Chapter 147 Taifu Lin in Black! (first update)
Thinking of this, Luo Weiming suddenly laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha... Bad luck! Bad luck! Why did you take my Luo family first? Why!"

"I admit it! I don't want to admit it! I regret it!"

Luo Weiming laughed wildly and uttered crazy words at the same time. Now that things have happened, he naturally knows that he, and even the whole family, may be doomed.

Joining the Seventh Prince's camp, he never thought that there would be such consequences, after all, with the character of the Prince, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing!

But now, because of a young master in black, she has completely changed!

Therefore, he was extremely desperate, and his spirit was in a trance and abnormal.

However, at this moment, Meng Hao, the green-robed school lieutenant, raised his knife and dropped it, and a beautiful knife cut across Luo Weiming's neck in an instant, and immediately blood splattered, and his fat body fell down in response.

"If you admit it, you will admit it. Where is there so much nonsense?"

After coldly glaring at Luo Weiming's corpse, Meng Hao said expressionlessly, then he led a team of [-] people, charged into Luo's house, and started a merciless slaughter!
As a second-class family in Kyoto, the Luo family has a good background. Even if it is only a family that relies on business, there are still many ancestors in the town, there are three of them, and their cultivation bases are all between the four-star and five-star martial masters!

However, the three strong Wu Zun still did not have much resistance in front of the [-] black armored army.

As the gold medal army of the royal family, the Black Armored Army is well-trained and is best at arranging troops and practicing military techniques. After entering the Luo Mansion, eight hundred black shadows immediately lined up in the "Ten Thousand Slaughter Slaying Formation", forming an invincible trend!

Kill all members of the Luo family, regardless of whether they are cultivated or not!
Afterwards, the Luo family, the second-class family, was declared annihilated, and no one was spared.

The first force in the Seventh Prince's camp was forcibly pulled out of the tiger's mouth by Lin Yi.

In fact, acting so arrogantly in Kyoto, apart from blowing the horn of counterattack in order to win over other forces in Kyoto to join the prince's camp, more importantly, it is to show determination to the current king, Bai Zhantian!
Let him know that the crown prince is not as pedantic and cowardly as he looks, otherwise Bai Zhantian will be disappointed and the crown prince will definitely lose his position.

"Let's go to the next house."

After copying and beheading the Luo family, Lin Yi led the Heijia army and set off to the next family, the Liu family!

This Liu family is also a second-class family in Kyoto. It only joined the Seventh Prince's camp three months ago, and it has clearly stated that it will fully support the Seventh Prince in winning the heir apparent and inheriting the throne!
Therefore, the second eradication of the Liu family can also serve as a warning.

Lin Yi led the Black Armor Army, just like beheading the Luo family, and beheading the whole family of Liu's family on the charge of "unnecessary" crimes!

In fact, it was just that Lin Yi was too lazy to explain to them that he was punished with an 'unnecessary' crime.

If you kill it, you kill it. What can you explain to some dead people?
If the imperial court wanted to blame, Lin Yi would naturally be able to find countless deadly crimes from these families!
Who wouldn't cheat?
What's more, these families colluding with the Seventh Prince are not clean, and almost every one of them has countless crimes, so it can be said that they deserve to die.

Lin Yi was not guilty of killing their whole family.


In just one hour, under Lin Yi's behest and instructions, two second-class families in Kyoto were ransacked and beheaded by the Black Armored Army.

Without stopping for a moment, the Black Armor Army and Lin Yi went to Peng's house and continued to kill!
For a whole day, Lin Yi didn't stop. It was not until evening that he ended his bloody journey and returned to the Prince's Mansion.

In one day, Lin Yi led the Black Armored Army and killed 26 family forces.

Without exception, they are all from the Seventh Prince's camp.

Among them, there are nine second-class families, thirteen third-class families, and four last-class families!

After eradicating these family forces, although it is not fatal, it is enough to seriously hurt the Seventh Prince's vitality!

What's more, since then, Lin Yi's name as Taifu in black has spread throughout the capital!
And soon there was a saying:

Taifu likes to wear black clothes, killing people without a name!

After tonight, Lin Yi's resolute and resolute figure, like Hell demanding his life, will be firmly imprinted in the minds of every citizen in Kyoto, lingering like a nightmare!
And those aristocratic families who had kept the crown prince at arm's length and were not very optimistic had to reconsider.


It was late at night, and the Seventh Prince, Mo Wushuang and others who had just returned to the capital could smell a strong smell of blood in the city.

"There is a lot of blood in the city. There must have been a massacre not long ago, and the scale was not small." Mo Wushuang frowned and said lightly.

Since losing to Lin Yi, he has returned to the capital to concentrate on assisting the Seventh Prince.

Although he lost to Lin Yi, Mo Wushuang didn't care too much. In his eyes, martial arts are just a supplement!Ingenuity is the most important thing.

Hearing the words, the Seventh Prince frowned, his eyelids twitched, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, within a minute of entering the city, a spy in night clothes rushed to report: "To the Seventh Prince, something is wrong! Something is wrong!"

"Let's go back home!"

The Seventh Prince Bai Qingxian suppressed the doubts in his heart, and led the team back to his mansion.

Next, I learned from the spies that most of the families that joined my camp have now been eradicated by Lin Yi. In just one day, most of the damage was done!

And the properties of those families that were copied and beheaded were all transferred to the Prince's Mansion in the name of confiscation.

"Bastard! This Lin Yi is too arrogant. He dared to attack these families when the prince is not in the capital! He deserves death! Tomorrow I will explain this to my father and punish him with death!"

In the main hall of the mansion, the Seventh Prince roared furiously, and immediately smashed several precious celadon wares into pieces.

What Lin Yi did today, to be honest, exceeded everyone's expectations!
After the Seventh Prince visited the monarch Bai Zhantian, he left the capital, went to nearby villages and towns to do good deeds, bought people's hearts, and did not return until evening.

And Lin Yi took advantage of this opportunity to wipe out his hole cards one after another. How could he not be angry?
He was so angry that he wanted to kill Lin Yi immediately!
"Seventh Prince, calm down. Lin Yi doesn't play cards according to the routine. I'm afraid he's already prepared. Even if he sues the monarch, he may have a perfect plan to deal with it. What's more, the prince has not fallen yet. With his protection, Lin Yi is not Something will happen." Mo Wushuang analyzed calmly.

"Then what should we do? Is this prince going to swallow this breath?" The seventh prince said angrily with anger burning in his eyes.

"Now we can only bear with it for now. Let's protect the remaining family forces as much as possible, and we must never let Lin Yi succeed. As for the aristocratic family, we don't have to worry, Lin Yi doesn't have the guts yet."

"A mere thousand black armored troops are not a threat to the aristocratic family."

 PS: Thanks to [Song Qingyun], [Linfeng Wangliu], [Great God], [ZGYUXN], [? So the update is a bit late, there should be another update before twelve o'clock, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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