Chapter 931 The First Trial of the Five Elements Formation (Third)

The improvement of Yuanshen's cultivation base and the significant improvement in combat effectiveness made Lin Yifei immediately make the decision to explore the ancient dead zone again, and this time, Lin Yifei only brought Harrier Pigeon Emperor alone. Of course, Tuntian and Xue Zihan It is also in his flying snow space, but these two, Tuntian is digesting the nine-headed python, obviously can't make a move, and Xue Zihan and Lin Yifei don't intend to put this sister-in-law in danger.

Lin Yifei did not rashly enter the inner area of ​​the ancient death zone, but first circled around the border area between the outer and inner areas. Before entering the inner area, he had to test his own strength. In this area , is definitely the best choice.Not to mention, soon, Lin Yifei and Yaogehuang met a giant tortoise, and the god king's early stage cultivation was just used to practice his hands.

The first one to attack was the Harrier Pigeon Emperor. This guy got the hydra's guts before and was promoted, but this time he took aim at the giant tortoise's guts. It seems that he knows the taste and wants to go further.In this regard, Lin Yifei didn't stop him either. The Harrier Pigeon King's previous combat effectiveness was really bad. It's not a bad thing to use this opportunity to exercise. At worst, he will make another move after he fails.

No matter how you say it, the King Harrier is higher than the other party. Although the giant tortoise is not small, after the King Harrier becomes a small pigeon, it is impossible for the giant tortoise to hurt it. The giant tortoise turned around, making the giant tortoise dizzy, and his sharp beak pecked at the giant tortoise from time to time, which made the giant tortoise roar continuously.But it's a pity that although the Harrier Pigeon King has the flexibility, it is not so easy to kill the giant tortoise.

The tinkling sounds continued to come from below, which made Lin Yifei smile lightly.Harrier Pigeon King has already used all his strengths, wind blade, sharp beak, sharp claws, almost all the tricks that can be used, Harrier Pigeon King has used almost all of them, but no matter what moves, the giant turtle's shell just appeared one after another. However, the giant tortoise obviously found out that the nimble bird is so nimble that he couldn't hurt the opponent at all, so this guy shrank his limbs and head into the tortoise's shell, Harrier Pigeon King stopped talking to him, and Harrier Pigeon King wanted to break open the opponent's tortoise shell, but there was no way for a while.

"Hehe, this giant tortoise is really amazing in defense, but I don't know, my big five-element formation, how can I deal with him? If I can't break through the defense, then I will suck you dry! The kite retreats!" Lin Yifei watched in the air for a long time. At first, the giant tortoise could shoot a few black water arrows, and its two front paws would slap a few times from time to time, just like swat flies. At that time, it was quite interesting, but now , The big guy didn't move at all, and it didn't make any sense to look at it any longer.

Lin Yifei's order went directly to the soul of the Harrier Pigeon Emperor. Although the latter still wanted to entangle with the giant tortoise for a while, but considering the opponent's abnormal defense power, he could only admit defeat. Lin Yifei asked him to retreat, so it must be I did it myself, since that's the case, he should just watch from the sidelines!He was also a little curious about how Lin Yifei, the master, would break through the giant turtle's defense.

Just when the Harrier Pigeon Emperor withdrew to the side, Lin Yifei's figure had already appeared around the giant tortoise, and as soon as he appeared, there were five Lin Yifeis.In an instant, Lin Yifei actually released all four clones, and when the four clones appeared, the five of them immediately looked at each other. With a slight movement of their thoughts, the big five-element formation was formed like lightning, and the five Lin Yifei released each of them. A stream of energy of the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, soon, a network formed by the condensed energy of the five elements, wrapping the giant tortoise in the middle, Lin Yifei did not use the sacrifice technique to raise his cultivation level to the level of a god king , but the five masters of the great perfection of the gods, using the big five-element formation, the five elements circulate, are equivalent to a master of the king of gods.

"Five elements circulate, imprison!" Five Lin Yifei formed seals at the same time, and soon, the giant tortoise was trapped in the middle, but the giant tortoise didn't even look at Lin Yifei's imprisonment, although it felt that it was being imprisoned , but the giant tortoise didn't have the idea of ​​resisting, and now he seemed to be playing tricks.

The previous battle with the Harrier Pigeon King had already made the giant tortoise understand that the two little guys who came today won't get any benefits for him. Since this is the case, he can only use his unique trick to be a turtle with a shrunken head!
The giant tortoise has cultivated here for countless years, and the light of the ancient death zone has flowed. Many powerful guys have come out, but no matter whether they are weaker than him or slightly stronger than him, they have not done anything to him. , he stayed with his corrosive arrow rain and became his own food, and for those strong ones, he had one way to deal with them, that is to be a shrinking turtle.Not to mention, this trick is really easy to use. His tortoise shell is naturally hard, and his body is too huge. Those who want to tear it up and eat it, or swallow it raw , In the end, they all left resentfully, there was no way, they couldn't tear it apart, swallow it and swallow it, so of course they had to give up.

Today, after he failed to find a bargain from the Harrier Pigeon King, the giant turtle ranked the Harrier Pigeon King and Lin Yifei higher than himself, and to deal with such characters, of course he had to use his own tricks.The giant tortoise felt the confinement of the Great Five Elements Formation very clearly, but he didn't care about it. In his mind, no one in this ancient dead zone could break his tortoise's shell. Go for it!He just needs to sleep in the turtle shell.

