Chapter 828 Gorgeous Transformation (Third Watch)
After Lin Yifei followed Han Pengtian into the secret room, their roles were switched almost in the blink of an eye. The original hungry wolf became a sheep, and the original sheep became a fierce tiger. This transformation is true. It can be called a shocking reversal, but this transformation has long been doomed, because Lin Yifei has already calculated all of this.

After leaving the secret room space alone, Lin Yifei made fun of Han Peng for a while, but it was unavoidable that there were many dreams in the night, Lin Yifei didn't spend too much time with the other party, he laughed at the other party a few words, and he immediately started. Assisting, plus his combat power itself is higher than the opponent, after a blow, Han Peng's dragon robe was also torn off, and the crown was also chopped off. The high emperor turned into a bloody beggar in an instant. It was concluded that Lin Yifei didn't seem to have a good impression of the emperor in the world. He didn't stop until he beat Han Peng to pieces, and he no longer had that arrogance. Tianjiang's refining and chemical engineering is coming.

Lin Yifei discovered early on that Han Peng's primordial spirit is very tyrannical, even the No. The primordial spirit should never be so strong, unless he also knows puppet technique, or some other technique to refine the primordial spirit of others, but it seems impossible, Lin Yifei has not heard of other refining techniques in the God Realm The technique of other people's primordial spirit.

Although Lin Yifei's primordial spirit is already very powerful, refining this Han Peng is not as simple as refining other god masters earlier. This also shows the strength of Han Peng's primordial spirit from the side. Of course, the most important thing is Lin Yifei also had to take Han Peng's safety into consideration. If he had no worries and concentrated on refining all the souls of the other party, then it would be much faster, but he still wanted to keep this subordinate useful, of course he couldn't Turn it into an idiot.

It takes time for Lin Yifei to refine, but there is no time to wait in the hall outside. General Han Pengtian and Lin Yifei have left for half an hour. Compared with their years of cultivation, this time is equivalent to nothing, but in On such an occasion, half a quarter of an hour is already a very long time.

Logically speaking, no matter what Lin Yifei wanted to tell Han Peng, half a quarter of an hour is enough time, but the fact is that Han Pengtian will take Lin Yifei away, and then he will never return, as if he disappeared average.If Lin Yifei's cultivation base was not too low, everyone would definitely doubt that Han Pengtian would be robbed by Lin Yifei, otherwise, with Han Pengtian's personality, he would have been eager to come back to continue the wedding ceremony.

"Could it be that Han Pengtian will get the pieces of the holy stone of law and start refining directly? Then when will the refining be completed? Han Peng will not leave such a group of people behind and improve his cultivation in the secret room! That's too much Disrespectful!" At this moment, many people had such thoughts, and some even began to discuss the possibility of this situation.

Time passed slowly while everyone waited more and more impatiently, half a quarter of an hour, another half a quarter of an hour, and soon, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and General Han Pengtian still had no intention of returning, Such a situation has already made everyone realize that something is wrong. In any case, General Han Pengtian should not have left so many guests outside for such a long time. The current situation is obviously a bit abnormal.However, Han Pengtian will enter the secret room, which is specially used by him. Even the most powerful masters of the Han family have no right to enter, so no one dares to go in to find out what happened. They can only wait until Han Peng God will come out by himself.

Half an hour, this is already the limit, if Han Pengtian will not come out again, I am afraid that some people will really leave. After all, although these people are afraid of Han Peng, but Han Peng is so careless about hospitality that he even leaves them all in the air. Outside, there was not even a word, and anyone who changed would be very angry. At this time, everyone left hand in hand. Even if Han Pengtian came out last, he would definitely not be able to say anything. There are too many people, Han Pengtian can only bear it.

However, just when everyone started to stand up and prepare to leave angrily, Han Pengtian will finally show up. However, his appearance this time has too many differences, giving people the feeling that the current Han Pengtian It's like a completely different person, completely different from before.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. Something has happened temporarily and I kept you waiting for a long time. Han Peng is here to say sorry to everyone, and I'm sorry everyone!" Han Peng's figure suddenly appeared above the hall, but when he Appeared, before he spoke, everyone who saw him felt dumbfounded, and after listening to Han Peng's words, everyone froze uncontrollably, as if they had been immobilized general surgery.

"Oh my god! This, who is this? Is this really General Han Peng? Am I wrong?"

"Impossible, I must be dazzled, who is this guy? General Han Peng? How is it possible? This is simply a beggar!"

"I must have hallucinations. Could it be that I have made a mistake in my cultivation and have become obsessed?"

In the main hall, everyone stared stupidly at the heavenly general Han Peng who suddenly appeared above the main hall, and almost everyone screamed wildly in their hearts. They couldn't believe the scene before them, and they couldn't believe that what they said before was true. From the mouth of Celestial General Han Peng, everything is too unbelievable. If it wasn't for his face and voice, everyone would definitely think that this Celestial General Han Peng in front of him was someone else impersonating him.

