Chapter 657 Internal Actions
In God Realm, Huayang City, in a side hall, Lin Yifei and other eight newcomers who had just ascended were sitting quietly on the ground, as if they were seriously practicing.

At a certain moment, no one noticed that Lin Yifei, who was with them, suddenly disappeared in place. However, the disappearance time was less than one ten-thousandth of a second, and his figure disappeared once again. Appearance, the entire process from disappearance to appearance is extremely fast, but no one can discover it.

"Phew, it's finally out. This time, I have to do a lot of work! God Realm, there are too many things that I need to do." Lin Yifei couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart after replacing the tree clone. There is also a small arc at the corner of the mouth.

Having been with the three girls in Feixue Space for more than ten years, he can be said to have greatly compensated the three of them. When they came out this time, although the three of them were reluctant in their hearts, they couldn't ask for anything too much. After all, Lin Yifei could Doing nothing to accompany them for more than ten years, this already shows Lin Yifei's affection for them.Therefore, when Lin Yifei said that he would come out, they all thoughtfully chose to support, without any reluctance.

Lin Yifei has already told the three people that he has already ascended to the God Realm, but the situation outside is a bit complicated, and it is not suitable for them to go out for the time being. They will be released immediately.For this, the three women are also very interested. Obviously, they also want to know what kind of place the God Realm is.

"Phew, there really is some movement. Shiban and Fengping are not here. It seems that Huayang City is really going to take action, but I don't know if it is going to go to war." Now that he has comprehended the law, Lin Yifei's cultivation is There are too many people who are higher than here, so his spiritual sense can already check the surrounding situation unscrupulously. After he checked in this way, he found that the groupers and Fengping next door were not there, and their aura , but appeared in a luxurious courtyard east of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Hehe, it turns out that they are all here, but I don't know what to discuss!" The spiritual consciousness carefully extended to all directions, Lin Yifei avoided the most luxurious mansion in the center, and penetrated the spiritual consciousness into the distance from himself. Among the nearest mansions that were slightly inferior, he knew that the most luxurious mansion was of course the residence of the city lord of Huayang City, and the place to the east should be the place where the deputy city lord Ma Yue was located.

"Huh, there are so many people gathered, and many of them are god-level peaks. It seems that this time they really have to take action." In the courtyard of the mansion of the deputy city lord Ma Yue, thousands of people gathered , and many of them are at the peak of the god level, and the worst are the late god level, and these people are standing in the courtyard in an orderly manner, but no one makes a sound. Above, Ma Yue holds his hands behind his back, His face was slightly dull, obviously in a bad mood.

Lin Yifei's comprehension of the law was higher than Ma Yue's, so Ma Yue didn't notice his spying.Of course, even if he felt something, he wouldn't care, because in Huayang City, there was no one else who dared to spy on Ma Yue except the city lord Huayang.Of course, other people wanted to spy on him, but they didn't have the strength.

"Brothers, I called you here today, but I have something to tell you." Ma Yue's voice was a little low, with a hint of anger, and following his yell, everyone below looked different. Rin, these people are all old people who have followed Ma Yue for a long time, and they are also the backbone who survived countless battles. Ma Yue's expression today is enough for them to guess a lot of information.

"The city lord has ordered that for the next battle, the position of the formation eye must be allocated through competition. In other words, the position of the formation eye that has always been in charge of our team is no longer there. Want to To get it back, we have to work hard on our own." After pondering for a while, Ma Yue announced the not-so-good news.

When Ma Yue's voice fell, the complexions of everyone below changed, and then, a strange atmosphere quickly spread throughout the audience.

The position of the formation eye, everyone here is very clear about what it means.It can be said that they have been able to save their lives all the time. On the one hand, they rely on their own strength, but more, it is because of their favorable position, which is the so-called position of the formation eye. If there is no position for the formation eye, then Going to the battlefield again, their lives may no longer be guaranteed.

"The proposal this time was put forward by Deputy City Master Zuo Zhen, but it was approved by the City Master. Whether we can regain the position of the formation eye is up to everyone. I believe everyone knows the position of the formation eye. I won't explain the importance of it." Ma Yue's face was always calm, and his tone was very cold, but he didn't know who he was targeting.

"Vice City Lord, what should I do, tell me! The position of the eye of the array must be taken back!" After Ma Yue's voice fell, a young man with a peak god-level cultivation level shouted, and in his His face was also filled with anger.For so long, their team has been in charge of the team, which has become a habit. It is really hard for them to accept the sudden loss of this position.

