Chapter 205

However, Lin Yi didn't bother to talk to him at all, and threw Zhang Dongtian onto the altar with a wave of his hand.

"Take your time and enjoy it."

After saying something with a smile, Lin Yi immediately turned around and walked away.


Zhang Dongtian immediately got up from the altar, and was about to run wildly, but suddenly, seven beams of light rose up from the heptagonal altar!

Each beam of light showed a dazzling white brilliance, which looked sacred and blazing. In the beam of light, the seven guards holding various weapons slowly opened their eyes, and there was a terrifying breath. Then spread out!
bass!bass! ...

Immediately afterwards, the seven corners of the altar were connected end to end, and suddenly formed a grid-like barrier. In an instant, the entire altar was like a cage for trapping animals, trapping Zhang Dongtian in it!

"It's over, the enchantment is formed, unless you defeat or be defeated by the guardian, you will not be able to escape from the altar!" Heisha Martial King's complexion changed, and he exclaimed solemnly.

"Ah? No way! Elder Zhang is really going to challenge the ring defender with his bare ass?" the strong Yijianzong said very speechlessly.

"Even you martial emperors and martial sages are no match for the defenders. Only Elder Zhang, who is in the three-star martial king realm, can he, he can do it? What's more, everyone now only has one-star martial artist realm Strength!" Another Yijianzong expert asked worriedly.

"This, I don't know too well. These seven ring guards are very weird. They don't have a trace of cultivation, but they are very strong. Some people beat him easily, but some people are as difficult as they are. For example, we..." White eyebrow half Holy wordless word.

When they came to Tatian Mountain, everyone's cultivation had dropped to one-star warriors. Logically speaking, those who just entered the realm of martial arts were definitely not the opponents of powerful defenders. However, someone had defeated them before!
It is very strange to obtain the mark of avoiding death and escape from this lifeless world.

Even now, Baimei Bansheng, Zongyun Daohuang, Heisha Wuwang and others have not figured out what is going on.


At this moment, at the top of the altar, a figure like a giant moved!
I saw him standing up, and his huge body, which was more than ten meters tall, was immediately displayed. It was as towering as a mountain, and he held a bronze broadsword like a towering tree in his hand. It spread like ripples!
Everyone stared at him immediately, only to see that the ring guard opened his eyes, with a purple glow in his pupils, staring at Zhang Dongtian who was only wearing a pair of underwear in the center of the altar.

"It's the sword guard!" Baimei Bansheng exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, the first thing Elder Zhang will face is the sword guard!"

Seeing the surprised expression on the white-browed half-sage's face, everyone looked at him curiously.

Xiao Zhanmei immediately asked: "What's wrong with Dao Zun's guardian? Is he very powerful?"

"It's not only powerful, it's terrifying! I have never seen such a terrifying sword intent. It is simply too terrifying. It destroys the sky, destroys the sky, smashes the sun and the moon, and smashes down the universe! It is almost invincible. !"

The half-sage with white eyebrows immediately bluffed and said: "My sage, I was slashed by him before!"

"Is it really as powerful as you say?" Xiao Zhanmei and the others immediately asked suspiciously. If it is true what the white-browed semi-sage said, destroying the sky and destroying the earth and the sky, wouldn't he not even have scum left?
How could he live till now?

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Huang Zongyun, he is a knife repairer, he knows best!" The white-browed half-sage pointed at Zongyun Sword Emperor beside him.

Zongyun Daohuang looked livid, nodded, and said: "That's right, indeed, it is indeed terrifying. Even this emperor, a swordsman, can't raise the slightest fighting spirit in front of him. It can be said that his swordsmanship is Far surpassing the Emperor by a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became serious.

The white-browed half-sage said again: "According to the conclusions drawn by this sage after several hours of observation, the seven defenders did not swarm up to fight with them, but randomly sent one to fight one-on-one. The four defenders were able to obtain the death-proof mark."

"As soon as Elder Zhang came up, he faced the Dao Zun guarding the ring. This luck is really not ordinary!"

"Only by defeating four in a row can you obtain the death-prevention mark? Then how many have you defeated?" Xiao Zhanmei was not concerned about Zhang Dongtian's luck, but asked about the battle situation of Baimei Bansheng and others.

White-browed Half-Sage, Zongyun Daohuang, Heisha Wuwang and others all had a look of embarrassment on their faces when they heard the words, and said in an unspeakable way: "None of them has ever defeated..."

"What? None of them have ever defeated?" Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment. Among the three powerhouses, the white-browed semi-sage was the strongest, but he had the realm of a five-star martial saint. Never defeated a defender!
Then how terrifying are the strengths of these ring defenders!

"How could this be? Could it be that the seniors who escaped before, each of them, defeated the four defenders?" Xiao Zhan asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, each of them has defeated at least four defenders, and the weakest one has only the strength of the Nine-Star Martial Emperor, but he has defeated the most defenders! There are six!"

"As for that Emperor Wu, he just defeated four of them, and he got the mark of avoiding death."

"According to what you said, it doesn't seem that the death-proof mark is based on how many defenders you defeat?" Xiao Zhanmei said immediately.

"It seems to be, otherwise, that Nine Star Martial Emperor would not have won the death-proof mark after defeating the six ring guards." Hearing the words, the half-sage with white eyebrows immediately pondered carefully.

On the other side, Zhang Dongtian, who was fighting fiercely with the sword guard, was only slashed in the shoulder by the sword guard. Most of the strength was carried by the body's true energy and physical defense, but his whole body But the person flew out involuntarily!
He slammed into the barrier of the power grid hard, and just now he stopped his figure, and then his expression changed drastically, his eyes burst out, and he was completely flustered!


To be precise, like crazy.

I saw Zhang Dongtian lying on the ground alone, crazy, his body twisted like a cooked shrimp, and at the same time he exclaimed: "What the hell! Ah! Don't! Don't cut me!"

"I'm going to die! Ah! My body!"

Many cultivators from the outside world were at a loss when they saw this scene. They didn't know what Zhang Dongtian saw, which made him so panic-stricken and fearful, and his heart became tense in an instant!
"Why does Zhang Dongtian's posture seem to be under an illusion?" Lin Yi, who was standing not far away, had a puzzled look in his eyes and muttered to himself.

 PS: Thank you [Yongjun Boy Hangbao] for the reward, and also thank you [Broken Star] for the monthly pass. There are few updates recently, so I dare not ask for anything. I won’t say anything extra. The update in June is guaranteed to let everyone Satisfied, and I hope everyone can support genuine reading.

(End of this chapter)

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