Chapter 853 Broken Star Body Refining (, exploded to)
A piece of space world parallel to the fairy world, of course it is huge. Lin Yifei spent a year shuttling back and forth in this space world. Lin Yifei patronized every planet in this space world. As long as there is something on it, and it can enter his eyes, he will not put it away.

Finally, after getting all the good things on the planets into the Feixue space, Lin Yifei finally made his mind on these planets themselves. Next, he wants to destroy these planets and collect the original objects of these planets. Qi and star core, and speaking of them, these are his biggest gains this time. Of course, these gains have not yet become a reality, and they are just Lin Yifei's goals.

"Primitive energy, star core, these things are legendary treasures! Even if you are a little tired this time, it is still worth it." After sweeping the entire space, Lin Yifei came to a place in this primitive world At the end, he stood on a huge planet with a smile on his face, and then said to himself.

After traveling back and forth for a year, Lin Yifei has set almost a hundred goals for himself. The scope of this primitive world is not small, and there are thousands of planets, large and small. If they have to be smashed one by one, then Lin Yifei I don't know how long it will take!In the end, he left marks on a total of one hundred or so largest planets, that is to say, his next goal is to collect treasures from these one hundred or so huge planets.

"Phew, although with my current cultivation base, it is easy to destroy a planet in the fairy world, but in order not to destroy the star core in the planet, I have to be more careful. Moreover, the original stars in these planets I don’t know what it’s like to be angry, but I still have to be careful not to let these things go.” The action is about to start, so Lin Yifei must think about what to pay attention to next.

"It started with you, this planet is so big, I don't know how big the star core inside it is, and there should be a lot of primordial energy in it?" Muttering to himself, the sky sword suddenly appeared In Lin Yifei's hands, and then, Lin Yifei's figure was raised, and he was in the void in an instant. The sky sword was raised slightly, and Lin Yifei shouted a sentence of "cracking sword style" from the bottom of his heart. Cut to the huge planet below.

A loud "boom" resounded through the entire original space, and with this bang, the original huge planet was split into four with a bang, and Lin Yifei's strike turned out to be two swords, and as the planet split into pieces, , the planet that was originally suspended in the void immediately fell downwards.

The planet shattered, and countless heat poured out from the center of the planet. It was like a volcano that had been silent for countless years suddenly found a vent and erupted. Coax, Lin Yifei, who was on the periphery, had to mobilize his divine energy to resist under the attack of the heat. The heat inside the planet was extremely high.

"Trouble is trouble, there is still so much magma, but I forgot about it, so much magma, wanting to find such a large star core, and there is not much primordial energy, it is simply impossible It’s like looking for a grain of sand in the sea!” The magma flying all over the sky mixed the star core of the planet, and it was impossible to find it immediately, and the original gas, which is in the form of gas, is even more difficult to find , but Lin Yifei understands that the primordial energy is extremely strange, and it will not be burned by the high temperature. As long as the magma falls, he can search in this space.

With his consciousness out, Lin Yifei resisted the burning pain, and searched for the existence of the star core and the primordial gas in the magma all over the sky. It exists, and the star core is also the continuous nourishment of the original energy, so it has such a high quality, and it is one of the only refining materials to become a king-grade artifact.

Lin Yifei's primordial spirit is very strong, but the heat inside the planet, the temperature is really high, even with his divine sense, he can only tentatively search among these heat, but then again, such a The heat can actually help Lin Yifei temper his soul. After all, he has been dealing with such high temperatures, and Lin Yifei's soul quality has been refined invisibly, and it is difficult not to improve it.

"It is said that the star core is not big, the big one is the size of a skull, and the small one is not even the size of a fist. This planet is big enough, the star core should be at least the size of a skull!" After a little thought, Lin Yifei focused his attention on They were all placed on some moderately sized objects, and the special ability of the induction energy body was released accordingly, and he began to search for the star core carefully. To be honest, he had a lot of refining materials in his hand, but There are really not many things like star cores. It was only when Fang Hua was beheaded last time that he was lucky enough to get a piece from his collection. That piece alone can only be refined It's just a royal artifact.

The heat inside the planet is also a thing with abundant energy. Lin Yifei's special ability to sense energy bodies can sense strange energy bodies, but the distribution of these magmas is uneven, and the distribution of energy is also very chaotic. It's hard to be found, so, the special ability at this moment is actually not as good as Lin Yifei's direct eyesight and spiritual sense to find it!So, in the end, Lin Yifei simply withheld his special ability and focused on finding it with his divine sense.

