Chapter 759 A Special City

Although Heavenly General Fu Li's cultivation level is slightly higher than that of Fenhuo Heavenly General, how can he escape from Lin Yifei's sneak attack?Lin Yifei's Absolute Sword Style was as fast as lightning, and he was mentally calculating but unintentionally. He was an unsuspecting master of the gods, and he was destined to be succeeded by Lin Yifei.And after Lin Yifei cut off his arm, General Fen Huo Tian suddenly attacked, and he had nowhere to hide. After all, the distance between him and General Fen Huo Tian was too close, and there was nowhere to hide.

Captured General Fu Litian, Lin Yifei took advantage of the time of his sacrifice technique before he started to refine the other party without hesitation. He had already refined a general of Burning Fire. He was slightly stronger than the former in combat power, but when it came to the cultivation of the primordial spirit, no matter in terms of quality or quantity, he was still not as good as Burning Fire Heavenly General, so Lin Yifei took a shorter time to refine this time.

After refining, Lin Yifei also tormented the other party. After wiping out the other party's resistance, he began to refine his own soul. No matter how you say it, he joined the soul of a late-stage god master. Of course he Be careful to refine it, this is an essential process, don't be lazy.

"Fu Li, are you really convinced?" Sitting lazily on a boulder, Lin Yifei asked Fu Li who was kneeling at his feet, and beside him, General Fenhuotian stood with his hands down, expressionless .

"This subordinate is convinced. It is an honor for this subordinate to be the subordinate of the master. From now on, the subordinate will definitely go through fire and water for the master, and will not hesitate!" Kneeling on the ground on one knee, Fu Litian will look sincere, Absolutely no falsehood, hypocrisy and submissiveness, it can be seen that he is really convinced, not just verbally dissatisfied.

Lin Yifei himself knew that the other party would never have any grievances because of his sneak attack, because today's puppetry is by no means comparable to that of the past. The original puppetry was just a simple master's coercion of subordinates, but now, With the improvement of Lin Yifei's primordial spirit cultivation, today's puppet art is not just as simple as coercion. It can be said that with the second step of primordial spirit punishment, the current puppet art can almost reduce the puppet's subordinates, Let the puppet think of its master wholeheartedly.How could the Yaozu's inheritance secret technique be so simple?Perhaps, with the growth of his cultivation base, the mysteries of puppetry will be discovered and mastered by him more and more.

"Hehe, get up! It's rare for you to be able to understand the current situation, but you don't have to worry about it. It's definitely better to hang out with this master than to follow that Guanyang God King. From now on, you and Fenhuo People get along well and work together for the master, and the benefits are absolutely indispensable to you."

"Yes, this subordinate will bear in mind the teachings of the master!" This time, it was not only Heavenly General Fu Li who spoke, but even Heavenly General Fen Huo, who was standing beside him, hurriedly joined the kneeling team of Heavenly General Fu Li. in unison.

"Okay, let's all get up! Go to Fu Li's territory first and gather all the masters of your Fu family. My master will take them one by one for his own use!" Lin Yifei would not be polite to his puppets, and even more so. There is nothing to hide. He wants to collect more power of law now. Of course, the more puppets the better. Of course, the more puppets will spread to all parts of the God Realm in the future, the more informed his news will be.

While speaking, Lin Yifei had already released Fenhuo and Fu Li out of the Flying Snow Space, and he himself also stepped out, and then, the three of them flew towards the territory of General Fu Li, one in front and two behind, With their cultivation base, it is difficult for ordinary people to find them, but the three of them have restrained their domineering aura, even if they are seen by others, they will not see anything special.

Fu Li's practice secret room was occupied by Lin Yifei without any dispute, and Fu Li Tian himself started to get busy outside, just like Burning Fire, Lin Yifei heard that in Fu Li Tian, There are many more highgod masters than Fenhuo Tianjiang, and the Fu family is also a family that has been passed down for a longer time, and there are even many masters of other gods in the family.

This news was soon confirmed by Lin Yifei. Facts showed that the masters of the Fu family were much more than the Fenhuo family. There were nearly [-] high-god masters, including two early-stage god masters. The harvest made Lin Yifei overjoyed. This time, he not only got more puppet subordinates, but also got more rules for him to choose and use, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.Of course, he also improved his primordial spirit cultivation base, and there are many other benefits.

"It's true that I have gained a lot this time. Three thousand high gods, two gods, and my current primordial spirit are really going to surpass any gods. No one can resist my puppet technique, but I don't know, with my current strength of the soul, how is it compared with the master of the god king? Do I have the qualifications to compare?"

Lin Yifei is not very ambitious, but now that he has reached his current level, it is difficult for him not to think that there is nothing comparable among the gods, so of course he can only focus on the master of the god king.But it is a pity that he has seen the master of the king of gods, and there are not only one, but no matter whether it is Chutian or Zijing, he can only feel that the other party is a deep pool of water, bottomless, and it is beyond his ability to detect owned.Of course, his cultivation base back then was still Ruo, which was tens of thousands of times worse than now, but even so, Lin Yifei believed that even with his current self, it would be absolutely difficult to find out the bottom line of these two people.Perhaps, the master of the god king is essentially different from the master of the gods!
"Whatever, I just want to improve my soul and refine more puppets. I don't believe it. If I keep refining like this, my soul hasn't reached the level of a god king yet? By then, even if it is a god Master Wang, I want to fight." Courage is still needed, let alone whether he will meet a master of the king of gods in the future, but no matter what, he can't be overwhelmed by the name of a master of the king of gods.

