Chapter 620 Overthrow (three more, more later)
In Feixue Space, in the house built by Han Xueer and Liang Hong, in a small wooden house, Lin Yifei quietly looked at Shui Mengluo who was sitting cross-legged on the bed in front of him, with a light mask on his face. smile.On the other hand, the latter, at the moment, is slightly closing her eyes, as if closing her eyes to rest her mind, but Lin Yifei knows that Shui Mengluo at this moment is simply pretending to be indifferent, but her heart is at this moment. It's quite restless.

"Hey, no matter what, I finally got this girl here. Xue'er and Xiaohong didn't act too aggressively, and it finally settled my concern." After returning from the outside , Lin Yifei asked Han Xueer and Liang Hong to return to the room, and he personally took Shui Mengluo to find a room and arranged for the other party to rest. , but it is not so easy to recover. It is true that she should let her rest for a while. As for the good relationship with Han Xueer and Liang Hong, there is no need to rush for a while. Moreover, later, Lin Yifei will have to talk to Han Xueer and Liang Hong alone. But it's not good to speak in front of Shui Mengluo.

"Meng Luo, during this period of time, you can cultivate here for the time being, and you don't have to think about the rest. If you have any questions, please let me know in the sea of ​​consciousness, or call Xue'er and Xiaohong, I will help you. There are still some things to deal with, and I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you for the time being."

After pondering for a long time, Lin Yifei finally spoke.He still has to deal with the affairs of the Five Elements Space outside, obviously he doesn't have that much time to spend with her, but before leaving, he wants to say hello to her.

"Are you going to leave now?" Hearing Lin Yifei's words, Shui Mengluo immediately opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, but her eyes were full of reluctance.She just saw Lin Yifei just now, but before she got close to Lin Yifei, he was about to leave again, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.Moreover, after meeting Han Xueer and Liang Hong before, she also understood that it might not be so easy to get close to Lin Yifei in the future.

"Well, something has happened in the Five Elements Space, and I need to deal with it. It has been delayed for a long time, but I have to go out and have a look." Lin Yifei did not tell Shui Mengluo about the outside world in detail. How to deal with the matter of space is still in the stage of conception, and it is useless to talk to Shui Mengluo whether to talk about it or not, and it will only increase the other party's worries.

"Mengluo, you can rest here for the time being! I will come back to accompany you when I finish my work outside. Also, Xueer and Xiaohong are easy to get along with, so you don't have to worry too much. I was so bored, I went to talk to them, both of them are not as good as you, but if there is anything, you can protect them."

Lin Yifei also understands that what Shui Mengluo needs most at this time is his company, but he obviously doesn't have the time, and he can't do that, after all, there are two people watching him outside, if he stays alone If you accompany this one in front of you, then those two will definitely be sad, thinking that he likes the new and dislikes the old.

"Master, Meng Luo is a little scared!" After hearing Lin Yifei's words, Shui Mengluo got up from the bed suddenly, and then, in a flash, she came to Lin Yifei's approach, and finally threw herself into Lin Yifei's arms without hesitation .

For a long time, among the water clan, Shui Mengluo has always been superior, even the patriarch of the water clan dotes on her, but she has never felt so helpless like now.After breaking away from the Water Clan, she put everything on Lin Yifei, but she didn't expect that Lin Yifei had two wives beside her. Such a situation turned all her good wishes into a fantasy.

"Hey, you!" Stretching his hand around Shui Mengluo's slender waist, Lin Yifei felt a little helpless, and he knew very well that with Shui Mengluo's identity and the current situation, the other party would definitely be a little confused.However, no one can help her in this kind of confusion. Perhaps, time will solve everything. As long as she is given enough time to adapt, then one day, she will fully adapt to the situation here. Liang Hong's relationship is bound to become more and more harmonious.

"Let's rest here for the time being! After a while, there will be a big move here. If you feel lonely, you can go out to help." Lin Yifei held Shui Mengluo's slender waist with one hand, but Lin Yifei's other hand Unknowingly, it reached into Shui Mengluo's long water-blue hair, and gently comforted her.

Shui Mengluo's hair is much longer than Han Xue'er and Liang Hong's, and it may be because she is a member of the Shui tribe. Her hair is also softer. Speaking of it, Lin Yifei really likes the hair like this one very much. Lin Yifei felt a little strange when he was stroking the hair of Han Xueer and Liang Hong, but now it was Shui Mengluo. Anyway, it was a different person this time.

Feeling Lin Yifei's gentle comfort, Shui Mengluo's restless heartbeat slowly calmed down.Shui Mengluo knows that her position in Lin Yifei's heart is not as important as his two wives, but it is undeniable that Lin Yifei is slowly accepting her, from the helplessness at the beginning, to being moved later, and finally to With love and pity now, the situation is getting better little by little.

"Master, can Mengluo become your Taoist companion?" After pondering for a moment, Shui Mengluo suddenly raised her head from Lin Yifei's arms, and then asked softly.She asked this question a little abruptly, as if she had asked it out of nowhere, as if she hadn't thought it through carefully.

