Chapter 861 Create God King? (, then burst)
It is said that after Lin Yifei set foot in the area of ​​the monster tribe, the first stop was the area of ​​the rat tribe. The rat tribe is distributed on the periphery of the monster tribe area, but it is a very large group. However, although it is huge, there is no master worthy of Lin Yifei. , So, after just taking a look, Lin Yifei planned to pass over the Rat Clan area directly and enter the inner area of ​​the Monster Clan to have a look.

However, the facts are impermanent. Just when Lin Yifei wanted to pass by the Rat Tribe area, he, who had a keen sense, suddenly felt a slight strangeness. This trace of strangeness came from the underground of the Rat Tribe area. What kind of feeling, but in short, he just felt a faint fluctuation. If he did not have the identity of the colorful dragon, he would not be able to feel this fluctuation at all. He can have a very keen perception of things, and he can be sure that there is definitely something going on right under the feet of where he is now.

"It seems that I should go underground. Although the Rat Race is not a powerful race, at least, no other race seems to be able to match them in terms of numbers. These big rats really can't be sure. What kind of method is there! This kind of energy fluctuation is so strange that even I feel a little scared, it seems that it will definitely not be unreasonable!" Lin Yifei stood on the ground in the aquarium area, thinking constantly in his heart, and finally However, he still decided to take a look underground to see what earth-shattering events these big rats were doing, and whether he had made any money.

After thinking of this, Lin Yifei no longer hesitated, released the power of the law of space, and directly penetrated into the ground. Speaking of which, the power of the law of space is not only useful in the outer space, but also useful in the underground. With the power of space to clear the way, Lin Yifei went straight down to the ground. However, the ground does not need to go outside, but Lin Yifei can only descend slowly, and cannot use too fast a speed.

"Good guy, it seems that there is really something going on here. It's really a big deal to lay down so many layers of restrictions, layer after layer. It seems that among these rats, there are also big rats who are proficient in formation." !" After Lin Yifei went [-] meters underground, he discovered that there was a formation restriction in the soil, and then there was a formation every [-] meters. Now he has penetrated more than [-] meters underground, that is to say, all the way he After coming down, almost hundreds of restrictions have been passed, and these restrictions are still getting more and more advanced, which makes Lin Yifei frown greatly.But fortunately, Lin Yifei is proficient in the laws of space, and he is not afraid of restrictions to block the way. He has the innate skills of the colorful dragon, as long as he becomes a dragon, he is also not afraid of any formation restrictions.

Constantly going deep underground, passing through layer after layer of formations and restrictions, Lin Yifei has been able to completely determine that the big rats of the Rat Clan must be doing something underground, otherwise, they would not be idle and have nothing to do. There are so many layers of formation restrictions, and Lin Yifei, who has penetrated tens of thousands of meters underground, can more and more feel the fluctuations coming from below. Needless to say, these restrictions outside should be to prevent this. A wave of energy dissipates to the outside.

"Bo..." At a certain moment, after Lin Yifei passed through the last restriction, his figure finally appeared in a hollowed out underground space world, and after arriving here, Lin Yifei subconsciously concealed his figure, Then he raised his eyes and looked forward, not only could he feel the energy fluctuations, but he could also see the situation below with his own eyes.

"Hey, what's going on here? Why are there so many Rat Races? Good guy, there are no less than [-] million Rat Races in such a space. What are they doing?" After Lin Yifei went down to the ground, he immediately saw There are densely packed rats in front of them, and they are all big rats that have shown themselves. Roughly, there are hundreds of millions of these rats. These hundreds of millions of big rats form a ring around a large platform. And next to the big platform, there are almost hundreds of humanoid rats sitting around. These hundreds of humanoid rats are all at the stage of the gods, ranging from the early stage of the gods to the late stage of the gods. All around, they were chanting words, while the hundreds of millions of big rats behind them connected their own energy into a network and sent it to the hundred people, and finally, the energy of the hundred people was infused into the big table in the middle again.

Lin Yifei followed the direction of these energies and focused his eyes on the top of the big table. Immediately, the figures of eleven big mice appeared in front of his eyes. Out of the eleven big mice, ten were surrounded by a circle, and a golden mouse was in the middle. Not only does it look several times bigger than the rats outside, but it also has a very majestic feeling. One can tell at a glance that this one must be the overlord of the rats, and the rat king is also. However, let Lin Yifei outside Surprisingly, the big golden mouse in the middle turned out to be a mutated divine beast, even a mutated superior divine beast.

"I didn't expect it! Even the Rat Clan has mutant beasts, and it's a mutant high-ranking beast. This big mouse has the cultivation base of the late-stage gods, and the other ten are also strong in the late-stage gods, including the rat clans outside. The masters of the gods, the rat clan, are really strong, it seems that these guys are developing in the outer area of ​​the monster clan, and they are really developing very well! But, what are they doing now?"

