure flashed, Shui Mengluo suddenly disappeared in place, and then appeared not far from Lin Yifei, asking with a cold face.

However, after Shui Mengluo walked up to Lin Yifei's side, Lin Yifei's figure immediately retreated again, but he was not close to Shui Mengluo at all, and at this time Lin Yifei did not answer immediately. The other party's question was just squinting his eyes slightly, as if staring at the air without any focal length.

At this moment, Lin Yifei has almost immersed all his mind in the realization of the feeling just now. To be honest, Lin Yifei seems to feel something from the cold space suddenly created by Shui Mengluo, but this feeling is very strong. Fuzzy, but somewhat elusive to him.Of course, Lin Yifei's savvy is undeniable, but if he wants to understand the law of water, how can it be so simple?Although Shui Mengluo had some insights into that move just now, it was nothing more than a flash of inspiration. When he really wanted to understand it, he had no way of doing it.

"Hey, it seems that if you want to comprehend the real law of water, it may be difficult to do it for a while!" Sighing in the bottom of his heart, Lin Yifei finally looked at Shui Mengluo again. But it was true, it was just that he ignored her, and as for his dodging, it was almost subconscious.

"Hehe, this female Taoist friend, as I said before, I don't belong to any of the Five Elements Clans. No matter how you ask, I always answer this way." With a soft smile, Lin Yifei stared at the other party's eyes and said: "The one you just said This move has some tricks, I don’t know if it’s a unique attack method of your Water Clan?” Finally, Lin Yifei became serious, because he really wanted to know whether the previous move was actually a water attack. If it is the popular move of the One Clan, then he might really have to run away. After all, not far away, there are still two god-level masters of the Water Clan, Lue Zhen!If those two had such abilities, then he might really have to run away.

Hearing Lin Yifei's answer, Shui Mengluo instinctively didn't believe it.This is the Five Elements Space, Lin Yifei must belong to one of the five clans, as for saying that he doesn't belong to any clan, it's obviously a lie!As for Lin Yifei's subsequent question, Shui Mengluo raised her eyebrows resentfully.

"Hmph, it's not your turn to inquire about my Water Clan. Since you don't reveal your background, don't blame me for being cruel. Today, you never want to leave! Do it!" Shui Mengluo Lin Yifei's voice was full of anger, Lin Yifei was so uncooperative, and he kept staring at her unabashedly, all these had touched her bottom line.As for the last move she said, of course, she said it to the two people who were at the side.

Shui Mengluo already knew very well that it would be very difficult for her alone to defeat Lin Yifei. Although she still had some moves that she hadn't used yet, the extremely cold field was already her most powerful move. Other moves , even if it is used, it may hurt Lin Yifei very hard.Well, in this way, of course she needs to find a helper.

In fact, when she and the other two caught up with her before, the other two already wanted to do something, but Shui Mengluo wanted to try her own skills, and of course, she also wanted to personally catch the girl who dared to probe her water. A spy of a clan can also claim credit in front of the patriarch.Although credit is of no use to her, it is a good choice to make her master happy.But unfortunately, things backfired, and her plan obviously fell through.

Although Lin Yifei appeared to be very relaxed on the surface, he had always been paying attention to the three women in the field. Hearing Shui Mengluo's last shout, Lin Yifei couldn't help being slightly startled. Afterwards, he He suddenly turned his head to one side, but just in time to see two people flying towards him.

"Many people bully few people?" Lin Yifei felt much more at ease seeing the two of them controlling two ribbon-shaped magic weapons to attack him.Since the other two didn't make that kind of gesture to release the extreme cold air, it proved that they didn't know the super moves of the beautiful woman in front of them, but in this way, he had nothing to worry about.

"Hmph, speaking of it, the Water Clan is even more domineering than the Fire Clan! It's not good to look at, and it doesn't make sense at all. Speaking of it, they should be taught a lesson!" There are only three women, and Lin Yifei is a big man, but he will not feel any fear. The only thing worthy of his attention is Shui Mengluo's move to release the ice and snow domain. However, obviously, that move is right. As far as he is concerned, there is no longer much threat.

"I already have two puppets from the Fire Tribe, and I don't mind getting a few more puppets from the Water Tribe. Since they are here, if I don't accept them, I'll look like a stranger!"

Speaking of which, ever since Shui Mengluo used the move to create the extremely cold field, Lin Yifei had a subconscious thought in his heart, that is to refine it into a living puppet, because only in this way can he completely Knowing how the other party performed that move, and only in that way, can he let the other party perform the move just now for his comprehension anytime and anywhere.

Of course, Lin Yifei, who possesses top-level techniques such as puppet art, has always wanted to collect more puppets, especially in a special space like the Five Elements Space. After all, only when there are more puppets can he perform the sacrifice technique, and sacrifice Technique is undoubtedly something he uses to save his life at critical moments.

"The three gods and men in the early stage, but this time they can get some benefits again. Maybe, I should infiltrate all the five races of the Five Elements Clan into my own people. In that way, the Five Elements Space will be of great help to us. In other words, it can be more clear and clear!" Seeing the three people surrounded him, Lin Yifei finally made a decision, that is, not to hold back any more, even if he is ruthless, in short, the situation in front of him Three puppets, he is going to settle.

Thinking of this, Lin Yifei no longer hesitated. With a thought, the divine fire avatar and the cold ice avatar suddenly appeared. In order to avoid night long dreams, Lin Yifei really didn't intend to hold back this time. When he made a move, he used it Trick.There were only three people on the other side, and there were also three on his side, one-on-one. There was absolutely no suspense in this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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