Chapter 577
In the outer area of ​​the Fire Clan, there is a high altitude very high above the ground. Tusong, a mid-god-level master, hangs his head down, and his whole body trembles slightly. In front of him, the number one master of the Earth Clan At this moment, Tu Yuan was hanging in front of Tu Song with an angry expression on his face.

"Hmph, trash, five of you, and you actually watched the other party escape from under your noses. Are you all blind?" After the news, Tu Yuan was really angry.Originally, Tu Yuan had a good plan, to kill and wound the masters of the Fire Clan as much as possible before the central holy city of the Fire Clan got the news, and wait until the god-level powerhouses of the Fire Clan learned of the Tu Clan's attack When the news came out, they had almost killed the outsiders of the Fire Clan.

However, Tu Yuan did not expect that outside the Fire Clan, there would be a single god-level strongman, and what made him even more unacceptable was that that god-level strongman would escape from under their noses. went back.Obviously, after people escape back, they will inevitably organize the masters of the fire clan to come. At that time, they can only fight against the real masters of the opponent. At that time, it is obviously impossible to imagine fighting with almost no losses like now possible again.

"My lord, we were all busy dealing with another strong member of the Fire Clan at that time, so we really didn't notice." After hearing Tu Yuan's complaint, Tu Song knew that he and others were wrong, but he had to find a way to defend himself , but it is a pity that Tu Yuan, as the great commander of the Tu Clan, is obviously not so easy to fool with the existence of one person under one man and over ten thousand people.

"Hmph, that's enough, don't give me any reason, so many people let one person run away, don't try to use the life of a small elementary commander to increase your bargaining chips, if you want to make up for it, then it depends on your next move." Show it!" Every time Tu Song finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tu Yuan's words, Tu Yuan was not an idiot, he didn't need to see the situation with his own eyes, but he could think of a rough idea, how could Tu Song Have you ever been deceived by clever words?

"Yes, don't worry, Commander, the five of us will definitely make a lot of contributions and try to make up for it." Tu Song knew who was standing in front of him, and he knew even more that in front of Tu Yuan, it would be useless to talk too much. The only thing he can do is to make up for his mistakes, but he doesn't know what kind of credit can offset this mistake.

"Hmph, go down! Kill a few more members of the Fire Clan while the Fire Clan gathers experts, and don't mention the face of god-level masters to me. At this time, you don't need to take care of face!" Now that it has happened, it is useless for Tu Yuan to be reconciled. Perhaps, before the strong members of the Fire Clan arrive, killing a few more ordinary experts of the Fire Clan is what they should do at this time.

Speaking of which, in the previous battle, the god-level commanders of the Tu tribe only chose to stand aside, but they did not participate in it. After all, they were too embarrassed to fight against the ordinary people of the Fire Clan, as god-level masters. But at this moment, in order to make up for the mistakes, Tu Song's group has obviously been deprived of the pride of the masters.

"Boom" just as Tu Yuan's voice fell, and when Tu Song was about to leave, a sound of explosion resounding through the sky suddenly spread not far away, and then, a burst of fire energy that soared into the sky spread Kailai extended to a very far range, and the places where Tuyuan and Tusong were located were also included in this range.

"What a strong fire energy, the master of the fire family has arrived." After feeling this powerful and abnormal fire energy, both Tu Yuan and Tu Song were shocked, especially the former, who was shocked by this powerful energy fluctuation. In the process, he actually felt threatened, that is to say, judging from the energy fluctuation of the explosion just now, it was a powerful attack that even he had to pay attention to.

He was no longer in the mood to teach Tu Song a lesson. At this moment, Tu Yuan knew that the person's cultivation base was very good. Except for him, there was absolutely no one among the god-level powerhouses of the Tu Clan who could be his opponent.Therefore, without hesitation, Tu Yuan dodged and flew towards the direction of the explosion.

The masters of the Fire Clan came so fast that Tu Yuan didn't even think about it. Of course, Tu Song was also partly involved in this, because after letting Huo Chen go, he deliberated for a long time before finally deciding to send him away. This matter was reported to Tu Yuan, not immediately.

Of course, there is one thing that Tu Yuan didn't expect, that is, among the people who were strangled before the Earth Clan, there was a special clan, and the number one strongman of this clan was officially the leader of the Fire Clan. The number one powerhouse outside the family, and after learning the news that his family line might be wiped out, how could the latter not be in a hurry to come and see what happened?

When Tu Yuan rushed to the explosion area, he saw a scene that he couldn't believe.The god-level leaders of the four Earth Clans were all blown to pieces at this moment. There were almost no places to see their bodies, but they were all lying on the ground dying, as if they might die at any time.And in the middle of the four dying people, a fiery young man who looks very young is cruelly grabbing a senior master of the Earth Clan. The difference in height makes the scene at this time look a bit cruel. Because in the hands of the fiery young man, the respected master of the Earth Clan is obviously dead, and blood is oozing out from his whole body. The dripping red blood converges into streams of water flowing from it. Left on the body, it looks quite terrifying.

"Yeah, despicable, bullying the little with the big, and stabbing people in the back, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed?" Such a tragic scene made Tu Yuan extremely angry, and this has not yet killed the Fire Clan How many masters, in the blink of an eye, there are four god-level commanders on the side of the Earth Clan who are on the verge of falling. Such a situation is absolutely never imagined by him.

