Chapter 676 Battle (Third)

Lin Yifei did not expect that he would go to meet the deputy city lord of Liu Yue, who was in the late stage of the lower god, after the two deputy city lords of Liuyin City in the middle stage of the lower gods were settled, but before he could find him, the other party was He came to the door first, and almost caught him and Qin Wen together. Judging by Liu Yue's appearance, he regarded the two as dangerous elements to split Liuyin City.

Regarding being discovered by Liu Yue, Lin Yifei was not in a hurry, or else he had already decided to meet her for a while, since she had come to her door by herself, it would save him the trouble of finding her.

It's not speculative, Liu Yue regarded Lin Yifei as a bad guy through and through, and she didn't even escape with Qin Wen, and Lin Yifei obviously wouldn't wait until the lord of Liuyin City came back before attacking, after she stabilized her mind , He just threw out the three clones, first trapped Liu Yue in place with the three-talent formation, and then he himself began to enter the formation.

Qin Wen has already hid to the side at this moment, he obviously can't help Lin Yifei and Liu Yue in the fight, but in order to avoid suffering, he directly gave up the entire hall to Lin Yifei and the two, But he ran outside to watch.In his heart, besides Liu Yue, there is another deputy city lord in Liuyin City who has not been refined by Lin Yifei!What they don't know is that Wu Peng's deputy city lord has already been dealt with by Lin Yifei, even earlier than him.

"Deputy City Master Liu Yue, what you comprehend is the law of speed. To be honest, what I comprehend is also the law of speed, but it is not as good as you. This time, let me experience your law of speed. See How big is the gap between me and the masters of the late stage gods." After the three clones formed the trio, Lin Yifei also immediately entered the epicenter, and then he said to Liu Yue who was in doubt.

He really wanted to fight, because after so long, his opponents were too weak, and most of them were attacked by him. Speaking of which, he should have forgotten what it was like to fight. Sometimes, he desperately needs a close battle.

At this time, Liu Yue was a little confused. Originally, the reason why she dared to show up directly was because she felt that her cultivation was enough to deal with Lin Yifei and the spy Qin Wen. Because in her feeling, although Lin Yifei He looked very imposing, but his cultivation level didn't seem to be higher than hers, and he was even a little inferior to hers. In such a situation, of course he dared to come out and deal with the two of them.

However, at this moment, Liu Yue understood that she was wrong.Obviously, she underestimated Lin Yifei's strength. Although he hadn't fought yet, Lin Yifei's fighting spirit was obviously no weaker than hers. What shocked her even more was that Lin Yifei didn't know how to do it , with a wave of his hand, three god-level masters came out, and these three, except for their different skin colors, looked exactly the same as Lin Yifei, but there was no slight difference.

Although Liu Yue knew that her knowledge was not extensive, she was still a little dazed by the situation in front of her.The four identical people, all with similar levels of cultivation, look like one person, and those three with weird skin tones even put on a formation. Judging by their appearance, it is obvious that this It was a trap, and with her strength, it might not be easy to break through.What's more, the main character among the four is still free at this time.

"Could it be some kind of magic technique? Is it a kind of blinding method?" To be honest, it's hard for Liu Yue to imagine that it's a kind of blinding method. The momentum of the four of them is very strong, and the feeling of being trapped by the formation is definitely not wrong. For a while, Liu Yue was a little timid before fighting.

When dealing with the unknown, people always have some uncontrollable fear, not to mention, Liu Yue is still a woman, so if she says she is not afraid of strange things, it would be a lie.

"Who are you? What are your intentions when you come to Liuyin City?" Without hearing what Lin Yifei said, Liu Yue finally dared to ask after some shock.That's right, just relying on her courage, the sudden appearance of four identical Lin Yifei had already diluted her previous courage.

"Hehe, deputy city lord Liu Yue, I advise you not to ask any more questions. Your current state seems to be a little unstable. If you fight against me in this state, you probably have no chance of winning! The answer you want to know, wait After the fight, I will tell you everything, before that, you'd better be serious."

Seeing Liu Yue's situation, Lin Yifei couldn't help chuckling.He could have imagined that three identical selves appeared suddenly, so it would be no wonder if the little girl wasn't scared!Not to mention Liu Yue, before, even some male gods would look quite at a loss after being suddenly surrounded by four identical people.

Speaking of it, Lin Yifei just wanted to fight well, otherwise, if he just wanted to refine and subdue the opponent, he didn't need to remind the opponent at all. With Liu Yue's current state, Lin Yifei was confident, how could he fight? They can definitely win, even without using all their strength.However, that situation was obviously not what he wanted.

After hearing Lin Yifei's laughter, Liu Yue also realized that something was wrong with her. As a master of the late stage of the lower god, she was afraid before fighting. It is shameful enough to tell the truth, no matter how weird the other party is , Only after the fight did I know that I was afraid before I started, so how will I fight the next battle?
Thinking of this, Liu Yue immediately took a deep breath, but immediately recovered the temperament that a deputy city lord should have. Immediately, a master of the late stage of the lower god was once again perfectly presented in front of Lin Yifei.

