Chapter 127 Three Days After the Engagement (Part [-])
"Strange, why does Broken Sword and Chaos Spirit Qi have mutual attraction effect?" Gazing at the extremely strange scene in the sea of ​​Qi, Gu Xiao narrowed his eyes and murmured in doubt.

"I don't know, but I have an intuition. It seems that because of the contact with the aura of chaos, the broken sword inexplicably enters the sea of ​​​​qi, triggering the scene of the ancient times!" Lin Yi had a feeling in his heart, and immediately said it.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is really the case!

Not long after the chaotic aura appeared, the dark broken sword turned into a black light and poured directly into Lin Yi's body.

If it wasn't for the effect of chaotic aura, Lin Yi wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!
"Forget it, don't get too entangled. The origin of this thing is mysterious. Maybe it is really a treasure left by the upper heaven. Only when we enter the middle heaven, or even the upper heaven, may we be able to uncover its mystery. .” Gu Xiao said slowly.

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded and stopped thinking about it.

What Gu Xiao said is correct, it is useless to entangle the origin of the Broken Broken Sword now, after all, this place is just descending to Chongtian, and the Dark Broken Sword has something to do with the Supreme of Chongtian!
Who can understand the matter of the upper heaven?

I am afraid that Jiang Yanli from Zhongzhongtian is the only one.

Immediately after regaining consciousness, Lin Yi found that there were only a few rags left on his body to hide his shame, so he had to take out a black robe from the space ring and change into it.

After that, Lin Yi jumped out of the sword washing pool and came to Zhou Ji's side.

"You can do it, kid. So much chaotic energy, you have absorbed all of it? How do you feel? Has your physical fitness improved?" Zhou Ji immediately said with a smile on his face.

Lin Yi benefited the most. For him, it was naturally a happy event.

"I don't feel anything..." Lin Yi smiled and replied truthfully.

All the chaotic aura was wrapped on the Broken Sword at this moment, and Lin Yi hadn't had time to absorb it yet.

But no matter what, Lin Yi got all of the chaotic aura in the pool, and Li Kang and Fang Zichen didn't get any benefit at all.


Not only did he not get any benefits, but he was also cut by the spirit sword in the sword washing pool and offered a sacrifice.

The biggest beneficiary of this trip to the Sword Pool is Lin Yi.

"Elder Mo, this Lin Yi is cheating! He has absorbed all the aura of chaos! We didn't get any of it!" At this time, Li Kang's distraught voice came from the sword washing pool.

Then I saw that he didn't even have time to put on his clothes, so he crawled out of the sword washing pool.

And Fang Zichen followed closely behind, also shouting with pain on his face: "Yes, master, Lin Yi cheated! Originally, we had absorbed a lot of chaotic energy, but later, somehow, all of them disappeared. Everything absorbed by Lin Yi is completely unreasonable, not even a single hair is left for us!"

Hearing what the two said, Mo Lingyun immediately frowned, stared at Lin Yi, and asked with a cold face: "Boy, you recruited it truthfully, what kind of trick did you use, why did you absorb all the chaotic aura?"

"Elder Mo, don't speak so harshly. What do you mean I used a trick? I absorbed the chaotic aura with my own ability. Li Kang and your apprentice can't compete with me. How dare you call me cheating? It's ridiculous, isn't it?" !" Lin Yi stared at Mo Lingyun not to be outdone, and replied confidently.

"That's right, Mo Lingyun, absorbing the chaotic aura, each according to its own ability, this is what the suzerain said, you won't forget, right? My apprentice is amazing, why don't you accept it? If you don't accept it, ask Fang Zichen to compete with Lin Yi Competition?" Zhou Ji stood up and spoke for Lin Yi, his words were very flamboyant.


Hearing these words, Mo Lingyun's old face suddenly became angry.

Fang Zichen was not Lin Yi's opponent at all, and Zhou Ji knew it!
At this moment, asking Fang Zichen to compete with Lin Yi, isn't that a slap in the face?

"My master is right, you guys, if you have no skills, just keep your mouths shut!" Pointing at Fang Zichen and Mo Lingyun, master and apprentice, Lin Yi said arrogantly.

Lin Yi and Zhou Ji, the master and apprentice, nearly drove Mo Lingyun and Fang Zichen to death.

At this moment, Li Kang smiled coldly and said, "Junior Brother Lin Yi, it seems that we haven't fought each other yet, right?"

"Right now, it's rumored that you have the strength to be the champion of the Godsend Competition, and I, just because of your indifference to fame and fortune, got a big deal for nothing."

"I really can't tolerate this kind of thing. Why don't we choose another day to compete? Justify my name?"

"Outside rumors?" Lin Yi smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then said seriously: "That's not a rumor. I think it's true. If I hadn't given up the game and competed for the championship, I'm afraid you would have nothing to do with it."


Hearing this, Li Kang's face flushed immediately, and he said emotionally: "I have the strength of a four-star Martial Master, and I am recognized as the strongest among the ten contestants. How about you?"

"I admit that you are indeed a dark horse with strong combat power, but don't be too arrogant, or you will suffer yourself!"

"Self-eating bitter fruit? Sorry, there is no such word in Lin's dictionary!" Lin Yi said to himself, and then a gleam of light bloomed in his eyes: "Since you want to compete with me, then I will give you this chance How about a showdown in Jianzong Square three days later?"

"Okay, it's a deal!" Li Kang raised the corner of his mouth, and immediately revealed a ferocious smile, roaring angrily in his heart, I told you to be arrogant, and when the time comes, I will beat you to your knees and call you grandpa!

"Master, let's go."

After saying something to Zhou Ji, Lin Yi turned around and left gracefully.


After Zhou Ji and Lin Yi left the Sword Washing Pond completely, Mo Lingyun said solemnly: "Li Kang, are you really sure that you can beat that Lin Yi? You have seen it too, that kid is very weird, And he has a set of sword skills, which is extremely terrifying! Don't underestimate the enemy!"

"Elder Mo, don't worry, I was prepared to deal with his sword skills. Lin Yi must not be my opponent, but it's a pity that due to the clan rules, I can't take his life, because my 'life-saving talisman', Already used it!"

Li Kang sneered, and as he spoke, a ferocious ghost banner suddenly appeared in his hand!
I saw nine skeletons and skeletons drawn on the mainly gray flag. Once it was unfolded, the wind was blowing, the hostility rushed to the sky, and there were faint ghostly screams that made the scalp tingle, obviously it was not a mortal thing!

"The evil ghost wins the sky banner?"

Seeing this thing, Mo Lingyun and Fang Zichen looked shocked.

Immediately, Fang Zichen's eyes showed a touch of surprise, and said: "Brother, I didn't expect you to get this magic weapon. With this magic weapon, no matter how strong Lin Yi is, he is not your opponent!"

"That's right, but I'm not going to use it to defeat Lin Yi, I'm going to rely on my own strength, unless..." Li Kang paused, and said coldly: "Unless he uses the set of sword skills that he used against you at that time, otherwise I will not use this evil ghost ascending to heaven lightly."

 PS: Thank you [A1ways,] brothers for your reward, the first update arrives!

(End of this chapter)

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