Chapter 581 Great Harvest

In the flying snow space, Lin Yifei was quietly hanging cross-legged in the air, but there was a hint of joy on his face at this moment.

Three god-level puppets, two middle-level god-level puppets, and one early-level god-level puppets are not small gains. However, it is not these that really make Lin Yifei feel gratified, but that after refining Huoyu, he received The fire control technique obtained, Meteor Fire Sea.Although he hadn't had time to study it in depth, Lin Yifei knew that this sea of ​​meteors and flames would definitely be used in the future after just looking at it roughly.

"Phew, a god-level mid-term master will benefit me more. However, the biggest gain this time is the Meteor Sea of ​​Fire. It seems that Huo Yu's understanding of fire is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Comparable." After refining two mid-stage god-level masters and an early-stage peak master, Lin Yifei felt that his primordial spirit was much stronger. Some, but almost the same.

"This fire rain can't be released anymore. As for this earth is really fierce! It's fine to stay in the flying snow space. There are three or two people missing on the battlefield. No one will notice it. Let them go when the time comes. Going out can relieve some pressure for the Fire Clan." Huo Yu has now become a key figure, with such a powerful move as Meteor Huo Hai, Lin Yifei doesn't want him to go out and take risks. A good choice, and as for the other two, of course they stayed to keep him company, who made them a group before!Although it is a hostile group.

"It seems to be speeding up. The situation outside seems to be bad. I'm afraid the Fire Clan won't be able to last long. I believe the leader of the Fire Clan will be here soon!" Lin Yifei found out, In the short time he spent refining the three of Huo Yu, the Fire Clan already had several god-level masters stretched thin, and within half an hour, they were bound to be defeated by the other party, and by that time, the Huo Clan chief would There is no reason not to show up.Therefore, he must seize the time, take advantage of this opportunity to refine a few more people, and strive to raise their cultivation to the highest level.

Thinking of this, Lin Yifei no longer hesitated, and with a slight movement in his mind, he once again left the Flying Snow Space, and then set his eyes on a group of four people on the battlefield. At the early stage of the god level, the four masters of the early stage of the god level are nothing more than a phantom sword move.With his current cultivation base, coupled with the mystery of the Sky Sword Art, it is a piece of cake for the four god-level early stages.Almost without the slightest resistance from the opponent, his sneak attack succeeded again, and then he released the four of them as quickly as possible, and then went to sneak attack others.

In this way, because Lin Yifei needs speed, every time he finds the god-level early-stage people who are far away from each other to attack, and then refines them like lightning, and then releases the opponent. This kind of one-stop operation is very efficient. scary.In just a short time, Lin Yifei refined all the god-level early-stage masters of the earth and fire races, and among them were several god-level early-stage masters.

Speaking of which, everyone's battlefields are far apart. When a group of opponents in the distance disappears, someone may find it, but even if they find it, they may not have the time and energy to manage it. When they want to investigate At the time, the person who disappeared appeared again, and then continued to fight. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. In this way, no one would be suspicious.

Less than half an hour later, Lin Yifei finally stopped his refining project, and by this time, the number of god-level masters of the earth and fire races he had refined had reached fifty, of which There were 45 people in the early stage of the god level, and five people in the middle stage of the god level. If people from other ethnic groups who had been refined before were included, there were nearly 70 god level puppets in Lin Yifei's hands at this time.

"Phew! Be content and happy, but it's time to stop." In the Flying Snow Space, after Lin Yifei waved again and threw the three middle-stage god-level masters out, he didn't leave the Flying Snow Space again, but directly Sitting cross-legged, he let out a soft breath.

Fifty god-level masters, although most of them are in the early stage of the god-level, but the number is large enough, so after refining these people, Lin Yifei's cultivation has reached the peak of a true god-man, even if he is an outsider The Tu Yuan and Huo Feng of his are probably a little behind him.Of course, there is no accurate standard for the so-called peak god level, because at this stage, as long as the primordial spirit is strengthened, it is equivalent to the cultivation base is strengthened. Before comprehending the law, this is a process of accumulation. This process can be infinitely long until the day when the law is truly understood.

"This time it can be said to be a bumper harvest. With the addition of these fifty god-level puppets, I can safely and boldly run amok in this five-element space. I believe that even if I meet a patriarch-level master, nearly seventy A god-level master must be enough for him to be busy for a while!" The puppets refined by the puppet technique are absolutely impossible to disobey any orders from their masters. Even if Lin Yifei forces them to attack their patriarch, they will eventually have to obey orders. Said that these seventy god-level puppets are Lin Yifei's most loyal thugs. Of course, in an emergency, he can use their energy for his own use at will, ensuring that his energy will never be exhausted.

"I don't know how the two clones are doing now. Thinking about the rapid improvement of the main body, their cultivation should have already broken through to the late stage of the god level!" Thinking of this, Lin Yifei thought about it, and the ice clone and the soil clone were Immediately appeared in front of Lin Yifei, and just as he thought, the two avatars at this time had already possessed powerful cultivation at the late stage of the god level. Obviously, the improvement of the main body also led to their improvement.