"Ben Huo, Fu Li!" Lin Yifei suddenly yelled to the left and right as his face straightened.

"The subordinates are here!" The two masters of the late stage of the gods, the two generals under the throne of the God of Guanyang, rushed out from the left and right, and then respectfully knelt down in the tunnel.Speaking of which, these two were transformed to a certain degree by Lin Yifei, their piety, even Lin Yifei's subordinate god puppet subordinates are hard to compare.

"Let's go, go to the territory of the Heavenly General Deng Zhuo to have a look. My master is going to get you another brother back, hahaha!" Lin Yifei has obviously become addicted, and after discovering that the puppet technique can completely change the other party, he is single-minded. After thinking for his own sake, Lin Yifei no longer worried about making any mistakes. Next, of course he will kill the Quartet.As for the brothers, they are also his puppet subordinates, aren't these people brothers?At the very least, they have a common object of allegiance, a common goal, and even their lives belong to the same person, that is Lin Yifei.

Laughing wildly, Lin Yifei dodged, and flew out of the secret room, and behind him, General Fen Huo and General Fu Litian looked at each other, and immediately followed from behind.But in their eyes, they were full of excitement at this moment. They were genuinely happy that Lin Yifei wanted to refine Heavenly General Deng Zhuo. As for why they should be happy, they didn't need a reason at all. As long as Lin Yifei was happy, they would follow suit.

Lin Yifei was in a good mood, and he took two younger brothers in the late stage of the gods and slowly rushed towards the territory of General Deng Zhuo. Although the three of them were all top masters in the god world, they concealed their cultivation and aura, but they were like ordinary people. Similarly, when others see them, they will feel that their cultivation base is tyrannical, but they will not think too much, and although the reputation of Burning Fire and Fu Li are well known, there are very few people who really know them. , as for Lin Yifei, he is even more unknown.

The territory of General Deng Zhuo is far away from the territories of General Fuli and Fenhuo, and there are thousands of rivers and mountains in between. Among these territories, or at the intersection of the territories, there are many huge families with profound backgrounds. These heavenly generals will never provoke them for no reason, just like the Lang family in the burning area, if the cultivation of the head of the Lang family is raised to the late stage of the gods, then the strength of the Lang family will definitely not be inferior to that of the Fen family, and the head of the Lang family will naturally I wouldn't be too afraid of the Fen family. Although the Fen family has the support of the God King Guanyang, but as the saying goes, the emperor is far away. If someone here kills General Fenhuo, will the God King Guanyang know who killed it?Furthermore, the masters of the god kings are all legendary figures who have not been born, so how can they have the mind to manage those ordinary masters under their seats?Thinking about it, even the top [-] generals might hardly have the chance to meet the God King.

Lin Yifei took two puppets of the later stage of the gods and traveled a distance of about hundreds of millions of miles. Lin Yifei has also seen the ever-changing changes in the gods along the way. It can be said that different places have different styles and characteristics, and they will definitely not be the same , and when he was on his way, Lin Yifei was curious, and often used his spiritual sense to investigate some families and mountain gates, wanting to see what kind of masters these families and mountain gates had.

Not to mention, along the way, Lin Yifei discovered no less than five masters of late stage gods. Judging from the auras of these people, even compared with Burning Fire and Fu Li, they are definitely not far behind. Even Lin Yifei He also sensed a super master with extremely keen spiritual sense, his cultivation base was still higher than that of Burning Fire and Fu Li, and he almost discovered his detection.

For these rare masters, Lin Yifei also asked his two puppets, knowing that these people are big families that existed in the God Realm very early, even earlier than they came here, and among those families is With unborn masters in command, even if they have backing talents, they can only take a detour, because if they really fight, they don't have the confidence to win.

Almost at the end of the fifth day, Lin Yifei and his two puppets suddenly arrived in an unusually cold city. As soon as he entered this city, Lin Yifei felt a chill all over his body. This chill did not come from Physically, but psychologically, that is to say, the city in front of me feels very cold.

"Where is this? Whose jurisdiction is it?" Frowning slightly, Lin Yifei asked the two puppet subordinates beside him.However, Lin Yifei did not expect that when he turned his head to ask questions to his two subordinates, he discovered that these two tyrannical puppets, who were fearless and fearless, both had serious faces and even faint fear meaning.

"Is there something weird here? Looking at the looks of these two people, it seems that this place is not simple!" Before the two of them could answer anything, Lin Yifei had already felt the strangeness here, and the expressions of the two of them had already explained a lot question.

"Master, here, this place is not under the jurisdiction of the two subordinates, nor is it under anyone's jurisdiction. Here, this place is a special existence!" After Lin Yifei's question was answered, General Fenhuo and General Fu Litian looked at each other, In the end, as if after some discussion, General Fu Litian finally spoke, and while saying this, General Fu Litian showed a strange expression on his face.

"Oh? Special existence? My master wants to see how special this place is!" After hearing Fu Li's answer, Lin Yifei raised his eyebrows, but he was more curious about the Yicheng Pool in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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