Chapter 590 Reappearance
When Jin heard that the treasure tripod of the town clan of the earth and fire clans had disappeared, he was as shocked as the two people of earth and fire. On the contrary, there was no one in the entire five-element space. , To be able to end the Five Clans Baoding like him is very important to the Five Elements Space.

"Idiots, two simple-minded idiots!" After a moment of silence, Jin finally burst out with a loud cry, "You two trash, you can't even keep your own clan treasure, and now you still have the mood to fight here Do you know that the treasured tripod of the five clans is the root of the five elements space, without the treasure tripod, the five elements space will collapse sooner or later, why don't you go find the tripod!"

As the first one to produce spiritual wisdom in the five-element space, Jin's understanding of some things is far higher than that of the other four clan patriarchs, and only he knows the secret of the five clan Baoding.It can be said that the tripods of the Five Clans are the foundation of the five-element space. The town-clan tripods of the five clans are distributed everywhere in special positions, but they cannot be moved. As long as one of the tripods is changed, the five-element space The cycle of life will be destroyed, and the final result will be the collapse of the Five Elements Space. At that time, no one in the Five Elements Space will survive, and their five patriarchs can only return to their original forms and return to nature.

It was precisely because of knowing this that Jin became even more angry. Speaking of it, although the patriarchs of the other four clans never regarded him as the boss, and did not have any respect for him, in fact, Jin is indeed the leader of the five elements. The boss of the space is worthy of the name, because no matter what, he was born the earliest in the five elements space, and of course, he is also the one with the highest cultivation level. No, at this moment, the aura emanating from Jin's body has already made Tu Hehuo feel Heart palpitations.

At this moment, neither the original power of earth nor fire has been withdrawn from the body. However, even so, they still feel unmatched in the aura erupted by Jin Suo. As the patriarch, Jin's cultivation is so much higher, but the patriarch of the Jin clan has always been hiding something.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you go to Ding?" Seeing the two staring at him in a daze, Jin became more and more annoyed.For a long time, he has been getting along with the other patriarchs of the other four clans as an ordinary patriarch, but he has never shown a strong side. At this moment, he knows that he has to come forward. It's not just about this family, it's a major event for the entire Five Elements Space. As the real No.1 of the Five Elements Space, he must intervene.

Hearing Jin's roar, Huo and Tu's expressions shook, and then both of them subconsciously withdrew their original power, and immediately looked at each other, but they both saw disbelief in each other's eyes.Obviously, none of them thought that the patriarch of the Jin clan was so strong, and after listening to the other party's reprimand, they didn't feel too much unacceptable.

"But... But, where are we going to find Baoding?" After a moment of stunned, it was Tu who asked first. For some reason, when Jin completely broke out, he felt very convinced, unconsciously. Yes, he lowered his status and asked respectfully.And when he opened his mouth to ask, Huo also turned his attention to Jin, as if he was also waiting for the other party's answer.

Hearing the words of the soil, Jin took a deep breath, then closed his eyes slightly, but began to perceive in all directions.For about half a minute, while Tu and Huo waited anxiously, Jin finally opened his eyes. However, judging from his appearance, the result did not seem to be very good.

"The treasure tripod of the earth and fire clans has completely lost its breath, and even I can't sense it. You two will go to the wood clan and the water clan. For the time being, let me put down your sad enmity. Look at the situation of these two clans, and tell your people not to fight anymore, the five-element space is already extremely unstable, if the load is too heavy, it may collapse soon."

After pondering for a while, Jin spoke solemnly to the two of them, but after hearing his words, Earth and Fire did not hesitate at all, and immediately followed Jin's words. People have lost their minds now, and it may be more beneficial for them to follow Jin's arrangement.

After the two left, Jin didn't walk away immediately, his brows were tightly frowned, and he couldn't help talking to himself.

"Who did it? The tripods of the five clans are inherently immovable. Who could steal them? Without the tripods of the two clans, the space of the five elements will collapse sooner or later! Hey, I hope You can find it in the end!" With a long sigh, Jin also disappeared in place.The treasure tripods of the earth and fire clans were stolen, but he wanted to go back to his gold clan to have a look. No matter what, nothing happened to the tripods of his gold clan, otherwise, three tripods would be missing, and the five elements I'm afraid the space is really going to end.

In a lush green mountain forest, on top of a towering giant tree, a small dust quietly lies on a thick branch, but inside the dust, there is another world.

In a spacious area of ​​the Feixue space, Lin Yifei stared at him with a smile on his face behind his hands, and in front of him, a dark red tripod, just like the previous Tu nationality Baoding, was devouring the space in the Feixue space. The unique gray gas, and as more and more gray gas is added, the dark red tripod grows a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it doesn't stop until it is about the same size as the current Tu nationality tripod. Growing momentum.

