Chapter 182 The Sword Demon Beast Appears! (third change)

"Oh yeah! That's great, I'll just say that the white-clothed swordsmen will agree?" Ji Shaokang, dressed in red and with slightly red hair, immediately made a victory after hearing Lin Yi's reply. posture.

Then he looked at the few people behind him, and said proudly.

"Tch, look at you, the reason why people join us is not because of your face!" A young man in black couldn't help laughing.

"It's not because of my face, but because of your face, Chen Tianrui?" Ji Shaokang said amusedly.

"Of course not. What I mean is, maybe this white-clothed swordsman brother agreed to join us because of Xueyao's face. Do you understand now?"

The black-robed youth called "Chen Tianrui" by Ji Shaokang twitched his mouth and said meaningfully.

On his left side stood a girl with fair skin, bright teeth, and delicate facial features like a fairy. The girl was wearing a red gauze dress, and her brows vaguely resembled Ji Shaokang.

Hearing Chen Tianrui's words, the girl's face turned slightly red.

"Hahaha, it makes sense, my sister is so handsome, which man wouldn't pay more attention to it?" Ji Shaokang laughed, then looked at Lin Yi, and teased: "But brother white swordsman, if you really If you are interested in my sister, you must use normal means to pursue her, and you can't engage in those crooked ways, otherwise you should not join us!"

Lin Yi was quite speechless upon hearing this.

The reason why he joined their team so happily was because Lin Yi felt that being alone was too ostentatious.

And after joining them, it can distract others' attention, that's all!

Although the girl in red was very beautiful, Lin Yi was used to beauties. In his heart, Jiang Yanli, Chu Shenglan, and Ping'er, which one was worse than the girl in red?
Seeing that Lin Yi was silent, Ji Shaokang thought that Lin Yi was really interested in his sister, so he immediately motioned for his sister to say hello to Lin Yi.

The girl in red nodded, smiled at Lin Yi and said, "My name is Ji Xueyao, please give me your advice!"

"Yi Lin." Lin Yi replied in a flat voice, without using his real name.

"It turns out that the white-clothed swordsman's surname is Yi. Hello, my name is Chen Tianrui!" The young man in black also greeted Lin Yi immediately.

Except for... that young man in a purple brocade suit, with sword-browed eyebrows, who looked very flamboyant, with a cold face all the time, and didn't say hello to Lin Yi, everyone else was very friendly.

And Lin Yi clearly saw the word "disdain" in the eyes of the purple-clothed boy!

Doesn't he wish he could join them?

Lin Yi thought to himself.

At this time, Chen Tianrui seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and immediately pointed to the purple-clothed boy, he said: "Ahem, his name is Zuo Qingyan, and he usually likes to pretend to be cold, but he is actually a very funny guy. When you get familiar with him, he will naturally Enough."

Lin Yi nodded slightly, too lazy to answer.

"Okay, since we've already met each other, let's quickly enter the Sword Lord Palace, otherwise all the treasures will be snatched away!" Ji Shaokang suggested anxiously.

Lin Yi and the others didn't object, so they set off immediately and rushed into the Sword Lord Palace.

Because of the delay, at this moment, the huge Sword Lord Palace is already overcrowded.

The interior of the treasure hall is full of brilliance and resplendent, even the floor is forged from gold, the whole is the scale of the imperial palace!

No, it is even more luxurious than the palace!

Lin Yi has seen the Imperial Palace of the Great Jin, and he can guarantee that even the Imperial Palace of the Great Jin is not as luxurious as one-tenth of the Palace of the Sword Lord!

Gold, silver and jewelry are dazzling and piled up like a mountain.

At this moment, everyone is crazily looting.

For these mundane things, some cultivators are extremely fanatical, wishing to put all of them into their space rings.

And some are not interested at all, such as Lin Yi, Ji Shaokang, Ji Xueyao and Zuo Qingyan.

As for Chen Tianrui, when he saw the golden gold and silver treasures, he couldn't move his eyes away immediately, and immediately pounced on it, wantonly putting it into the interspatial ring.

Fortunately, there are countless gold and silver treasures in the Sword King Palace, otherwise there would definitely be a bloody scene immediately.

"Brother Tianrui, you are almost fine, isn't it just some gold and silver treasures? As for being so crazy?"

Seeing Chen Tianrui frantically collecting gold and silver objects, Ji Shaokang immediately said speechlessly.

"We can't compare with you, Young Master Ji. Your Ji family is one of the largest families in the Changhua Wu Kingdom. Naturally, you look down on these gold and silver vulgar things."

While putting on the space ring, Chen Tianrui sighed: "I can't! I come from a poor family, a real child from a poor family, worldly money is not a small temptation for me, of course I can't miss it easily."

"Okay, okay, up to you." Hearing this, Ji Shaokang was helpless.

Among the five of them, only Chen Tianrui showed love for money, and the others were extremely calm.

Brother and sister Ji Shaokang and Ji Xueyao came from the Ji family of Changhua Wu Kingdom. They were pampered since they were young, and they didn't worry about gold and silver, let alone food and drink, so they didn't care about money at all.

This time, if it wasn't for some conflicts with the family, he wouldn't have run away from home in a fit of anger. Just in time to hear that the historical sites in Nantian had reappeared, he rushed over here.

As for Zuo Qingyan, although he was not as good as the brothers and sisters of the Ji family, he had a good master who was at the level of a martial king.

Not to mention Lin Yi.


However, at this moment, the entire Sword Lord Palace trembled suddenly!
Immediately afterwards, an outrageous air current erupted from nowhere, rippling like blue waves, and directly overturned thousands of people in the hall!
Whether it is Wu Zongjing, Wu Zunjing, or Wuwang, none of them stabilized their feet, and they all fell to the ground.

Soon, everyone got up from the ground, at this moment, I saw the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked Mei Zong disciple wandering from the side hall on the left, running out as if he had drunk too much, with a terrified expression on his face : "Pian... There are strange treasures in the side hall, but, but there are also..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a puff, and his entire abdominal cavity was suddenly pierced by a fierce sword energy, and his whole body exploded instantly!
Several pieces of broken intestines were mixed with blood, and immediately sprinkled the face of the practitioner closest to him.

Feeling the hot blood on his face and the fishy smell from his intestines, the corner of the cultivator's mouth twitched.

"Ming, Ming beast?"

Immediately afterwards, after seeing clearly the culprit who killed Mei Zong's disciple, that cultivator's eyes suddenly widened!

Then a thick look of horror appeared!

It was a faceless and footless monster with a human body. Its body was illusory, showing a dark gray color, and it seemed to be insubstantial. It had two long arms, holding an illusory and brutal long sword.

It was it that killed Mei Zong's disciple just now!

(End of this chapter)

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