Chapter 536 Go Deep Underground (Third)
In the quiet space of flying snow, Lin Yifei quietly suspended cross-legged in mid-air, his eyes were slightly closed, and his hands were naturally hanging on his knees, like an old monk in meditation.At the same time, traces of gray gas slowly penetrated into Lin Yifei's body as if they had their own consciousness, helping him to stabilize his mind.

Not long ago, he once again refined three junior masters of the gods, that is, the two men and one woman from the Muzhi clan, and he got a lot of benefits from the three of them. Well, he was just trying to see if he could break through to the middle stage of being a god.

Lin Yifei is meticulous in his cultivation. In this special five-element space, only his own strength can guarantee his safety. Therefore, when it comes to cultivation, Lin Yifei will not be careless.

Time passed quietly, and soon, two days passed in a flash, and Lin Yifei, who was sitting quietly, finally opened his eyes slowly, but in his eyes, there was not much joy.In two days, although he refined and improved his Yuanshen Yuanying a lot, in the end, he still failed to break through the hurdle of the mid-stage god-man.

"Hey, it's a pity! It's still a little bit short. I believe that with one or two early god-level puppets joining, my cultivation base will surely break through to the first level!" Lin Yifei can feel that the distance from the mid-stage god-man is really close. It's just a small gap, but it's just this trace, and it's impossible to cross it without enough accumulation.

"Forget it, don't be so greedy. It's only been a few days since I broke through to the god level. I just want to advance to another level and let others know, but it's enough to hurt people." I was a little regretful at the beginning, but his cultivation speed is already quite frightening. If he breaks through to the god level after letting others know, he wants to advance to another level, but he doesn't know what kind of eyes he will use to look at him!

"Now, apart from the Earth Clan, all the other four clans have god-level masters who have been refined into puppets by me. Judging by the speed at which the four clans gather, it may take a few years for the five clans to fight each other. In the next period of time, it is time to visit the Earth Clan, and of course the god-level puppets of the Earth Clan cannot be missed."

At this moment, among the four ethnic groups outside, except for the Fire Clan which has two god-level puppets, Lin Yifei already has three god-level puppets of the other three clans, and the total number of his god-level puppets has also reached ten. as many as one.With these puppets outside, he can know the situation outside at any time, but in the next time, he really wants to go to the Earth Clan to see what these people are doing now!

"Speaking of which, the earth clan is really weird. The other four clans have already started to gather above them, and they didn't respond at all. Among the other clans, I believe there will not be too much danger, as long as it is not their patriarch who takes action, I am not afraid even if they are people in the late stage of the gods." Now that he decided to go underground to see, Lin Yifei had no choice but to Considering various situations, the first thing to consider is undoubtedly your own safety.

After much deliberation, there would be no problem in terms of safety. After all, the puppets of the eleven early stage gods can be called at will at critical moments, and the Sky Sword Art and the Three Talents Formation are even more challenging for him to leapfrog. Super powerful trick, with these hole cards, he doesn't have to worry about his own safety at all.

"In that case, then, let's go underground. I'm really curious about the Earth Clan living underground!" As soon as the idea of ​​going to the Earth Clan came into being, Lin Yifei knew that this was the case. Once, he has to go. With such a big life, this is the first time he knows that there are races living underground. How can he not join in the fun with such a new thing!
"Hehe, it seems that it was a wise move to take Lei Shi as a puppet before. With him as my coordinates in the ground, I can teleport there directly, which saves me from not knowing how to go down."

The Earth Clan lives underground, which Lin Yifei knows very well, but the people of the Earth Clan can travel freely in the soil, which is their natural ability, but he doesn't know how to travel through the soil.However, fortunately, after entering the Five Elements Space, he accepted a puppet from the Earth Clan. Although Lei Shi only had the cultivation level of the Immortal Venerable, it was enough to be used as a coordinate.

Thinking of Lei Shi, Lin Yifei directly contacted the latter in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then told him to find a place where no one was there to welcome him.Although he said he wasn't worried about danger, he still didn't want to make the news of his entry into the Earth Clan known to everyone. After all, his image was very different from that of the Earth Clan. up.

The mystery of the puppet technique is that Lin Yifei's order was quickly given to Lei Shi, and Lei Shi immediately began to follow Lin Yifei's instructions and seriously made preparations.

Lin Yifei was not made to wait for too long, and within minutes, Lin Yifei received Lei Shi's reply that he had arrived at a quiet place and was ready to wait for Lin Yifei's arrival at any time.

"The efficiency is not bad. If it wasn't for the low level of cultivation, he would be a good subordinate!" After receiving Lei Shi's message, Lin Yifei murmured to himself, and then he found Lei Shi with a thought. At this moment, according to the positioning function of the puppet technique, the latter was found directly, and a teleportation appeared at the place where Lei Shi was.