"Hehe, isn't that right! You and I practice the law of speed. Today, let me, a middle-stage lowgod who hasn't fully understood the speed, see you, a master of the late-stage highgod!" Seeing that Liu Yue had returned to normal, Lin Yifei But he stopped being polite, and when he finished speaking, his figure suddenly flew out, and in his hand, the Sky Sword, which he hadn't used for a long time, was also instantly drawn out by him.

The three-talent formation did not move. At this time, the task of the three avatars is very simple, that is to trap Liu Yue and prevent him from running away, and to stop the energy fluctuations generated when he fought Liu Yue, so as not to let outsiders Feel the battle here, but the combat tasks are all assigned to Lin Yifei himself.

No matter how you say it, the other party is a level higher than yourself. At this time, it is obvious that there is no need to talk about women first, so Lin Yifei no longer cares about gentlemanly demeanor, and the Sky Sword is almost blinking In a short time, he was in front of Liu Yue. From the look, Lin Yifei seemed to want to split the beauty in half with a sword, but he didn't hold back his hand at all.

"The law of speed?" After listening to Lin Yifei's words and seeing Lin Yifei's body speeding up instantly, Liu Yue knew that Lin Yifei also understood the law of speed. She didn't pay attention to it before, and she even ignored this information.

Liu Yue was too familiar with the law of speed. The moment Lin Yifei made a move, she could feel that the law of speed that Lin Yifei had comprehended really couldn't be compared with her.And at such a level, against her, a low-god master in the late stage, at this moment, she wanted to ridicule Lin Yifei a little bit.Obviously, isn't this a sign of self-control?
Seeing the attack of the Sky Sword, Liu Yue raised her eyebrows slightly, and then, her figure also instantly left the spot, dodging Lin Yifei's sword almost in time, and between turning around, a slender The long sword was drawn out by her, and when she turned around, she returned the sword to Lin Yifei.

However, in terms of law, she is higher than Lin Yifei, but when it comes to swordsmanship, she is out of reach. Just when she dodged the sky sword that Lin Yifei slashed, she wanted to give Lin Yifei a sword with her speed advantage At that moment, she suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing towards her waist, and when she looked closely, it was Lin Yifei's Sky Sword slashing at her with a very strange arc, and from Judging from the approach of the Cang Qiong Sword, this sword was the one that had to be counterattacked before her, that is to say, the sword she thought she had dodged, but she still had a change of move, and she didn't dodge at all.

"It's such a powerful sword intent, it's able to dismantle every move, and respond to all changes without change. Has this guy's swordsmanship reached this level?" She also uses a sword, and Liu Yue is of course It is also quite insightful. Although Lin Yifei's sword is simple, it has infinite changes. You must know that she is completely superior in the speed of her feet, but even so, in Lin Yifei's changing moves, she can only parry. There is no way to fight back.

"Hehe, deputy city lord Liu Yue, I would like to remind you again, don't think that just because your cultivation level is a little higher than mine, you think you can defeat me. My sword is not as simple as you think!" At the same time, there was still time to send a message to the other party, but while he was speaking, his Sky Sword had already reached Liu Yue's waist again.

"Ding!" Lin Yifei's sword was originally very fast, but after comprehending the law of speed, his sword speed has reached a new height. In the end, Liu Yue couldn't dodge this sword, so he It can only be blocked with a sword.

With a soft sound, the figures of the two quickly separated, and almost at the same time, the figures of the two disappeared from the same place again. Both of them comprehended the law of speed, and the speed under their feet was evenly matched. However, Lin Yifei The power of the law is limited, but it is impossible to use it recklessly, but to control the amount, and Liu Yue obviously has no such scruples. She has already penetrated the law of speed, and she can almost generate her own power of law. Catch up with your own laws consumed.

"Hmph, let me see how much power of law you have that can withstand consumption!" Liu Yue's observation is very keen, she has already discovered that Lin Yifei obviously has reservations when using the power of law, which is a manifestation of insufficient power of law , and as long as Lin Yifei does not have the power of law to supply him, his speed will definitely drop immediately, and at that time, she will have an overwhelming speed advantage.

"Heh, it's enough to deal with you!" Lin Yifei was also not to be outdone, and when he heard the other party's snort, he smiled indifferently, and at the same time, he finally used the Sky Sword Art.

"Phantom Sword Style!" With a silent voice in his heart, Lin Yifei's figure suddenly appeared from the space, and as soon as he appeared, infinite sword shadows shot out from his hands. Almost instantly, the entire three-talented formation The space was completely filled with solid sword shadows.With cultivation at his level, he has already reached the peak of the Mahayana for the first form of the Sky Sword Art, and he can perform the phantom sword form to the fullest in a matter of seconds.

"Is it all true?" When Lin Yifei made a phantom sword attack, Liu Yue also immediately felt the threat. At first, she thought that the endless sword shadows that appeared suddenly were fake and fake, but she just felt it a little She just discovered that these swords are all real without exception, and judging from the power of these solid sword shadows, any sword that touches her is enough to make her drink a pot.

"What kind of sword technique is this? One sword can cut out so many solid sword glows. Such a sword technique is really unheard of." As a master who knows a little about swords, Liu Yue knows that beyond the sword technique, the people in front of her Weird, I am afraid that she has reached a level that is difficult for her to match, and it was only at this moment that she understood why Lin Yifei dared to challenge her, a late-stage undergod master, with a cultivation base of the mid-stage undergod.


(End of this chapter)

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