Chapter 962 Contributing One after another (Third Watch, Explosion)
"Boom" In a vast space of another dimension, there was another bang resounding through the entire space of another dimension. Accompanied by it, a middle-aged man was blown away with a punch and hit the space barrier, making a loud noise. ring.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you plotting against me? Why?" Lan Xuan couldn't describe his feelings at this moment, anger, doubt, fear, in short, negative emotions that shouldn't appear on him, a super emperor. I am afraid that all of them will appear in a while, but as time goes by, these negative emotions tend to aggravate.

Lan Xuan stared at the young man in front of him, and his heart had already set off a huge wave. He thought that he was the emperor of the whale clan and the number one master of the entire sea clan, but in front of the young man in front of him, he looked like a child Same, no power to fight back, yes, no power to fight back, what kind of cultivation is he?In the demon queen period, even if the two dragon kings of the dragon clan came, he would definitely have the confidence to fight to a tie, but in front of the young man in front of him, he had nothing to do.

I can't remember how many times I was overthrown, but from the beginning to the end, the young man in front never took a step back, but just looked at him with sarcasm, with indescribable contempt in his eyes.

"Blue Crown Whale, the head of the Whale Clan, you have let me down so much with your cultivation in the Demon Queen period. Could it be that you are a majestic master in the Demon Queen period, with only such a little strength? With such a cultivation base, how do you lead? Whale Clan? How to lead the Sea Clan?" Lin Yifei suspended his body in a different-dimensional space with his hands behind his back, his contempt for the world made Lan Xuan in front of him angry and afraid, so he could only keep retreating, but the different-dimensional space It's so big, if he wants to retreat, he can't retreat at all.

When he heard Lin Yifei's naked words of contempt, Lan Xuan's face changed again and again. If possible, he wished to smash the person in front of him to death with a punch, but after this fight, he knew that let alone smashing the opponent to death, it was considered a death. Being able to escape is already considered lucky, and until now, he has not thought of a way to escape. This piece of different-dimensional space is as strong as the space world of the God Realm, or even stronger.

"Where did this young man come from? When did such a powerful guy appear in the God Realm? My Demon Queen's cultivation base can't even touch the corner of his clothes, so what kind of cultivation base is he?" Also, what is going on with this world of different dimensions? Isn’t it possible for such a stable and huge space of different dimensions to be opened only by legendary masters?” Lan Xuan didn’t respond to Lin Yifei’s sarcasm, he didn’t care anymore Now, at this moment, the emperor's brain was running fast, he wanted to figure out what was going on, and finally find a way to escape. He knew very well that if he fought Lin Yifei, the result would be nothing to talk about.

"He is not a respectable master, and a respectable master cannot have the mood to make fun of me. The emperor, he should also be the emperor. I don't believe it. Among the emperors, someone can make me feel at a loss. I don't believe it!" Lan Xuan He keeps hinting to himself that he can defeat the person in front of him, he can't be afraid, if he is, then he is not far from losing, of course, it doesn't matter if he loses, he can't imagine the result after losing.

"Fight, fight, I don't believe it, I am a high-ranking beast in the period of the demon queen, I will fight to the death, but I still can't escape this damned different-dimensional space, the one-dimensional water arrow!" Finally, Lan Xuan launched an attack again, He believed that as long as the other party was the emperor, as long as he tried his best, sooner or later it would be difficult for the other party to maintain this different-dimensional space, and the moment the different-dimensional space disappeared was the time when he escaped.

"咻咻咻" All of a sudden, Lan Xuan, whose face was cloudy, opened his mouth wide, and then, blue and black water arrows, like raindrops, attacked Lin Yifei densely. One yuan of water arrows, one yuan of heavy water condensed The resulting arrows weighed ten thousand catties, and these one-yuan water arrows, even if they bombarded the space with all their strength, could almost shatter the space. Lan Xuan's blow was intended to kill Lin Yifei, on the other hand, wanted to blast away this different-dimensional space world to find a chance to escape, and he was so angry that he spit out all the one-yuan heavy water he had condensed and accumulated, forming a burst of real Arrow rain.

"Boy, die for me!" He opened his mouth and spat out thousands of one-yuan water arrows, but Lan Xuan was still worried. Suddenly, his figure changed suddenly, and his original human-shaped head suddenly turned into a huge whale head. This whale head is very weird, and the most strange thing is that there is a dark blue meat crown on the whale head, and this meat crown is worn on Lan Xuan's head like a crown, which looks very strange. majesty.

After Lan Xuan turned his head back to his body, suddenly, a substantial imprisoning force immediately filled the entire different-dimensional space, the crown of the blue crown whale, imprisoning the space!This is Lan Xuan's last trump card. His blue crown can imprison the opponent, and the lower the opponent's cultivation level, the longer the imprisonment time. Of course, even if the opponent's cultivation base is slightly higher than him, he is confident that he can Imprison the opponent for a moment, and for his cultivation base, a moment is enough to do a lot of things.

"One-yuan water arrow? En? There is still room for confinement? Good, very good!" Lin Yifei finally took a step back. Lan Xuan's one-yuan water arrow made Lin Yifei feel a slight threat, and Lan Xuan suddenly released it. The power of confinement made Lin Yifei stunned, he just thought, how could the majestic blue-crowned whale in the demon queen period be so capable!Looking at it now, the one-element water arrow and space confinement are really powerful backhands. It is conceivable that if it is someone else, the space confinement plus one-yuan water arrow, then even if he does not die, he will definitely lose his skin. Lin Yifei It can be felt that this elemental water arrow is definitely more powerful than the attack of ordinary king-grade artifacts, and it is difficult for ordinary emperors to catch it.

