Chapter 540 Preparation (one more)
In the underground world, the holy city of the Earth Clan, in a magnificent hall, a middle-aged man who is only a little over one meter tall stands tall above the hall, and below the hall, there are two rows of different heights. But the members of the Tuzhi clan, who were all about one meter away, stood in two rows under His Highness, with indescribable respect in their expressions.With a cursory glance, the number of people standing at His Highness at this time is about 60.

Needle drop could be heard in the silent hall, no one made any sound, even breathing seemed to be faint, but the atmosphere of the whole hall felt a little stagnant.

At a certain moment, the short middle-aged man standing above the hall suddenly turned around slowly, and suddenly, a resolute and domineering face appeared in the eyes of everyone below.The middle-aged man's eyes swept over everyone below, and there seemed to be a trace of gratification and pride in his eyes, but all the people below, who were caught by his gaze, did not feel that they lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the former.

"58 people, the god-level commanders of our Earth Clan are all here!" After scanning everyone below, the middle-aged man nodded and said.His words seemed to be asking, and some seemed to be talking to himself, but no matter what kind, his aura of a superior was fully revealed.This is a real superior, his name is called Tu, and he is the patriarch of the Tu Clan!

How long the Five Elements Space has existed, I am afraid that no one can remember, but there is one thing that everyone knows very well, that is, since the moment the Five Elements Space was born, the patriarchs of the Five Clans have already existed. The patriarch was born and grew up at the same time as the Five Elements Space.

The five chiefs of the Five Elements Clan are all named after their respective groups. The chief of the Earth Clan is called Tu, and so are the other groups.Among the Five Elements Clan, the patriarch has always been a god-level leader, and it is very difficult for even a god-level expert in the clan to meet the patriarch. But this time, the chief of the Tu clan appeared and summoned all All commanders, obviously, there must be something about to happen.

"Patriarch Hui, the 58 god-level leaders of the Tuzhi Clan have all arrived!" Just after the Tuzu Patriarch's voice fell, the person standing at the front of the two rows of god-level masters below took a step forward. Bowing down respectfully towards the top, he replied in a loud voice.This one is the No.1 of the Tu Clan other than the patriarch. The peak cultivation base of the Godman in the late stage is called Tu Yuan, and he is the only one who can often see the Patriarch of the Tu Clan, and this Tu Yuan is also the only one It is said that the super existence that can live in the patriarch's pagoda of the Tu clan's patriarch has accompanied the Tu's patriarch all year round. Today's Tu Yuan has faintly touched the edge of the law of the earth.

"Very good! 58 people. After so many years of accumulation, our Tu Clan finally has such tyrannical strength." After hearing Tu Yuan's confirmation, the head of the Tu Clan couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and then lifted the arm , that is, Tu Yuanhui returned to the queue, but on his face, there was a sudden serious look.

"I believe you should already know that this time, the patriarchs of the other four clans sent a lot of people to the territory of my Tuzhi clan. Their purpose should be very simple, that is, we go out to fight. Gold, wood, water and fire are not fools." , They should have felt that we have hidden strength. The purpose of this time is probably to weaken us. What's more, the patriarch is doubting whether they will join hands to deal with us. If that is the case, I will The situation of the Yi family is quite pessimistic."

Although the patriarch of the Earth Clan is a bit smaller and his voice is not very loud, everyone below can clearly hear his words, as if these words came from them. The same thing that arises from the bottom of my heart.

"Patriarch, with our strength, there is no need to be afraid of them. The god-level commanders they have come this time are only 20 people. Even if they are all eaten, with our strength, it will not take much effort! "The person who said this was of course Tu Yuan, who has the closest relationship with the chief of the Tu tribe, but it is impossible for others to dare to speak like this.

Hearing what Tu Yuan said, the chief of the Tu clan nodded his head, but then shook his head again, and on his face at the moment, there was also some bewilderment. Obviously, there was a lot of doubts about how to deal with the four clans' predecessors. Come on, he didn't have a very definite approach.

"It's not difficult to eat these people, but if we lose our strength because of this, it will be a little troublesome! Back then, the five of us agreed that the number of god-level people in each clan should be controlled at around 20 as much as possible. Let them know that we have 60 people, those four guys will definitely join hands to strangle our clan, and if they try their best, I'm afraid we are no match!" Of course, the chief of the Tu tribe wanted more, everything was in order In the long run, as he said, it is not difficult to take down twenty god-level commanders, given their strength, but what about after that?How should it end?