"Phew, Baoding of the Fire Clan, I finally got you. This time, I have to thank the chief of the Tu Clan. If it wasn't for him to hold back the chief of the Fire Clan, I'm afraid it would be impossible to get you so easily! "Looking at the continuous overflowing fire energy, Lin Yifei's heart was filled with endless joy.These are the purest fire energy, and with the addition of these fire energy, the aura in the flying snow space will undoubtedly become more intense.

Of course, these are trivial things. What Lin Yifei really values ​​is the treasure of the Fire Clan itself. This thing is the treasure of each clan of the Five Elements Clan. In the tripod, he will realize the existence of the Five Elements Law.However, at the moment, what makes Lin Yifei excited is not the unattainable law. With this fire clan treasure tripod, his divine fire avatar can be reproduced, and this is what he has to consider right now.

"With such pure fire energy, the Shenhuo avatar is condensed with these energies, but I don't know how many times stronger than the previous Shenhuo avatar! It seems that the remaining two avatars must be reserved for Shenhuo. There's only one clone." Rubbing his chin lightly, Lin Yifei began to think about it.

"At the moment, there are enough people in the Sancai Formation, but I don't know if I should condense the Shenhuo avatar at this time. In other words, one more avatar is equivalent to an extra life for me. It is not a big deal to condense it earlier. Wrong thing." The Shenhuo avatar has to be condensed at any time, it is the same when it is condensed early and late, but it should be sooner rather than later. After all, if one more avatar comes out, it will be able to have one more back-up at the critical moment, just like before. Just like the Earth Clan blew up their avatar, if it wasn't for the original Shenhuo avatar to blew up, it would be very difficult for him to escape.

Of course, condensing the avatar does not mean that it can be condensed. Lin Yifei has not forgotten the tearing pain when condensing the soil avatar before, the pain that can make him faint, to be honest, he really is. I don't want to feel it anymore, but when the clone of the soil was condensed, his cultivation base was not as high as it is now, and if he splits his mind at this time, the painful feeling will definitely be worse than before.

"Hey! The phantom technique can condense four clones. Now I have the ice clone and the soil clone. It seems that the sooner the remaining two are condensed, the better. Otherwise, when my soul and baby become more and more The more stable it is, the more difficult it will be at that time, and the pain I have to endure, I'm afraid it will become more and more intense!"

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yifei finally decided that it would be better for him to have all the avatars before the current Yuanshen and Yuanying could not be separated. No matter how you say it, it would be of great benefit to him. As for paying some pain, it is inevitable.Of course, with the previous experience, it's not unacceptable to do it again.

"I was too careless last time, but I didn't take any preparations, which led to me almost fainting later. This time, I have to prepare well. At least, I need to prepare more for this gray gas. When you are awake, it can be used to wake you up." Speaking of which, this gray gas has many functions, among which the effect of recovering injuries is the most obvious, but the effect of calming the soul and stabilizing the mind is also very significant. Swallowing some gray gas from time to time, the situation will be much better.

Just do what you say, since you have already made a decision, Lin Yifei has nothing to hesitate, this is the Flying Snow Space, and no one will disturb him. Forget, there is still a "teacher" waiting in the Feixue space, and as long as the Shenhuo clone is [-]%, you can immediately learn Huoyu's Meteor Fire Sea.

In this way, after making a decision, Lin Yifei began to prepare seriously, and the project to reproduce the Shenhuo avatar finally started.

Lin Yifei didn't do this once or twice to condense the avatar. Counting the self-destructed avatar, Lin Yifei had already done this three times, and once again, he was familiar with the process. The first step was to condense the body of the avatar. In terms of his current cultivation base, it didn't take much effort at all. With the tyranny of his soul at the moment, using phantom to create a body is just a piece of cake.

However, Lin Yifei had to be careful and dignified in the subsequent splitting of the gods, and so far, he finally began to endure that inhuman pain again.

Time passed slowly under Lin Yifei's torment. The process of splitting the gods was as painful as usual, even worse. Fortunately, Lin Yifei had prepared beforehand, but he was constantly devouring the gray gas from the outside to relieve the pain. But even so, after experiencing wave after wave of pain, he was still drenched in sweat, and his face was frighteningly pale.

One day, the whole day, Lin Yifei was suffering in this kind of pain, and with the last muffled sound, the most difficult step of the phantom technique was finally taken care of by him. Split from his Yuanshen Yuanying.

"Huh, it's dead, it's dead, if this happens a few more times, it will definitely kill me!" Lying on the ground without any image, Lin Yifei kept swallowing the gray gas he had prepared in advance. , in order to relieve the piercing pain after splitting the spirit, fortunately, the gray gas is really powerful, as more gas is inhaled by him, the pain in the primordial spirit really eased a lot.

Soon, Lin Yifei returned to normal again, and then, the last step of fusion finally started to work.

The fusion process is simple but not difficult, and soon, a gratified smile appeared on Lin Yifei's slightly pale face. At the same time, a dark red Divine Fire clone , also suddenly flashed out from the Baoding of the Fire Clan, and slowly fell in front of Lin Yifei.

The divine fire avatar has reappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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