Lin Yifei's figure was constantly floating, appearing here for a while, and then there for a while, and this kind of situation immediately reminded Lin Yifei that he was not alone, why did he have to be so tired?Soon, with a thought, Lin Yifei called out all four of his clones, and together the five of them searched for the existence of star cores and primordial energy in the scorching sky.

The efficiency of the five people is different. Each searched in one direction. In the intertwined spiritual consciousness, nothing could escape their joint search. Finally, after searching for a while, Lin Yifei's gold system clone sent a message, the star core, found up!And when the golden avatar discovered the star core, it was equivalent to Lin Yifei discovering it. Soon, Lin Yifei's body also saw a golden spherical spar. This spar was about the size of two heads, and it was golden. The color of the magma is the same as the magma flying all over the sky, and even the characteristics of the energy are similar. At this moment, Lin Yifei also knew why he hadn't found it for a long time.

"Hey, I finally found you! Where are you running!" Seeing the appearance of the star core, Lin Yifei suddenly dodged and rushed directly into the scorching heat, but just as soon as he rushed into the scorching heat, Lin Yifei felt his whole body burn Although it would not roast him to death, it also made him gnash his teeth.

"Hiss, the temperature is so high that even a body like me finds it unbearable. No wonder the star core is so precious. It seems that only the masters of the gods can get it easily. The gods, don't even think about it." Think!" Of course, Lin Yifei didn't know much about it, the temperature around him told him that if his cultivation base and physical strength were weaker, then he would definitely die.

Just as Lin Yifei thought, except for the masters of the gods, it is really difficult for others to obtain such things as star cores. Above the ground, it was surrounded by cooled magma, and it was dug out as spar after countless years.

"Cold Spirit Armor!" Feeling the uncomfortable temperature around his body, Lin Yifei immediately thought of the Cold Spirit Armor. Although this treasure is at the level of a top-grade artifact, it happens to be usable at this time. However, such a As soon as the idea was born, Lin Yifei immediately suppressed it, because he suddenly realized that at this moment, isn't it a good time for him to temper his body?

"Shenlong Transformation, get up!" Throwing the cold spirit armor aside, Lin Yifei suddenly used the Shenlong Transformation technique. Lin Yifei has never practiced this multicolored dragon's body training supernatural power seriously, but even so, Lin Yifei's The strength of the physical body is also very frightening, and at this moment, Lin Yifei suddenly thought that if his sacrifice technique wants to last longer, then he must have a stronger physical body and soul, and the improvement of the soul has been continuing. As for the improvement of his physical body, he has always ignored it, and today happened to have this opportunity, why didn't he take the opportunity to improve his physical strength?If he could temper his body to the level of a god king, then his sacrifice technique would definitely be able to last longer, and the strength of a god king would also be able to display more.

Having figured this out, Lin Yifei rushed directly into the scorching heat, first put away the star core, and then began to use the heat from the outside world to sharpen his body.He didn't rush to find the primordial gas, because this thing is different from the star core. If the star core falls to other planets with the magma, it must be wrapped in the cooled magma and it is difficult to find, but the primordial gas is It's different, that thing is gas, after all the magma has cooled, not only will the primordial gas not be wrapped by the cooled magma, it should also float in the air, and he can easily collect it at that time.

"Good guy, it seems that if you want to temper your body, you have to pay a huge price! This temperature is really not something a human can bear! Transforming a dragon!" Lin Yifei still underestimated the heat inside the planet, or , he still overestimated the strength of his physical body. When he was in the midst of the heat, he deeply felt that if he did not take some measures, he might really be seriously injured by burns. So, after a little thought, Lin Yifei still chose to transform into a dragon, and tempered his body in the dragon form. Anyway, he did it all by himself, and the human form and dragon form are the same, but the dragon form is more resistant to burning.

The heat in the sky did not land quickly. This is an endless void. After the planet shattered, there was no gravitational force. These heats are constantly cooling down and being sucked by some surrounding planets. However, Lin Yifei has a big Take the time to temper his body, and after the heat here cools down, he can change to another planet, and continue his body training plan.

(End of this chapter)

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