At this time, Han Pengtian changed his appearance a lot, not in his face, but in his attire. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the current him is completely different from the previous one.

He was dressed in coarse linen, with some small holes still visible on it, and a hemp rope was tied around his waist, casually tied into a knot, as ugly as he could be, and a pair of worn-out shoes under his feet looked like they were made of weeds. , and on the top of the head, the previous crown has long disappeared, and the thick hair is now casually arranged in a bun, which is unspeakably funny. The current Han Peng Tianjiang is like a beggar in the secular world, and he may be better than a beggar. Some.

Such a dress, not to mention the body of Heavenly General Han Peng, in the entire God Realm, is definitely a scorpion baba, the only one. If someone wears this outfit and goes out for a walk, the rate of return will be 100%. , and an additional [-]% ridicule rate. Of course, if it were this great god, fewer people would laugh at him. At least people who knew him would never dare to laugh at him, just like these people around him.

"Hehe, don't be surprised, all the heads of the family. I am Han Peng. This is absolutely true. This service is the clothes I wore when I was in trouble in the secular world. To commemorate, I have kept it until now. I wear it today, and I feel very happy." I miss you!" Facing those strange eyes around him, Han Peng just smiled lightly, but he was not angry at all, and then he even took the initiative to explain.

He was telling the truth. This suit of clothes was what he wore when he was in trouble in the secular world. That was also the period when he was most downcast. I came down to commemorate this time. This time, I was beaten by Lin Yifei so badly that my clothes were all torn, so Lin Yifei ordered him to wear a new set of the most low-key clothes, and the most low-key, of course, is this one.When Lin Yifei saw Han Peng wearing this outfit, he suppressed a smile and didn't express his opinion for a long time, but he was very satisfied with the latter's outfit, so he ordered him to come out wearing this outfit.

"What's going on? What happened to General Han Pengtian? Why did he disappear for a while, and not only became respectful and polite, but even spoke so politely. Did he have a fever and burn out his brain?"

Hearing that Han Pengtian was about to speak again, everyone still didn't move at all, but they still maintained the movements and expressions they had when they were shocked before, with an expression of disbelief.

Everyone has the ability to accept changes, but it also depends on what kind of changes, some changes need time to adapt, and some changes, even if given time to adapt, are difficult to accept, such as the current General Han Peng.For a long time, this general Han Peng was dressed in a dragon robe, crowned with a crown, and he spoke with the tone of a superior, with an expression of self-respect, but at this moment, a high-ranking emperor suddenly turned into a beggar , The mindset of hundreds of millions of years, it is obviously too difficult for everyone to accept such a change immediately.

"Hey, don't be so surprised. I, Han Peng, suddenly realized today that all the previous things were not what a cultivator should do. From now on, I, Han Peng, will be a quiet and inactive cultivator. I was so confused before, I hope everyone will be a witness!"

A soft sigh came from General Han Pengtian's mouth again, and upon hearing his soft sigh, the people present were shocked again.To be a quiet and inaction cultivator, this sentence comes from Han Peng's mouth, it feels so weird, so unconvincing, quiet and inaction?How quiet and inactive? With more than 1000 Taoist companions, he wants to be quiet and do nothing, is it possible?This is obviously too unconvincing.

"Hehe, everyone, don't look at me in this way. I'm telling the truth. From now on, I will focus on pursuing the way of heaven, and I will never put on any pomp and embarrass everyone. Oh, yes, in order to prove my Change, I want to announce one thing, that is, today's big wedding is cancelled, I will not marry the little princess of the Hua family."

Han Peng's patience seems to have become better. He turned a blind eye to the strange gazes of the people around him, and he still talked about himself, and his next words finally made the silent crowd move again. up.Obviously, the news announced by Han Peng was too shocking. The cancellation of the wedding was the first time that Han Pengtian had been married so many times.At this moment, everyone suddenly felt that this Heavenly General Han Peng seemed to have really changed, and it had changed so drastically that everyone couldn't believe it.

"Boom" Just when everyone was stunned by Han Peng's news, they saw Han Peng wave his hand. Suddenly, there was a sudden boom in a space on the side of the hall, and then everyone saw a place that looked like a teleportation array. The formation was destroyed, and then, General Han Pengtian's voice came again.

"This was originally a teleportation formation linking the Hua family and the Han family. It was originally intended to directly transfer the little princess of the Hua family and the people of the Hua family. Now, since the wedding is cancelled, there is no need to keep it. Now everyone Take my word for it!"

Han Peng decisively destroyed the teleportation array without frowning, but this time, even if everyone had doubts, they no longer had any doubts.Since even the teleportation array is destroyed, the people from the Hua family can't make it through. If they can't make it through, why marry?
"It seems that General Han Pengtian has really changed, but why? What happened?" The scene became silent again, and at this moment, everyone was thinking about General Han Pengtian's change today. Where did it come from.

(End of this chapter)

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