Chapter 187 Beidou Sword Controlling Technique! (first update)
Lin Yi never dreamed that the gift Ji Xueyao gave him was such a precious magic weapon!
But then she became suspicious, how did she get the Seven Star Big Dipper Flying Sword?Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face, and he asked, "Sister Xueyao, where did you get this magic weapon?"

"It's in the secret room next to it. What's the matter, Brother Yi?" Ji Xueyao frowned slightly, and asked doubtfully, "Are these seven little swords very precious?"

"It's not just precious, it's so precious! By the way, what about your brother?" Lin Yi asked, and then glanced behind Ji Xueyao vigilantly.

"They weren't with me. I thought you were alone, so I chased after you." Ji Xueyao explained: "When I passed by a secret room, I found this sword box. After I opened it, I saw that it was seven small swords. I know you are a sword cultivator, so I brought it here and prepared to give it to you."

"I see." Lin Yi nodded slightly, and then said seriously: "Don't tell anyone about this, including your brother, do you understand?"

"Oh." Ji Xueyao nodded obediently, then her eyes lit up, and she asked, "Brother Yi, can you show me that ancient picture now?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi smiled helplessly. Didn't expect that girl Ji Xueyao hadn't forgotten the Xuangong Diagram of Life and Death?Since she wanted to see it so much, it wouldn't hurt to give her a look.

So, Lin Yi took out the Xuangong Diagram of Life and Death, and unfolded it before her eyes: "Look."

Ji Xueyao fixed her gaze, staring at the map of the Mysterious Palace of Life and Death, and muttered in surprise: "This, isn't this the entrance to the Nantian Historic Site?"

Just when he was about to look down, Lin Yi immediately put away the map of the Mysterious Palace of Life and Death, nodded and said, "That's right, what is painted on this ancient map is indeed the ancient site of Nantian."

When Ji Xueyao heard this, she nodded thoughtfully, but she didn't ask what was going on with Lin Yi's Mysterious Palace of Life and Death.

She could feel that Brother Yi didn't seem to want to discuss that ancient picture with her.

Wouldn't it be disgusting if I continued to stalk and question him?

At this moment, Lin Yi said again: "Sister Xueyao, take me to discover the secret room of the Seven Star Big Dipper Flying Sword, maybe I will find something."

"En." Ji Xueyao came back to her senses, agreed immediately, and then walked out.

Lin Yi put the Seven Star Big Dipper Flying Sword into the space ring, and followed immediately.

Ji Xueyao discovered that the secret room of the Seven Star Big Dipper Flying Sword was not far away, and soon, the two came here.

The secret room was pitch black, but to Lin Yi and the others, it was nothing.

With a glance, you can find the layout and furnishings.

Then Lin Yi discovered that this secret room was not too big, compared to other secret rooms, it could even be said to be small!

There were no other superfluous things in it, only a few broken ancient books. Lin Yi flipped through them casually, and then, he found a book of martial arts called "Beidou Sword Control"!

According to the records in it, Lin Yi learned that this "Beidou Sword Mastery" was written by Beidou Jianxian, which recorded in detail the skills and methods of controlling the flying sword.

What surprised Lin Yi the most was that "Beidou Sword Control" did not have a fixed rank!It is only divided into four stages: early stage, middle stage, late stage, and great achievement.

Every time you enter a stage, the grade of Beidou Sword Controlling Technique will change, such as the initial stage!The grades of Beidou Sword Controlling Technique correspond to spirit grades,

The mid-term stage corresponds to Tianpin.

The later stage corresponds to the holy product...and so on.

In other words, Beidou Sword Controlling Technique is similar to Nine Tribulations Fist to some extent!

"Good thing! Good thing!" Lin Yi's eyes lit up, he was very surprised, and then he was not polite, and directly put "Bei Diou Yu Jian Shu" into his pocket.

Seeing this, Ji Xueyao didn't say anything. Anyway, she is not a swordsman, and she is not interested in sword weapons or sword skills.

"Okay, let's go." Lin Yi and Ji Xueyao walked out after getting "Beidou Sword Control" from the secret room.

At this time, everyone was still frantically fighting for treasures in the side hall.

Ji Shaokang, Chen Tianrui, and Zuo Qingyan teamed up to defeat a casual cultivator with a five-star Martial Venerable Realm, and obtained a bottle of elixir from him.

The three of them were counting the trophies and preparing to divide the pills equally when they saw Lin Yi and Ji Xueyao coming out of the secret room on the side.

Ji Shaokang's expression changed immediately, and he ran to Ji Xueyao with great concern, and asked, "Sister, are you okay?"

"What can I do? Brother Yi is protecting me!" Ji Xueyao pouted and snorted.

"Hey, I'm just afraid that your 'Brother Yi' will plot against you! Think about it, you are only 14 years old this year, what if something happens, how can I ask my father to do business when I return to the family!?" Ji Shaokang said earnestly Said to Ji Xueyao.

Then he realized that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately looked at Lin Yi, and said embarrassedly: "Well...Brother Yi, I am joking, do you mind? I know you are not that kind of person, but Xiaoyao is too rude. Be obedient and run around, I am afraid that something will happen to her."

"I understand, you don't need to explain." Lin Yi laughed helplessly. This Ji Shaokang is really glib, and even used it to make fun of his own sister.

"Brother Yi, don't be as knowledgeable as my brother, he is very crazy!" Ji Xueyao stuck out her tongue at Ji Shaokang, and then smiled brightly at Lin Yi.


Seeing this scene, Zuo Qingyan became jealous and immediately clenched her fists.

Xueyao, she is so close to that Yi Lin?

What does it mean that she doesn't even care about her brother and instead goes to him?
Could it be that he likes him?
Thinking of this, Zuo Qingyan almost went crazy, trembling uncontrollably, obviously angry!

He thought to himself, he had to find a chance to make Yi Lin embarrass himself!


But at this moment, suddenly, the entire Jianjun Palace shook violently, and then the dome of the side hall began to collapse, and everyone's expressions changed drastically!

"It's broken, someone must have destroyed the eyes of the sword king's palace, causing the palace to collapse!"

"It's about to collapse! Run!"

Everyone let out a cry of surprise, and then fled out like crazy.

In the main hall, huge buildings continued to collapse, filled with smoke and dust, and made loud rumbling noises.

Seeing this doomsday-like scene, Ji Xueyao immediately turned pale with fright and lost her footing.

A piece of the dome was falling towards her!
"younger sister!"


When Ji Shaokang, Chen Tianrui, and Zuo Qingyan saw this, their expressions changed drastically!
On the other hand, Lin Yi, at the very moment of the moment, stretched out to shrink into an inch, and flew straight to Ji Xueyao's side, then grabbed her waist, hugged her, and quickly swept away.

"Xueyao is fine, you all run for your lives!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi's voice reached the ears of Ji Shaokang and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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