Chapter 142 Iron Fist Fights the Idiots! (Second more)

As soon as these words came out, all the scholars and guests in the mansion shouted in disorder. They gathered at the gate of the mansion, obviously waiting for Lin Yi for a long time.

"That's right! It's not the son of the old Xiangguo who sent us to fool His Highness the Crown Prince, right?"

"What kind of ability does a childish boy have to assist the prince? It makes people laugh out loud!"

"Young man! I think you should go back and learn more from your master. In today's Great Jin Dynasty, the only people I admire are the son of the old Xiangguo and Mo Wushuang!"

"What do you think the old Xiangguo's son is doing here? If you don't come by yourself, and send a yellow-haired boy to fool people, don't you think His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Many diners shouted in one go.

And Lin Yi, looking at the Confucian scholars in long gowns and high buns, couldn't help but sneer.

In terms of resourcefulness and power, Lin Yi is no less confident than them, and the most important point is that Lin Yi is courageous!

What these pedantic scholars dare not do, Lin Yi dares to do!
This is Lin Yi's excellence, and it is also what the prince lacks the most.

It won't be long before Lin Yi will prove his ability to everyone!

"What are you doing? This is the person personally recommended by the old Xiangguo's son. Whether he has the ability to assist the crown prince is not for you to question." At this time, Liu Xin'an frowned and scolded: "Besides, the old Xiangguo also agreed. If his disciple is not good enough , he will come out of the mountain himself, what are you in a hurry for?"

Hearing Liu Xin'an's words, those scholars and disciples all fell silent, but they still looked at Lin Yi with disdain in their eyes.

In Lin Yi's view, this is tantamount to looking down on people with dog's eyes!
These Confucian scholars are all followers of Prince Bai Qingxuan. To put it bluntly, they are a lot of think tanks.

However, there are a lot of idiots in the think tank, and most of the disciples do not have real talents and learning, they are just cheating on eating and drinking. I don't know if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince rushed to the doctor in a hurry, so he would believe the nonsense of these people.

Hence the precarious situation it is in today.

Before coming to the capital, Lin Yi digested the information he got from Tianji Pavilion overnight, knowing that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince attaches great importance to the throne!
How important is it?
In just a few years, more than 300 diners were recruited and supported.

The purpose is to use the wisdom of these people to stabilize his position as the crown prince.

In the end, things backfired, and the position of the crown prince became more and more unstable.

"Let's go, let's see His Royal Highness the Prince."

At this time, Liu Xin'an looked at Lin Yi and said.

Lin Yi nodded, not bothering to pay attention to the words of those diners.

Soon, Lin Yi followed Liu Xin'an to the main hall of the Prince's Mansion, and the diners also followed along.

Immediately afterwards, a handsome man with a face like a crown jade and a slender figure came out of the main hall and came into Lin Yi's sight.

This man was about 27 or [-] years old in appearance, wearing a robe of nine pythons, exuding an aura of royalty all over his body, he was the current Crown Prince, Bai Qingxuan.

"Meet the prince! The prince is a thousand years old!"

As soon as Bai Qingxuan appeared, Liu Xin'an and others immediately knelt down to the man.

After saluting, Liu Xin'an lowered his head and said, "Prince, Lin Yi, the apprentice of the old Xiangguo's son, has arrived."

Bai Qingxuan nodded slightly, but the moment his eyes fell on Lin Yi, a trace of sullenness flashed across his eyes, and he asked coldly, "Why didn't you kneel when you saw Ben Gong?"

Lin Yi's upright figure seemed out of place with the crowd prostrate and kneeling.

"You, are you worth my kneeling?" Hearing the prince's question, Lin Yi didn't feel any fear at all. Besides, not even the emperor can bring me to my knees! How about you?"

Not to mention you?

These four words came out of Lin Yi's mouth very easily.

It was as if he didn't take the prince seriously.

Hundreds of guests of the Prince's Mansion, as well as Liu Xin'an, were furious when they heard the words.

"Bold! You are a citizen of the Jin Dynasty, why don't you kneel when you see the prince?"

What's more, he immediately pointed at Lin Yi and reprimanded him, with an expression as if Lin Yi had killed their own father.

