Chapter 613 Difficulties
From the few words of the patriarch of the Jin clan, Lin Yifei can feel that the five treasured tripods of the Five Elements clan are fundamentally important items left by the so-called Father God to maintain the existence of the entire Five Elements space. Four of them were transferred to the Flying Snow Space by him, and the Five Elements Space was at a critical moment.

To be honest, if Lin Yifei knew about such consequences from the very beginning, then he would definitely seriously consider whether he wanted to take the tripod of the Five Clans as his own. Leading to the collapse of the Five Elements Space, more than ten million people died. If so many people died because of this, then his karma would be enough to make his future cultivation difficult. Of course, aside from this, it is only because of himself Countless people lost their lives, which is absolutely not what Lin Yifei wants to see.

However, now things have happened, and the situation of the Five Elements Space is in front of him. He moved the tripod of the four clans, and even if he wanted to put it back, he didn't know what to do. After all, the tripod of the five clans in the past was bound to have A special way of arrangement, and he is not the real Godfather, he really has no ability to put Baoding back intact.

"Hey, I accidentally made such a big mistake. Now, how can I fix it?" The matter is already clear, the five clans' tripods have shifted, and the collapse of the five elements space is inevitable. For a long time, right now, how to save the lives of thousands of people is the first problem that Lin Yifei has to solve.

The issue of the lives of tens of millions of people needs to be resolved, but the patriarch of the Jin clan is still kneeling in front of him. This problem has to be resolved first. Obviously, the other party at this time does not know yet. Bao Ding was basically taken away by him, but he thought it was stolen by others.

"Heh, don't worry about Jin'er. Except for one of the five clans' tripods, the other four are all taken away by my father, and they are not lost." With a soft smile, Lin Yifei continued: " My Father God has already felt the situation of the Five Elements Space, as for how to arrange it, my Father God has his own discretion, but you don’t have to worry about it.”

For the current plan, Lin Yifei can only stabilize the one in front of him first. As for how to save the Five Elements Space, this can be discussed later. For a while, he really couldn't think of a good idea.

"What? Baoding was taken away by Father God?" Hearing Lin Yifei's words, Jin suddenly raised his head, but there was a very obvious look of doubt on his face. Obviously, he really wanted to know what Lin Yifei's purpose was for doing this , and at this moment, if Lin Yifei hadn't already used the force of the universe, he might have to doubt Lin Yifei's true identity again.

The tripods of the Five Clans were created by the Father God himself to maintain the operation of the Five Elements World, but now Lin Yifei has taken them back. Isn't it obvious that the entire Five Elements World will be destroyed?Jin didn't understand what kind of reason could be more important than the existence of the entire Five Elements World.

"Cough, don't worry! How to deal with the matter of the five elements space, I have my own discretion. Now, let's go and see the treasure tripod of the Jin clan first!" Seeing Jin's eyes full of doubts, Lin Yifei said It was because he couldn't give him a definite answer, because up to now, he hadn't figured out a solution to the problem at all.

"But, Father God is great"

"Okay, don't need to say too much, how should I deal with it? Does God Father want you to teach me?" Seeing that Jin wanted to say more, Lin Yifei frowned, and directly interrupted what the other party was going to say next. Now is the time when your head is dizzy, how can you have the time to answer so many questions from the other party?At this moment, he urgently needs a quiet environment to relax himself, and then think seriously.

"Yes, Father God, please. The Jin Clan Baoding is right in front." Seeing Lin Yifei's displeasure, Jin didn't say much. Speaking of which, they had an almost blind trust in their Father God , since Lin Yifei said that there is a solution, there is no need for him to follow blindly. Everything is decided by Lin Yifei, the father god, and he just needs to do his job well.

After Lin Yifei finished speaking, he snorted coldly, and walked towards the location of the Baoding of the Jin clan. He was already very familiar with the aura released by the Baoding, so he could easily find the direction without the other party's guidance. .

After Lin Yifei walked away, Jin's figure immediately changed from a child's to an adult's, but there was an unpredictable expression on his face.

"Jin, what do you mean by what you said to Father God just now? Is it true that the five-element space is about to collapse?" Not waiting for Jin's figure to follow Lin Yifei forward, Huo flashed in front of Jin in an instant, and immediately He asked with a serious face, but after his question was answered, the remaining three people also rushed to them immediately, and then looked at Jin with disbelief, waiting for his answer.

The figure was blocked, but Jin had to stop temporarily, but after hearing the question of fire, Jin couldn't help shaking his head lightly, and then said bitterly: "Have you not discovered the abnormality of the space? Look Come on, you are just following God the Father, but you don’t think about anything!" As he said that, he bent his palms into a knife and lightly stroked the space on one side, a dark space Cracks appeared next to several people, but after finishing all this, Jin didn't delay any longer, and followed Lin Yifei in the direction he was going in a flash.

