Chapter 145 The counterattack begins! (third change)

"No need, the dragon poison is deeply planted in the widow's body, if it is not forcibly supported by the method of life extension, it should have perished five years ago, and now the end is approaching, even if the Daluo Jinxian comes to the world, he will not be able to recover. "

"Looking back on my life, I practiced martial arts at the age of seven, and entered the realm of martial arts at the age of 20. I was the only one who dominated the coquettish moment and overwhelmed all the heroes. After a hundred years of age, I became the king of martial arts, traveling in all directions, tasting beauties all over the world, and enjoying the scenery of the north and the south."

"Later, he inherited the throne, fought against the sky, looked down on one side, and even though he was wounded by the demons in the end, he didn't have any regrets. The only thing he worried about was that after his death, the foundation of the Great Jin Dynasty would be destroyed!"

Having said this, Bai Zhantian frowned, his already pale face became even more bloodless.

"Father, when it comes to this matter, I have to remind you that Brother Huang's reputation among the people is extremely ugly, and he has done all kinds of bad things over the years. Most of the people hold grudges against him. Quite deep!" The Seventh Prince said with righteous indignation.

"If he inherits your seat, I'm afraid people will not accept it and riots will break out!"

"Yeah, Qingxuan, the crown prince, is indeed unqualified. He has no guts or courage. He is far worse than you. However, we have to let the widow reconsider the matter of changing the crown prince. As for passing away." Bai Zhantian said with a smile.

The words are meaningful.

"Yes, my son understands. I hope that the emperor will take care of the dragon's body and consider it carefully." Hearing this, the Seventh Prince's eyes flashed a gleam of joy.

Hearing Bai Zhantian's words, it seems that he intends to change the crown prince before he dies.

And he is quite optimistic about himself, does he want to make himself the heir apparent?

It would be great if he made himself the crown prince, so as not to go to war!

Bai Qingxian thought to herself, but she didn't show any joy.

Bai Zhantian nodded, and then ordered: "Okay, you all step back, Yuan Xiangguo stays."

Afterwards, everyone dispersed, leaving only Yuan Chi and Bai Zhantian in the bedroom.

Yuan Chinai is the Prime Minister of the Great Jin Dynasty today, with a deep city, great intellect, and power in the court and the public. He is highly regarded by Bai Zhantian, and he can be regarded as a figure who is like Bai Zhantian's right-hand man.

"Old Yuan, tell me, should the position of the crown prince be changed or not?" Bai Zhantian asked as if he was talking to himself, leaning on the jade pillow with a tangled expression on his face.

"It''s hard for me to say, the majesty has to make up his own mind." Yuan Chi smiled and replied ambiguously.

"Hey! I have too many children in my life, and now it seems that it is troublesome."

"Except for that boy Le Tong, several other people are interested in fighting for the position of the monarch. The seventh one is especially extreme. He even resorted to some crooked methods to tarnish Qingxuan's reputation."

"To be honest, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with it. In order to achieve my own goals, I will do whatever I can to meet the conditions for a great event!"

"However, I still want to give Qingxuan another chance! This is good, give Qingxuan a few days, and the widow will make a will first. If Qingxuan fails to seize this opportunity, you can read the will, change the crown prince, and let Lao Qi inherit The widow's position." Bai Zhantian made up his mind and said.

"Then what if His Royal Highness seizes this opportunity?" Yuan Chi asked.

"It's better to grasp it, then burn the widow's edict, and don't let anyone know about it!" Bai Zhantian said lightly: "After all, in the widow's heart, Qingxuan is the most suitable successor."

"My minister takes orders." Yuan Chi nodded.


On the other side, after Bai Zhantian drove everyone out of the bedroom, the spies placed by Bai Qingxuan immediately returned to the Prince's Mansion to report the situation.

"Prince, the lord has said, give him a few more days to think about it, and he is very optimistic about the seventh prince, it seems that he really intends to change the crown prince." The spies entered the study and immediately reported.

Hearing this, Bai Qingxuan's face suddenly showed a deep worry, and he frowned, looked at Lin Yi and said: "Father, he said that he would consider it. It seems that he really wants to change the crown prince, master, this palace What should I do now?"

"Don't worry, the king's doing this shows that he is hesitant. If it's not good, he wants to give you a chance. In this case, we must firmly grasp it!" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes and said lightly.

"Give me a chance?" Hearing this, Bai Qingxuan's eyes widened immediately, apparently failing to comprehend the meaning.

"That's right, if the king is determined to change the crown prince, he won't consider it." Lin Yi said confidently.

After hearing the information brought back by the spies, Lin Yi instantly figured out what the King of Jin was thinking, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"If that's the case, that's great, master, everything will be done as you said, as long as you help me keep the position of the crown prince, and in the future, when I ascend the throne, you will be a meritorious minister, and you will be granted the title of king and land, as long as you say a word I am satisfied with everything!" Bai Qingxuan said excitedly.

Hearing this, Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I thought that this prince is really easy to control as the master said, as long as he is supported to ascend to the throne, wouldn't the entire Dajin Wu Kingdom be under his control in the future?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately said: "I don't know if His Royal Highness has heard that sentence, water can carry a boat and it can also overturn it. The foundation of governing a country lies in the people."

"Now that you have lost all of your hearts, you are far behind the Seventh Prince! Without the support of the people, even if you sit on the throne, you will not be able to last long. Therefore, in my opinion, you should immediately do something that is beneficial to the people. "

"But is it useful to hold Buddha's feet temporarily? I'm afraid..." Bai Qingxuan hesitated to speak, shrinking back.

"What are you afraid of? Do you still want the throne? It's better to hold on to the Buddha's feet temporarily than to do nothing! Do as I say." Lin Yi said to him in an unquestionable tone.

"Yes." Bai Qingxuan nodded.

"In addition, give me another team of soldiers and horses. I want to launch a counterattack against the Seventh Prince, and I can't sit still." Lin Yi said again.

Bai Qingxuan asked curiously: "Counterattack? What does the master want to do?"

"Of course, start from the most basic, and eliminate the forces in the Seventh Prince's camp." Lin Yi sneered: "We must use thunder to kill them by surprise!"

"Didn't the Seventh Prince frame you? Then let's use his own way to punish him, and eradicate his influence with trumped-up charges, so that everyone can know that His Highness the Crown Prince is not easy to mess with!"

"Bengong understands, master is a genius! I admire you!" Bai Qingxuan immediately gave Lin Yi a thumbs up, his face full of admiration.

Immediately, Bai Qingxuan ordered people to report the news of Lin Yi as his teacher to Bai Zhantian. After that, the two soldiers split into two groups and started to act separately.

Prince Bai Qingxuan, according to Lin Yi's instructions, went to the villages near the capital to greet the people, behave in a low profile, not show off, don't be a dude, and try to meet the needs of the people.

Immediately, people were sent to publicize this matter in Kyoto, and even the entire Great Jin Wu Kingdom, to improve people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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