Chapter 165 Shenlong Tiangang! (third change)
"Not bad." Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the golden blood that was constantly boiling and rolling in the jade bottle, and then followed the agreement and handed the Fuhuangzhu to Gu Li: "This thing is yours."

After getting Fulong's ancestral eye, Gu Li immediately looked happy, and a smile appeared on his pale face: "In that case, senior, farewell! I will see you in the future."

After all, there was a whoosh, as if the shadow of a soaring dragon disappeared instantly.

"Hey, don't forget to investigate the Asura Dragon Sword for me!" Lin Yi called out in the direction where Gu Li disappeared, but it was unknown if Gu Li heard it.


The vast sky.

A purple-gold dragon shadow shuttled through it.

"That senior does have a few tricks. With the strength of a one-star Martial Lord, he can suppress me to death! But it is not the legendary exiled immortal. It is still to be discussed. When the time comes, I will go back and ask my grandfather."

"If he is really a senior, then I will investigate the origin of his sword for him. If not, go to his uncle..."

Thinking of this in Gu Lili's mind, he immediately speeded up, flicked the dragon's tail, and left this world suddenly.

Zijin Shenlong!

It is the body of the dragon royal family.


On the other side, Lin Yi returned directly to Yijianzong.

After meeting with Little Fatty, Chu Shenglan, and Master Zhou Ji and others, he returned to his own Lingxiaojianfeng to practice in closed doors.

This time, Lin Yi was going to break through to the fourth level of the Mahayana Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique, the Hunyuan True Body.

It has been a while since the Jade Spirit Avatar entered the third stage. With such a strong physique, Lin Yi's combat power can be described as very brave.

It was because of his astonishing defensive power that Lin Yi was able to leapfrog the battle, so Lin Yi knew the importance of physical fitness.

"What does it mean to come without effort, hahaha, this is it!"

In the practice room, Lin Yi held the jade bottle in his hand and laughed triumphantly.

At first he wanted to refine the 'Shenlong Tiangang Liquid', but he didn't have the idea of ​​'True Dragon Essence Blood' at all, because Lin Yi knew that it was too difficult to make.

But since he asked the Su family to find all kinds of elixir for the 'Shenlong Tiangangye', Lin Yi simply wrote 'True Dragon Essence and Blood' on it. Who knows if it is possible to find it?
Anyway, Lin Yi didn't contribute much, so why didn't he write?
However, in the end, Lin Yi was a little disappointed. Sure enough, he did not find the 'real dragon's blood'. The huge capital of Jin Dynasty did not even have a drop of real dragon's blood, which can be said to be expected by Lin Yi.

Who knew that on the way back to Yijianzong, Lin Yi ran into a dragon royal boy, and it happened that he had something he needed, so Lin Yi took the opportunity to blackmail 'True Dragon Essence and Blood', and he succeeded.

Now, with the blood of the real dragon added to the body refining liquid, Lin Yi's confidence in breaking through to the fourth level has increased, and he can't help laughing proudly, feeling that he is lucky.

"Yeah, who would have thought that you would meet a member of the Dragon Clan, and he's a royal family? It's also a coincidence. Are you a blind cat meeting a dead mouse? Or is it just luck?" Gu Xiao said speechlessly.

"Of course it's luck. This Emperor's luck has always been good, haha..." Lin Yi laughed, in a good mood, and immediately started refining the 'Shenlong Tiangang Liquid' without arguing with Gu Xiao.

The Shenlong Tiangang Liquid is much more advanced than the Blood Fiend Body Refining Liquid, and its effect is three to five times that of the Blood Fiend Body Refining Liquid. The reason why Lin Yi didn't refine it before is because the materials of the Shenlong Tiangang Liquid are too rare and precious.

At that time, there was no spirit stone, and he couldn't rely on others, so Lin Yi had no choice but to choose the most affordable and cost-effective 'Blood Fiend Body Refining Liquid' to temper his body.

But it's different now, with the help of the Su family, except for the blood of the real dragon, all the other elixir have been obtained.

Lin Yi took out the Youming Bone Cauldron, added elixir to it one by one, activated the Heaven-Puting Holy Flame, and refined the Shenlong Tiangang Liquid.

There are two most important parts in refining ordinary body refining liquid, one is the water source, and the other is the material.

In other words, the better the water source and the better the material, the stronger the effect of the refined body refining liquid.

But Shenlong Tiangang liquid is slightly different, because it also needs the blood of the real dragon.

If no real dragon blood essence was added, the effect would only be several times stronger than that of the Blood Fiend Body Refining Liquid, but with the addition of real dragon blood essence, it would be beyond imagination. As for the extent to which it would be achieved, it was hard for Lin Yi to speculate.

In his previous life, he only successfully refined the Divine Dragon Tiangang Liquid once, and he still collected a drop of real dragon essence blood in the dragon palace. Now that he has ten drops in his hand, Lin Yi feels excited just thinking about it!
Time is slipping away little by little.

Nine-turned fennel square leaf, four seasons sea lotus, jiaogan, dragon scale grass... a total of 79 kinds of rare elixir and spiritual materials were refined by Lin Yi one by one.

This time to refine the 'Shenlong Tiangang Liquid', the water source used by Lin Yi is the water from the sword spring of Yijianzong. This water is not for drinking, but has been used to temper the blade, so the water contains huge and sharp The breath of it just goes along with the attribute of 'Shenlong Tiangangye'.

Lin Yi had already thought about this point when he was in Kyoto.

Gudoo!Gudoo! ...

Inside the Youming Bone Cauldron, a viscous liquid like blood was constantly bubbling and boiling, and at the same time, there was an extremely strange smell filling the room.

In Lin Yi's palm, the Heaven Punishing Holy Flame was burning, concentrating the liquid!

It wasn't until the liquid in the cauldron gradually became viscous, solidified, and turned into a very hard blood-colored sheet, that the jade bottle containing the real dragon's blood essence was opened.


A drop of golden true dragon blood dripped into it.


The blood-colored hard piece melted instantly as if touching a flame, and then returned to a liquid state, and then began to boil. It seemed that there were thousands of troops fighting in the cauldron, emitting a huge aura!


Lin Yi's eyes were firm, and he dripped the second, third, fourth, and fifth drops of real dragon essence blood into the bone cauldron one after another!

With the addition of the blood essence of the real dragon, the temperature inside the bone cauldron rose sharply, and the golden light exploded!

The blood-red liquid at the bottom faintly exudes a golden color, and at the same time, the powerful fluctuations are full and wanton, as if the Youming bone cauldron is about to burst at any time, and it cannot bear the huge energy in the liquid.

"Don't drop it, the limit of this medicine cauldron is five drops of dragon's blood at most. If there is too much, the cauldron will explode. Then the medicine cauldron will be broken, and the body refining liquid will be spilled all over the place. The gain outweighs the loss!" Gu Xiao said at this time Words reminded.

Lin Yi nodded, even if Gu Xiao didn't say anything, he wouldn't add real dragon blood essence to the bone cauldron again.

Now that the Shenlong Tiangang liquid has been refined, especially with the addition of five drops of dragon blood, the aura has become surging and vigorous, and it has reached its limit. I am afraid that adding another drop will be unbearable.

Lin Yi directly held the Youming Bone Cauldron, came to the bathing room, and then poured all the Shenlong Tiangang liquid into the warm pool water.

Huaguang shines.Dragon Qi is raging.

Without frowning, Lin Yi took off his clothes and jumped into it.

 PS: The third update arrives. Recently, there are three updates every day, at least two updates. I don’t know why some people say that I have three updates in two days. I am helpless~
(End of this chapter)

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