Chapter 175 Shrunk to an Inch! (Second update, please subscribe!)

"I'm so mad, why can he enter the third floor to choose martial arts?!"

"It's disgusting! How many years have we been in Yijianzong, and there has never been a disciple stepping into the third floor. Even if he is a disciple sent by heaven, he can't do that!?"

"Yeah, I'm so jealous of him! The martial arts on the third level, I heard they are all at the holy level, and they are infinitely powerful!"

"I can't help it, didn't you hear? He entered the third floor with the permission of the suzerain. Elder Zhou Ji didn't know what kind of rhetoric he said, but he even fooled the suzerain!"

"It's useless to be jealous, who asked someone to find a good master!"


On the second floor of the Zanggong Pavilion, many true disciples stared blankly, but there was nothing they could do about it. For Lin Yi's privileged access to the third floor to select martial arts, he was obviously jealous to the extreme.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, quickly reached the third floor.

When pushing open the gate of the third floor, Lin Yi found that the entire third floor was protected by a terrifying barrier!

If I hadn't obtained the suzerain's permission, I am afraid that I would have been injured by the enchantment as early as the moment I pushed the door, and I didn't even know how to die.

But without thinking too much, he stepped into it immediately, and immediately after, the two jade gates behind him closed automatically.

Lin Yi's eyes extended to it, and then he found the third floor of the Tibetan Gong Pavilion, which was very dark, with only a few dim oil lamps lit around it, and the decoration was very simple, like a study house for poor people.

What surprised Lin Yi even more was that there was only a row of bookshelves on the spacious third floor, and on the bookshelves, there were only a few six or seven ancient books that had turned yellow.

But what is different is that every ancient book, in the dark environment, emits a faint aura, and the aura flutters around the body, which looks miraculous and extraordinary.

Lin Yi picked them up one by one to check:
"Kwai Shui Ba Dao Jue", "Lock Heart Palm", "Soul Refining Secret Art", "Yuan Dan Tribulation Fist", "Lingwei Seal"...

In the entire third floor, there are only seven martial arts, most of which are in the low-grade category of the holy rank, and only "Kuishui Ba Dao Jue" and "Yuan Dan Jiequan" have reached the middle rank of the holy rank.

Lin Yi couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect that Yijianzong, the first sect in the Jin Dynasty, survived so few holy grades, let alone divine grades, none of them.

To be honest, none of these martial arts caught Lin Yi's eyes. When Lin Yi was disappointed and was about to exit the third floor, he suddenly discovered that there was an unremarkable one in a small compartment in the lower left corner of the bookshelf. martial skill, immediately picked it up to check.

Immediately afterwards, the four characters "shrink the ground into an inch" instantly came into view!

"Agility and martial arts?"

Lin Yi suddenly became interested, and when he opened it, the word No Rank was written on the first page, and he murmured in surprise, "This physical skill has no rank, that is to say, it has infinite potential?!"

With a feeling of surprise and doubt, Lin Yi began to read the contents.

"The mind is clear, the mind can climb the sky, down to the waist bone, exert strength from the body, draw the air and reject the law, and shrink the ground into an inch!"

"The first step is ten meters, the small one is one hundred meters, the master is one thousand meters, the master is one step ten thousand meters, the peak... three thousand worlds are free to roam, and one step is a thousand years old!"

"Three thousand worlds are free to travel freely, and one step can lead to a thousand-year-old seclusion!"

Lin Yi muttered to himself, his expression shocked!
"This physical martial skill is not simple. Whether it's true or not, the tone is not small. From what I see, it shouldn't be something that falls into the sky." At this time, Gu Xiao's voice sounded.

"That's right, according to the above records, even if you are just a beginner, your speed of ten meters per step is much faster than when I use the Great Heaven Return Step!" Lin Yi frowned, and murmured: "There is a way to escape. A method is better than a thousand ways to kill people."

"As long as you don't die, there is hope for everything. If you shrink to an inch, it's you!"

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately took this non-level physical martial art "Shrinking the Ground to an Inch", turned around and walked out of the third floor without hesitation!

Originally, Lin Yi wanted to find an attacking martial art suitable for his current stage, but now he changed his mind.

There is an old saying that Lin Yi thinks is very correct, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood.

As long as the means to save life are fully prepared, even if you fail temporarily, as long as your life is still there, everything is possible.

With "Shrinking the Earth Into an Inch", Lin Yi returned to Lingxiao Sword Peak, and while cultivating, he devoured the elixir and devoured the aura of heaven and earth wantonly.

After a day, no matter whether it is cultivation base or shrinking the ground to an inch, there is progress.

After a day of practice, coupled with a large number of treasures from heaven and earth, Lin Yi finally stepped into the realm of a two-star warrior, and "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" also reached the initial stage.

Although the eighth star still showed no signs of awakening in Qihai, Lin Yi had already reached the two-star Wuzun through other means.

Coupled with the slight success in "Shrinking the Land to an Inch", now Lin Yi has the confidence to kill him even in the face of a five-star martial master!

At this time, less than two days had passed since the opening of the barrier inside the Nantian Ancient Ruins.

Before Lin Yi was about to leave, he went to see Jiang Yanli, so he left the sect and rushed to the Great Wilderness Village deep in the Twilight Blood Forest.


Shrinking the ground into an inch, Lin Yi's footsteps moved illusoryly, and every time he took a step, he was ten meters away!

With every step, the time and space under his feet seem to be condensed together, which can be described as terrifying.

Soon, Lin Yi came to Dahuangzhai.

"Boss, why are you here?"

The little black python who was in charge of guarding the gate of the village, before he had time to open the door for Lin Yi, Xiao Ditian rushed out with a whoosh.

I haven't seen him for a few days, but Xiao Ditian has grown to be as tall as Lin Yi, and his body has become much stronger, like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy!

"I haven't seen you for a few days. You have grown so tall, kid? It seems that you Ditian apes are growing very fast!" Lin Yi patted Xiao Ditian on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Xiao Ditian scratched his head and said, "Hehe, I don't know what's going on, my body grows so fast, even Sister Li says I'm a pervert."

"By the way, boss, are you here looking for sister Li?"

"That's right, I'm leaving for the Nantian Ancient Site tomorrow, so I came here to see her." Lin Yi replied.

"Understood, I understand." Xiao Ditian smiled and nodded understandingly. Ever since Lin Yi left Dahuangzhai last time, Yufeng, the second master, explained to him the matter between Lin Yi and Jiang Yanli.

So now, from Little Ditian's point of view, Lin Yi must have missed Jiang Yanli and came to Dahuangzhai.

"Where's the second master?" Lin Yi asked immediately after looking around, but he couldn't find the figure of the second master Yu Feng.

At this time, the little black snake replied: "The second master has gone out to work."

"Oh." Lin Yi nodded, and then went to find Jiang Yanli with Xiao Ditian.


Beast King Hall.

Jiang Yanli was dressed in white, sitting on an animal leather chair, with a beautiful appearance and an extraordinary temperament, just like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

However, when she saw Lin Yi's appearance, she frowned slightly. Although her face was still cold, a trace of surprise flashed inadvertently in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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