Chapter 118 The shame of tattooing!

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Hearing Lin Yi's arrogant words, Zhang Dongtian was immediately shocked by his anger, panting like a cow, and his face was flushed.

On the other hand, Lin Yi raised the corners of his lips, exerted a little force on his arm, and pressed the broken sword down.

In an instant, a pain ran across Mo Ran's neck, causing a trace of blood to spurt out immediately.

Mo Ran was so frightened that he yelled, "Master, save me!"

Hearing this, Zhang Dongtian had no choice but to grit his teeth and kneel down to Lin Yi.

As the saying goes, a man has gold under his knees!

What's more, Zhang Dongtian is still a strong man in the Martial King Realm.

But in order to keep Mo Ran, he had to do this!

The entire Jianzong Square boiled instantly!

The elder who was in charge of the punishment of the sect actually knelt down to Lin Yi, who had just been promoted to a true disciple?
This scene simply made everyone feel like a dream.

It seemed that everything that happened in front of my eyes was an illusion.

Not to mention that everyone couldn't accept it, even Zhou Ji and Jian Changming were a little dumbfounded.

"Do you want me to kowtow to you a few more times?" Zhang Dongtian's eyes were like water, a thick sneer appeared on his face, and he stared at Lin Yi and asked through gritted teeth.

Seeing his appearance, he wished he could kill Lin Yi immediately!
"If Elder Zhang is willing, I have no objection." Lin Yi replied with a smile, and there was no fear in his eyes.


Zhang Dongtian snorted coldly, said nothing, and just knelt in front of Lin Yi.

After a long while, Lin Yi said leisurely: "Since Elder Zhang has done as I said, then I will spare your disciple's life, Mr. Mo, you are fine."

Hearing this, Zhang Dongtian immediately stood up, stared at Lin Yi firmly, then took a step, turned and left.

He doesn't want to stay here any longer.

This Lin Yi is really good at humiliating people!
At this moment, Zhang Dongtian finally understood Li Long's embarrassment.

Being so humiliated by Lin Yi, I really wish I could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

As the elder of Zong Xing, what face does he have to stay here?
Wouldn't it be ridiculed to continue staying in Jianzong Square?

However, just after Zhang Dongtian walked a few steps, Lin Yi's voice sounded again.

However, it wasn't talking to him.

"Young Master Mo, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped! Do you think you are all right?"

Staring at Mo Ran, Lin Yi twitched his lips, raised the black broken sword, and slashed at his cheek.

"What are you going to do?"

Mo Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and he mobilized the remaining qi in his body, trying to escape, but Lin Yi suddenly grabbed his shoulders and sent him flying to the ground with his palm.

"Lin Yi! My master has already knelt down to you, do you want to go back on your word?"

Mo Ran fell to the ground, clutching his painful chest with one hand, and roared ferociously.

Now that Lin Yi has broken through to an eight-star Martial Ancestor, his combat power is terrifying, and even he, a two-star Martial Ancestor, is no match for him.

"Lin keeps his word and will never hurt your life, but..."

"You must leave a deep impression on you, lest you forget today's lesson in the future."

After finishing speaking, he raised his wrist, and saw sword flowers flying, cold light flickering, and after a few chi chis, a bloody word 'Yi' appeared on Mo Ran's left face!

Seeing Lin Yi's crazy behavior, everyone was stunned, and the surroundings were completely silent!

It took a while for everyone to come back to their senses, thinking that Lin Yi actually used a sword to carve words on Mo Wushuang's face, this is too arrogant!
After finishing the engraving, Lin Yi put away his sword, and immediately showed a faint smile to Mo Ran.

Immediately afterwards, they walked towards Chu Shenglan and the little fat man.

"Lin Yi! I will definitely remember the humiliation of bestowing letters today, and let's do the math in the future!"

Holding his bloody cheeks, Mo Ran's eyes seemed to be glistening with tears, his hatred was overwhelming!

For Mo Ran, this made him feel more uncomfortable than killing him!
Naked humiliation.

But Lin Yi turned a deaf ear to it.

Today's Lin Yi is no longer the Lin Yi before the game started.

Awakening six stars gave him a mighty combat power comparable to that of a three-star warrior!
Although on the surface it looks as simple as an eight-star Wuzun, this is exactly what Lin Yi wants.

Mo Ran, a two-star Martial Lord, will just find a chance to get rid of him in the future, so don't worry about it at all.

"Elder Liu, it's time to announce the result of the competition."

When passing by the referee Liu An, Lin Yi patted Liu An's shoulder meaningfully.

Liu An, who was stupefied, immediately came back to his senses, and then squeezed out a smile to Lin Yi stiffly, and announced: "The second match of the Godsend competition, Lin and Lin Yi won!"

Elder Liu at this moment was also impressed by Lin Yi's various means just now.

Now he understands a truth.

There is a reason why Lin Yi is crazy!
That's exactly what it said.

He is crazy because he is stronger than you!
With enough capital, even if you smash the sky, you can still fly in all directions, unstoppable!

If there is no capital, it is a dead end.

After understanding this truth, Liu An couldn't help but look at Lin Yi with fiery eyes, thinking about how to please this talented 'madman'.

"Lin Yi, are you too courageous? Are you afraid that Mo Ran will take the opportunity to kill you if you dare to break through the realm in battle? Also, are your injuries all right?" Chu Shenglan walked to Lin Yi immediately. Standing next to Yi, he scolded and sized him up, for fear that Lin Yi might be hurt.

After all, she had witnessed Lin Yi being beaten into a blood gourd by Mo Ran before.

"Hey, senior sister, don't you understand? Senior brother, this is self-confidence, do you understand self-confidence?" The little fat man said proudly, then frowned, looked at Lin Yi and asked suspiciously: "By the way, senior brother, do you understand?" You're only an eight-star Martial Ancestor, how can you beat Mo Ran so hard that you can't fight back?"

"He has stepped into the realm of two-star Wu Zun a long time ago, which is simply unbelievable. Could it be that you are hiding your strength?"

"What kind of strength is hidden? I really only have the realm of the eight-star Martial Ancestor. The reason why I can surpass Mo Wushuang in ability is probably because he is relatively weak!" Lin Yi replied indifferently.

But as soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised again!

After the little fat man reminded them, they realized that Lin Yi only had the realm of an eight-star Wuzong!
And Mo Ran, but a two-star Wu Zun!
If it is between an ordinary eight-star Wu Zun and a two-star Wu Zun, it can definitely be called a difference between cloud and mud.

But between Lin Yi and Mo Ran, it's just the other way around!

After a fight, Lin Yi suppressed Mo Ran so hard that Mo Ran was powerless to fight back.

It is simply a situation that has never been seen in the Shenhun Continent for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Perhaps, this can be called an 'eternal evildoer'!"

"Brother Lin Yi, you are truly a man of gods, and you will definitely be able to soar into the heavens and become the supreme being in the sky in the future! We actually had contempt for him before, but now that we think about it, it's ridiculous!"

"Yeah, it's ridiculous! We're really watching the sky from a well."

Everyone stared at Lin Yi, sighing, their eyes full of admiration for Lin Yi.

 PS: The second update!Thank you Brother [Old Xu] for your reward, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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