Promise Sword Immortal

Chapter 75 Secret Realm

Chapter 75 Secret Realm
The dark sky is gone, the dim stars are gone, the cold wind is gone, here is the real paradise.

The blue sky is as clear and transparent as it is transparent, and the dazzling sunlight spreads warmth to the whole land. The flowers, plants and trees grow quietly, with different heights and irregularities. Bright flowers can be seen everywhere, red, yellow and white. , purple, blue, all kinds of colors, everything.

Bees and butterflies shuttled among the flowers, working hard. The breeze blowing from nowhere wrinkled the green grass and bent the flower branches, as if welcoming the arrival of guests.

In the distance, the lakes and mountains melt into one, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, just like a fairyland on earth.The rich aura filled the world, adding spirituality to all things.The tall trees are so tall that they cannot see the top, and they have never appeared in the cultivation world, or even heard of them. The tall trees contain such a huge amount of energy. Rather than saying that they are trees, it is better to say that they are Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure.

On the branches and treetops, colorful birds are flying around freely. However, if any one of them is released randomly, it will definitely be able to dominate the cultivation world. Because these birds seem to only know how to play and never attack other creatures, and their food is also very simple, that is, the leaves of those trees!
This is the secret realm that everyone has been yearning for for a long time, a special existence independent of the cultivation world.

One hundred people were divided into eight groups, just standing there quietly, feeling the sky, the wind, the sunshine, and the breath of nature.Everyone's heart was extremely peaceful, and all the negative emotions outside for the past few days disappeared without a trace at this moment.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour...

An hour later, Lin Yifei woke up first, with a happy smile on his face.At this moment, all the pictures in his mind were beautiful, those unhappy things, any hatred, any intrigue, were all thrown out of the sky by him, and his heart was completely cleansed.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, Lin Yifei felt extremely shocked.This is definitely a special place. I just entered it, and before I saw anything, everyone was caught in it and couldn't extricate themselves. If someone wanted to harm them just now, even if it was just an ordinary monster , then they would have died a long time ago.

Not long after, people woke up one after another. From their expressions, it can be seen that their feelings should be the same as Lin Yifei's.

The only four female cultivators have all woken up. The three disciples of Shuiyun Pavilion were indifferent and didn't say anything. However, Han Xueer was innocent. As soon as she woke up, she pulled Lin Yifei to laugh and dance, Like a happy bird, but when she saw that everyone was looking at her, she hid behind Lin Yifei in embarrassment.It turned out that she only cared about the beautiful scenery in front of her, and forgot that there were still many people there!
Everyone knew about the relationship between Lin Yifei and Han Xueer. After all, before coming in, Lin Yifei had always pulled Han Xueer by his side. The degree of intimacy was not just that of senior sister and junior brother...

As the son of the head of the largest sect in the cultivation world, Qin Guan has followed his father's leadership ability. Seeing that everyone is already awake, Qin Guan stepped forward and said to the crowd: "Everyone, everyone has entered the secret realm. , everyone will be their own companions, or find a spiritual place to practice, or walk around to try their luck, to see if they can find some natural treasures, what do you think?" Although Qin Guan lost to Lin Yifei, but in In front of others, he is still a well-deserved No.1, so he speaks with confidence.

Qin Guan's words were in line with everyone's wishes. Every sect wants to go its own way and is unwilling to join others. However, the members of those first-class sects have already discussed and formed an alliance. Therefore, the eight small teams have hardly changed, so they They each chose a direction and headed in eight different directions.

However, there were two people who were different. They did not follow any team, but chose to stay where they were. These two people were of course Lin Yifei and Han Xueer.

Lin Yifei has the special ability to sense the energy body, he will not be with the crowd, it is much more convenient to act alone with Han Xueer.Therefore, everyone went to leave, but the two of them pretended to stay in the same place to practice, and only started to act alone when everyone was gone.As for the safety issue, if his cultivation during the Tribulation Period couldn't guarantee his safety, then what's the use of being with those people?
"Hee hee, Yifei, they've all gone away, which group shall we follow?" Without outsiders, Han Xueer's lively nature began to recover.She knew Lin Yifei's strength, and understood Lin Yifei's practice of not following any team.

"Well, let me think about it!" Lin Yifei pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction.This direction is exactly the direction chosen by the Da faction alliance.

Seeing Han Xueer looking at him suspiciously, with a questioning look in his eyes, Lin Yifei smiled lightly and said, "Hehe, in fact, it doesn't matter which direction we choose, and the reason why I chose this direction is because I feel that although there are many people in the Dapai Alliance But it is not necessarily more detailed than those of the top sects, and there will be more things missed."

Lin Yifei thought well. Although the Dapai Alliance has more people, their cultivation base is weaker than those of the top sects. Moreover, as the top sects, they generally have secret methods to find natural treasures, so follow the Dapai Alliance is the best option for both of them.

Of course, Han Xueer would not question Lin Yifei's decision. For her, this time she came here for tourism. As for natural treasures, Lin Yifei's Jade Pagoda space has a lot of them.As for practicing here, it is even more unnecessary. Although the air of heaven and earth here is extremely strong, even more than ten times stronger than that of the Kunlun School, compared with Lin Yifei's Jade Pagoda space, it is far worse. A star and a half.

In fact, although Lin Yifei chose the direction of the big faction alliance, it was not exactly the same, but he chose the direction of the angle between him and another team. He believed that there would be many treasures left in this direction. Some.

Pulling up Han Xue'er, the two began to stroll leisurely. …

A water pool in Mijing, where the aura is strong, several times stronger than other places. A few unknown big trees stand around the water pool. However, if people in the cultivation world see these, I believe no one will be able to recognize their species.

A pool of water is still, like a natural mirror, as clear as nothing. However, if someone comes here, they will be surprised to find that the bottom of such a clear pool cannot be seen. It can be seen that this pool How deep it is.

At this time, somewhere at the bottom of the pool, a mighty spirit beast lay quietly on the ground, as if sleeping. Around him, the pool water automatically avoided it, forming a circle around him. Not too big not too small a space.

This spirit beast looks very mighty. At first glance, it is a unicorn. However, upon closer inspection, it is different. The unicorn has hooves, but it has four sharp claws. It has horns, but it has a bald head. However, apart from these, it is almost the same as a unicorn.

The closed-eyed spirit beast suddenly opened its eyes, and immediately, two purple rays of light shot out, as if the substantial rays of light seemed to be able to see through all the illusions in the world.

The spirit beast did not open its mouth either, and a deep voice suddenly came from him.

"Another 100 people, this place can finally be lively for a while again, hey! It's really boring to be here alone! If the owner is still here." The voice suddenly stopped here, but there was no more words.

Once again, he closed his eyes decadently, as if he was going to sleep again.

However, the moment it closed its eyes, it suddenly stood up and said in a trembling voice: "The breath of the Sky Sword is the breath of the Sky Sword."

With a flash of white light, the place is empty, and there are no traces of spirit beasts.However, even if it left this place, the place is still empty, and the surrounding pools of water are actually still, not a single drop enters this space.

(End of this chapter)

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