When Lin Yi saw this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a cold voice: "A group of mediocre talents, shut up! How old are you, dare to reprimand me? The Prince's Mansion is precisely because of your existence, so The current situation is so dangerous!"

"A group of swindlers who swindle food and drink, do they really think they are the reincarnation of Zhuge?"

Lin Yi stared at them and scolded them, which immediately made the diners blushed, speechless, and speechless.

Lin Yi was right!

The prince's current situation, apart from his own ignorance, has nothing to do with them.

"Hahaha, well said, you hit the nail on the head, but what you did just now was disobedience to the crown prince, which is a serious crime. Aren't you afraid that I will have your head cut off?"

"Since it was His Royal Highness who invited me here, I believe His Royal Highness will not make such a stupid move." Lin Yi said calmly: "The king's time is approaching, how much time His Royal Highness has left, I think I will Also clear. Killing me is definitely not a wise move."

"If my guess is correct, right now, your younger brothers are surrounding the king to perform their filial piety! In comparison, what you, the eldest son of the royal family, have done is too unqualified. "

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Bai Qingxuan frowned, pointed at the disciples and said, "But they didn't let me go. They said that now my father doesn't like my palace. If I go too much, I'll be on the contrary." It's just the opposite, speeding up the royal father's change of the prince's mind."

Lin Yi asked amusedly, "Did they really say that?"

"That's right." The prince nodded seriously.

"Then I'll give them four words." Lin Yi glanced at the doormen, and slowly spit out four words: "Pure! Pure! Put! Fart!"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the doormen suddenly turned ashen.

Lin Yi stared at them with a twitch of his mouth, and the guest continued without hesitation: "Don't forget, the current king is your biological father, and now that he is dying, what he misses most in his heart must be his children! "

"As the eldest son, you don't even see him, what does he think? I'm afraid that doing so will speed up the change of the prince's mind, right?"

Hearing Lin Yi's words, everyone in the prince's mansion fell into deep thought.

Prince Bai Qingxuan bowed his head and remained silent. After a long while, he looked at Lin Yi, clasped his fists and thanked him: "Mr. is right. You are indeed worthy of being the apprentice of the son of the old Xiangguo. A single word awakened the dreamer. Thank you Qingxuan."

In words and actions, there is no longer the previous contempt.

"Sir, wait here for a while, when I enter the palace to visit the emperor, we will continue to discuss in detail when I come back." After speaking, the prince was about to leave.

However, Lin Yi waved his hand at this time and said, "It's too late to go now, Lin advises His Royal Highness, let's save effort."

"Too late?" Bai Qingxuan was a little dumbfounded upon hearing this.

Lin Yi nodded seriously: "Yes, it's late! Let me ask you, how long has the king been bedridden?"

"Three, three days."

"During these three days, you have always stayed in the Prince's Mansion?"

"Yes." His Royal Highness replied timidly.

For some reason, facing this boy who was a full ten years younger than him, he felt a little afraid in his heart.

That deep gaze, as if it could penetrate people's hearts, made him timid.

"It's ridiculous!" Lin Yi sneered, then pointed at the doormen and shouted coldly: "You really misunderstood my disciples."

"His Royal Highness, to be honest, there are too many mediocre people among the guests you recruited." Lin Yi said: "If you trust me, immediately do as I say!"

"Sir, please tell me, I will definitely do it!" Bai Qingxuan said seriously.

Lin Yi nodded, staring at the retainers, and said: "Clear out the retainers who have been useless to you in the past few years immediately! The Prince's Mansion does not raise idlers, let alone liars. With them, Your situation is only going to get more dangerous every day."

"Yes!" Bai Qingxuan nodded immediately, and then roared: "Come here, do as Mr. Lin Yi said, and drive out all the mediocre people in the mansion!"

As soon as the words fell, those former doormen who were extremely arrogant and contemptuous of Lin Yi suddenly sat down on the ground, their eyes glazed over.

They never dreamed that this young man named Lin Yi won the trust of the crown prince with just a few words, and now he turned against the guests and directly kicked them out.

 PS: Thank you [Gilgamesh] brother for your reward. The second update is delivered today. It’s a bit small. The fourth update will be tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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