Chapter 557 Another City (Fourth Update)

With the help of Shui Mengluo, Lin Yifei easily took down the remaining two god-level leaders of the Water Clan, among them there was no lack of a mid-stage god-level powerhouse, and after refining two god-level masters After that, his primordial spirit also got a big supplement.

Just when Lin Yifei had settled the Water Clan and was about to go to the other tribes to kill the Quartet, Shui Mengluo made a request, that is to let Lin Yifei take her to other tribes.

In the Flying Snow Space, Lin Yifei narrowed his eyes slightly, and frowned slightly, looking curiously at the icy and stunning beauty in front of him, but he didn't know that the other party was wrong, so he made such a request.Not only Lin Yifei, when Shui Mengluo proposed to go to other ethnic groups with Lin Yifei, Shui Yuerong and another god-level leader of the water clan also looked at the former with curiosity. I don't know what the princess is thinking. something.

"Cough cough, Shui Mengluo, right? My master's going to other ethnic groups is not to enjoy the entertainment, but it will be desperate. You should stay here honestly and just follow Shui Yuerong's orders. As for the helper, my master I don't need your help." For a stunning beauty like Shui Mengluo, Lin Yifei really couldn't be too cruel, and the other party just helped him get rid of two god-level gods of the Water Clan. A master can be regarded as a meritorious minister, so when speaking, Lin Yifei's tone is much gentler.

However, as Lin Yifei said, he will really go all out when he goes to other ethnic groups this time. If he is a little sloppy, it is entirely possible to fight, and the remaining three ethnic groups all have middle-stage gods. The master sits in charge, if there is a fight, he doesn't have the time to take care of others.So, instinctively, Lin Yifei didn't want to bring Shui Mengluo with him.

"I can help you. With my Ice Domain, even if I face an ordinary middle-stage god-level person, I may not necessarily lose. Moreover, I can feel that there seems to be a master in the Fire Clan. I The Ice Domain can restrain all members of the Fire Clan, let me go with you, I will definitely be able to help."

After Lin Yifei's words fell, Shui Mengluo didn't blink, and even said the reasons she had prepared without stopping. Looking at her, she seemed to have made up her mind and must follow Lin Yifei.Speaking of which, the main reason why Shuimengluo wanted to go to other ethnic groups with Lin Yifei was because she wanted to be a clan who could know fire.

As natural enemies, the grievances between the Water Clan and the Fire Clan need not be said. After so many years, many members of the two clans have been lost in the hands of each other, and there are many god-level powerhouses among them. .These days, Shui Mengluo has been on the road with the large army of the Water Clan, but she has already felt a little impatient. Speaking of which, before her talent was discovered, her mother was in the Five Clans. The person who fell in the melee, and it is said that the person who killed her mother was from the Fire Clan, so, she has always wanted to meet members of the Fire Clan, and it is best to kill a few to vent her heart only hate.

After Shui Mengluo finished speaking, Lin Yifei couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Suddenly, he realized that he seemed to have underestimated the beautiful woman in front of him. He had forgotten her beautiful appearance. When accepting this puppet, he almost fell into Shui Mengluo's way. If his physical body was not strong enough, he really didn't know what would happen now!

"This girl makes sense. Although she only has the cultivation base of an early-stage god-man, with the power of her ice field, it is not impossible to defeat ordinary mid-stage god-level people. Moreover, the Fire Clan's There seems to be a master in the late stage of the god level, and with her ice domain, she might really be able to help!"

Lin Yifei is not a dead-headed person, but at this moment, he couldn't help but start to think.If you really count, there is no Shenhuo avatar by his side now, and the battle is really much lower, and with Shui Mengluo's cultivation base, he is really qualified to help him resist some strong people. Originally, he even had He once wanted to take Shui Yuerong to other ethnic groups, but he finally gave up when he thought of the other party's status as the president.Now that Shui Mengluo said so, Lin Yifei felt that this matter is very feasible, and why would he not do it if there is someone who is equivalent to a middle-stage god-level thug as a thug!

"Hehe, since you want to follow me, then the master will give you this chance, but the ugliness comes first. If there is a big trouble at that time, the master has no obligation to take care of you. If you encounter danger at that time, don't worry about it." It's my master's fault." After thinking through the whole process, Lin Yifei finally decided to bring this Shui Mengluo with him, maybe she can really help!
"Don't worry about it, if I'm really in danger, I'll find a way to escape." Hearing Lin Yifei's seemingly irresponsible words, Shui Mengluo couldn't help showing a hint of contempt, but for Lin Yifei's promise to She took it, and she was very happy.