However, just when the giant tortoise thought he wouldn't have any problems, he suddenly felt a stagnation all over his body, and then, a very bad feeling arose in the giant tortoise's heart. The young man suddenly realized the strangeness of the situation.

"Big five-element formation, devour!" Lin Yifei shouted suddenly after the confinement was completed. Afterwards, the main body and the four avatar handprints changed, and the five-element energy network in the middle of the formation suddenly began to operate. The energy came from the giant tortoise, and finally entered into Lin Yifei's main body and the bodies of the four clones. The big five-element array showed his fangs for the first time.

"Phew, what a pure energy. The energy of this giant tortoise is really high in quantity and quality. If I suck up all this big guy, I don't know how many times my physical body will be stronger. If it is done, I must not let it This big guy ran away, I sucked and sucked!" Lin Yifei was not unfamiliar with the devouring stunt of the Great Five Elements Formation for the first time, after all, his primordial spirit was at the middle stage of a god king, even if his combat power was not at the level of a god king, But running the formation is enough.

The figure of the giant tortoise was imprisoned, and he wanted to stretch out his head and feet, but he felt very strenuous. He couldn't move his body, so he could only find a way to resist Lin Yifei's absorption, but he could resist the engulfment of the five-element formation. of it?The answer is of course no. Although the giant tortoise tried its best to stabilize the energy of its whole body and prevent any loss of energy, he couldn't resist the engulfment of the five-element formation at all. The original force running all over his body was fighting against the big five-element formation. Now, he would rather fight the outsiders than be sucked dry. In that case, he might be the most unjust death of a monster.

"Hmph, still want to move your body? How can it be so easy, imprison, imprison!" Lin Yifei absorbed the energy of the giant tortoise, but felt that the giant tortoise was struggling to escape from the confinement of the Great Five Elements Formation. He is tall, but his strength is not small. With such a move, Lin Yifei, who has not used the sacrifice technique, really feels like he can't restrain the opponent.However, Lin Yifei obviously didn't give up so easily. On the thought, he increased the output of the five-element formation, and immediately used the energy swallowed to make up for his own output. It can be said that the current situation is that Lin Yifei used The energy of the giant tortoise is used to imprison the giant tortoise, and all the energy of the giant tortoise is consumed inside and out.If the energy of the giant tortoise is exhausted, then the big guy will die. Of course, this level of consumption, judging by the size of the giant tortoise, may last too long.

After a stalemate for almost a few minutes, the giant tortoise seemed to feel that if it continued like this, he might really be over, so this guy also started to fight for his life, and Lin Yifei could even feel that the giant tortoise's body , Countless auras began to explode, in order to get rid of the imprisonment of the Great Five Elements Formation.

"Are you only thinking about going all out now? There is no chance, sacrifice!" Lin Yifei has already taken a fancy to this guy's big tortoise shell. The energy of this tortoise shell is very strange. To temper his own body, so of course the big guy can't escape, the sacrifice technique suddenly activated, Lin Yifei's big five-element formation immediately increased by more than a few levels, and even greater confinement power was exerted on the giant tortoise's body In the first place, the five masters of the gods and kings operated the five-element formation together. No matter how strong the giant tortoise was, it was impossible to break free.

After the sacrifice technique was used, Lin Yifei immediately increased his devouring power. Lin Yifei's target was the shell of the giant tortoise. As for the essence, energy, and flesh inside the shell, Lin Yifei had no interest at all. Only the energy of the shell can make His physical body is more powerful.

A steady stream of special energy was separated from the turtle shell, and then injected into Lin Yifei's main body and the bodies of the four clones. Speaking of which, such things as spiritual energy were not a problem for Lin Yifei's main body at all, because his flying There is a lot of spiritual energy in the snow space. He wants to use it just because of a thought. What he wants is the special energy in the tortoise shell. These energies are not available in the snow space.

"It's a strange energy. I can feel that the body is getting stronger. I don't know what material the turtle shell is made of. It seems that it can absorb more!" Feeling the feeling that the body is gradually getting stronger after the energy of the turtle shell is injected into the body , Lin Yifei subconsciously intensified the devouring force.And just like that, Lin Yifei was devouring the energy of the giant tortoise's shell for the ten minutes that the four clones could last, and during these ten minutes, Lin Yifei clearly felt that his physical strength had definitely become much stronger. Now, even with the sharpest Tianshen Qi, it is absolutely difficult to see a trace.

However, when the sacrifice time of the four clones passed, Lin Yifei obviously couldn't restrain the struggling giant tortoise, and the engulfment of the Great Five Elements Formation had to come to an end.

"Enough, after absorbing so much energy from the tortoise shell, it's time to send this big guy to heaven! Xiaojin, the tortoise shell and tortoise gall are left behind, and the flesh and blood inside are at your disposal!" Lin Yifei Suddenly released the Sky Sword, and Xiao Jin, who was already on standby, suddenly appeared, laughed, and directly drilled into the giant turtle's bone.The sharpness of the semi-holy weapon is obviously not what the giant tortoise can resist. This guy's fate is already doomed, and he can only wait to be hollowed out.

(End of this chapter)

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