Chapter 62

As the sun sets and the moon rises, three days pass by without people noticing, and the competition for the places to enter the secret realm has come to an end for the time being.

For cultivators, black sky and daytime are simply the same concept. Therefore, the battle on Yanwu Peak has not stopped for a moment in the past three days. After three days of competition, the 120 people have been reduced by half, and the remaining 60 people , but some rely on strength, and some rely on luck, and finally come to this step.

However, it is undeniable that sometimes, luck is also a part of strength, and it is a very critical part.

For those who were eliminated in the first round, many of them may not be good at learning, but some of them were unlucky and drew too strong opponents.For example, Lin Yifei and Han Xueer's opponents are very strong, but unfortunately, the people they met were stronger than them, so they had to accept their fate.

However, those who advanced did not just sit back and relax, because there was an even more intense competition waiting for them, and those who were lucky enough to advance, whether they could continue their luck, depended on God's will.

Among the 60 people who advanced this time, 33 people were in the distraction stage, and the remaining 27 people were all at the peak cultivation level in the late stage of leaving the body. There will be another 30 people who will be eliminated in the first battle a day later, and the last remaining With 30 people, you can follow those top sects, enter the secret realm together, and seek their own opportunities. …

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and everything is silent. On an attic in the first rest area of ​​Kunlun Mountain, two young people cuddle up to each other, watching the moon in the sky quietly.

The moon tonight was unusually bright and round, and the two snuggled up on the attic were fascinated by it before they knew it.

The bright moon, the attic, the lover, the moonlight... A warm and romantic picture seems to be frozen in this moment, and it seems that there are only these four things left in the whole world.

For a long time, a sweet female voice spread like the sound of nature, adding vitality to this silent world.

"Yifei, what are you thinking?"

"I miss home, I miss my father and mother, and my brother."…

Just these two sentences, after that, the world became quiet again.

The two sitting here are of course Lin Yifei and Han Xueer.

Unlike others, the two of them cultivated much higher than others, and did not need to rest and adjust, so the two of them came to a private meeting for a month to enjoy the moonlight together.

Originally, the two looked at the moon with a very peaceful mood, just as if they were in a picture scroll, but such a warm atmosphere reminded Lin Yifei of his childhood unconsciously.

At that time, he also liked watching the moon, but he was lying on the bed, playing with the moon while listening to his mother's stories.

Later, he still liked the moon, but under the moonlight, he watched his father perform martial arts while complaining to the moon.

Later, on a rainy night, his moon was shattered, and since then, he has never appreciated the moon again, because what the moon brought him was endless pain.

Slowly, Han Xueer, who was embraced by Lin Yifei, felt a sense of sadness that she had never felt before. This feeling was very sad. Being in it, Han Xueer even had the urge to cry. She looked up to see Lin Yifei, however, found that Lin Yifei's face was so lonely and painful. He knew that Lin Yifei must have something sad that he didn't want to share with him. At first, she didn't want to ask, but Lin Yifei's painful appearance made her feel very distressed. She wanted to Share this pain with Lin Yifei.

"Yifei, do you still treat me as an outsider?"

This time, the quiet atmosphere didn't last long, and Han Xueer's voice came again.However, there was a bit of resentment.

Lin Yifei looked down at Han Xueer, those big watery eyes were already foggy.

Lin Yifei felt a pain in his heart, he couldn't bear Han Xueer's charming appearance, and before he knew it, the strength on his arm increased slightly, making Han Xueer's body fit even tighter.

"Xue'er, what are you talking about, you are my dearest relative in this world, how can I treat you as an outsider?"

"But, you have something on your mind to hide from me, why don't you tell me?"


Lin Yifei was at a loss for words, he did have something on his mind, but he didn't want Han Xueer to know about these things. In other words, he didn't want Han Xueer to bear this pain with him. Han Xueer is innocent and shouldn't be entangled in these pains and hatred. I want Han Xueer to live in joy and happiness.

After being silent for a while, Lin Yifei said sadly: "Xue'er, there are some things that I don't want you to know. It's not that I treat you as an outsider, but these things will only bring pain to people. It's better to have pain than both of you. It’s good for me to be alone, can you understand?”

"No, I want to know that even if it is pain, I will bear it with you. Whether it is happiness or pain, I will be with you. Your suffering is my suffering, and my happiness is your happiness. !" As soon as Lin Yifei finished speaking, Han Xueer immediately took it and replied in an unquestionable tone.

This time, Lin Yifei had nothing to say.

Han Xueer's big clear eyes stared straight at him like this, as if to show her firmness and unyieldingness.Of course, Lin Yifei understood Han Xueer's thoughts, but he had no way to hide it anymore, and secretly blamed himself for being careless, showing the pain buried deep in his heart in front of Han Xueer, but he had no choice.

Slowly pressing Han Xueer's head against his chest, Lin Yifei's voice reached Han Xueer's ears again.

"Before I was eight years old, I lived in a big family, where there were my father, mother, and elder brother"

Gradually, Han Xueer has fully integrated into the beautiful life of a family of four described by Lin Yifei. She seems to have seen Lin Yifei's naughty and cute appearance when he was a child. The story, follow the father to practice martial arts clumsily

The picture changed, a child less than ten years old was wandering on the street, with no warm clothes, no food, and being looked down upon by others all day long, living a life like a beggar
A stern young man dressed in rags, seeking revenge from thousands of miles away, challenged the top masters in the secular world, defeated the sword god, and slashed the sword god, but in the end he got nothing

Han Xueer just listened quietly like this, unconsciously, the skirt of Lin Yifei's chest was completely soaked, but it was Han Xueer's tears that burst the embankment.

Han Xueer really didn't expect that such a sad past was still hidden in Lin Yifei's heart, and she even didn't expect that Lin Yifei's childhood would be so miserable. An orphan, Lin Yifei was an orphan, or an orphan who had a blood feud, she I really can't imagine how Lin Yifei survived for so many years.

Lin Yifei's story has been told, but Han Xueer's tears are still flowing.

"Yifei, I will always be by your side, and I will never leave you alone again."

Hearing Han Xueer's promise-like words, Lin Yifei's heart warmed, but he was moved by Han Xueer's thoughtfulness.After coming to the realm of self-cultivation, the person he had the most contact with was Han Xueer. After worshiping under the Qingfeng Pavilion, although there were many more brothers and sisters, they were all focused on cultivation, and they were not familiar with each other. Master, I didn't spend much time with Lin Yifei. As time passed, Han Xueer had already occupied the most important position in Lin Yifei's heart.

Using his arms hard, Lin Yifei hugged Han Xueer even tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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