Chapter 986 Sorting into categories (three more)
In a small tavern in the God Realm, Lin Yifei and Zijing were drinking wine, waiting for the Chutian family to finish their reminiscences, while chatting about some matters that should be paid attention to next, and how to survive in the next treasure hunting army. Take advantage.

"Boy, the birth of the innate treasure this time may not be in the direction of the monster race area. Most of your puppets are the emperors of the monster race. In the human area, I am afraid it will be difficult to eat. If the innate treasure appears in the direction of the monster race It’s okay to say, but if it appears in the human area, then your subordinates, except for the three major human demon kings, may not really be useful!” Zijing has already figured it out from Lin Yifei, Lin Yifei It is true that there are fifteen puppets of god kings, but in the human area, there are only three major demon kings, and the rest are all demon king powerhouses of the demon race, although three are demon king powerhouses in the late stage of god kings. , but if it is placed among the god king masters in the human area, it may be difficult to stand up.

"Hehe, I don't think there is anything to worry about. On the side of the demon clan, I don't intend to ask them to come and help. They can just look for them on the side of the monster clan. As for the human area, there are three big demon kings, plus Chutian, you and me, the six of us, even if the other two venerables mobilize all their subordinates, they will definitely not be our opponents. As long as the venerable gods don’t appear for the time being, then everything is easy to say, and, I I have also planned, if possible, I want to use local materials to expand our team."

Lin Yifei took a sip of the fine wine from the God Realm slowly, and said in an unhurried manner.He and Zijing no longer drank those low-quality wines at this time, Lin Yifei had already taken out his own treasures, and the two of them exchanged glasses, but they had already drank a lot.

"Use local materials? Expand the team?" The jade cup with purple eyes approaching his mouth couldn't help but stop, and then seemed to understand the meaning of Lin Yifei's words, his eyes lit up immediately, as if the plan was feasible, obviously, he I also thought of Lin Yifei's puppet technique.

"Well, our goal is those two superior existences, those two guys, sooner or later we have to face them, now, we must accumulate all the power that can be accumulated, Zijing, you should talk about it first, the God Realm Among so many god kings, which one can be immortal, and which ones we must kill quickly, so that I have a spectrum in my heart, when I meet those god kings, I will decide whether to kill or accept them." Lin Yifei said lightly He nodded, and then asked with a formal face to Ziyan.

Although there are very few god king masters in the God Realm compared to ordinary masters, in fact there are not really a few of them. Counting them, powerful ones, powerless ones, casual cultivators, and gangsters are all added to Together, it might not be difficult to gather 50 people. After all, the God Realm is too big. Who knows where there will be an unborn master hiding here to practice. This is not a good thing .

At the beginning, those who besieged the sky gods were mainly the three gods, and those god king masters, at best, waved their flags and shouted for popularity, and intercepted Chu Tian and Zijing. Among them, it is absolutely impossible that they were all People who have bad intentions are bound to be pressured and have to participate in it. Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Yifei to kill these people. Of course, some people can see whether the plot is serious or not. Killing or punishment, if you really kill dozens of god king masters, I am afraid that it will really hurt Tianhe and be punished by heaven.

"Hehe, if you don't ask, I really forgot to say this, but speaking of it, I should really tell you about these things, so as not to accidentally hurt the innocent in the future. I think that when the Lord God was fighting with the three gods, And Chutian and I were protecting the five-element flag and the sky sword secretly handed over to us by the Lord God. People choose to watch, and among them, there are also some masters of gods who have been in contact with me and Chutian. Naturally, it is impossible for them to stop us. There are only twenty or so people who want to seek the treasure of the God Venerable, and among the twenty or so people, five people are the most. These five people have a very bad reputation in the God Realm. There are five of them, you don't have to think about subduing them, just chop them with a sword. As for the rest, it's best to kill them. If you need them, as long as you think it's useful to you, save their lives and punish them severely. You can do it."

Although Zijing and Chutian are powerful, they are still at the level of god kings. It is conceivable that if all the masters of god kings led by the three great gods had shot, even if they have three heads and six arms, there is no possibility of escaping. ah!As a matter of fact, there were only a few of them who actually took the shot, and the others were nothing more than booing and wanting to get a piece of the pie. Kill them all.

In the following time, Zijing told Lin Yifei one by one about the masters of the gods and kings in the God Realm, and attached images of each of them. Lin Yifei remembered these people one by one, as long as he saw them, he could know which ones Friends, who are enemies, of course, the so-called friends are nothing more than those who do not need to be punished, while some enemies can be dealt with lightly, while others require various punishments, and there are five, Ziyan can't even I didn't even bother to introduce, after telling Lin Yifei the video, it was just one word, kill!