Seeing the trace of disdain on the other party's face, Lin Yifei didn't take it to heart.He is very clear that in the Water Clan, the status of men is too low. Although he is the master of the other party, the princess and young lady will not be able to fully adapt to it for a while, but he is not in a hurry, as long as the other party listens honestly If he said that, then he would have nothing to say. Originally, he didn't think about making his puppets respect and admire him.

"Okay, Shui Yuerong, the four of you really need to be more cautious. The strength of the Earth Clan is beyond your imagination. Also, if there is any change, please notify the owner as soon as possible. My master will tell you when the time comes." Deciding to take Shui Mengluo away, Lin Yifei didn't delay any longer, and after a few words to Shui Yuerong, he raised his hand and invited the two of them out of Feixue At this point, only he and Shui Mengluo were left in place.

"You adjust here for the time being. If there is something useful for you in a while, my master will naturally call you out. Remember, this is my master's world. Don't run around if you have nothing to do." Glancing at the cold Shui Mengluo, Lin Yifei explained a few words indifferently, and then stepped out of the Flying Snow Space in a flash. Next, he wanted to choose a new target to attack.

After Lin Yifei got out of the Flying Snow Space, Shui Mengluo's cold face finally eased a bit, and her face couldn't help showing a trace of depression.The fact that the princess of the Water Clan, who enjoyed her majesty, became a man's puppet, always hovered in her mind, and if she wanted to think about it, she had to find something to do. Fighting, this is undoubtedly the best way. Of course, no matter what you do, it is better than following the Water Clan's army all day long. That way, all her time is free.

"What kind of place is this place? It's a very strange space. It seems that he really has some tricks." When no one was around, Shui Mengluo couldn't help but look at the Feixue space curiously.However, before Lin Yifei left, he told her not to move around, but she really didn't dare to move around, otherwise, she would have started researching such a novel world long ago.As for now, the only thing she can do, of course, is to sit still and rest until Lin Yifei summons her.However, being able to calm down and practice for a while is better than a boring rush.

Not to mention Shui Mengluo who was waiting for Lin Yifei's call in the Flying Snow Space, but Lin Yifei, after finishing the Water Clan, he left the Flying Snow Space, and then contacted the nearest puppet in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. This time, The one he was targeting was the Wood Clan. There were four men and one woman in the Wood Clan. Two men and one woman had already been refined by him. The remaining two were one at the beginning of the god level and one at the middle stage of the god level. However, the Wood Clan He is not good at fighting, but his fighting ability is too low, so this time, Lin Yifei chose them without hesitation.

Since the fighting power of the Muzhi Clan is really too low, this time, he didn't let the three undercover agents of the Muzhi Clan sneak attack at all, but directly took the three of them as the coordinates, teleported to the place where the large army of the Muzhi Clan was located, and then , he blatantly led the three of them directly to find the supreme leader of the Muzhi Clan. Without saying a word, he directly used the Absolute Sword Style to abolish the god-level mid-term leader named Mu Ying.Of course, while he was making the move, he ordered the puppets of the other three Wood Clans to guard outside to avoid any emergencies.

But it is a pity that although this mid-level god-level master of the Wood Clan has a high level of cultivation, his combat awareness is really weak. Moreover, Lin Yifei brought three god-level masters from the other Wood Clan over here. He really didn't react, so, caught off guard, this allowed Lin Yifei to take advantage of the loophole.Otherwise, with Na Muying's strength, she wouldn't be subdued so easily.

After getting rid of Mu Ying, who was in the middle of the god level, Lin Yifei directly found the last person, also without hesitation, and then brought the two of them back to the Feixue space to perform puppetry. Those who were refined by him, but he kept them outside.

Not long after Shuimengluo entered the cultivation state, Lin Yifei returned to the Flying Snow Space with two masters from the Wood Clan. What surprised her was that the two brought back by Lin Yifei, she actually I recognized one of them, that is Mu Ying, who was in the middle of the god level.Speaking of it, the relationship between the Wood Clan and the Water Clan is harmonious, and they still have contacts with each other. It is not uncommon for them to recognize each other.

Lin Yifei doesn't care about that much, he urgently needs a puppet to join in, so that his primordial spirit can be restored to the best level at the beginning, and then start to condense the avatar, as for other things, he doesn't bother to take care of them.So, after seeing Shui Mengluo's curious expression, he just nodded at the latter, and then began to refine the two newcomers.

The first person to refine was the person at the early stage of the god level. It took him more than an hour to get a puppet at the early stage of the god level. stand up.

After all, the middle stage of the god level is not comparable to the early stage of the god level. This time, Lin Yifei was not in a hurry, and began to refine Mu Ying patiently, and tried his best to take the opponent's primordial energy as his own. Compensating for his previous losses, it took almost a day before he finally finished.And so far, two teams of the Five Elements Clan have been completely controlled by him.

(End of this chapter)

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