Chapter 114 Shocking the audience!

Ding!Ding!Ding! ...

The radiant sword glow inspired by the six moves of Tianwu Sword Art immediately collided with the Heavenly Star Blood-devouring Sword. Immediately afterwards, a large number of sparks burst out directly in the void, followed by a series of crisp sounds.

"Strangling with sword intent, transforming into a double dragon!"

Right now!

Mo Ran issued a sword order, and immediately saw the two sword moves of "Sword Slashing Huayue" and "Jiansu Kuangxing" merged together in an instant, and then turned into a bright dragon of sword light, which suddenly shattered the six swords There are four of them!

Most of the six sword lights were destroyed, and the remaining two were no threat in Mo Ran's eyes.

With a wave of his arm, he drove the sword light dragon to gallop towards Lin Yi at a speed as fast as lightning!

Seeing this, Lin Yi's eyes shrank, and he immediately used the Great Heaven Return Step. The soles of his feet were filled with true energy, and he lifted his body up. Although he was only half an inch off the ground, his speed was several times faster, and he immediately retreated and dodged!

It's too late to say, then soon!
Almost instantly, the sword light dragon hit Lin Yi's back without giving Lin Yi a chance to dodge.


A heart-piercing pain rushed from the back to all the limbs!

Lin Yi's complexion turned pale, and he felt the qi and blood in his body surging, and his internal organs seemed to be smashed to pieces, causing excruciating pain.

Gritting his teeth tightly, he activated the Mahayana Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique. In an instant, his body was shining with jade light, and his superb physical defense finally stopped the fierce attack of Jianguang Longlong!

But even so, the clothes on Lin Yi's upper body were smashed to pieces in an instant, and a mottled blood spot the size of the bottom of a bowl appeared on his muscular back!
Lin Yi fell heavily to the ground, but in his eyes, there was a sudden flash of cold light!

As a generation of sword emperor, how could he fail to see how powerful that sword light dragon is?

Combining two sword moves into one is an ability only possessed by superior sword skills!

Not only the power will be improved, but also the speed will be increased, which is why Lin Yi still can't dodge even after using body skills!
Another point is that Mo Ran's strength is about to break through to the three-star Wu Zun!

It's definitely not as simple as an ordinary two-star Wu Zun.

In addition, the sword light dragon's attack was extremely fierce, spinning, strangling, and drilling like a drill.

If Lin Yi hadn't performed the Mahayana Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique in time, his entire back would have been pierced by him at this moment!
But even so, he was seriously injured. At this moment, his entire back felt a burning pain!
"The secret method of body refining?"

When Mo Ran saw this scene, he was immediately surprised.

If it was an ordinary six-star Wuzong, under his blow, he would definitely turn into a cold corpse, but Lin Yi was only injured, and his back was not even pierced!

Naturally, it is related to the powerful secret method of body training!


On the other side, in the viewing seats.

Zhou Ji flicked his robe, and said to Jian Changming with a livid face: "Sect Master, Mo Ran, he is violating the clan rules. He actually blatantly wanted to kill his fellow disciples and took action. If it weren't for Lin Yi's strong physique , I’m afraid he’s already dead by now!”

"So I beg, stop the game immediately! Mo Ran must not be allowed to succeed!"

Hearing this, Jian Changming frowned. He obviously felt that Mo Ran was going too far. He wanted to kill Lin Yi in front of so many people. He simply didn't pay attention to the sect's rules.

However, at this moment, a middle-aged man with a half-foot-long hideous scar on his face suddenly stood up from his seat and said with a sneer, "Sect Master, don't listen to Zhou Ji's one-sided words. What does it mean to violate the clan rules? Do you know the sect's regulations better than me?"

"As far as I know, in the rules of this competition, there is no rule that death is not allowed. That is to say, even if Mo Ran kills Lin Yi, there will be no problem!" The middle-aged man with a scarred face The man said calmly.

"Fart Nima!" However, when Zhou Ji heard these words, he immediately became angry, his temples were flying, and he pointed to the scarred face with a flushed face, and said, "Zhang Dongtian, don't think that you are in charge of the sect's criminal law. Elders, you can act recklessly!"

"Although there are no regulations in the Heaven-sent Hegemony Competition, they are disciples of Yijianzong after all. Is it true that Jianzong disciples are not allowed to fight each other? Tell me!"

"That's right." Zhang Dongtian smiled and nodded.

"That is to say, if Mo Ran dares to kill Lin Yi, it will be a violation of the sect's regulations. Is there something wrong with what the old man said? According to the sect's punishment, how should we deal with it?" Zhou Ji asked coldly.

"Should be escorted to Xingtai and beheaded for public display!" Jian Changming said lightly.

After Zhang Dongtian heard the words, he immediately sneered and said: "That's true, but don't forget that true disciples have a life-saving talisman. Mo Ran is my disciple. If he breaks the clan rules, I will give him this life-saving talisman!"

"Okay! Okay!" Zhou Ji gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Dongtian: "You wait, you wait for me!"

"I'll wait, what can you do to me?" Zhang Dongtian said arrogantly with a smile on his face.

Even in front of the suzerain Jian Changming, he is still so rampant.

The corners of Jian Changming's eyes twitched, and he remained silent, but the palms hidden in his sleeves trembled uncontrollably.

He wished he could kill Zhang Dongtian immediately!

But can't!

He couldn't even remove Zhang Dong from his position as the elder of the Tianzong Punishment!
Because Zhang Dongtian is a member of the Supreme Elder's lineage, if he wants to move him, he must get the permission of the Supreme Elder, otherwise even he, the suzerain, can't do anything to Zhang Dongtian!
And it was precisely because of this that Zhang Dongtian dared to blatantly support Mo Ran by taking advantage of the loopholes in the clan rules.

