Chapter 765 Looking at each other (one more)
The arrival of Bai Susu, the little princess of the Bai family, set off a storm for a while. This number one beauty in Fengmao City is undoubtedly the dream lover of all men. To see her true face, everyone is extremely excited. Even Lin Yifei, who thought he had absolute resistance to beauties, couldn't help admiring without hesitation.

The little princess of the Bai family came here this time to stop the battle between Long Tiande, the second son of the Long family, and Xu Ziyang, the young master of the Xu family. They became even more excited, and for a while, both of them wanted to show off in front of the woman they liked, so, no surprise, before Bai Susu left, the two young masters started fighting up.

"Long Tiande, don't even look at your own virtue. Susu's status is something that a dandy like you can covet? Just save your life today, so that Susu won't be upset!" The spiked mace was casually sacrificed by Xu Ziyang, as if facing his own father-killer and enemy, he slammed it. Judging from his posture, it seemed that he wanted to beat Long Tiande into a meatloaf with a stick.

"Xu Ziyang, you want to deal with this young master with a broken stick? Reckless man, die!" Seeing Xu Ziyang's mace slashing at him, Long Tiande smiled coldly, and the folding fan in his hand suddenly opened and closed, The fan disappeared, and what was left were two bright silver long swords, about one meter long, and of course they were all heavenly artifacts. When the two swords came out, they slammed directly at Xu Ziyang's mace, and even knocked the opponent out. The stick was picked away.And then, Long Tiande was so unforgiving that he let go of one sword and went straight to the opponent's throat, while holding the other sword in his hand, he stabbed straight at Xu Ziyang's dantian Zifu, looking for a deadly attack as well.

"Okay, Long Tiande, you are the first one who dares to call me a reckless man, and you will definitely be the last!" Hearing the word reckless man, Xu Ziyang seemed to have been touched by the bottom line, waving the stick in his hand one after another, First he blocked the long sword coming from the electric shot, then he held the sword in Long Tiande's hand, and said with hatred.At this moment, he was really angry.

Speaking of which, Xu Ziyang looks a little rough, but he doesn't want Long Tiande to be as delicate and handsome. Down below, he didn't leave immediately, presumably to prove that he killed Long Tiande.This is what Xu Ziyang is thinking at the moment.

The cultivation bases of the two are similar, and they both have a lot of means, so the time for this battle will definitely not be short.Both of them believed that Bai Susu didn't leave immediately because he must have been attracted by their fight. They wanted to see which of the two of them was stronger. With the beauty by their side, of course they had to show themselves well.

However, as everyone knows, at this moment, Bai Susu, although she is standing under the stage, she didn't even look at the battle between the two on the stage at all. What about that special cultivator just now!And this cultivator is of course Lin Yifei.

"Huh? Strange, why did that little cultivator disappear just now? There is no reason why I couldn't even detect my spiritual sense! Moreover, everyone was conquered by me before, but he still maintained his true self." Xin, with his highgod's late stage cultivation, such a thing is simply impossible!"

Bai Susu stood where she was, but her spiritual consciousness covered the entire crowd. She wanted to find the cultivator just now. Over the years, she had met too many men, and each one was better than the other, but no matter what kind of man, But almost no one would be indifferent to her and could remain so calm. The former practitioner, that is, Lin Yifei, was definitely the first.

"My Law of Glory is already Mahayana. No one under the late stage of the gods can resist my charm. How can he, a small high-ranking god cultivator, be able to resist? Could it be that he has comprehended some special law? ? If there is such a law, then I must understand it clearly, so as not to suffer in the future!"

Bai Susu, like Liu Yin back then, also comprehended the law of brilliance, but the difference is that she has now comprehended three laws, and the law of brilliance is the first law she comprehends. And ascension, today's Yaoguang law has become Mahayana, and it has a natural charm for people whose cultivation base is lower than hers. As long as it is a man, and the cultivation base is lower than hers, then it is impossible to maintain one's heart. This has always been the case, but today, this record has finally been broken.

In fact, Bai Susu was about to leave immediately after finishing her speech. As for what Long Tiande and Xu Ziyang yelled in a loud voice, although she heard it, she just ignored it. Yes, it was Lin Yifei, she couldn't tolerate the existence of a law that restrained her law of brilliance, as for the reason why she wanted to find Lin Yifei, of course it was self-evident.Demon cultivators are ruthless. Although she is a woman, her ruthlessness is definitely not inferior to that of a man, and even worse.

