Chapter 873

The tiger king of the tiger clan, the mutated high-ranking divine beast Moon Shadow Golden Silk Tiger, after countless years of searching, finally found the lair of the raccoon cat clan and the nine raccoons he had been looking for all along. Directly forcing Jiuli to be her own queen and asking the raccoon cats to submit to him is extremely overbearing. However, even if Jiuli wants to resist the order of the master of the god king, how can she resist?

However, just when Jiuli's face was ashen, and he was so overwhelmed by the tiger that he didn't know what to do, a shocking roar suddenly came from outside.

"Which emperor is here, the mouse emperor of the rat clan came to seek revenge, I hope you can give way, it's convenient!" Tuntian's voice was very loud, and it was full of power. His voice shook the whole civet cat. The family's old nest was completely wrapped up, and all the raccoon cats living in it were stunned by his sound, and the discussion of the nine raccoons and tiger ben in the tree house was interrupted by this sound.

"The Rat Clan, the Mouse Emperor? How is this possible? When did the Rat Clan have an emperor? Could it be that the just-promoted god-king master is a member of the Rat Clan?" At that time, Jiuli's complexion was not very good, and she turned pale again, and after the word "seeking revenge" was heard in her ears, she was even more horrified. Here comes the big trouble again.

The rat clan, the absolute opposite of the civet cat clan, has always been a race that the civet cat clan treats as food. The nine raccoons can't imagine what it will be like after the birth of a master god king in this group. The enmity between the rat clan and the civet cat clan , It cannot be dispelled at all. The civet cat clan has killed too many rat clans. Although the rat clan has a strong reproductive ability and has not been exterminated, the persecution of the civet cat clan still caused countless deaths and injuries to the rat clan. Now the rat clan has given birth to the rat king. The life of the civet cat clan is probably really hard, and even more, whether the entire civet cat clan can continue to exist in the God Realm is a big problem.

"What to do, what to do, the Rat Emperor came to seek revenge, is it possible that my clan of civet cats will be wiped out by him like this?" Jiu Li was in a state of confusion. Although she was also a mutant beast, she was only a low-rank beast, and her cultivation It is only in the late stage of the gods, but the emperor of the rat clan is a veritable master of the god king, and from the opponent's aura, it can be felt that the opponent's level is definitely higher than her own. nothing.

His unfocused gaze was fixed on Hu Ben in front of him. Jiuli seemed to see a glimmer of hope, but was soon replaced by despair. Although Hu Ben had been coveting her for a long time, he also wanted to get the civet cats under his hands. But with a god-king master, would he still stick to his previous ideas?I'm afraid it's absolutely impossible!No matter how precious the civet cat family is, no matter how strong her temptation is, it is probably not worthwhile for a master of the god king to have an enmity with another master of the god king.

At this moment, Huben's complexion also changed. He had just seen the effect, and he was able to collect the civet cats and embrace the beauty, but it was no coincidence that someone came at this time. Here, it doesn't matter to ordinary people, but it's a pity that the one who came is actually a demon king, a super expert at the level of a god king, a master of a god king, even he is absolutely unwilling to provoke him.

"The mouse king of the rat clan, it seems that the master of the god king who was born not long ago must be the one of the rat clan, but this guy is here to seek revenge, do I want to protect the civet cat clan?" Huben had to be serious After thinking about it, originally, he wanted to take the raccoon family as his own, but now, if he wants to accept the civet cat family, he will face the revenge of the rat clan emperor. He somewhat understands the grievances and grievances between the two clans. He believes that even if he accepts the raccoon cat clan, the Mouse Emperor will definitely not sell him any face. I am afraid that it will be more complicated by then. .

Of course, if Huben knew that the current raccoon clan, except for the strength of the old nest, all the other civet cat clans had already been swallowed by Tuntian, he might not be as embarrassed as he is now!

"Huh, forget it, isn't it just the raccoon family? If you don't want it, then you don't want it. It's all about selling that big mouse as a favor. With my ability, why should I care about a small civet cat family?" Huben finally made up his mind to give up the civet cat clan and not form a relationship with the rat clan.

Jiuli has been paying attention to Huben's expression. After seeing Huben's last reaction, the only glimmer of hope on her face was shattered. How could she not see what Huben meant?Originally, she didn't have much hope, but now that she was confirmed, she wasn't too disappointed. At this moment, the heart of the nine civet cats was ashamed.

"Hehe, nine raccoons, nine raccoons, originally the emperor wanted to bring your raccoon clan under the command of the emperor, and let you be the queen of the emperor, but he didn't want you to know what is good or bad. If that is the case, then forget it. Look, how your civet cat clan can bear the anger of the rat clan emperor!" Huben changed his face quite quickly, and after a calm smile, his figure disappeared directly into the tree house, but he went outside to meet the rat emperor Tuntian. Say hello and go.

