Chapter 151 Ready to move! (third change)
After Lin Yi left.

Xiangguo Yuan Chi, who had been hiding behind the curtain, walked out slowly.

Then he looked at Bai Zhantian and asked with a very tangled expression: "My lord, is it really safe for you to do this?"

"Leave the Black Armored Army to him, what if he repents?"

"Oh, I hope he can keep his promise! The widow agreed to his condition because he didn't want to see his children kill each other."

"Now it seems that the only way to avoid catastrophe is to hand over the throne to Qingxuan. After all, Qingxuan is not as cruel as other princes." Bai Zhantian said helplessly.

Immediately, he suddenly remembered something, and said again: "By the way, change the edict of the prince, burn it now, prince...don't need to change it!"

"Yes!" Xiangguo Yuan Chi nodded, and immediately went to destroy the edict as instructed.


At the same time, Zhou Kun's mansion.

In a huge underground secret room, Zhou Kun, Zhou Langchu, the Seventh Prince Bai Qingxian, Mo Wushuang, and the head of the Han family, Han Shiyu, were all here, obviously discussing something in secret.

"I believe everyone understands what Lin Yi did yesterday, right?"

In front of a long red sandalwood table, the Seventh Prince sat at the head, Mo Wushuang sat on his right hand side, and the rest sat in turn.

At this moment, Mo Wushuang glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "There are more than 20 families, all of which were confiscated by Lin Yi in one day, which caused heavy losses to the Seventh Prince, and also destroyed the current plan to seize the heir apparent."

"It can be said that Lin Yi's bloody purge has caused many families in Kyoto to dare not join our camp now."

"Everyone, what do you think?"

"This Lin Yi is simply too courageous. By the way, didn't he arouse the court's idea for his behavior?" Han Shiyu asked with a sullen face.

"Of course it happened, but the court didn't say anything. It seems like it's acquiescing..." Zhou Kun replied, his face was also very ugly.

"Acquiescence? Could it be that... the Holy Spirit intends to support the prince?" Han Shiyu was taken aback.

"Impossible, my father said yesterday that he is optimistic about this prince, and maybe he will change the crown prince in the next few days. It is absolutely impossible to support that idiot prince!" The seventh prince said immediately.

Mo Wushuang narrowed his eyes slightly, waved his hand, and signaled the Seventh Prince not to say more, but said to himself: "I think the Holy Majesty's move may be to test the princes. The final battle to seize the throne."


Hearing this, the eyes of the Seventh Prince, Zhou Kun and the others suddenly lit up.

"It should be close to ten." Mo Wushuang said indifferently: "Since this is the case, we don't have to sit and wait for death, we should fight back!"

"That's right, it's time to fight back, sir, you must have a plan, right? What should we do now?" The seventh prince stared at Mo Wushuang, and said very respectfully: "The other princes, there is nothing to be afraid of. Now we just need to beat the prince hard. With a hard blow, this prince's position as the heir apparent will be secured!"

"To be honest, if Lin Yi hadn't been killed halfway, the prince would not have taken it seriously! But it doesn't work now, the prince always feels that this Lin Yi is going to ruin a big deal, so it's better to deal with the prince first."

The Seventh Prince Bai Qingxuan analyzed, and expressed his inner thoughts to everyone.

Ever since he returned to the capital yesterday and learned of Lin Yi's actions, he has been anxious, his eyelids twitching, as if he couldn't let go of Lin Yi's hidden danger.

"That's right, this Lin Yi is indeed very troublesome. As long as he is eradicated, eight or nine out of ten of the prince's game of chess will be dead!" Zhou Kun said lightly.

"In that case, let's start our counterattack from him." Mo Wushuang nodded, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, then looked at Zhou Kun, and said, "Father-in-law, I don't know how many troops you can mobilize now?"

"30." Zhou Kun replied: "There are a total of 40 troops stationed in Kyoto. Except for the [-] troops in the hands of Lao Shangshu, the others are all here."

"Very good, with 30 troops, it can almost compete with [-] Black Armored Army. If it's not good enough, there is also the ancestor of the Martial King of the Han family." Mo Wushuang nodded.

"Five thousand? Sir, you think too highly of my elder brother. Now the emperor hates him very much, and the military power given to him is getting less and less. Otherwise, how could Lin Yi only mobilize one thousand black armor troops yesterday?"

"My prince estimates that it would be good for my brother to mobilize at most two thousand black armored troops, so 30 troops is definitely more than enough to deal with him." The seventh prince said confidently.

"Really? That's even better." Mo Wushuang smiled in satisfaction, then looked at Zhou Kun, and said, "Father-in-law, let's gather our troops today and arrange 30 soldiers into the city to wait in the martial arts arena in Kyoto. Tomorrow morning, lead troops to encircle and suppress the Prince's Mansion!"

"Okay! But, what crime should be used to punish Lin Yi?" Zhou Kun asked with a frown.

"Let's use the two crimes of 'undermining the development of the Kyoto family' and 'disregarding human life'." Mo Wushuang thought about it casually, and came up with two crimes.

"I understand!" Zhou Kun nodded slightly, with a ferocious smile appearing on the corner of his mouth.

Although Zhou Langchu on the side didn't say anything, his brows were full of excitement!
The thought of getting revenge on Lin Yi tomorrow made him so excited!
"Kill the prince as well, dare to compete with this prince for the throne, this prince will let him know what it means to be ruthless!" At this time, the seventh prince said murderously.

"Seventh Prince, is that your half-brother? What's more, the Holy Majesty hasn't died yet, is he really going to kill him?" Han Shiyu asked in surprise.

"It makes sense, then don't kill him, first 'invite' him to the prince's mansion, and wait for the father to pass away, and then 'serve' him well." The seventh prince smiled coldly, and that smile made him Everyone present shuddered.

Except... Mo Wushuang.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed, leaving only Zhou Kun and Zhou Langchu in the underground secret room.

"Son, I can finally avenge you for my father. Tomorrow, I will lead an army of 30 to surround the Prince's Mansion. At that time, Lin Yi will be abolished, and I will let you dispose of it and let you vent your anger!" Zhou Kun patted Zhou Langchu on the shoulder, Said with a look of emotion.

"Dad, I, I'm so excited, it feels like a dream!"

"I can't wait!"

"Lin Yi, a bastard, tortured me in such a horrific way back then. I thought I fell into the [-]th floor of hell. That feeling is really unbearable! It's too painful!"

"Tomorrow, I must let him taste the same taste!"

"Must make him feel, what is real life is worse than death!"

Zhou Langchu's excited eyes were filled with tears, his whole body was trembling, as if he had fallen into his own fantasy, and the expression on his face was as if he had coughed medicine...

 PS: The third update is over, thank you for voting, please continue to ask for votes, receipts, and comments!
(End of this chapter)

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