After Jin left, the remaining four people all looked at the space crack in front of them, and with the passage of time, the four finally discovered the abnormality, the space crack that can usually be restored to perfection in the blink of an eye, this time But it couldn't heal for a long time. It took almost half a minute before the cracks in the space slowly closed. However, it was obvious that this space felt more fragile.

"Is this five-element space so unstable? When did this happen?" Staring blankly at a shallow space depression left after the space crack disappeared, Huo's face was full of unhappiness. I can't believe it, but although the other three didn't say anything, their expressions were like fire. Obviously, they didn't feel it. Unknowingly, the Five Elements Space has reached such a point.

Speaking of which, Lin Yifei and Lin Yifei rushed here before, but they didn't use all their strength at all, but they didn't feel much about the changes in space. Unlike Lin Yifei, he used all his strength to rush here, and in the limit state, it is easy to Then you can feel the abnormality of the space and discover the essential changes of the space.

Sensing the huge changes in the Five Elements Space, the faces of the four patriarch-level masters were all solemn for a moment. At this moment, they felt the seriousness of the matter, and, faintly, from the conversation between Lin Yifei and Jin, they could still feel the seriousness of the matter. , This great change in the Five Elements Space seems to be related to Lin Yifei taking away their treasure tripod. For a while, they were even more puzzled by Lin Yifei's approach.

Leaving aside the wood, water, fire, and earth who stayed in place, they talked about Lin Yifei and Jin.

Lin Yifei, who was thinking about his thoughts, hurried all the way, and soon saw the golden tripod of the Jin family, but he should have been very excited this time, but this time he didn't show any excitement. For the first time, there was a sigh full of emotion and helplessness in his heart.

"Hey! Baoding of the Five Elements Clan, this time, you have given me a big problem!" His eyes were fixed on the last Baoding, but Lin Yifei did not go forward for a long time. I don't know why, when he saw Wuzu Baoding again, he lost a lot of interest, and instead felt a little more pressure.

"Father, there is only this tripod of the five clans left. If we move this last tripod, the entire five-element space will collapse in an instant." Jin's figure quickly followed, and seeing Before Lin Yifei got close to Baoding, he couldn't help reminding him.Now that Lin Yifei has already taken away the treasured tripods of the four clans, it is entirely possible that he will get overwhelmed and take away the last tripod. By that time, they are afraid that they will all be unlucky, so, at the risk of being caught He still reminded Lin Yifei about the risk of scolding.

"You don't need to remind me, doesn't God Father know?" Hearing Jin's reminder, Lin Yifei snorted without turning his head, and then continued: "Do you still remember when God Father told you before he left? everything of?"

Lin Yifei's voice was a bit cold, but it seemed to be blaming the other party, but when he heard Lin Yifei's question, Jin was taken aback. He didn't dare to speculate on Lin Yifei's thoughts, so after Lin Yifei's voice fell, he Then he hurriedly knelt down and said, "Jin'er remembers that Father God asked Jin'er to take good care of the treasure tripods of each tribe, and to control the number of people of each tribe within a certain range, and not to develop too fast, so as not to increase the burden on the Five Elements Space, Jin'er All of them are doing according to the instructions of God the Father, and the number of people in the Five Elements Space has always been controlled within the standard, as long as there are too many people, Jin'er will reduce the number of people by means of war."

Of course, he remembered clearly the instructions of Father God when he left, but when Lin Yifei asked about it, he gave a reasonable and well-founded answer.

"So it turns out that the melee in the Five Elements Space was actually to reduce the number of people. No wonder there will be a battle after a while. I just feel sorry for those who participated in the battle. I'm afraid I won't understand until the end of my life why I died! "Lin Yifei just asked casually. He thought, since the patriarch of the Jin clan is more intimate with the so-called father god, then before the father god leaves, he should have a special explanation to him. Unexpectedly, It was really asked by him, no, if the other party didn't tell, Lin Yifei really didn't know that the melee in the Five Elements Space was actually for decompression.

"En? Decompression? By the way, I can find a way to decompress the five-element space!" Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Lin Yifei's mind, but it was finally captured by Lin Yifei. At this moment, Lin Yifei seemed to be He thought of a possible feasible method, and if this method is feasible, not only the problem of the Five Elements Space can be solved, but he may also get some benefits.

"It seems that we really need to think about it seriously." Lin Yifei narrowed his eyes slightly, resting his chin with one hand, but began to meditate.

(End of this chapter)

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