Lin Yifei hid his figure in the dimensional space. Under the king of gods, it is impossible for anyone to find him, but he can unscrupulously observe what these big rats are doing in front of him. Lin Yifei was really puzzled by the sight of big rats. He really couldn't tell what these big rats were doing. The god-stage rats here, including the eleven on the high platform in the middle, had a total of [-] rats. There are as many as one hundred and twenty or thirty, and except for the big rats of the god stage that turned into human forms, the rest, even the big rats of the high gods, exist in the form of their own bodies.

Lin Yifei's interest was completely aroused by these big mice. He just wanted to find out what these big mice were doing. However, Lin Yifei was not the kind of person with shallow knowledge. The big mouse should be doing a priest-like activity, and the big platform in the middle is undoubtedly the altar of these guys, but what surprised him was that the object of these guys' priests seemed to be the one on the altar. Eleven big rats in shape.

As time passed by every minute and every second, Lin Yifei could feel that the energies of the 11 people on the altar in the middle were constantly growing, while the hundreds of millions of gray mice around were unreservedly pouring out their own energy. The energy sent out from the whole body helped the eleven big mice in the middle improve their cultivation and condense their bodies, and the eleven humanoid mice in the middle also lived up to expectations, and their cultivation was improving bit by bit.

Lin Yifei wanted to know the result of the priest this time, so he was not in a hurry to leave. He always felt that these mice would definitely not just play around in such a big formation. It was obvious that everyone worked hard, and, From the hundreds of millions of mice around, Lin Yifei could still feel an atmosphere, a slightly depressing atmosphere. Lin Yifei didn't know what this atmosphere meant, and this undoubtedly made him curious.

Because he felt that these rats had become one, Lin Yifei didn't dare to refine one or two of them carelessly. After all, no one knew whether refining one or two rats would affect the entire priesthood. To be on the safe side, Lin Yifei decided to keep observing like this until the results appeared in front of his eyes.

In this way, Lin Yifei hid in the dimensional space, simply got a chair, sat there and observed, and this observation lasted for more than half a month.Finally, after half a month, Lin Yifei in the dimensional space was shocked, because at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the big golden mouse in the center of the altar had opened its eyes.

"Are you finally going to talk? I thought it would go on like this forever! If it goes on like this, I won't be able to wait any longer." Seeing the big golden mouse in the middle open its eyes, Lin Yifei knew the answer to the mystery he wanted to know, The result should be seen soon, at this moment, he really looked forward to it.

"All the people of the Rat Clan, as the king of the Rat Clan, I, the Golden Retriever, was born in accordance with the sky. I vowed to lead the Rat Clan to become famous in the Monster Clan. Strength, although our Rat Clan has a prosperous population, but without real masters in charge, it will be difficult to become a powerful clan in the God Realm. Therefore, this king staged this sacrificial ceremony to create a real king of the Rat Clan. As long as the Rat Clan can be born The Rat King, that is, the master of the god king level, then our Rat Clan will surely become famous, and we will be able to slaughter all the civet cats who persecuted the Rat Clan and avenge their original hatred!"

Under Lin Yifei's astonished gaze and listening, the big golden mouse in the center of the altar yelled continuously. I can understand, so after hearing what the big golden mouse said, Lin Yifei became even more astonished. From the big golden mouse's speech, he got a piece of information, which sounds crazy .

"What is this guy going to do? Create a god king? How? Could it be possible for a master god king to create it?" Frowning slightly, Lin Yifei was still full of doubts about the creation of a god king in the other party's mouth.

"Everyone, God bless my Rat Clan. When I mutated into a high-ranking beast, I realized the grand sacrifice formation of the ancestors of the Rat Clan. If I set up this formation today, the Rat Clan will definitely be able to give birth to a master god king, but I want the Rat Clan to give birth to a master. If the clan is strong, someone must step forward, dedicate all of themselves, sacrifice themselves, and fulfill the entire rat clan, fellow clansmen, are you ready to sacrifice?"

While Lin Yifei was thinking, the special sound of the big golden mouse had already spread, and upon hearing this, Lin Yifei also roughly understood that this guy might actually have a way to create the king of the rat race. Although I don't know if it can be done, but there is a way, it is certain.

"Chirp" the big golden mouse's voice fell, and hundreds of millions of big mice around raised their heads together and let out a long cry, and even more than 100 humanoid big mice around them immediately showed their bodies and croaked, and there were some in their voices. A common meaning, that is, they are willing to sacrifice to fulfill the entire Rat Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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