"Really disappeared? No, we must find that person, no matter how high the price is!" After searching for a long time, Bai Susu finally gave up the search, but the abandonment was only temporary. , the existence of Lin Yifei made her feel a strange emotion, like a threat, yes, it felt like a threat to her, and she couldn't tolerate such a threat to exist. good news.

Thinking of this, Bai Susu directly used the Law of Dazzling Light, and suddenly, a burst of white light flashed, and her beautiful figure disappeared in place, as if she had already left.However, no one noticed that just when the brilliance was shining here and Bai Susu disappeared, a handsome man suddenly appeared somewhere in the crowd, but this man looked too handsome, so beautiful Somewhat like a woman.

"The law of brilliance? It's really the law of brilliance!" Also somewhere in the crowd, in a relatively empty and uninhabited area, Lin Yifei, who was hiding his figure, couldn't help talking to himself after seeing the white brilliance. One sound.The Law of Glowing Light, after seeing the white light cast by Bai Susu, Lin Yifei suddenly thought of Liu Yin. Speaking of which, the two have something in common, that is, they are both fatally attractive to men, but Bai Susu is more attractive Just a few.

Back then, he had seen Liu Yin use the Law of Radiant Light. Once the law came out, it could instantly obscure the eyes of those staring at her, leaving enough time for the caster to arrange things. Back then, Lin Yifei felt the charm of Liu Yin It came from the law of brilliance, but he didn't pay much attention to it all the time, but seeing Bai Susu using the law of brilliance this time, and contacting the fact that both of them have fatal charms, he was able to confirm this guess.

"Did this woman leave? Just now, even I lost my perception of her. It seems that the Law of Glory has been cultivated to the extreme, but it is still very powerful!" Lin Yifei didn't dare to use it in the crowd. His eyes looked around, but he chose to explore carefully with his spiritual sense, but after searching around, he didn't find Bai Susu's figure, but in his feeling, the latter didn't seem to leave.

Lin Yifei didn't know why the other party was suddenly so sensitive to him, and he was able to find himself directly among so many people. He thought he was very charming, but he was not so arrogant. It was obvious that the other party could stand out among so many people. Finding him should also be a wonderful use of the Law of Glory.

Being targeted by a beautiful woman, Lin Yifei couldn't be happy at all, who knows what the other party thinks?Anyway, it’s definitely not about throwing yourself into his arms. After all, he only has the cultivation base of a late highgod, and he is a mid-stage god, and he is only one step away from entering the ranks of a late god. It is absolutely impossible for him to be a little guy .

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if she goes or not, anyway, I'll keep hiding, and she will never find me! Such a woman, it's better to hide!" Shaking his head in his heart, Lin Yifei stopped thinking about these trivial matters, As soon as he raised his head, he couldn't help turning his eyes to the stage. There, the two guys were already fighting more and more vigorously. They were completely angry. Even without Bai Susu's relationship, they had already reached the point where they could not stop dying.

"Oh, where did Princess Bai go? Why did she leave? I haven't seen enough yet!"

"That's right, the beauty is gone, and I feel empty in my heart. It's over, I think I can't extricate myself completely! If I can't see the little princess of the Bai family again in my lifetime, what's the point of living?"

After Bai Susu disappeared, many people on the field became anxious about gains and losses, especially some people who were closest to Bai Susu before, and even when Bai Susu disappeared, there were still a few people who couldn't regain their senses for a long time, as if they had lost their souls. He stared blankly at the place where Bai Susu was, as if he was really stupid.

"Forget it, the beauties are gone, everyone should watch the gods fighting! This is also rare, maybe you can break through to a higher level if you watch it today! By then, the cultivation base will be high. , isn't there a chance to meet the little princess of the Bai family again?"

"It makes sense, it makes sense, watch the fight, watch the fight!" Some high god masters returned to normal after Bai Susu disappeared, and at this moment, the battle of the god masters on the stage is of course their best choice.For a while, everyone put aside their yearning for beautiful women for the time being, and began to watch the battle on stage one by one.

Beauty, what everyone wants, the battle of the gods and masters is also something that everyone should not miss. Now that the beauty is not here, of course it depends on the battle.

In this way, everyone began to watch the battle eagerly, and Lin Yifei, who had hidden his figure, was completely attracted by the battle between the two above. Bai Susu, but this one is also the one of those two on the stage who most want to watch them fight.Speaking of which, this is quite an irony.

The audience was quiet again, but the battle on the stage was getting hotter and fiercer. This battle of gods and masters will definitely make countless people addicted to cigarettes.

(End of this chapter)

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