A long time ago, in order to maintain various balances, the five patriarchs of the Five Elements Clan made an agreement that the number of masters in each clan should not exceed 20. If any clan violated the contract, it would be encircled and suppressed by the other four clans, until there would be more than [-] masters. Before that, apart from the Earth Clan, the god-level masters of other clans, every time there were more agreed places, they would find a way to make them fall on the battlefield. Except for the Earth Clan, the other four clans However, there are already god-level masters who have become victims according to the agreement. Only the Earth Clan has no losses every time they participate in the battle, and the patriarchs of the other four clans don't know how many god-level masters there are secretly in the Earth Clan. After all, the Earth Clan lives deep underground, but it is impossible for people to detect it.

However, the patriarchs of the other four clans are all masters. Obviously, the Earth Clan hides their strength. They seem to have discovered this, and this time they set the battlefield above the Earth Clan. Find out whether the Earth Clan has any hidden strength. If they are allowed to discover the truth, then there is no doubt that they will join hands and start a war with the Earth Clan. At that time, what will the outcome be? But no one could have predicted it.

Speaking of it, everyone will have a selfish side in their hearts. It is important to maintain stability, but it takes a lot of courage to watch one's own god-level master fall. My lord, he just didn't want to see his masters fall on the battlefield, so he lied to the other four clans, saying that no one has been promoted to the god level of his own side, but the number of them has remained at 20.

For this, the patriarchs of the other four clans have not doubted it, but the population of the Earth Clan is relatively small, and such a situation is not impossible. Moreover, the Earth Clan lives deep underground, and it is really difficult for them to investigate other people. The number of god-level people has come and gone, and it has been delayed until today.

Speaking of it, not only the god-level masters, but also the immortal emperors, immortals, and the five clans have agreed that they must be controlled at a certain number, and the earth clan has completely exceeded the standard, so as long as the earth clan If the situation is mastered by the other four clans, then it is bound to be attacked by the four clans. At that time, it is still uncertain whether the four clan leaders will take action.

"Hey, but I was too soft-hearted. I thought I shouldn't hide it at the beginning. The extra commanders were just thrown on the battlefield. It doesn't matter if a few die! Now the situation is really tricky Ah!" Thinking of the agreement made by the five people before, Tu couldn't help feeling a little bit of regret in his heart.Speaking of it, he didn't have any ambitions, he just wanted to accumulate strength, and he didn't want to die on the battlefield as a master who had finally been promoted, but he didn't want to become what he is now.

"Tu Yuan, arrange five commanders, and then select a hundred leaders of immortals, one thousand emperors and ten thousand monarchs. This time, our Tu clan will completely join the melee of the five clans. As for the other All the god-level commanders of the clan will stay underground, restrain their aura, and no one will move without the order of the patriarch, so let's go down and make arrangements!"

To this day, Tu has no other choice. The Tu clan must participate in the melee of the five clans this time, and he also understands that this time, his own side is bound to be the side with the most dead. It is very difficult for the five god-level commanders to survive.Tu knew very well in his heart that the four clans set the battlefield above the Tu Clan, and they were obviously coming for the Tu Clan. If the Tu Clan didn't express it, then the opponent would definitely not let it go.

"Yes, patriarch, don't worry, the subordinates know what to do! And the people of the Tu tribe are also rushing towards the holy city!" Hearing Tu's order, Tu Yuan was also shocked. Some reasons, but he knows a little bit, he is very clear about the meaning of the earth, and he also knows that the people who are selected this time may not be able to come back, but there is no way to do it , obviously not something that a small person like him can change.

The patriarch issued the order to drive away guests, and of course everyone dared not disobey. After Tu Yuan's reply was over, everyone bowed deeply to Tu Yuan, and then respectfully exited the hall.

After everyone had left, above the main hall, the chief of the Tu tribe couldn't help but let out a long sigh with his hands behind his back.

"I hope that these prices can satisfy those four! It's a pity that the strength of my Earth Clan is still not strong enough. If we can be stronger, so what if we fight with them? At that time, everything will still be my Earth Clan. Clan has the final say?" Obviously, the patriarch of the Earth Clan didn't just want to accumulate strength, and being able to have such an idea shows that his purpose is not that simple.

However, this time, the patriarchs of the other four clans obviously sensed some of the situation of the Earth Clan. As for whether the five god-level masters, plus those buried with them, could really satisfy the four of them, this is not clear. It's not something that can be determined now. Everything will be known only when it is obtained. Before that, all guesses are nothing more than guesses.

(End of this chapter)

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