Yijianzong disciples are divided into four categories: Outer Sect, Inner Sect, True Biography, and Heaven-sent.

It can be said that each category is very different!

If the disciples of the inner sect are talented and progress quickly, they can choose the elders of the sect to be apprentices. As long as the elders of the sect agree, they will be "true disciples" from then on.

And after becoming a true disciple, you will get a privilege, when you make a big mistake, you can avoid death once!
But every true disciple has only one chance.

After using it, if you commit another crime, you must deal with it fairly.

Mo Ran has never violated the clan rules, so he still has a 'life-saving talisman' that he has not used!
And the biggest difference between Lin Yi and Mo Ran is their identity!
Mo Ran is a true disciple, even if he killed Lin Yi and violated the clan rules, he could still get away with it by virtue of his privilege as a true disciple.

But Lin Yi, if he accidentally kills Mo Ran, Zhang Dongtian will definitely bite him hard!
So Zhou Ji was so talented that he kept shouting in his heart, hoping that Lin Yi would retreat in spite of difficulties and not lose his life.


At the same time, on the ring.

One figure stood quietly without moving at all, while the other figure kept attacking.

At this moment, Mo Ran is killing Lin Yi!

And Lin Yi didn't fight back, just urged the Mahayana Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique, his whole body was like a jade spirit, constantly carrying Mo Ran's bombardment!
Seeing this scene, a voice of exclamation resounded immediately:
"Is this Lin Yi giving up?"

"I think he's stupid from being beaten in the head. Think about it, if he gave up, why didn't he admit defeat? Standing motionless on the ring and looking for a hit, isn't that a brain damage?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with him? He won't really be beaten stupid, right? He doesn't even resist!"


Lin Yi's actions made everyone very puzzled.

And the little fat man and Chu Shenglan in the audience shouted anxiously at Lin Yi:

"Senior brother! If we really can't beat it, let's admit defeat, don't be brave, if you continue like this, you will die!"

"Why don't you move, why don't you fight back?!"

The little fat man was full of doubts and worries, and kept yelling at Lin Yi.

"Lin Yi, what the hell are you doing? Hurry up and fight back. If you can't beat it, you will admit defeat. Don't do this! I don't want you to have trouble!"

As for Chu Shenglan, seeing Lin Yiwan being beaten back and forth by Mo Ran like a sandbag, his heart seemed to be bleeding, and his eyes were slightly red.

Soon, Lin Yi was beaten into a blood gourd.

To be precise, it was a blood gourd that radiated jade light all over.

If it weren't for the powerful defense of Yu Ling's real body, Lin Yi would have died long ago.

And Mo Ran, the reason why he didn't kill Lin Yi with the Blood Devouring Sword was because he wanted to see how strong Lin Yi's physical body was.

As a result, after this experiment, he was really shocked!
Punching and kicking, shaking palms and punching seals, he is still alive!
Although his whole body was stained red with blood, his body was as strong as a rock, and he didn't move a single step from the beginning to the end!

Even Mo Ran couldn't help wondering and sighing.

He was fighting well just now, why did he suddenly become motionless like a fossil?
"Forget it, this kind of person can't be kept, it's better to get rid of it!"

Mo Ran murmured softly, then took out the Heavenly Star Blood-devouring Sword again, ready to deal with Lin Yi directly!
Looking at the scene of Mo Ran raising the long sword in his hand on the ring, everyone held their breaths, some showed anticipation, some showed fear, and some were deeply worried!


But the little fat man, Chu Shenglan, Zhou Ji and the others heard their own nervous heartbeats at this moment!
"do not want!"

The moment the long sword fell, Chu Shenglan, Fatty, and Zhou Ji rushed forward.

But at this moment, a gentle force blocked them out.

"It seems that you are the only ones who worry about me the most. Don't worry, I won't die easily."

A relaxed and plain voice came out of Lin Yi's mouth, and Lin Yi opened his eyes immediately. Although his body was covered in blood, a palpitating cold light flashed across those eyes in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, a powerful aura rose from him to the sky!

Shock Mo Ran back immediately!

In its sea of ​​qi, the sixth star was fully awakened, and the moment the realm barrier was shattered, the cultivation base began to increase rapidly!
Seven Star Wuzong!

Eight-star Wuzong!

This time, awakening a star only allowed Lin Yi to raise two small realms. Although it was a bit slower than before, Lin Yi was already satisfied!

Eight-star Wuzong!

Enough to shake the three-star Wu Zun!

Dealing with Mo Ran is no problem!
In an instant, the true energy of the stars enveloped Lin Yi's whole body, and all kinds of wounds healed quickly.

It didn't take long for Lin Yi to recover as before, with strong muscles exuding explosive strength.

"Go to hell!"

Pointing at Mo Ran who was stunned not far away, Lin Yi said, and punched the ground with his fist!

It is the second form of the divine martial art, Earth Splitting Fist!
Cracks spread instantly, the ground trembled suddenly, and the entire arena immediately exploded!
Dust and smoke billowed, sand and stones flew by.

In the thick dust, Mo Ran flew out vulnerable to a single blow.

In an instant, Jianzong Square, which accommodated tens of thousands of people, was boundlessly silent!
In the viewing seats, the elders, including the suzerain Jian Changming, also immediately widened their eyes and shrank their pupils.

 PS: Thank you [Gilgamesh] brother for the reward, the second update was delivered, the condition is not good, so it is a bit late, sorry.Another vote!
(End of this chapter)

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