Chapter 170 Destroying Flowers With Difficult Hands! (Second more)
Chapter 170 Destroying Flowers With Difficult Hands! (Second more)

A blatant saber aura surged out, causing many ordinary people and even cultivators present to feel palpitations and turn pale.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, looked at the galloping knife light, and thought in his heart, this little girl's heart is really vicious!Really want to chop off my limbs?Do you regard yourself as a tool for dual cultivation?

Thinking of this, a thick cold expression suddenly appeared on Lin Yi's face, and he quickly activated the Mahayana Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique, the jade light on his left leg flashed, as if it had turned into a jade object, and then the long knife fell sharply down!

With a crisp sound, sparks flashed from between Lin Yi's left leg and the long knife.

The huge counter-shock force suddenly rushed back to his arm, knocking Li Yuehuan back instantly, and his arm was paralyzed for a while!
Li Yuehuan looked at it intently, and then she was surprised to find that the lotus sword in her hand was curled!

As for Lin Yi's left leg, except for the broken shirt, there was nothing wrong with the skin or muscles!

Li Yuehuan was a little dazed, her eyes glazed over.

And the people around were also stunned for a while.

The power of Li Yuehuan's sword made them all feel extremely afraid, but Lin Yi... unexpectedly carried it down with his physical body!

And... also damaged the lotus sword in Li Yuehuan's hand!
Is this thing still human?

The physical body is almost as good as a magic weapon, right? !

so horrible!

Everyone was slightly absent-minded, thinking so in their hearts.

As for the strength of the body, the other female disciples of He/Huan Sect were very clear, so they came back to their senses immediately, and commented in surprise...

"What's the situation? Could it be that he is also wearing golden silkworm armor?"

"Senior Sister Xiaohui, you won't be scared stupid, right? The golden silkworm armor can only be worn on the upper body! Moreover, he does not have any magical defenses. It seems... It seems that he relied on his physical body to resist Senior Sister Yue Huan's knife. "

"Impossible! The lotus sword in Senior Sister Yue Huan's hands, but the semi-holy weapon bestowed by the sect master, how can it not even kill a one-star Martial Venerable? Could it be that the lotus sword is fake?"

"Stop arguing, this Lin Yi is indeed not simple. His physical defense is surprisingly strong, even surpassing the category of a semi-holy weapon!"

"Beyond the scope of the semi-holy artifact?"

"Isn't that..."

Hearing this, several Hehuan Sect disciples were all stunned and dumbfounded!At the same time, his eyes became hotter and hotter, and he couldn't help but want to do double cultivation with the black-clothed boy in front of him!
The "He/Huan Yu Shui Kung" they cultivated in He/Huanmen has a characteristic, that is, if they double practice with men with stronger cultivation bases and stronger talents, their own strength will improve extremely quickly!
This is also the fundamental reason why Dongyan Mo did not order Lin Yi to be killed directly, but sent six chief disciples to take him back!
Killing Lin Yi is tantamount to a loss for them.

However, at this moment, Lin Yi didn't notice the fiery gazes of the female disciples of the Hehuan Sect. Looking at the shocked people around him, he pretended to say to Li Yuehuan, "Come on, cut me off!"

Not loud, but clearly audible.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his eyes were indifferent, and he was dressed in black, as if covering the world, with an awe-inspiring aura!
The figure standing in the middle of the street is straight and resolute, like a peerless arrogance, majestic and majestic!

"He, he is so handsome, hee hee!"

"Excellent temperament! Cold and dusty, is my favorite type, I really want to get to know him!"

"It would be a loss if he was captured by those witches from Hehuanmen."

Seeing this scene, many young girls in Yong'an City were suddenly moved, and their faces were a little blushing. What's more, they had the idea of ​​helping Lin Yi deal with the Hehuanmen.

Because they didn't want to see Lin Yi being taken away by the people of Hehuan Sect and reduced to a tool for double cultivation.

"How could I be willing to kill you, little brother!"

Li Yuehuan looked at Lin Yi, her eyes were extremely hot, and her voice was charming, so soft to the bone!

If you don't look at her figure, I'm afraid a man would be overwhelmed by it, but Lin Yi feels a chill at the moment.

"Don't cut it, right? Then I'll kill you, a monster! I won't save you from harming others!"

Lin Yi performed the Ling Xiao Jue, the soles of his feet overflowed with true energy, and he soared into the sky with a whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of sword chant sounded from Lin Yi's mouth:
"Take out the sword and rush to the thunder and swallow the sky, draw the sword to stop the water and step on the clouds, move the sword to move the dragon and howl in the sky, go out with the sword to change the world, the sky is full of immortals, Buddhas, gods and ghosts, I will sweep the world with my own sword..."

Under the use of the 'Tianwu Sword Art', the Asura Dragon Sword in Lin Yi's hand suddenly changed!

The sword shadow flickered, and the sword energy was surging!
The strong sword intent enveloped her, and Li Yuehuan's expression changed drastically!
She didn't want to kill Lin Yi because Lin Yi was still valuable, and even sacrificed her 'beauty' to seduce him, but unfortunately, Lin Yi was not interested at all.

At this moment, he displayed a terrifying and superb sword skill, intending to kill her!

This is simply a naked humiliation!

Li Yuehuan was ashamed and angry, she gritted her silver teeth, and said coldly: "Is this old lady so unattractive? I'm going to fight you!"

After the words fell, he rushed forward.

"Heavenly Demon Twelve Slashes!"

"Thunder Nine Steps!"

Whoosh whoosh!Whoosh whoosh! ...

Li Yuehuan held the lotus sword in his hand, and his steps changed. He took nine steps in succession. Every step was followed by thunder, and an afterimage instantly appeared. Before Lin Yi could even react, he appeared in front of Lin Yi!

Immediately afterwards, he brandished the treasured sword and slashed left and right, twelve turbulent sword lights shot out one after another.

A trace of surprise flashed in Lin Yi's eyes, no matter what, Li Yuehuan was too close to him, causing all the attacks of the Tianwu Sword Art to fail!
At this moment, the twelve sword lights came all at once, so Lin Yi had no choice but to urge the Mahayana dragon elephant body training technique to resist!
The divine rainbow exploded, and the bright jade light emerged from Lin Yi's body, eclipsing the reflection of the world!
Everyone was temporarily blind, and Li Yuehuan's eyes were plunged into boundless darkness.

Lin Yi resisted the twelve sword lights in the light, and the clothes on his upper body were instantly shattered into powder, but apart from the severe pain, there was no other injury.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yi pierced Li Yuehuan's throat with a sword!

With the sword drawn out, Li Yuehuan clutched her bleeding throat, vomited a few times, and then fell to the ground, completely suffocating.

Only then did everyone recover their eyesight, and then they saw a shocking scene!
Li Yuehuan fell into a pool of blood.

And Lin Yi, except for his clothes being torn, looked like a normal person, with a sneer on his face at the moment, staring at the remaining five female disciples of the He/Huan Sect, and said indifferently: "Are you going to continue? Or are you going to run away?"

"Sisters, he can kill even a four-star Martial Lord, his talent is too terrifying!"

"Let's go together, as long as we catch him and drain his yang essence, we will be able to improve our cultivation again!"

Who knew, facing Lin Yi's dominance, the remaining five female disciples of the He/Huan Sect, instead of feeling scared, instead had hot eyes and rushed towards Lin Yi together!

"I don't know how to live or die! Then don't blame Lin for destroying flowers!" Lin Yi let out a cold snort, and jumped up into the air again.

(End of this chapter)

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