Judging from the situation of the four people lying on the ground, it seems that they were shaken apart by the big explosion just now, but they are on the verge of being scrapped from the inside to the outside. I am afraid that even if the patriarch takes action, they may not be able to get it. He came back, and even if he could save his life, it would be difficult for his cultivation to recover to the god level, but it was no different from having fallen.

"Hmph, this is too ridiculous, the dwarfs of the Earth Clan, you actually attacked my Fire Clan first, then you must be prepared to die, I will let you pay for the dead members of my Fire Clan !" At this moment, Huofeng felt more or less vented in his heart, and rushed from the central holy city of the Fire Clan non-stop, but he just happened to find the four god-level leaders of the Earth Clan chatting together Ever since, he unceremoniously gave the opponent a compressed fireball. As a cultivation genius of the storm fire department, Huofeng's mastery of the storm fire technique is unparalleled, and the compressed fireball he used just now is almost He shot with all his strength. Obviously, he shot with all his strength this time, but he also got corresponding results. It can be said that the four god-level masters, in comparison, the sum of those who died from the Fire Clan may not be as good as Earth. The loss of the Yi family is greater now.

"Damn it, red-haired Fire Clan, don't be complacent, I want to see who is the one who died in the end!" Originally, the scene in front of him had already made Tu Yuan furious, but at this moment, Huo Feng How could he bear it even by sarcasm again?Almost instantly, he sacrificed a sledgehammer, and then greeted Huofeng unceremoniously.

"Hmph! Little fellows of the Tu Clan, I want you to know that you will have to pay a price for offending my Fire Clan for no reason." Seeing Tu Yuan's attack rushing towards him, Huo Feng did not panic and moved his hands As soon as he stretched out, a three-pointed double-edged gun surrounded by flames appeared in his hand, and after the long gun appeared, he shook his hand and greeted Tu Yuan.

Speaking of it, whether it is Tu Yuan or Huo Feng, although the two have never met before, the aura of being both god-level peak masters makes them a little jealous of each other, especially Tu Yuan. Huofeng didn't know what method he had used before, and he instantly abolished the four god-level masters of the Earth Clan. He thought he didn't have that ability, that is to say, Huofeng's cultivation was probably higher than his So a little bit, at least the combat power is higher than him.

"Clang!" Accompanied by the sound of handing over the sledgehammer and the spear, the two heavyweight figures of the Fire Clan and the Earth Clan met together at the first time, and as the two fought, the Fire Clan The god-level masters of the clan also rushed towards this side one after another, and the god-level powerhouses of the earth clan finally discovered the abnormality here, and rushed over here slowly.

"Good guy, are these two god-level peak powerhouses of the Earth Clan and the Fire Clan? This combat power is really incredible!" When Lin Yifei came here from the central holy city of the Fire Clan, following Huofeng , the first time he appeared, he saw the wonderful battle between the two.

The cultivation bases of Huo Feng and Tu Yuan are not much different, but Tu Yuan, relying on his greater advantage in strength, has knocked Huo Feng into the air several times. For a while, he with a slightly lower cultivation base actually gained the upper hand However, Huofeng's three-pointed two-edged gun is also extremely powerful. It can be said that if the two of them really fight, they don't know how long it will last!

"Huh! The god-level masters of the Fire Clan will arrive soon, and the strong men of the Earth Clan are not far away. It seems that this time, the god-level masters of both sides will come into contact on a large scale." Lin Yifei They rushed all the way, but found that the god-level masters of the Fire Clan are rushing towards this side at a high speed, and I believe they will arrive in a short time, and the god-level masters of the Earth Clan have been scattered around the periphery of this area for a long time.

"Huh? There are four wounded?" Just as Lin Yifei was watching the battle between Tu Yuan and Huo Feng, his peripheral vision suddenly swept to the ground not far away, where the four wounded seemed to be about to die. The lost god-level master had completely passed out at this time, but Lin Yifei felt the aura of a god-level master right away.

"Could it be Huofeng's doing? This guy is too fast! It's really extraordinary to get rid of four god-level masters so quickly!" Lin Yifei came a step late, but he didn't see Huofeng showing his supernatural power. .However, it doesn't matter if you see it or not, it's better to come early than to come by coincidence, but he couldn't be happier to see four dying god-level masters at this moment.

"Hehe, okay! Well done, if you fight hard, you'd better be disabled, as long as you have some breath left, don't beat yourself to death." Speaking of which, Lin Yifei came here this time because he wanted to take advantage of the opponent's death. When the god-level masters are rushing to get some benefits, and the situation in front of him is the situation he wants to see the most.

"Since everything is prepared for me, there is no reason for me not to accept it!" Seeing no one around, the only middle-stage god-level master moved at this moment with the shift of the battlefield between Tu Yuan and Huo Feng However, he completely regarded the four people not far away as dead people. How could Lin Yifei be polite? With a flash of his figure, he carefully touched the four disabled people.

Regardless of who has more advantages, the Earth Clan or the Fire Clan, in short, Lin Yifei is about to reap four god-level puppets. Speaking of which, he is off to a good start!
(End of this chapter)

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