Chapter 162 The Dragon Clan Appears! (third change)
"Okay, this old slave will do it now." The old slave of the Chu family nodded.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "I think it's safer for me to come forward in person."

"No, you have to come forward in person. The suspicion of ingratiating is too obvious. You only need to send it to me."

"Well, it makes sense, then I will trouble you."


After Lin Yi returned from Su's house, he led the Black Armor Army to continue the cleansing operation.

Now that the position of crown prince and crown prince has been retained, the purge operation is just to make his other princes completely give up, and to warn those families who are related to other princes.

Within three days, Lin Yi visited almost all of the several families in the capital. When he passed by the Chu family, he naturally received a treasure from the Chu family—the Fuhuangzhu!

It is said that this is a family heirloom of the Chu family, why give it to Lin Yi?

According to the head of the Chu family, on the one hand, he wanted to thank Lin Yi for taking care of his daughter Chu Shenglan, and on the other hand, he hoped that Lin Yi could take care of the Chu family. In fact, it was just flattery.

Out of Chu Shenglan's face, Lin Yi accepted it.

In addition, all the treasures of heaven and earth that Lin Yi asked the Su family to collect arrived within three days, and all of them were delivered to Lin Yi, except for... the blood of the real dragon.

There is no way, the blood of the real dragon is too precious and rare, even if the Su family is rich and powerful, they can't find it after trying their best.

Although Lin Yi was disappointed, there was nothing he could do.

From the very beginning, he didn't have any hope for the true dragon's blood essence.

This time he is going to refine the 'Shenlong Tiangang Liquid', if he adds a drop of real dragon essence blood, the effect will be doubled, but if you don't add it, it can still be used, so we can only make do with it



Lin Yi held the Fuhuang Pearl and examined it carefully under the moonlight.

This Fuhuang Pearl is about the size of a longan, and it contains a huge amount of energy. Lin Yi released his spiritual power perception, but found that the energy in it was not aura, but a very special thing.

Inside the Fuhuang Pearl, there are even many fine blood networks, like... some kind of organ.

Lin Yi asked the Patriarch of the Chu family where this Fuhuang Pearl came from and why it was called this name.

Chu Feng replied that it was inherited from the ancestors, and its name was Fu, so it was called Fu Huangzhu.

Bringing this bead by your side will have miraculous effects such as clearing your mind, clearing your eyes, and speeding up your practice.

Lin Yi deeply felt that the Fuhuang Pearl was not an ordinary thing, so he carried it with him and stuck it on his chest.

In three days, Lin Yi had already warned all the major families and forces in Kyoto, and those families also made it clear that they would never collude with other princes in the future, let alone rebellion.

As for Lin Yi, he also happened to meet three heaven-sent disciples of Yijianzong. One was in the Second Prince's Mansion, named Yun Qing, one was in the Eighth Prince's Mansion, named He Yuelan, and the other was in the Fifth Prince's Mansion. , called Wang Ziyi, except that I didn't see the legendary Yi Jianzong No.1, Xiao Zhanmei.

There was also no information to show that Xiao Zhanmei was the strategist behind the prince, which made Lin Yi more interested in him.

And the time when the battle for succession was the most intense was when Zhou Kun led 30 Dajin soldiers to punish Lin Yicrime.

With the help of their respective counselors, the princes are also engaged in the final battle to seize the throne. According to the information Lin Yi received, the second prince is the most ruthless, and even sent someone to forge the will to make him the crown prince.

Even the Chuanguo Yuxi secretly imitated one, and as a result, after hearing that Lin Yi had controlled [-] Black Armored Army, he immediately destroyed it, and most of the other princes had the same attitude.

Lin Yi has 40 Black Armored Army under his control, and the [-] Jin soldiers stationed in Kyoto are no match for the Black Armored Army. Unless the whole country is mobilized, it is possible to fight the Black Armored Army, but that is basically impossible.

If he wanted to gather 800 million troops from the entire Jin Dynasty, he needed the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, and the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom imitated by the second prince was only used by the public as a fake, as long as he checked carefully, he would find that it was a fake!
Therefore, all the princes who wanted to fight for the heir apparent gave up the idea when they learned that Lin Yi had controlled the Black Armor Army.

So far, the turmoil of the Jin royal family has finally subsided.

Under Lin Yi's guidance, the crown prince, Bai Qingxuan, appointed all the princes as kings and marquises, and sent them to faraway borders, which was not much better than the seventh prince.

After doing this, Lin Yi was ready to leave quickly, and the crown prince Bai Qingxuan hoped that Lin Yi could wait for him to ascend the throne before leaving.

But it will take nearly a month. Lin Yike has no spare time to spend in the capital, so he decides to leave tomorrow.


The next day, early in the morning.

Lin Yi did not inform the crown prince, Bai Qingxuan, and led the [-] Black Armored Army to take advantage of Mengmengliang's gift, and set off immediately to return to Yijianzong.

Of course, Lin Yi led the [-] Black Armored Army not to bring them to Yijianzong, but to send them to garrison Chiyang City to form the strongest protective force for Chiyang City!

As for the remaining [-] black armor troops, according to Lin Yi's arrangement, they stayed in the capital to protect the prince's safety.

Of course, the prince has no right to mobilize them, saying that it is to protect safety, but in fact it also acts as a threat.


On the way to Xuewu County.

The [-] black-armored troops were mighty and mighty, and they rushed towards the direction of Chiyang City, which was extremely eye-catching.

Lin Yi was also in the army.

Five days later, Lin Yicai and the Heijia Army parted ways when they arrived in Zhongzhou where Yijianzong was located.

Four red-armored generals led the black-armored army to Chiyang City. According to Lin Yi's instructions, when they got there, they would obey the order of a woman named Chu Qingping and guard Chiyang City ever since.

And Lin Yi was alone, plundering in the direction of Jianzu Mountain Range.

In the azure blue sky, Lin Yi's figure in a black robe flew away like a goshawk.

A powerful breath appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi stopped suddenly, his body was floating in the air, his gaze swept to the void in front of him, and he said coldly, "Who?"

As soon as the words fell, a thin, blue-haired boy emerged from the void!

I saw that his face was like a jade crown, his lips were red and his teeth were white, his eyebrows were like sharp swords, and his eyes were like stars. He was handsome and extraordinary, completely different from Lin Yi's unruly appearance!
This blue-haired boy was born with an aristocratic air, and what was even more strange was that his pupils were actually golden in color!
"Dragon royal family?" Lin Yi frowned and exclaimed.

Blue hair and golden pupils are the symbol of the dragon royal family!

"Hehe, you actually recognized the true identity of this young master? Isn't it easy!" The blue-haired boy said with a smile: "It seems that you really have something related to the ancestor of Fulong, so hurry up and hand it over to this young master! "

"What nonsense are you talking about? I have dragon things on me?" Lin Yi asked in a daze.

"What are you pretending to be, don't you admit it? Then I'll hit you until you admit it!" The dragon royal boy roared angrily, and then his figure flashed like a dragon walking towards Lin Yibao!

 PS: The third update arrives later, sorry, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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