Chapter 138 Prince Charming (Part [-])
Hearing the fat man's nonsense, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing helplessly, and then said lightly, "Does the result need to be said?"

"That's right, if he lost, how could he be standing here?" Chu Shenglan covered her mouth and snickered, looking bright and playful.

"That's right." The little fat man nodded when he heard the words, a smile immediately appeared on his chubby face, then pointed to the white-haired old man beside Zhou Ji, and introduced: "Senior brother, senior sister, let me introduce you , this is Mr. Liu Xin'an, one of the prince's guests."

"Lord Liu, you are one of the most trusted confidantes of the crown prince."

Hearing this, Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling extremely curious in his heart.

Prince's confidant, why did you come to Yijianzong?
From the looks of it, it seems that they are here to find the little fat man.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, he still politely said: "I have met Mr. Liu."

"Hello, Mr. Liu." Chu Shenglan also greeted, as if a husband and wife were following each other, with a very tacit understanding.

The white-haired old man named Liu Xin'an nodded slightly when he heard the words, his eyes were fixed on Lin Yi, and then a trace of curiosity gradually emerged in his eyes, he looked at Zhou Ji, and asked: "This is the evil spirit that Elder Zhou said. only?"

"That's right." Zhou Ji smiled and said, "It's a good thing for the prince to have the support of the Su family, but the old man feels that there is still a need for someone to assist the prince like Mo Wushuang assisted the seventh prince. Only in this way can the throne be stabilized, old man I think my apprentice is a good candidate!"

"I understand what you mean, but the old man thinks that you are the most suitable candidate!" Liu Xin'an said in a bit of a dilemma.

He traveled thousands of miles from the capital to Yijianzong. In addition to presenting treasures to Su Momo, the more important thing was to ask Zhou Ji to come out of the mountain under the order of the prince to assist him in fighting openly and secretly with several imperial brothers.

Even though the vast capital is full of talents, there are really few people who can trust the prince with resourcefulness.

On the other hand, the Seventh Prince, with the help of Prince Wushuang, made great strides all the way, made great achievements, was deeply loved and valued by the monarch, and was always tripping him up, making the prince extremely depressed and irritable.

He also knew that if the situation continued like this, the position of the crown prince would definitely be lost, so he tried his best to win over the major families in the capital, hoping to gain the support of these families, so as to fight against the seventh prince.

Su Momo's family is now standing in the prince's camp.

Later, the prince listened to the counselor's words, and in order to stabilize the relationship with the Su family, he sent a elixir exclusive to the royal family, and sent his confidant Liu Xin'an to Yijianzong.

One is to send pills to the little fat man, and the other is to invite Zhou Ji out of the mountain.

But unexpectedly, Zhou Ji refused decisively.

Afterwards, he strongly recommended Lin Yi, intending to let Lin Yi replace him, and go to the capital to assist the prince.

This made Liu Xin'an quite helpless.

I also had some doubts about Lin Yi in Zhou Ji's mouth, after all, he was too young!
Only teens!
Just like a child who doesn't know much about the world, how can he take on this great responsibility?
"Master Liu, you think highly of me. I, Zhou Ji, are already very old. This new apprentice is much better than me. Whether it's resourcefulness, means, talent, etc., it's all difficult to do in ten thousand years." Encountered a genius!"

"I can assure you that with him here, the crown prince will be able to protect the crown prince without any worries!" Zhou Ji talked boastfully, with great confidence, almost boasting Lin Yi to the sky in his words.

Lin Yi, who was standing aside, felt a little embarrassed, and couldn't help muttering in his heart:
Master Zhou Ji is telling the truth, this emperor's resourcefulness, means, and talent are all unique in all ages!

But in Yijianzong, apart from talent, strength and means, it seems that he has not shown resourcefulness, right?
Why is he so confident in himself?
Also strongly recommend yourself to assist the prince?

What is the intention?

For a moment, Lin Yi was puzzled.

"That's fine, I will believe you once, but this is related to the country and society of the Jin Dynasty. I hope Elder Zhou will take it seriously and don't take it as a joke. If it doesn't work, you can come out of the mountain yourself!" Liu Xin'an said sincerely with a serious face. .

However, there is something in the words!
Lin Yi recognized it instantly, what do you mean by 'if it doesn't work, you can come out of the mountain yourself'?
Isn't this questioning your own abilities?
When Zhou Ji heard this, he nodded with a smile, and did not change his meaning.

Seeing this, Liu Xin'an didn't stay any longer, and turned to leave, but when he passed by Lin Yi, he stopped suddenly.

Immediately, he patted Lin Yi on the shoulder earnestly, and said, "Young man, you have a long way to go. I hope you have some real materials in your belly, otherwise there will be no place for you to stand in the huge capital."

After all, he left the Sword Armor Academy completely.

"Master, what's going on?" Lin Yi asked suspiciously after Liu Xin'an left.

"It's not suitable to talk about it in detail here, let's go to Lingxiaojianfeng to talk about it." Zhou Ji said.

Afterwards, Lin Yi and the others went to Lingxiao Sword Sect.


The top of Sword Peak.

In the huge conference hall, there were only Lin Yi, Zhou Ji, Chu Shenglan, and the little fat man.

"Liu Xin'an came this time for two purposes. One is to present treasures to Su Momo." Zhou Ji sat in the first seat and said calmly, "Mo Mo, show your strength and show them."

The little fat man nodded his head when he heard the words, and immediately performed the exercises, and a powerful aura immediately spread from him.

"Six-star Wuzong?"

Feeling that breath, Lin Yi and Chu Shenglan's expressions changed, and they were extremely shocked.

The little fat man has now reached the six-star Martial Ancestor realm!

But not long ago, he broke through to one-star Martial Ancestor by virtue of the Nine-Aperture Continuing Vein Pill.

Why did he suddenly raise five small realms in just a few days?

This speed is too fast, even scarier than Lin Yi!
Zhou Ji smiled slightly, and said to Lin Yi, "Are you surprised? Su Momo doesn't have your terrifying talent, but in the past three days, his strength has developed faster than you."

"Want to know what's going on here?"

Lin Yi nodded.

"It's the Kowloon Pill!"

Before Zhou Ji could reveal the answer, the little fat man chuckled and talked too much.

"Nine Dragons Pill?" Lin Yi frowned upon hearing this, and then repeated in disbelief: "Is it the seventh-grade top-ranked Nine Dragons Pill?"

As for the Nine Dragons Emperor Pill, Lin Yi naturally knew that this pill has a seventh-grade top grade, and its medicinal properties are violent. Moreover, the young pill must be fed with the emperor's veins for 81 days before it can be successfully refined, which is extremely rare!
It has always been exclusive to the royal blood. After swallowing it, it can enhance talent and strength, and its value is immeasurable!
This kind of elixir is estimated to be extremely rare in the royal family of the Great Jin Wu Kingdom.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is willing to give it to the little fat man for an intriguing purpose.

"That's right, it's the seventh-grade pill, the Nine Dragons Pill. Liu Xin'an was ordered by the prince to send this pill from the capital to Mo Mo's hands, in order to stabilize the relationship with the Su family. Now, do you understand? "Zhou Ji said lightly.

 PS: Thank you [Qingxi] brother for your reward. I didn’t call until noon today. It’s so depressing. Try to update as much as possible today!

(End of this chapter)

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