"Hehe, this time, the power of the three-talent formation can be improved a lot, and I can be more confident in dealing with patriarch-level masters!" Feeling the strong energy fluctuations of the two clones, Lin Yifei couldn't help feeling a little bit Wei Wei's pride, of course, but more joy, after all, the three-talented array is his only unique move that can compete with patriarch-level figures, the stronger the power, the more he can grasp the initiative.

"The Fire Clan has suffered heavy losses this time. It has been completely destroyed within a thousand miles, and countless people have died. And those masters of the Tu Clan don't know how far they have been killed right now! This time, the Fire Clan The strength of the family will drop too much." With the release of his consciousness, Lin Yifei covered the entire area with a radius of thousands of miles. , has been completely turned into ruins, and the number of people from the Fire Clan who died in it is unknown.

Also, the Tu people sent out more than 58 god-level masters this time, and the tens of thousands of monarch-level, emperor-level, and respect-level people, when they were not resisted by the god-level powerhouses, it was almost Heading towards the center of the Fire Clan as if entering no one's land, wherever they pass, those whose cultivation level is higher than that of the Immortal Monarch will be strangled by them together, and even if their cultivation level is not as high as that of the Immortal Monarch, if they hinder them, they will be killed. They will also not be soft.

Speaking of which, the Fire Clan still wants to thank Lin Yifei this time.Not to mention that Lin Yifei sent Huochen back to report the news, allowing the Fire Clan to discover the invasion of the Tu Clan early. Lin Yifei has helped the Fire Clan a lot by refining so many god-level masters into puppets.It is conceivable that if Lin Yifei hadn't refined them, then after such a long fight, how many early god-level masters of the Fire Clan would have fallen!And after being refined by him, no matter how powerful the god-level masters of the Tu tribe are, they dare not really kill each other, because this is the order of Lin Yifei, the master, and they cannot be disobeyed.

"What's the matter? They have already been killed like this, why are the patriarchs of these two clans still not showing up? In their eyes, don't these people feel distressed no matter how many people die?" Feeling the excitement on the entire battlefield Tragic, Lin Yifei couldn't help being a little puzzled.It's fine if the leader of the Tu clan doesn't show up, but why doesn't the leader of the Fire clan show up for a long time?Those who died now were all members of the Fire Clan!
"Huh? No, there is a situation!" Suddenly, Lin Yifei's consciousness froze slightly, and at this moment, Lin Yifei suddenly realized something was wrong.

"It's too quiet. There were so many masters of the Earth Clan who entered the interior of the Fire Clan before. Logically, it shouldn't be so quiet. Moreover, how do you feel that the energy fluctuations inside are getting smaller and smaller, like the masters of the Earth Clan?" It’s like decreasing sharply.” At this moment, Lin Yifei’s spiritual consciousness is already quite strong, he can feel that those not weak energy fluctuations that rushed into the Fire Clan before seem to be less and less now, and Lin Yifei can It is determined that this is not because of the distance becoming farther, but there is no other explanation for what the reason is.

"Could it be that the chief of the Fire clan took care of those intruders himself?" At this moment, Lin Yifei couldn't think of any other reason. Except for the chief of the Fire clan, he didn't know who else could repair those invaders of the Tu clan. A master who is not weak can solve it.However, is it realistic for a patriarch-level person to attack some respect-level, even emperor-level and monarch-level people?

"It doesn't matter, the puppets are almost collected anyway, so go inside and take a look." There is nothing to watch in the battles on the left and right. There are more than 70 god-level masters, and already fifty of them are his puppets. Even if there were casualties, the number would definitely not be too large, but at this moment, he was quite interested in the situation inside.

While thinking about it, Lin Yifei left the Flying Snow Space, then bypassed the battlefield here, and flew towards the inner circle of the Fire Clan.

Along the way, almost all the buildings that came into view were completely destroyed by the masters of the Tu nationality, and there were many corpses of masters who were smashed into meatloaf. They all hid, and didn't dare to come out to investigate for a while. Obviously, ordinary cultivators of the Fire Clan were a little at a loss for the presence of so many masters of the Tu Clan.

"Hey, the little fellows of the Earth Clan really hit hard enough. I really don't know how many people will die tragically after being smashed by them." Lin Yifei couldn't help but use his divine sense Scanning the ruins below, he found that many people whose cultivation level was below the monarch level were all smashed to death by the masters of the Tu tribe. Of course, no one knew whether it was intentional or not.

"Huh, it seems that there is something wrong! At this distance, I still can't feel the powerful aura of the masters of the Earth Clan. It seems that the patriarch of the Fire Clan hasn't shown up for a long time, but he is busy with other things. !" Retrieving his consciousness from the ruins below, Lin Yifei couldn't help looking up, although there was nothing unusual in what he saw, but a tragic atmosphere made Lin Yifei discover too much inappropriateness.

"Earth Clan, I'm afraid it's going to be a tragedy this time." Raising his eyebrows, Lin Yifei couldn't help sighing inwardly, and then he stopped hesitating, accelerated his feet, and instantly rushed towards the inner area of ​​the Fire Clan .As for the facts, it is useless for him to guess now, only after seeing it with his own eyes can he make a final conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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