"Yes, Lord Deputy City Master, what we need to do, you say it is, we must take back this position at the center of the formation."

"Take it back, you must grab it back!" Suddenly, many people started to shout. Obviously, they all knew the benefits of the front line. Without that position, it would be like throwing themselves into danger. situation, how could they tolerate it?After practicing for so many years, what they fear most is death.

"Very good!" Hearing the shouts from the people below, Ma Yue sneered coldly, and then made a gesture of pressing down. After the sound from below disappeared, he continued: "Some people are greedy for this position, But we need to let them know that this position can only belong to my Ma Yue team, and there is no way for others to grab it!"

Speaking of this, Ma Yue paused for a moment, and then continued: "The competition method this time is very simple, but it may be cruel. The four teams must send 40 people to form a square formation. Two battles, regardless of life or death, the last one left will be able to take the position of the eye of the formation, and the ones leading the team will be our four deputy city masters."

"Hiss, it doesn't matter whether you live or die!" Just as Ma Yue's voice fell, everyone below gasped. Obviously, they didn't expect that in order to compete for such a position at the center of the formation, the whole family would actually get such an opportunity. To such an extent, even life and death were bet on it.But then again, the four deputy city lords of Huayang City have never looked like a family.

"Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's life or death, but if you feel invincible, you can admit defeat. If you admit defeat, the opponent will definitely not make things difficult again." Seeing the reactions of the people below, Ma Yue couldn't help adding.Speaking of which, this decision of whether to live or die was also made by the city lord Huayang. When hearing such a decision, the four deputy city lords were very surprised, but they didn't even expect that the city lord would do things well so ruthless.As for Huayang's intentions, they really don't know.

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die? It doesn't matter, the deputy city lord, the subordinate is willing to participate in this competition, and I also ask the deputy city lord to give this opportunity to the subordinate." Just after Ma Yue's supplement, the young man who asked the question first was the first One stood up and bravely asked for a place to participate in the war.

"Subordinates are also willing to participate in the battle, please approve the deputy city lord!"

"Subordinates are also willing!"

Someone was the first to stand up, and after that, people continued to volunteer. At this moment, these people were all suffocated. They have always been their leader, but this time they want to compete. My heart is very unbalanced, dead?Sometimes you have to be afraid, and sometimes you don't.

"Okay, since the brothers all have this enthusiasm, then the deputy city lord will go all out this time. This time, no matter what, we will take the position of the eye." With a long whistle, Ma Yue shouted again Said: "Stand up at the peak of the god level. This time, 100 people will be selected, each with a middle-grade god stone as a reward. At that time, 40 people will accompany the deputy city lord to participate in the battle, and the other 60 people will be substitutes. We need to let some people know , this team of my Ma Yue, not everyone can provoke."

With the end of Ma Yue's final mobilization, the selection of personnel began. The battle of life and death, 100 people, should be enough.

"The position of the formation eye? What kind of position is this? It seems that this battle was launched inside Huayang City! The four deputy city lords each lead 40 people, regardless of life or death, it is really ruthless It's gone." In the hall, Lin Yifei frowned slightly, but he was a little curious about the internal struggle in Huayang City.

"It seems that after Shi Ban and Feng Ping come back, I can no longer be polite. Apart from anything else, it's time to grasp some basic information about Huayang City. There are two loyal attributes. Now, it’s more convenient to do things.” The time of ascension was still too short, and Lin Yifei didn’t even understand Huayang City very well, let alone the entire God Realm.Therefore, he has decided that after Groupan and Fengping come back, he must refine them, at least to find out what the position of the formation eye that everyone is fighting for this time is.

"Come on step by step! There is a lot of time, this Huayang City is obviously not very harmonious, since there are loopholes to exploit, then make good use of it, nibble it bit by bit, the four deputy city lords are masters who have comprehended the law However, it is unrealistic to want to deal with them quietly, perhaps, it is possible to help me by taking advantage of the disharmonious relationship between them."

Huayang City is undoubtedly his first goal, but with his current cultivation base and many things, he still needs to be more careful. He may not be able to deal with the owner of Huayang City, but he believes in his own ability. Now that the law of speed has been comprehended, it will be able to integrate sooner or later, and when he has almost comprehended the law of speed, it is time for him to attack the entire Huayang City.

(End of this chapter)

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