"Uh! Become my Taoist partner?" Shui Mengluo's sudden question made Lin Yifei a little dazed for a while, obviously, he didn't expect the other party to ask such a question at this time.

"As long as you want, then you can always stay by my side." Seeing Shui Mengluo staring at him bewilderedly, Lin Yifei couldn't help laughing bitterly from the bottom of his heart, and then he gave his answer.Although he didn't say it directly, his meaning is very obvious. Taoist couple is just a title, let the other party stay by his side all the time, I think this is equivalent to his promise!
"Mengluo is willing, Mengluo is willing to stay by the master's side forever." Hearing Lin Yifei's answer, Shui Mengluo couldn't help showing a gratified smile on her face, but then she stood up suddenly and looked at Lin Yifei's face fiercely. Lips kissed.

The situation of the Water Clan has created Shui Mengluo's personality of daring to love and hate. Now that the decision has been made, there is no need to shrink back. What's more, she has already devoted all she has to Lin Yifei.

Lin Yifei was taken aback for a moment with the cold cherry lips stuck to his mouth. He never thought that Shui Mengluo would be so bold. Although he had helped her import the force of the universe mouth to mouth before to save someone, but At that time, the other party was in a coma, and the situation was urgent, but he had no other thoughts, but now, the cherry lips sent by the other party made him feel a little strange.

"This girl is quite bold, but her skills are too poor." Lin Yifei couldn't help laughing inwardly when he felt that his mouth was covered with cherry lips that he didn't know how to kiss, and then, he was With a sudden force on his arm, he tightened the opponent's figure into his arms, but he began to guide the opponent, learning and enjoying at the same time.

"Woo!" Lin Yifei increased his strength suddenly, but Shui Mengluo couldn't help snorting, and feeling Lin Yifei's enthusiastic response, Shui Mengluo became a little nervous at this time, this was her first kiss, as for the last time She didn't know anything about what happened after the coma.

Lin Yifei's big hand that kept walking on her back, and the tongue that guided her to make various gestures, made her feel hot, but this kind of feeling made her only use more intense movements. Unknowingly, her small hands also began to caress Lin Yifei's body indiscriminately.

"Hiss! This girl is testing my concentration!" Feeling Shui Mengluo's increasingly proficient little tongue sticking into his mouth, and those little hands fumbling around his body, Lin Yifei There was also a sudden burst of evil fire in his lower abdomen. Although he had fought with Han Xueer and Liang Hong before, to be honest, he really had a feeling that he still had something to say. After all, the two women's cultivation bases were limited, but he was Don't dare go too far.

"Master, Mengluo is so hot!" Shui Mengluo finally couldn't stand being touched by Lin Yifei's whole body, and Shui Mengluo finally lifted up her thin gauze skirt, revealing the obscenity under the gauze skirt. Clothes, and pieces of smooth white.

"Hiss, I'm going to die!" Suddenly there was no barrier, Lin Yifei's hands directly touched Shui Mengluo's radiant skin, and at this moment, he also discovered that the other party's little hands were actually helping He undressed, obviously, Shui Mengluo was emotional at this time.

Lin Yifei can endure any kind of pain, but as a human being, the most primitive desire is the real test for him.Shui Mengluo gave everything to him wholeheartedly, but he couldn't say that he had no affection for Shui Mengluo. If there was no affection, it would be impossible for him to treat each other like he is now.

"What should I do? Do you want this girl?" Although he was on the verge of losing control, Lin Yifei's thoughts had not completely lost control.He directly dealt with the other party, but there was nothing to say, because after all, the other party was determined to follow him, and this step would have to be taken sooner or later, but at this time, he was a little worried. After all, Han Xueer and Liang Hong, two daughters, this Shi Ke was waiting for him in the room not far away.

"This time, I really made a problem for myself!" Lin Yifei sighed in his heart, but his hands and mouth still didn't stop.

"Master!" Just as Lin Yifei's exclamation had just ended, Shui Mengluo had already untied his clothes, and her own gauze skirt was also taken off by her at this moment, a proud pair of peaks , but it was completely displayed in front of Lin Yifei's eyes. Obviously, at this moment, Shui Mengluo had already made a decision for him.

"Forget it, maybe after this, this girl can feel more at ease! As for Xueer and Xiaohong, they have to explain everything, but they don't care about explaining more." At this moment, Lin Yifei He had no other choice, he was a normal man, and a normal man, under such circumstances, absolutely couldn't bear it.

"Brush!" Pushing Shui Mengluo away for the time being, Lin Yifei raised his hand and threw his green shirt aside. Then, he smiled at Shui Mengluo who was a little dazed, and then violently He hugged the other party into his arms, but this time, his hands started to be really busy.

"Mengluo, from today onwards, you are my Taoist companion." Lin Yifei's tone was full of firmness as he lightly bit Shui Mengluo's white and tender earlobe.And then, he hugged Shui Mengluo's body, stepped onto the bed in front of him, and stripped her to nothing in the blink of an eye.

"Master!" Feeling the heat on Lin Yifei's body, Shui Mengluo's whole body became a little numb, but she couldn't even exert any strength. The clawed fish wrapped itself around Lin Yifei's body, allowing Lin Yifei to do whatever he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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