"Trash, a bullying waste, I don't need your help, my civet cat clan will never perish like the tiger clan!" Seeing the tiger ben disappear, Jiuli's beautiful face is slightly distorted, it is really a matter of life and death at this moment It's time, if one fails, the clan may be wiped out, but fortunately, the civet cat clan is widely scattered, even if the civet cat clan here is wiped out, there are still civet cat clans in other places.Of course, she didn't know that, except for the civet cats here, the gathering places of other civet cats have long since disappeared.Even if there are some idle civet cats left, there will definitely not be many.

"Rat Clan Mouse King, let me meet you for a while, am I still afraid that you will fail?" The civet cat clan has always had a sense of superiority over the Rat Clan, although the outside is a rat clan at the level of a god king, But when Jiuli got mad, she really felt like she was going all out, and at this moment, she also had to go out to face the Shuhuang Tuntian. Could it be that she was able to leave the people of the civet cat clan behind, Can't escape by yourself?

Thinking of this, Jiuli gritted her teeth and rushed out. She knew that even if she wanted to run at this moment, it would be impossible. To escape under the hands of the master of the god king, I am afraid that the entire God Realm would be destroyed. No one in the god stage can do it yet!

When Jiuli came out of the tree house and reached the outside, he just heard Huben's disgusting voice.

"Haha, it turns out that he is the new emperor of the Rat Clan. This emperor, Hu Ben, wants to congratulate the Rat Emperor for advancing to the rank of God King. From then on, the God Realm is boundless, and let the Rat Emperor gallop!" Obviously the strength is not weak, and it is still the rank of a mutated high-ranking beast. Of course, Huben knows how to deal with such a powerful character. The so-called stretching out his hand and not hitting the smiling face, he congratulates at this time is undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

"It turned out to be the king of the tiger. Thank you, the king of the tiger. It is just a fluke to be able to advance to the god king!" When he saw the tiger who came out of the tree house and heard the other party's self-introduction, Tuntian immediately knew the other party's identity , although he hadn't been promoted to God King before, he had heard of the name Huben. The king of the Tiger Clan was almost a bare-bones commander, but everyone knew that the King Huben slaughtered a large race in the God Realm by himself. It can be said that his reputation spread far and wide.

Before, Tuntian couldn't feel the other party's aura, but just felt a coldness, but it was because the other party killed too many people at the beginning, which made his body full of blood, which covered up the aura of the tiger clan, but now face to face, he can see it Out of Huben's body, since it's this guy, speaking of it, Tuntian really doesn't want to face this killing god.

"I don't know what the Tiger Emperor is talking about here. I want to find the civet cats to settle some grievances today. I wonder if the Tiger Emperor can make it easier!" Although the other party is difficult, Tuntian doesn't care who he offends for revenge. Of course, He also wanted to hear what kind of idea this tiger would have.When he said this, Tuntian had already turned his gaze to the back of Hu Ben, where the king of the civet cat clan had also come out of the tree house.

"Hehe, the Emperor Shu is worrying too much. I just happened to pass by this place. I can do whatever the Emperor wants to do. I am leaving now. By the way, if I have free time in the future, I would like to invite the Emperor to come to my Tiger Clan." Come to be a guest, the emperor will definitely sweep the couch to welcome you!" Huben seemed to be very worried about being misunderstood, he waved to Tuntian quickly, and then said politely.

"Okay, since that's the case, I don't worry about it. Don't worry. After I destroy the civet cat clan and stabilize my cultivation, I might visit the Tiger Clan in the future. The Tiger Emperor invites me!" Hearing Huben's words, Tun Tian was overjoyed, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and he didn't want to have too much interaction with the other party, since the other party was passing by and had nothing to do with the civet cats, that would be the best.

"Hehe, the Mouse Emperor invites you!" Hu Ben smiled lightly as he cupped his hands to Tuntian, and then, with a flash of his figure, his figure disappeared into the space directly, as if he had teleported away.

Seeing Huben leave, Tuntian couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. Now that it's all right, with Huben leaving, he can manipulate the raccoon clan as he pleases, and his hatred can finally be resolved today. The raccoon clan, from today onwards , will also disappear on the big stage of the God Realm.

"Haha, Jiuli, it's been a long time. You are getting more and more beautiful, but unfortunately, after today, no one can appreciate your face anymore!" Hu Ben left, Tuntian directly Taking a step forward, he appeared in the sky above Jiuli, hanging there high, and said condescendingly to Jiuli.At this moment, he only felt extremely happy in his heart.

How long has it been? How long has the raccoon clan oppressed the rat clan? At this moment, this oppression has finally been reversed. From today onwards, the rat clan will never be oppressed by the civet cat clan, because from now on, the civet cat clan will disappear. disappeared.

"Tuntian, I didn't expect you to mutate into a high-ranking beast. It seems that my civet cat clan may not have a good life!" At this moment, Jiuli is not as nervous as before. Anyway, it's here now. Fear obviously has no effect, so it is better to calm down and look for a chance to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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