"This subordinate has met the master, and welcomes the master to the Earth Clan!" As soon as he appeared, Lin Yifei heard Lei Shi's respectful voice, and Lei Shi's short and thick figure also appeared in front of him, but this When Lei Shi was bent over, he looked even lower, and the target was a bit too small.

"No, get up!" With a casual wave of his hand, Lin Yifei replied nonchalantly, and then looked around.

At this time, the place Lin Yifei was in was a very spacious quiet room. The surrounding walls of the quiet room were all made of a kind of luminous spar, but it illuminated the quiet room like daytime, although It is underground, but it is no different from the ground.The size of the quiet room is more than a hundred square meters, and there is only a small stone bed inside. Apart from this, there are no other decorations, and it looks a bit empty.

"Is this the room where the Earth Clan lives? It's too simple!" Although the room is not small, Lin Yifei took a quick look at it, giving him the feeling that the Earth Clan seems to be interested in Quality of life is not much of a concern!

"What is this place? Is it your room?" Slowly turning his head, Lin Yifei glanced at Lei Shi, and then asked softly.

"Returning to the master, this is the room of the subordinate. Ever since the subordinate was promoted to the rank of lord and became a little chieftain, he has been living here all the time, and until the subordinate can break through the shackles of the god rank and reach the command rank However, his subordinates have to live here all the time." After hearing Lin Yifei's question, Lei Shi hurriedly stepped forward, then bent slightly, and said in a low voice.

Speaking of which, for Lin Yifei, the master, Lei Shi no longer dared to disobey at this time, aside from the suppression of puppetry, Lin Yifei's genuine god-level cultivation was already an existence he could only look up to.The Earth Clan also had instinctive respect for those with advanced cultivation, and coupled with the coercion of puppetry, Lei Shi hardly had the courage to stand up and speak in front of Lin Yifei.

"What's the location of the Earth Clan here? But it's in the central area?" After hearing Lei Shi's answer, Lin Yifei nodded lightly, and then pondered for a while, before he asked again .

"Master, this is the border area of ​​the Earth Clan. It is the underground area where you met your subordinates last time, Master. It is far away from the center of the Earth Clan!" Having said that, Lei Shi couldn't help raising his head slightly, seeing that Lin Yifei didn't show any expression, and then continued: "The central area of ​​the Earth Clan is the Holy City of Earth where the patriarch lives, and that is the central area of ​​the Earth Clan."

"The Holy City of Earth?" Hearing this, Lin Yifei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, but he became interested in this new term.From the name alone, it can be seen that this holy city of earth must be an unusual place, and since it is the place where the patriarch is, of course it will not be too ordinary.

Lin Yifei kept in mind all the time that he was in this five-element space to comprehend the laws of the five elements, and where would the laws be?It should be in some special place, the Holy City of Earth. Hearing the name, it is necessary to go and take a look. Maybe it is the place he is looking for.

"The Holy City of Earth, the place where the chief of the Tu tribe is located, it seems that we have to go and see it no matter what!" Frowning slightly, Lin Yifei thought for a moment, and then decided to go to the Holy City of the Tu tribe.

"Tell me about the structure of the underground of the Earth Clan! Also, what is the distribution of strength here!" Since he decided to stay underground, he must first understand some simple conditions here. There should be some benefit to walking here next.

"Yes!" Hearing Lin Yifei's question, Lei Shi hastily replied yes, and then began to briefly introduce Lin Yifei.

The underground of the Earth Clan is a divergent structure, and in the middle is the holy land of the Earth Clan, that is, the Holy City of Earth, where the patriarch of the Earth Clan lives, and the largest number of god-level commanders, And with the Holy City as the center, the farther away, the lower the cultivation level of the people living, and the lower their status.

As for the place where Lin Yifei is now, it is the border area of ​​the Earth Clan. The people here, except for the border guards sent from inside, like Lei Shi and the immortal emperor masters that Lin Yifei saw at the beginning, the rest are almost the same. They are all ordinary cultivators, and those with high cultivation bases are no more than Jinxian or so.

It didn't take too long for Lei Shi's explanation to be interrupted by Lin Yifei raising his hand, because Lin Yifei already understood that although the earth clan is underground, it is almost the same as the fairy world, but there is no need to let Lei Shi went on to explain.

"It seems that I'd better go out and see for myself!" Since there are no experts here, Lin Yifei doesn't have to be afraid of being discovered, he just goes out and has a look. Speaking of which, he really wants to see, this underground What is going on with the building?

(End of this chapter)

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