However, what Lan Xuan met was not an ordinary demon emperor, but Lin Yifei, it can be said that the entire demon clan, or the entire God Realm, the No. Emperor No.1.

"Haha, Lan Xuan, it seems that you still have some tricks, and you are not too useless, so that's right! If you don't even have this kind of strength, how can you be worthy of being my subordinate?" Feeling Lan Xuan's anger After successive attacks, Lin Yifei laughed loudly, and his laughter undoubtedly made Lan Xuan even more angry. With such strength, he was worthy to be Lin Yifei's subordinate, and no one would be calm after hearing this.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Seeing that Lin Yifei didn't dodge or evade, and even made sarcastic remarks without shame, Lan Xuan suddenly became ruthless, and with a slight movement of his thoughts, all the one-yuan water arrows speeded up instantly, and the power of space confinement also increased immediately Without the output of horsepower, he wanted Lin Yifei to pay for his arrogance, and dared to despise his unique skills, and the result was death!

"Hmph, one-yuan water arrow? Space confinement? It's useless to me!" Seeing that the attack was approaching, Lin Yifei was not in a hurry, and he didn't see any movement. When the one-yuan water arrows were about to attack Lin Yifei, all of them suddenly circled around Lin Yifei's body, and in the end, Lin Yifei even opened his mouth, and thousands of one-yuan water arrows flew out. Lin Yifei swallowed them all.

"Hehe, not bad, these one-yuan heavy water should be your repertoire! Very good, I just gave it to my subordinates to refine weapons. As for your spatial confinement, hehe, it seems that it has no effect on me!" Lin Yifei swallowed it in one gulp. Lan Xuan's one-yuan heavy water, and then, under Lan Xuan's horrified gaze, he walked towards Lan Xuan step by step, as if strolling in a garden, but the other party's spatial confinement was obviously ignored by him.

"What? How did this happen? How could this happen? One-yuan heavy water and space confinement have no effect at all? How is this possible?" Seeing Lin Yifei swallowing his one-yuan water arrow and ignoring his space confinement, Lan Xuan suddenly Terrified to death, this is already his most powerful last move, if he can't deal with Lin Yifei even this, what other tricks can he have?Space confinement!This is not afraid, so what is the other party afraid of?
Space confinement?If Lan Xuan knew that Lin Yifei was a super master who had comprehended the laws of space, he would never think about space confinement again, jokes, space confinement, can he confine someone who has comprehended the law of space?As for the one-yuan water arrow, let alone the one-yuan water arrow. After Lin Yifei understood the five-element law, the five-element attack was almost zero threat to Lin Yifei. The one-yuan heavy water is very powerful, but in the water However, Lan Xuan's one-yuan heavy water was just used for refining weapons by the chief of the Tu tribe. Some time ago, Lin Yifei gave the chief of the Tu tribe a lot of high-grade refining materials. Made a lot of magic weapons, this element of heavy water is definitely the best quenching agent, I have to say, this is not a small gain.

"Okay, after the appraisal, you are qualified to be my master's puppet subordinate. Now, just obediently capture Lan Xuan's attack!" After understanding Lan Xuan's attack, Lin Yifei no longer hesitated. In front of Lan Xuan who was in shock, the confinement power of the law of space was activated suddenly. On Xuan's head, and then his whole body, Lan Xuan, whose confidence had already collapsed, was severely beaten by Lin Yifei. Finally, under Lin Yifei's puppet technique, he became a powerful member of Lin Yifei's many puppets.

At the same time, Lin Yifei's four avatars have already trapped their opponents. The four avatars have about [-]% of their body's cultivation. They are veritable late-stage god kings, and they are still late-stage god kings who have comprehended the laws of space and the five elements. , the four of them made a move, also trapping the target in a different dimension space first, and then it was a joke, three god kings in the early stage and one god king in the middle stage, such opponents, how could they be the opponents of Lin Yifei's four clones?
It didn't take much effort at all, the four avatars were also useless even with their magic weapon flags, so they directly suppressed their opponents, and then, the four avatars directly performed the puppet technique, but refined the four demon kings on the spot master.Up to this moment, there is no need for Lin Yifei to order anything, the four avatars already know what to do, and with their primordial spirits, which are far superior to the masters of the late-stage god kings, refining four ordinary demon emperors is naturally easy.

So far, among the eight masters of the Demon King who came to congratulate the Dragon Clan, one tribe has become Lin Yifei's palm, five have been directly refined, and the remaining three should have been captured by now After entering the Dragon Clan, he only needs to refine it after he goes back.Among the eight masters of the Demon Emperor, there is also a powerful figure in the period of the Demon Queen. This time, Lin Yifei has received unprecedented supplements, and he has greater confidence in his future actions.

Of course, eight demon emperors, although such a number is quite a lot, but the one who can stand on the table is Lan Xuan. Lin Yifei wants to unify the demon clan. Such a few subordinates are obviously not enough to look at. The emperor of the demon clan There are not as many as they appear on the surface. At least, he has to be careful with the Qilin and Peng tribes.

(End of this chapter)

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