"Unexpectedly, there are so many god-king masters in the God Realm. At the beginning, I really naively thought that there were only eight God Kings in the God Realm! Looking at it now, I am afraid that with the addition of those who have never been born, There must be more than 48, 58!" After seeing the images of the god kings condensed one after another by the purple eyes, Lin Yifei couldn't help feeling a little bit, it seems that there are quite a lot of god king masters in the god world. !This is the case in the human area, but what about the demon area?There are a lot of monster races, and there are a lot of gifted beasts. He only went around once, and he conquered more than a dozen. If he walked around the monster race area, he might be able to bring back a lot of god king brothers!
"Hahaha, kid, the size of the God Realm is beyond what we can imagine. Moreover, when the Lord God Venerable was alive, he always felt that there was a higher level waiting for him in the faint. Somewhere in the world, there will be more masters!" Hearing Lin Yifei's emotion, Zijing couldn't help laughing, and then said jokingly.However, Zi Jing's words made Lin Yifei feel a little bit. Speaking of it, Lin Yifei was also a little confused. The highest existence in the God Realm is the god, so what is above the god?Could it be said that the god master is the most powerful existence in this world?However, the masters of the gods will also fall!
"Hey, forget it, I'm only at the level of a god king now, why do I think so much, let's talk about things above the gods after I have raised my cultivation level to the gods! Thinking about it now, I'm afraid it's too early! "Shaking his head slightly, Lin Yifei also stopped thinking about those messy and weird thoughts, and wanted to chat with Zijing again, but at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and then, a trace of The smile spread across his face.

"Huh? What's the matter, boy, but did something happen?" Zi Jing had been paying attention to Lin Yifei all the time. Seeing Lin Yifei at this moment, he was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled again. Naturally, he knew that Lin Yifei must have something to do, so Can't help but ask curiously.

"Hehe, it's not a big deal, it's just that Long Batian reported just now that he caught a fish while investigating the innate treasure, and now he has subdued it, so I hereby report it to me." Lin Yifei picked up the wine on the table After taking a sip, he said with a light smile.

"Oh? Caught a fish? Who is it? Long Batian is really powerful. He has made meritorious deeds in such a short period of time. He really deserves to be one of the three great demon kings." After hearing Lin Yifei's explanation, Zijing suddenly came. interest.He naturally understood the meaning of Lin Yifei's words, and knew that Long Batian must have captured a master of the god king. For a while, he also wanted to know which unlucky guy fell into the hands of the great god Long Batian.

"King Guanyang, it seems that he is not one of the must-kill ranks!" Lin Yifei put down the jade cup, and his face became serious.

"God King Guanyang? The master under Wu Tianshen's seat must die, but this kid is one of the eight god kings well known in the god world. He also participated in the interception and killing at the beginning. He must not be spared lightly. Teach me a good lesson!" Hearing that God King Guanyang had been captured, Zi Jing couldn't help being slightly taken aback, God King Guanyang, he naturally remembered this little guy, this guy is a typical one who has a heart but no guts. When he was breaking through, God King Guanyang was looking for an opportunity to make a move, but he didn't find a good time in the end, so he didn't make a move. If he had seized the opportunity at the beginning, he might have made a move a long time ago.Of course, God King Guan Yang's timidity saved his life, which God King Guan Yang probably didn't even know.

"Hehe, don't worry! Long Batian has already planted demon seeds in his primordial spirit. This guy will no longer be a Guanyang God King in the future, but the first master of God King to become a demon king, and Long Batian The endless sea of ​​blood in the sky can also make him reincarnated and reborn, and the crime he will suffer is probably not trivial!" Lin Yifei has already received all the information reported by Long Batian, and he is naturally concerned about the treatment of God King Guanyang. I knew it clearly.

Speaking of it, Long Batian really didn't want to report to Lin Yifei at first after subduing Guanyang God King, but just as soon as he had such an idea, he uncontrollably reported the matter, which can also be seen from the side The magic of puppetry.

"God King Guanyang has been captured? This is good news." Just after the conversation between Lin Yifei and Zijing ended, a slightly surprised voice suddenly came over, and then, Chutian's family also immediately Appearing in front of Lin Yifei and Zijing, after gathering for a long time, the family finally had an agreement, ending the first family gathering after the reunion.

"Haha, old guy, you've finally come out. Now, the three of us can also set off to find the innate treasure in person!" Seeing Chutian's family appear, Lin Yifei just smiled at Chutian and the people behind him. Xue Zihan's mother and daughter greeted each other, while Zijing suddenly let out a long laugh, then stood up, and said to Xue Zihan's mother and daughter behind Chutian: "Sister Zihan, two nieces, just take care of me." Reuniting with Chu Tian, ​​I'm afraid I've forgotten about this divine beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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