Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 2 Why use a sword to kill you!

Chapter 2 Why use a sword to kill you! (seeking collection and recommendation)
"Don't worry about it, young master. Drink this bowl of Buling soup, and your injury will heal soon. Drink it!" Ping'er urged anxiously, as if she had snatched this bowl of Buling soup.

At this moment, a distraught voice suddenly came from outside the courtyard: "Little slut, you dare to snatch Eldest Young Master's Bu Ling Tang, I think you don't want to live!"

Hearing this voice, Ping'er's expression immediately became flustered, and she hurriedly said to Lin Yi: "Drink young master quickly! If you don't drink again, it will be too late. I'll hold them back."

After finishing speaking, Ping'er handed the Buling Decoction to Lin Yi, and hurried out.

Lin Yi didn't talk nonsense. In the past, he probably wouldn't even smell a tonic of this level.

But now, for him, Buling Decoction is a good thing to improve his strength, so he drank it all in one gulp.

Outside the courtyard.

A black-robed man with a bloated figure, a fat head and big ears, and a mole on the left corner of his mouth, is teaching Ping'er viciously at the moment, and there are three Lin family servants in coarse linen clothes standing around him.

Although, like Pinger, they are all servants of the Lin family, the eyes they all looked at Pinger were full of arrogance.

The four characters of dog fighting against others are well reflected in these handymen.

"Little bitch, I think you are so tired of life, what crime should you deserve if you dare to steal the young master's tonic soup!" Pointing at Ping'er's nose, the man in black robe with a mole on the corner of his mouth cursed angrily.

As soon as the man in black robe finished speaking, the long-faced handyman with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks beside him said in a strange way: "That's right, you dare to snatch the tonic from the young master, you are so audacious to ask, should you give the tonic to Lin Yina?" The waste drank?"

"Wu Guanshi, Brother Peng, everything is my fault, what punishment is coming to me, please don't hurt Master Lin Yi!" Ping'er knelt in front of several people, begging for mercy in a low voice.

"Return Master Lin Yi, I'm sorry, there is only one young master in the Lin family, and that is Master Lin Hao, do you understand?" The black-robed man frowned and shouted at Ping'er.

The black-robed man's name was Lin Zhengwu, and he was the cousin of the housekeeper Lin Zhengwen. With this, he was domineering in the Lin family, and he often bullied Lin Yi and Ping'er.

Because of blood relationship, Lin Zhengwen trusted Lin Zhengwu very much, and entrusted Lin Hao's cultivation matters to Lin Zhengwu.

Lin Hao is also 16 years old this year, but his cultivation talent is not very outstanding, it can only be regarded as ordinary. Like Lin Yi, he has practiced for three years, relying on a large number of tonic pills, and only reached the level of a five-star warrior.

For three meals a day, in addition to the essential monster meat, Lin Hao also needs a bowl of tonic soup to replenish his spiritual energy. However, this meal at noon today was taken by Pinger from the long-faced handyman named Lin Peng. Take it away by force.

No way, this is the only way to save Lin Yi!
Lin Yi was severely injured by Lin Hao. If there was no elixir to treat him, he might not last long. But Ping'er had no money to buy elixir, so he had to take the risk and grab the tonic soup.

Even though she knew she would be beaten severely, or even lost her life, Ping'er did not hesitate or regret at all, as long as Lin Yi could save her life, she would sacrifice everything!
After the Bu Ling Tang was taken away, Lin Peng immediately ran to report the matter to Lin Zhengwu, so Lin Zhengwu came to the door aggressively, so this scene happened.

"Brother Wu, she said that everything is directed towards her, hehe, how about... let her serve us well?" At this time, Lin Peng stared at Ping'er and suggested with a rascally expression.


Hearing this, Lin Zhengwu's eyes lit up, and his desire was obviously aroused.

"Yes, your proposal is very good."

He patted Lin Peng on the shoulder, and immediately Lin Zhengwu's eyes fell on Ping'er, approaching him step by step.

Ping'er is so young, very handsome, and has a slim figure, that man will not be tempted?

"You, what do you want to do?!"

Seeing Lin Zhengwu approaching him step by step, Ping'er's pretty face suddenly turned pale with fright, and she staggered back.

"What else can you do, it's natural to 'punish' you!" The evil light flickered in his eyes, and Lin Zhengwu stared at Ping'er like a wolf!
"Brothers, wait until I'm done having a good time, and you guys will come on again."

Turning around and speaking to Lin Peng and the others, Lin Zhengwu immediately rushed towards the helpless Ping'er.

"Okay, Brother Wu, we don't care, you enjoy it slowly!" Lin Peng and the others nodded quickly, with a wicked look on their faces.

"No! Don't come here!"

Ping'er was surrounded by Lin Zhengwu in the corner, with nowhere to escape, her bright eyes were full of panic.

"Hey, it's what you said just now, and everything is directed at you. Since you don't want us to trouble Lin Yi's trash, then you should be good! After serving me well, the bowl of Buling soup will naturally I will not pursue it!" Lin Zhengwu said in a daze.

As soon as the words fell, he grabbed with his big hand and tore Ping'er's dress to pieces.

Suddenly, two snow-white thighs emerged.


Seeing such a bloody scene, both Lin Zhengwu and Lin Peng swallowed involuntarily.

"It's so white!"

Staring at Ping'er's legs, Lin Zhengwu couldn't help marveling, his eyes seemed to have been completely blinded by evil desires.

Just as he was about to attack further.

On Ping'er's face, there was a look of preferring death to surrender, biting Lin Zhengwu's salty pig's hand fiercely!


Lin Zhengwu groaned in pain, and immediately pulled his hand away. Then he saw that a piece of flesh had been bitten off his wrist, dripping with blood.

"TMD, did you give me a face? You wait, when I and my brothers finish playing with you, I will definitely sell you to the light building with the hottest business in the city, and tell you to be killed by thousands of people." !"

Lin Zhengwu said angrily, and then slapped Ping'er.

With a crisp slap, a red and swollen palm print immediately appeared on Ping'er's immature cheek, which was very clear!

Fiery pain spread from Ping'er's face, and Ping'er's big eyes were filled with mist, and tears swirled in the eye sockets.

"Lin Zhengwu, if you dare to touch Ping'er, you will die."

At this moment, a calm voice came from the small courtyard.

Before the person arrived, the voice came out first.

However, when the owner of the voice walked out of the small courtyard and saw the scene where Ping'er was almost humiliated, his eyes suddenly turned red!
"You trash is still alive?"

Seeing Lin Yi's unscathed figure walking out of the small courtyard, not only the three handymen were surprised, but even Lin Zhengwu's eyes widened immediately, and he said in amazement: "I was whipped more than 100 times by Master Lin Hao, and I can still do it." It is a miracle that he survived!"

"No, where's the Buling Tang? Did you drink the Buling Tang?"

It wasn't until Lin Zhengwu realized that a cripple who had lost all his cultivation had been whipped more than 100 times by Lin Hao. How could he be fine?It must be because of drinking the Buling Decoction!

However, Lin Yi ignored Lin Zhengwu and the others, walked straight to Pinger, took off his coat, and covered Pinger's lap.

Immediately after turning around and looking at Lin Zhengwu, Lin Yi asked in a cold voice, "You did this?"

Facing Lin Yi's cold gaze, Lin Zhengwu's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He found a strange and astonishing aura in Lin Yi.

Although Lin Yi had good talent and strength in the past, he was extremely weak towards people and things, and he was born to be bullied, and he has never been as tough as he is today.

Now it is uncharacteristically, it is really strange!

"Yes, I did it, so what?" Lin Zhengwu replied nervously, but when he thought that Lin Yi was a useless person, he gained confidence!Asked coldly: "Don't you still want to beat me?"

"Just admit it, this emperor doesn't want to beat you, but wants to kill you!"

Lin Yi's words were concise and decisive, and his voice was full of murderous intent, but it made Lin Zhengwu and the handymen burst into laughter.

Lin Zhengwu thought he heard it wrong, a cripple who had lost all his cultivation, actually wanted to kill himself?

Where did he get the courage?

Have you lost your mind?
As for the servants of the Lin family, they laughed even harder, leaning forward and back together, saying this from Lin Yi's mouth, how is it different from a joke?
"It's ridiculous for a useless person to dare to speak wildly about Wu Guanshi. He thinks he is the young master of the Lin family?"

"That's right, his cultivation base is gone, and he doesn't have his father to back him up. He still dares to pretend to be aggressive. Let's see how he dies in a while!"

"Anyway, no one cares whether this kid is dead or alive. Why don't we punch him a few times later? How about experiencing the feeling of committing a crime?" While speaking, Lin Peng suddenly suggested.

"Okay, that's exactly what we intend!" The other two servants nodded one after another, with ferocious smiles on their faces.

They talked about it without any shyness, and they were not at all worried about what Lin Yi would do to them when he heard about it.

Anyway, Lin Yi is just a useless person who has lost his power. Even these uncultivated handymen can't beat them, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

How exciting it is to insult the former master, they naturally don't want to miss this rare opportunity.

Therefore, they were gearing up one by one, and after Lin Zhengwu taught Lin Yi a lesson, he went up and trampled him to satisfy the desire to change his mind.

However, Lin Yi didn't bother to pay attention to the words of these ants. He picked up a branch that was only about the length of an arm from the ground expressionlessly, and immediately pointed the sharper end at Lin Zhengwu.

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhengwu immediately sneered and said contemptuously, "Oh! Lin Yi, what the hell are you doing? Do you want to kill me with this thing?"

"Otherwise?" Lin Yi's eyes were filled with sharpness, as if a sharp sword was about to be unsheathed!

"Based on your current strength, let alone a branch, even if I give you a sword, what can you do to me?" With a wild laugh, Lin Zhengwu's face was full of disdain.

In his opinion, Lin Yi is just a cripple who has lost all his cultivation, but he has the strength of a three-star warrior, even if Lin Yi points his sword at him, it may not be able to hurt him.

"Why use a sword to kill you!" At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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